How to make and equip a rat cage with your own hands?

How to make and equip a rat cage with your own hands?
How to make and equip a rat cage with your own hands?

In the coming Year of the Rat, this animal is especially popular. See how a cage for a rat, a house, toys for it are made out. Take a look and how to make a cake for this rodent.

If you want to watch how your pet rats frolic fun, we suggest making toys for them. It is also easy to arrange a cage for a rat, make a house with your own hands.

Cage for a rat - we equip a rodent's dwelling

If you already have a rat cage but are not sure how to equip it, see How to DIY a Pet Housing.

Rodent dwelling blank
Rodent dwelling blank
  1. Take a look at how much everything fits in your favorite pet's house. Let's start with the floor. You can also place an absorbent blanket here. When necessary, you change it.
  2. But most often sawdust is placed on the bottom of the cage. Rodents love this natural woody material. You will periodically clean the cage and change the litter to a new one.
  3. Take care of the bed for the animal. You can make it out of wood, upholster with a soft cloth. You can put a mattress on which your pet will be soft and comfortable.
  4. Place a small litter box. However, the rat is quite difficult to accustom to it. But if your pet will go to the litter box, then you will be able to clean the cage less often.
  5. Place a bowl for food elsewhere in your home. Let the rodent get used to the fact that this is where you will apply food.
  6. It is convenient to use the hanging ball drinker. Also accustom the rodent to it. Make sure your pet always has fresh, clean water.
  7. The rat hammock will also please your pet. This device can be made by hand by choosing one or two models from a variety of models.
  8. Another rat cage should be equipped with devices with which the rodent will grind its teeth. To do this, periodically put pieces of chalk here. You can also make a hanging garland on which you will string fruits, soft pebbles such as penza, with the help of these devices, domestic animals will grind down growing teeth and claws.
  9. For the animal to spend enough time in motion, put a wheel here, then the domestic rat will exercise, which will strengthen its health.
  10. The smell of wood is popular with domestic rodents. Therefore, you can make the same couch as in the photo. The pet will be happy to lie in it.

If you have a piece of plastic pipe, secure it to the wall of the cage. The animal will be able to have fun here too.

You can make a whole multi-story rat complex. To do this, fix the tray, attach a plastic slide to it, make a wooden staircase, you get a multi-storey rat cage.

DIY rat cage
DIY rat cage

See more examples of how a rat cage can be equipped.

DIY rat cage
DIY rat cage
  1. As you can see, everything you need is here. Litter was poured down to the floor in the form of small granules of wood chips. There is also a small house on the ground floor. To get to the top, a plastic ladder is attached.
  2. The platform of the second floor was made of the same material. There is another house here. Rats love to make nests, especially when it's time to breed. Therefore, you can also leave bits of crumpled newspaper.
  3. To get the animals to the second floor, you can still use a plastic pipe. You can make such an entrance with your own hands from a piece of plastic pipe. Connect the two elements to create this shape. But first, using a hot nail, you need to make holes in them so that air gets here.
  4. You will make a wooden ladder from sticks. At the bottom of the fixer is a feeder, a drinker for a rat. Place a spinning wheel here so she can practice it additionally.

A house for a rat can become a real palace for this animal. And you use your creativity to make such crafts.

DIY rat cage
DIY rat cage

If you have any scraps of plastic windowsill from repairs, do not throw them away. When you're thinking about which rat cage to buy and how to equip it, use these elements. Fasten them to the two sides of the rods, making two levels. You can get from the first floor to the second with the help of such a plastic pipe. Buy at a building materials store or use pipe pieces remaining after repairs in an apartment or summer cottage.

Then you can glue them together, make holes inside to make such a transition from the first floor to the second.

If you love sewing, then you get a cozy rat house. See how a soft rug can transform a plastic couch. The animal will simply be delighted with such a sleeping place.

  1. You can sew a hanging house for a decorative rat. To do this, cut out two circles of the same size from a soft cloth, create a strip of cloth from the same material. Then you will need to connect two circles with this strip.
  2. Cut a round hole in the center of the strip. The exact same workpiece must be made from a different fabric, and then connect the lining and front parts. Sew rings on top and attach straps in them to hang the rat house.
  3. Also, don't forget the rat hammock. Here it is located in the upper right side of the cage. String dry vegetables and fruits on a tight thread and hang them up. Animals will eat this treat and brush their teeth.
  4. You can place a spacious plastic sawdust tray under the bed. Then the house of rodents will be clean. And carpets can also be sewn from soft fabric and laid down.
  5. Don't forget rat toys. To do this, you can connect such plastic rings and hang a bell down on this chain. Animals will fiddle with this toy and make sounds.
DIY rat cage
DIY rat cage

See how a house is made, a squirrel feeder

How to make a house for a rat with your own hands?

DIY rat house
DIY rat house

See how fun it is to craft a home for your pet. These animals are small in size, so you don't need a lot of materials to make a shelter. Take:

  • coconut;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • wooden sticks;
  • drill;
  • rope.

