How to make a bag of flowers with your own hands?

How to make a bag of flowers with your own hands?
How to make a bag of flowers with your own hands?

A do-it-yourself bag with flowers is created from fabric by felting and even from garbage bags. A master class and a photo will also teach you how to make flowers from bags and from wool to decorate bags.

There are many different models of these things. The flower bag is just adorable. It will become a matter of your pride and a convenient thing.

DIY fabric flower bag

Black bag with yellow flower
Black bag with yellow flower

To do this, take:

  • thick fabric for the front side;
  • lining fabric;
  • fabric for applique with flowers;
  • doublerin;
  • threads;
  • magnetic clasp;
  • sewing accessories.

Cut out a 41 x 22 cm rectangle from the main canvas. You will need 2 of these. Also, you need to cut out a part for two belts from it. Each will be 41 x 10 cm. Cut two pieces 41 x 22 cm from the lining.

Fold the lining fabric right sides in half. Sew the sidewalls. Sew corners 1 and 2 of this piece to get the shape.

Lining fabric folded into a square
Lining fabric folded into a square

This is how such a bag with flowers is sewn further. Put a flower on a dense fabric, doublerin, sew it here with a zigzag seam on a typewriter. Cut off the excess. Then you will need to sew the flower onto the front side of the main bag.

Yellow flower laid out on fabric
Yellow flower laid out on fabric

If your main fabric is of insufficient density, then use dublerin for making handles.

Place the glue dublerin on the wrong side of one handle and attach it with a hot iron. Now fold the handle in half lengthways and stitch the large and small sides. Turn the blank over your face by inserting a wooden stick, pencil or something similar inside. Make the second handle in the same way. Now you will need to stitch the long edges of both belts to keep them in shape. Pin the handles in place.

Doublerin strips close up
Doublerin strips close up

If you want the lining and the main part of the bag to be fixed not only at the top, but also at the bottom, then sew the corners of these two parts together.

The lining and base of the bag are sewn together
The lining and base of the bag are sewn together

Attach the magnetic clasp, and then tuck the top of the garment to sew both the garment and the handles of the bag at the same time.

Magnetic closure and handles attached to the bag
Magnetic closure and handles attached to the bag

This is what a wonderful product has turned out - beautiful and practical. But there are many more options for how to make women's handbags with flowers. You will be able to make them from the available material.

Bag with a voluminous fabric flower
Bag with a voluminous fabric flower

Such a thing is also sewn from the main and lining fabric. And as a belt, you can use either a dense material or a leather belt. To make such adorable flowers, you will need to cut a strip from the same fabric as the bag details and sew it in half. Then you need to pick up along the inner edge and tighten the thread to make a circle. Create another ribbon flower in the same way. Sew it onto the front of the bag.

Such things will come in handy for adults. But girls like to carry bags too. See what kind of thing you can create for them.

How to make a flower bag for a girl?


  • cotton fabric;
  • polystyrene sheet;
  • wire;
  • plastic;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • plastic;
  • acrylic paints;
  • stationery knife.

First, take cotton and cut a strip of one and a half by 24 cm from it. Then you make a leash-handle out of it. Now bend this workpiece three times in length and glue it.

Cotton bag leash
Cotton bag leash

When this part dries, it will become strong. But while this action is still in progress, put aside the pen and take care of the bag. The next photo shows how the parts will be attached. After all, you need to sew a detail of the bottom and sides to the front and back of the future tailor's masterpiece.

Details of a bag for a girl
Details of a bag for a girl

Sew following the diagram. Here's what happens on the wrong side. If you do not have a sewing machine, you can grind the parts on your hands with a thread and a needle.

The elements of the bag for the girl are sewn together
The elements of the bag for the girl are sewn together

Now you will need to make a mount for the handles. If you want, use plastic wrapped for this, the thickness of which is 1 mm. Cut out a piece measuring 6 by 8 cm. Then you will need to cut out the inner square to make this buckle. You will need 2 pieces.

Create a handle holder
Create a handle holder

Now take the pre-made handles and part, cut 3 cm from the handle, thread it through this buckle and glue it. To make a buckle, attach a wire to the buckle.

Clasp attached to the strap
Clasp attached to the strap

Sew these fasteners into place. Fold over the edges of the bag and glue them.

Straps attachment points
Straps attachment points

Now see how to make fabric flowers. To do this, take polyester and cut the petals out of it. If you want to get colorful plants, then also use three shades of canvas.

Prefabricated polyester petals
Prefabricated polyester petals

Singe these blanks over a candle flame. Then cut out the hearts from the black fabric and also singe them over the burner. See how they should be.

Scorched heart-shaped blank
Scorched heart-shaped blank

We begin to collect the flower from the fabric. Take the core, sew it from the bottom with thread. Then apply the petal one at a time and sew.

Making a flower from fabric
Making a flower from fabric

You can make three of these pretty plants and attach them to the top of your bag. Also attach some pretty braid here. Attach a long handle in place to make the girl carry the bag over her shoulder.

The bag for the girl is completely ready
The bag for the girl is completely ready

Creation of bags with flowers using felting technique

This technique will help you create an unusual designer bag in a very interesting way.

What a felted bag looks like
What a felted bag looks like

There will be not only flowers, but a whole composition on the theme of the history of "Alice in Wonderland". First, draw a sketch of the bag, then put the prepared drawing on the floor insulation, cut it out. Place the template on a flat surface with bubble wrap on top. Spread out the coarse Czech wool so that it hardly goes beyond the outline of the template. It will need 4 layers. Wet, seal with a grinder. If you do not have such a tool, then use simple felting techniques.

Wool laid out on a template
Wool laid out on a template

Now place the pattern on top of this woolen half of the bag. Place four layers of Czech wool on it again, wrap its edges over the first piece. Dampen the wool again and walk with a sander. In this case, you have two parts of the bag will connect at the edges.

We begin to decorate the front part. For this, a New Zealand corridale of different colors was used here. Place these materials on the first and second sides of the bag.

Forming a pattern from a New Zealand corridale
Forming a pattern from a New Zealand corridale

Roll on this New Zealand wool, but lightly. Then put the strings here, they will become the branches and trunks of trees. Place a bit of wool on top to add thickening to these details.

Arrangement of trees from ropes
Arrangement of trees from ropes

Further, such a bag with flowers is done as follows. Use colored merino wool to mark Alice's face and door. Also paint the trees.

Door mark on bag
Door mark on bag

Assign these details to the main creation. After that, you can get the pattern, which is located between the two halves of the bag. To do this, you need to cut the bag from the top side and get this diagram.

The basis of the future bag using the felting technique
The basis of the future bag using the felting technique

Then turn your piece inside out and lay it on a hand-made washboard. It's comfortable.

The bag is turned inside out
The bag is turned inside out

When the canvas has acquired the desired density and shape, dry it, then iron it with steam. After that, you can take out shreds, buttons, threads and finish.

Bag finishing materials
Bag finishing materials

You can embroider flowers or cut them out of lace or a suitable fabric and sew here. Use threads to embroider part of the face, the arch of the door and other elements. Attach the buckle and strap. You will get a beautiful bag with flowers based on the famous fairy tale.

Felting bag is completely ready
Felting bag is completely ready

You can also make these items from wool and decorate your creation with them. Then you will have a completely felted bag with flowers. Such a handmade thing is expensive, and you will make it yourself, but with the help of a master class and step-by-step photos.

Burgundy flower for a bag close up
Burgundy flower for a bag close up

Here is such a wonderful poppy as a result. To do it, take:

  • plywood sheet or suitable surface;
  • bubble wrap;
  • soap solution;
  • green and red merino wool;
  • silk or viscose fibers;
  • bamboo mat;
  • synthetic mesh;
  • vibration grinder;
  • salvitosis;
  • some dark wool for the stamens;
  • car sponge;
  • felting needle number 38.

Put the bumpy wrap on the plywood, pull the strand out from the main wool without breaking this piece. Fold it up, put it on the film, giving it a round shape. Then place the black rayon on this piece in this way.

A blank of black viscose placed on the base of the flower
A blank of black viscose placed on the base of the flower

Cover this semi-finished product with a mesh and prepare a hot solution. To do this, dilute Fairy dishwashing liquid or similar in water. Lather it up.

Workpiece near the container with detergent
Workpiece near the container with detergent

Water the flower blank with this product and work with a vibrating sander. This tool must be applied to one place and kept there for a few seconds. Then you need to lift and put the machine in another area.

The flower blank is worked through with a vibrating grinder
The flower blank is worked through with a vibrating grinder

After that, you can remove the mesh. At this stage, several hairs can be attached there. You will carefully tear them off, and then again work with a sander on this grid, but more intensively. Now remove this mesh and cover the workpiece with some bubble wrap. Now you can drive around it more actively using a grinder.

Processing a workpiece covered with a bubble wrap
Processing a workpiece covered with a bubble wrap

After 5 minutes of such work, remove the sander and rub the flower through the film with a gloved hand. Then place the piece on the bamboo mat. Roll the flower together with the bubble wrap and start rolling this roll intensively.

The flower blank is wrapped in a bamboo mat
The flower blank is wrapped in a bamboo mat

Spread out the flower blank. After that, again roll the roll of the above materials and flop again. To make the process go faster, pour boiling water over the poppy. Then place it in cold water. Then it will already be possible to mark the petals of the future poppy with scissors.

Cut out flower mold
Cut out flower mold

Dip the flower in soapy water, rub the blank through the film. Then it remains to rinse it thoroughly, then pour boiling water over it and immediately place it in cold water.

To remove excess moisture, blot the poppy with a towel. After that, it remains to straighten it and iron it with an iron. Now prepare the salvitosis solution. This powder is diluted with a little warm water to form a gel. This solution will help the flower keep its shape.

Preparation of salvitosis solution
Preparation of salvitosis solution

Place the blank of the flower here, then shape it and place it to dry on the battery. While it dries, you will make a poppy core.

Take a piece of green wool and roll it into a circle. Then form an even ball with a felting needle. When doing this, be careful not to injure your fingers. Take a needle and black thread. Using these tools, divide the core into equal sectors.

Green wool ball
Green wool ball

Now take the yarn and cut it into pieces. Put the core on this blank and sew.

The core of the flower is sewn with pieces of yarn
The core of the flower is sewn with pieces of yarn

When the petals are dry, put the resulting center piece into them and also connect with a thread and a needle.

The burgundy flower is completely ready
The burgundy flower is completely ready

You will have a wonderful bag of flowers if you make such poppies and decorate it with them. You can make flowers by felting and other technology. She's also quite interesting.

How to make flowers from felt and zippers with your own hands

Examples of felt colors
Examples of felt colors

First, you will also need to get a wool canvas, as you did in previous workshops. Then you need to cut flower petals from it. If you wish, you can embroider them with veins or decorative dots. Cut off a piece of zipper with metal rivets and glue these decorations around the edges of the petals. Imagine. Indeed, from these interesting materials, you can create whole bouquets, then to decorate your bag with them.

Bouquet of flowers made of felt
Bouquet of flowers made of felt

If you do not want to felting, then take a dense fluffy fabric such as felt and drape and cut out the necessary elements from it. To make such a flower, cover a large button with this fabric, glue a zipper with teeth in a circle, attach green leaves from the main fabric outside.

Flower in the form of a sun close up
Flower in the form of a sun close up

Plastic bag

Polyethylene bag option
Polyethylene bag option

Such a beautiful little thing is made of very affordable and cheap material. The main thing is to purchase multi-colored bags, then the finished thing will turn out to be beautiful and bright. One bag can take from 3 to 5 such packages. First, remove the paper label in each pack. Then tear off the first bag, unwind it and fold it in half lengthwise several times. Now you will need to cut into strips. If the bags are thick, then the strips should be 1 cm wide. If they are thin, then this value is 2 cm.

Prefabricated bags to create a bag
Prefabricated bags to create a bag

Now unwind the rings and start tying them in pairs. The fastening technology is shown in the following photos. First, you need to place two blanks so that they touch. Then pull the end of the tape and tighten the loop.

Combination of two polyethylene blanks
Combination of two polyethylene blanks

Then wind the threads into a ball. You will also need more fishing line, jewelry, and half rings to secure the handles.

Elements rolled into a ball
Elements rolled into a ball

The following pattern will help you make the right size bag. As you can see, its bottom is 20 cm. The knitting pattern is in the next photo.

Pattern for making a bag
Pattern for making a bag

Crochet a chain of bags, but 1 cm more. Now tie it on one side with single crochets. After that, attach the fishing line and tie it around. Also use single crochet stitches.

Chained bundle chain
Chained bundle chain

Continue to create the bottom of the bag using the diagram. Then drag the thread to the wrong side and start knitting the first row in a circle. To expand the bag, in the second row, add one loop of the same knit after every 10 single crochets.

Tied bottom of a plastic bag
Tied bottom of a plastic bag

Continue to create the sides of the bag. When it is the correct height, add some line for strength in the last row and tie it around.

Forming the sidewall of a polyethylene bag
Forming the sidewall of a polyethylene bag

A bag with or without flowers will be ready very soon, if such beauty is enough for you. When the two lines connect, continue tying, but not one, but this pair.

Weaving bags close up
Weaving bags close up

Do not cut the end of the fishing line in advance, take with a margin. Then the top of the bag will have the desired shape.

Now you can pull up the top of the bag and not be afraid that there will not be enough line. Lay down your creation with a material that holds its shape. Tie a bag pocket, if desired, and sew it onto the back of this garment. In the same manner, complete the handles, attach them. Make a clasp and attach such a flower decoration here.

The bag made of plastic bags is completely ready
The bag made of plastic bags is completely ready

If you need to make a flower from the same material as the bag itself, then watch the next master class.

How to make a flower from garbage bags?

Garbage bags for making flowers
Garbage bags for making flowers

It is quite easy to create such a wonderful creation. Take a piece of wire, give it a rounded shape by connecting the edges. Twist them and attach them to the square of the bag. Wrap this blank with this thin material. You will get a wonderful flower from the bag. Make several identical and different petals. Then start connecting them to make such a lovely rose.

Flowers and petals from garbage bags
Flowers and petals from garbage bags

You can make a similar plant in a different way. Then you need to fold the bag several times in half, thinly cut strips from it. Then take the first one, unfold it, fold it in half and tie the exact same piece to this workpiece in the middle. In this way, staple several bags together to create lush flowers.

Or you can immediately put the headings on a flat surface, tie in the middle, add a thread here as a core and fluff the petals.

Cute flowers from garbage bags of different colors
Cute flowers from garbage bags of different colors

Consider the diagram, it shows how to make a beautiful rose. To do this, first you need to unfold the package, cut off its top, as well as the bottom. You will have a rectangle, cut it in half lengthwise to form three ribbons. Now fold the first one a few times to make a stack of rectangles. Cut out a heart-shaped shape with a rectangular bottom from it. Unfold the ribbon and start wrapping it around the green cocktail tube. Then the flower must be fixed with a wire of the same color. A master class with step-by-step photos demonstrates this process in detail.

A step-by-step scheme for creating a flower
A step-by-step scheme for creating a flower

Here is such a wonderful rose from garbage bags. Now you can attach it to your bag to decorate that one. If you wish, you can glue or sew this decor element only to the bottom of the handles or fasteners. If you are wondering how else a bag with flowers is made, then watch the video master class.

For you - a master class in practical floristry.

And for sweets, the following video tutorial is suitable. It shows you how to make an original candy bouquet in a bag.
