Anabolic remedies for muscle growth: theory and practice

Anabolic remedies for muscle growth: theory and practice
Anabolic remedies for muscle growth: theory and practice

Quite a few athletes resort to steroid therapy to increase strength and muscle mass. This way you can achieve what you want faster. But there are many pitfalls that all athletes should be aware of. This article has everything you need to thoroughly understand whether it is possible, necessary or necessary to use anabolic drugs. You will find out if all steroids lead to muscle growth.

To stimulate intracellular reactions, synthetic sex hormones are successfully used - we are talking about steroid hormones of androgenic action. The same goes for anabolic. They enter cells. They are excellent stimulants of protein synthesis. Surely, many will be interested to know which is more important - androgens or anabolic steroids? To purchase the right drugs, just look at the online store of anabolic steroids - there is everything that will help the growth of muscles and strength.

Cholesterol is a threat to human life

In order to produce sex hormones, the human body turns to cholesterol for help - it is deposited inside the blood vessels, which often leads to death. In order for the conversion of the molecular chain to be fast - meaning the conversion to estradiol, as well as testosterone, it is enough just to change some links of this chain, remove something, and add something on the contrary. So, testosterone is responsible for male sex characteristics, and estradiol is responsible for female ones. Despite the fact that their functions vary quite impressively, structurally these hormones are very similar to each other. These are steroids, the common "father" of which is cholesterol.

Are all steroids necessary solely for building muscle mass?

Are all steroids necessary solely for building muscle mass?
Are all steroids necessary solely for building muscle mass?

In fact, in addition to testosterone and estradiol, many other biochemical compounds can be attributed to steroids, which in one way or another are related to the genital area.

So, women are often protected from unwanted pregnancy with the use of drugs related to steroid hormones.

To combat skin diseases such as eczema, use Cortisone ointment - it also belongs to the same category.

And in the category of steroid hormones can be safely attributed to glucocorticoids, as well as corticosteroids and estrogens.

Therefore, it cannot be argued that all steroid hormones build muscle. One example is enough - glucocorticoids, which are secreted by the adrenal glands, not only do not lead to the growth of muscle tissue, but, on the contrary, act destructively. Increased blood levels of these hormones are quite possible as a result of over-exercising.

Androgens - interesting and useful information

Let's start with the fact that today the oral androgen is quite in demand - you can buy methane for muscles on the Internet or in a specialized store, and maybe even in a pharmacy.

What are the possible functions of testosterone:

  1. Anabolic.
  2. Androgenic.

What are androgenic functions?

  1. With regards to the genitals - their formation.
  2. Hair growth on the face and body.
  3. This list is followed by a change in the timbre of the voice - it is lowered.

With regard to anabolic functions, then this can be safely attributed to the development of a strong skeleton and strong muscles - the musculoskeletal system of the male type.

Once upon a time when creating artificial-type steroid hormones, scientists hoped that they would be able to separate both of these effects. But this turned out to be impossible. The thing is that receptors do not divide - their type is general, mixed, through which reactions are automatically triggered. Which ones? We are talking about androgenic as well as anabolic species.

As a result of the fact that there are much fewer such receptors in female muscles, outwardly the fairer sex is so different from men.

As a result, artificial anabolic steroids received a fairly accurate definition - androgen steroids and anabolic steroids.

But most doctors still call them androgens. This definition is "making one more courageous." Thanks to this, it is possible to realistically and impressively divide this type of artificial steroids and others - those that are used as contraceptives, for example.


Here you can also remember about estradiol. In a sense, this is also nothing more than an anabolic, because thanks to it it becomes possible to achieve stimulation of the growth of a layer of fat.


It is worth paying attention to Danabol (pictured above) - it can be ordered by cash on delivery in the online store. It is an oral steroid that, due to its androgenic and anabolic properties, can help to rapidly build muscle mass. For a week when taking this remedy, you can add up to 2 kilograms. All this is possible due to the fact that the drug actively retains water in the body.

If we touch on the topic of receptors, then there is a lot of incomprehensible regarding androgenic steroids - more precisely, their actions.

More about theory

If you theoretically comprehend everything, then the action takes place as follows:

  1. The cell has especially receptive, sensitive receptors - like the tentacles of anemones.
  2. Biochemical compounds are carried by these receptors in the blood. If they are needed by the receptor, they are suitable for it, then it is like tentacles, it captures them.
  3. Do you need to increase protein synthesis in your body? This means that a special command is launched, which is directed to muscle cells. As a result, a tricky and unique mechanism for regulating hormones becomes an active assistant for the execution of this command. Testosterone is secreted into the bloodstream, and the molecules become the very messengers that will bring the message to the cells that the synthesis of a new protein is starting.

As a result of the addition of testosterone to the cell receptor, the beginning of a command is triggered, starting biochemical reactions. With a low level of testosterone in the blood, receptors become more, and vice versa.

Androgens-steroids in practice

Now is the time to talk about practice. Here the picture is clearly the opposite. When animals are castrated, the number of receptors in the muscle cells is significantly reduced. If the testosterone hormone is re-injected with the help of injections, then everything will normalize and even become larger. All this happens in proportion to hormones - their amount. It turns out that the more testosterone, the more impressive the number of receptors.

This is why athletes who pump up their muscles grow rapidly on androgens-steroids. They are capable of reaching enormous sizes. As a result, the muscles are more sensitive. If we talk about androgens, then it is very important to know the proportion acting in the pharmacological rule: more is better.

Summary of the above

Androgens-steroids are a type of testosterone - synthetic. They are impressively superior to its anabolic properties. Rapidly accelerate muscle protein synthesis, have a blocking effect on catabolic hormones. In general, there is no limit to perfection. Anyone can achieve unprecedented results using drugs such as steroids. Still, not all steroids help build muscle. This must always be remembered.

Video about whether methandrostenolone and methandienone are dangerous for muscle growth:
