What interferes with the growth of muscle mass in the back?

What interferes with the growth of muscle mass in the back?
What interferes with the growth of muscle mass in the back?

Back workouts are difficult and exhausting, since muscle mass here grows at a rather slow pace. What is the problem and how can I fix it? What is hindering growth? The main problem here may be the wrong approach to training and exercise. The absence of mistakes is the sure way to success. All exercises require maximum range of motion. It is important to fully stretch and contract the back muscles. All exercises should be done not abruptly, but rather smoothly.

Major back muscles

Human back muscles diagram
Human back muscles diagram
  1. Trapezoidal and broadest.
  2. Rhomboid and lifting scapula.
  3. The lower dentate muscle.

All of these muscles are responsible for the formation of an athletic core - with regards to the back area.

The most common mistakes in gaining back muscle mass

Muscles involved in pull-ups
Muscles involved in pull-ups
  1. The back muscles are weak and twisted. Before starting the exercises, it is imperative to strengthen the muscle corset. For this, a special exercise is effective - hyperextension. But it can only be done when the muscles are strengthened, otherwise you risk getting injured during training. After pumping the muscles, you can start pulling. It is very important to do everything right here. The back should be straight, otherwise the muscles will not work in the required mode. This could result in injury.
  2. Short range of motion. Athletes need to remember that a maximum natural range of motion is required for all exercises. It is important to achieve full stretch. Only in this way will the muscle mass of the back muscles begin to grow.
  3. Do the deadlift as your first back workout. This exercise takes up a lot of energy. It practically takes away all the bodybuilder's strength, after which further back training is simply unrealistic. Therefore, such an exercise can be performed only after the main ones, at the end of the session add deadlift, but not at the beginning.
  4. Eliminate pull-ups. This cannot be done. In fact, it is this exercise that is most effective for building back muscle mass.
  5. What interferes with the growth of muscle mass in the back? Incorrect top link technique. Most athletes do this exercise closer to the neck, but the correct thing to do is to pull the handle closer to the lower chest.
  6. It is necessary to use a weightlifting belt for heavy exercise. Otherwise, you risk injury. After the exercise is completed, you can loosen it or remove it altogether. This way you will avoid overvoltage.
  7. Shrugs - swing the trapeze. It is necessary to work up and down, without circular movements with the shoulders. do everything smoothly, without jerking. Pull with a trapezoid.
  8. When performing a barbell row, your back should not be parallel to the floor. Thus, you overload the lower back. It is best to keep your back at a 70-degree angle to the floor.
  9. It is necessary to correctly place emphasis on one or another area of the back. To work out the area between the shoulder blades, you need to pull the bar to the chest with a wide grip. To load the lower lats, pull the bar towards the stomach with a medium grip. Having reached the top point, contract the latissimus dorsi muscles with additional effort.

Most often, bodybuilders make the unforgivable mistake of pulling with the biceps. They should be excluded from work altogether. You must understand that you need to pull solely at the expense of the back muscles.

How to Build Back Muscle?

The lifter performs a row of the upper block
The lifter performs a row of the upper block

Now that you have learned what interferes with the growth of muscle mass in the back, it's time to get acquainted with the rules for building mass. The main rule is weight, it should be selected in such a way that it turns out to perform no more than five to seven repetitions. When an athlete does an exercise to build back muscle mass, the arms and legs are involved. To create relief, you should choose a weight that is less impressive - this way you will be able to perform from 12 to 20 repetitions in one set.

There are still important points to talk about. So, performing traction of various types, before exercises with weights, you need to warm up well. The same applies to the weight of a load approaching the athlete's maximum load. Do not jerk lifts. At the same time, the back should not be rounded or relaxed.

The main principles of building back muscle mass

The athlete adjusts the working weight on the barbell
The athlete adjusts the working weight on the barbell

Now that you have learned what interferes with the growth of back muscle mass, you can learn about the main rules that will help you build it correctly and quickly:

  1. Choose the right weight. It should be heavy enough to directly affect the muscles being trained, while at the same time light enough to be able to control this weight over the entire range of motion.
  2. Never forget about form. When building back muscle mass, the technique of performing strength exercises, their correct form, is very important. During the exercise, do not swing back and forth during the deadlift, otherwise the load will transfer to other muscle groups.
  3. Maximum concentration on working muscle groups. This way you will be able to squeeze the muscles as much as possible and feel each repetition at the same time. This is very important when training your back muscles, because you need to feel that your muscles are working correctly.
  4. Partial repetitions. This is an advanced technique for any training. Remember to fully stretch your back muscles in the upper phase of the movement before pulling the weight down.

The Best Foods for Growing Back Muscle Mass

Foods that contain protein
Foods that contain protein
  1. Eat eggs - they have a lot of protein, calcium and iron. The athlete should eat this product every day.
  2. Cottage cheese very valuable for building muscle mass. This product contains both fast and slow proteins. just 150 grams of cottage cheese gives about 22 grams of protein.
  3. Salmon is also a source of protein, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
  4. Turkey. Meat contains vitamins and minerals and is an excellent source of protein.
  5. Chicken breast. There are 22 grams of protein per 100 grams of meat.
  6. Fish fat - helps in quick recovery after impressive loads.
  7. Oatmeal - a storehouse of minerals and vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber.
  8. Beef - a source of quality protein.
  9. Buckwheat - there are eighteen grams of protein per one hundred grams.
  10. Water. Increases energy levels, improves digestion, increases strength.

For the basic principles of recruiting back muscles, see this video:

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