Master class on creating:

  1. First, using a chisel and a hammer, you need to mark a circle, which is then removed. To make it even, it is better to first draw it with a pencil using a compass or a round object.
  2. Place a chisel or the tip of a flathead screwdriver on these markings and just tap gently with a hammer. So mark the whole circle.
  3. The second time you will knock on this marking more confidently, then you will be able to make a perfectly even round hole.
  4. Pour out the coconut milk, strain it. You can use this drink yourself. Coconut pulp is also edible. Take it out too. Then wash this nut well inside, dry it.
  5. To keep domestic rats warm inside, you can put a soft cloth here, put a piece of wool or other materials.
  6. Take the sticks and file them into equal lengths. Now make a hole at the ends with each drill. Connect these elements with a rope.
  7. So that the steps of the stairs are at the same distance and do not move, fasten each with a knot, tying it at the top and bottom of this stick.

Now you can let the animal in and celebrate the housewarming.

You will make the next house for a rodent with your own hands from untreated wood. Take the remains of this natural material. It is better to glue the house out of plywood first, then attach the wood here. But use glue that is harmless to animals.

DIY rat house
DIY rat house

If you have processed wood chocks, then build a house from them. In such a natural structure, any rodent will be comfortable and comfortable.

DIY rat house
DIY rat house

See what such a house looks like. Make a round entrance so that it is convenient for the animal to get inside. Also build a small round hole that will become a window.

Usually the floors in such houses are not made for rodents, but bedding is placed here. When it's time to clean up, you simply lift the house up, remove the old bedding, and put in a new one.

And if you make the floor, then it will quickly become unusable, since animals will shit here.

DIY rat house
DIY rat house

Hygiene measures will be taken, and when you make other houses for animals. If you have a hanging house like this, then put a disposable diaper down. Such a house is made of fabric and additionally insulated with filler. This material will also help shape the structure.

DIY rat house
DIY rat house

To make the next rodent house, take:

  • suitable fabric in two colors;
  • sheet filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads.

Cut 4 identical pieces for the two small sides. You will need to make 2 from the main and 2 from the lining fabric. Now take the first pair, which consists of a base and lining fabric. Sew a kind of bag out of these materials, and put a sheet synthetic winterizer inside.

Create the second half in the same way. Two large walls are made with roof elements. On the front, make a hole for the entrance. Now sew these walls together.

Cut a roof out of another fabric, create it in the same way from the front, inner fabric and from the sheet seal. Sew the roof in the middle to indicate that it is gable. Now connect all these elements. You don't need to do the floor. Here's a house for rats.

If you want to do it quickly, then use a large 5L plastic bottle. Cut off the bottom from it, glue the sharp points of the cuts with electrical tape. You just need to use such material so that animals do not gnaw it.

Rat house
Rat house

An interesting master class will teach you how to make a rodent house.

Master class and instruction

Scheme of a house for a rat
Scheme of a house for a rat

See what parts this structure consists of. You see, the dimensions are shown here. Redraw these blanks onto a piece of paper or cardboard, then attach and sketch. Now you can collect the blanks.

If you want that over time there was no unpleasant smell in the house, then you do not need to make the bottom.

Rat house
Rat house

You can fantasize, make a house for a rat based on the presented one, but modify it. Then such a ramp will be added here so that the rodent can descend from the upper floor to the lower one. Before assembling the plywood, you can burn out the exterior walls to create a brick pattern.

As you can see, this house has no bottom, and the entrance is quite spacious, made in the form of an arch. For better ventilation, make holes not only where the entrance is, but also in the walls, on the roof. Then it will be better to get air here.

You can make a rat house out of other materials. If you do not yet have the funds to buy capital, then use a cardboard box.

Rat house
Rat house

It needs to be pasted over. Cut a hole in the middle in the wall, arrange it. First remove the bottom from the box, and additionally strengthen the lower parts of the walls with tape.

You can also make a house out of a plastic container. To do this, take a fairly spacious box. Make a hole in it with a hole saw. Take a small piece of propylene pipe and cut it crosswise in half. Glue this blank to the entrance. Steps can be made from the remains of polypropylene. To do this, you need to cut it and stick it here.

Rat house
Rat house

To keep the rats interested in the house, take care of toys for them. See how to make such entertainment with your own hands.

How to make toys for rats?

Fun for rats
Fun for rats

Of course, such a complex will not only allow rats to have a great time running in the open, but also entertain your children, who will be happy to watch these vicissitudes.

Take a spacious box, cut off its top cover. Don't throw this part away. From it you will cut the strips. Then, using tape, attach these strips to the floor of the box in such a way that a kind of labyrinth is formed.

Take a large strip and bend it, then you can glue the fabric on top here so that this blank turns into a rat's house. It is green in the photo.

Now you can launch your pet here and watch it run through the maze in search of a house. You can put some food in some areas to train the rat in this way. But everything must be done in moderation. And if you see that the animal is tired, return it to its regular cage.

See what other rat toys you can make.

If you have polypropylene pipes, adapters to them, then create such an intricate maze. But it is imperative to make holes in it for air access. When making such a maze for rats, it is better to position the adapters in such a way that they shorten the long sections. So that the animal does not get lost in this labyrinth and is not frightened.

Fun for rats
Fun for rats

Rodents love toys made from natural materials. To do the following, you only need:

  • small birch log;
  • two metal fasteners;
  • drill with a round nozzle;
  • hammer;
  • chisel.

Take the log. If it is long, cut it off. Now take a drill with a round nozzle, make 2 holes in it. Then, using a hammer and chisel, or using special tools, select the middle of this workpiece.

Now it remains to fasten the metal fasteners on both sides, and the toy for the rat is ready.

Rat toys
Rat toys

Strong wire can be used to entertain rodents. Wrap a rope around it, fasten it on both sides of the cage.

Fun for rats
Fun for rats

This next rat toy is sure to please this and other rodents. Make such a triangular house from plywood. From the outside, twist the wooden dowels here, insert them into the previously made holes. Glue them here. The rodent will climb such a steep wall and exercise.

Rat toys
Rat toys

Rat toys can even be made from scrap materials. Rodents are known to like to grind soft materials with their teeth. Take toilet paper and place it next to your pet's cage. He will pull the roll and you will soon see him chop it up.

Rat toys
Rat toys

You can put a rat in a spacious dollhouse. There will be a crib, wardrobes. Your child will surely enjoy playing in this environment.

Fun for rats
Fun for rats

Here's another example of how to make toys for rats. Take wooden logs, you need to make a semicircular hole at the bottom of each so that rodents can run through here.

Rat toys
Rat toys

You can make a papier-mâché house. It will make a great toy. But do not use PVA glue, as over time, the rat will surely try this house by its teeth.

First, take toilet paper, soak it in water, and squeeze out excess liquid. Then grind this mass with a blender and add pre-boiled and chilled flour or potato paste here.

Then start spreading this mass onto a large rubber or leather ball. About half and a little lower. Leave the hole in the middle uncovered. Leave your creation to dry completely for one or two days, after which you can put a rat in here. It will be a great toy that your animal will chew with pleasure.

Fun for rats
Fun for rats

But what games can you offer your rat pups and watch how they have fun.

Take a spacious box, put soil here and plant seeds. For this, you can use, for example, bird food. Pour it all over, cover the box with cellophane on top. When shoots appear, remove it. Wait for the grass to grow back a little. And 2 days before giving the toy to the rats, stop watering the soil. Then they won't get their paws dirty. Now put the rat pups here, let them learn a new toy. Animals will have fun digging soil and eating green sprouts and seeds.

Pour peas into a bowl, pour some water here. Put it all in front of your animals. They will fish peas out of the water and amuse you at the same time.

You can make a special piñata for rats. Take paper towels and fold them together. Pour dry seeds of corn, sunflower peas inside, you can add cereals and other delicacies. Roll it all up, tie it up and hang it on top of the cage. The rat will first sniff this package, and over time will understand that there is a delicacy inside and will try to get to it.

You can also make these toys for rats. Take a wire, cut it into two pieces. You can use another round object. Now cut a strip of thick fabric, sew the large sidewalls, tuck in on both sides and hem here. From these two sides, you will need to insert the wire and secure it.

Another fun for rodents looks like this. Take a plastic or cardboard box. Put here crumpled newspapers, pieces of cloth, wine corks, leaflets from unnecessary books, magazines. You can also put nuts, flakes here. Your pets will be happy to dig in this box, exercise in this way and have an interesting time.

You can create your own rat town from unnecessary cardboard boxes.

Then you will need to cut holes in them and glue these elements with the help of wide adhesive tape, electrical tape. Make plastic bottle tunnels here. You can make ladders from ropes. If you wish, cut the jeans into strips, twist them and make a ladder out of this material. You can also borrow this item from parrots. Bridges are also easy to make from fabric, rope, or wood. Make windows here too. Put small balls, pieces of cloth, paper in this town. Your animals will be happy to entertain and amuse you here.

You can make pouches from shreds of denim. Fill them with corn, corn, peas, and sew up the hole. If you need to take a rat to the vet in winter, then this bag will come in handy. Heat it up in a microwave oven or on a battery. And the grains will keep warm for a long time, and the animal will not freeze at this time.

Denim pouches
Denim pouches

And if your pet rat has a birthday, treat it with a real cake. But make it a banana-based one. No butter is added to the dough, pour nuts and seeds here. Bake a muffin based on this fruit. Then melt the cheese, pour it over the dessert, sprinkle with sunflower seeds on top.

Here's how to arrange a cage for rodents, make them entertainments and houses. It is interesting to watch the process of making such things. See how to make a house for a rat as much as 4 floors!

And in the second video you will see how to arrange a cage for this animal.
