The standard of appearance of the Russian black terrier, its price

The standard of appearance of the Russian black terrier, its price
The standard of appearance of the Russian black terrier, its price

History of the Russian Black Terrier breed, purpose, standard, character, health, advice on care and training, interesting facts. Price when buying a puppy. It is very difficult not to be frightened when this giant black dog with a "frowning" appearance, a massive shaggy head and incomprehensible intentions is heading towards you. Moreover, knowing how many terrible "horror stories" are about his inadequate aggressiveness, special danger and almost cannibalistic talents.

Nevertheless, in front of you is not a monster or a cannibal at all, but a wonderful and very talented dog, distinguished by excellent obedience and excellent working qualities as a watchdog and bodyguard. And he is aggressive only at "work". The rest of the time, he is just as playful and completely harmless to others, like other dogs. It's just that he has such dimensions and the specifics of his “work”. Not everyone can be lapdogs.

The history of the origin of the Russian black terrier breed

The appearance of Stalin's dog
The appearance of Stalin's dog

Compared to ancient dog breeds, which have centuries of history behind them, almost always embellished with various legends and traditions, the history of black terriers is short as a moment, and dates back to the not so distant 1949.

It was in this year that the Krasnaya Zvezda (Krasnaya Zvezda) Moscow service dog kennel (now located near the Moscow region town of Dmitrov) received a government task to create several dog breeds at once, which are urgently needed to protect state, economic and military facilities of the post-war USSR. The management of the kennel was instructed, as soon as possible, to breed the breeds: "Moscow watchdog", "Moscow diver", "Moscow dog" and "black terrier". The nursery specialists were directly involved in solving this problem: the head of the nursery - Lieutenant Colonel Kalinin, veterinarian Grishina and livestock specialist Sheinin. And if the "Moscow Great Dane" somehow did not work out right away, and the diver was later abandoned, then we can easily contemplate the "black terriers" and "Moscow watchdogs" in our time.

In the post-war period, the main and universal service dog used in the army and police was the German Shepherd. Trophy Rottweilers, Giant Schnauzers and Newfoundlands were only in single copies. Being an excellent search and service dog, the German shepherd, nevertheless, did not cope well with the guard functions of a guard dog in the northern regions of the USSR with a harsh climate and low winter temperatures.

It was precisely the need to create a guard dog that could easily endure severe frosts, not to the detriment of other working qualities, and served as the reason for the creation of new breeds, among which was the "black terrier". The main task of the breeders of the future black terrier was to obtain a tall, physically very strong, courageous, vicious, but well-controlled dog, suitable for various types of service, capable of easily adapting to a wide variety of climatic conditions. To this end, four suitable breeds were selected to create the Black Terrier: Giant Schnauzer (which was chosen as the original breed), Rottweiler, Airedale and Newfoundland. It was these breeds that interbred with each other in a variety of ways.

The progenitor of the new breed was the Giant Schnauzer male Roy, who consistently produced large black puppies in matings with good wool quality and the necessary conformation. The puppies of the first and second generation received from him with the best physical parameters were then reared and tested for working qualities. The best of them were selected for further selection. As a result of this painstaking and multi-stage work in 1954, the first now famous Russian Black Terrier was obtained.

But in 1954, the country of the Soviets was no longer the same. With the death of Soviet General Secretary Joseph Stalin, in March 1953, her priorities were already different. The country was intensively cleared of the heritage of the totalitarian past, prisoners of the camps were freed, the structure of the GULAG camps was disbanded. And the newly introduced breeds of guard dogs were no longer needed in such quantities for the protection of prisoners and restricted facilities. And although the work on the improvement and breeding of black terriers continued, in the middle of the 50s of the XX century the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel was allowed to transfer grown puppies and adults of black terriers into the hands of ordinary amateur dog breeders.

For the first time, black terriers were presented to the cynological community at the 19th Moscow city dog show of service breeds. On a much larger scale (already as many as 43 individuals of both sexes), they participated in the All-Union exhibition and review of service and hunting dogs at VDNKh in Kiev in 1957, arousing the keenest interest of visitors with their unusual exterior and working qualities. Further development of the breed of "black giants" has gone at a more rapid pace. By the beginning of the 80s, there were already more than 4,000 specimens of these large black dogs in the USSR.

Initially, army breeders worked to obtain the necessary guard and service qualities, with little concern about the presentable appearance of the new terrier. Through the efforts of subsequent amateur breeders who wanted to get a more show dog (and for this purpose added more Newfoundland "blood" to the breed) terrier dogs of a modern look were obtained.

In 1981, the first official standard "Russian Black Terrier" (RFT) was approved. Two years later, in 1983, the breed was also officially recognized internationally and registered with the FCI. Currently, the breed has not lost its popularity and is still in demand all over the world among lovers of strong and courageous dogs.

The purpose of the black Russian terrier

Russian black terrier in water
Russian black terrier in water

Initially, these dogs were created as service and sentry dogs, capable of performing many different functions, quickly adapting to the climatic conditions of a wide variety of terrain.

Nowadays, in addition to these basic functions, black terriers are used as bodyguard dogs, as well as as sports dogs (for practicing ajality). Increasingly, "blackies" are given birth as companion dogs or pets (for this purpose, the least aggressive individuals are usually selected). So, the modern "blackie" has become a more versatile dog, suitable for solving many previously uncharacteristic tasks.

In any of the mission options, black Russian giant dogs must undergo compulsory and serious training for obedience, for the ability to walk alongside (a strong dog weighing under 50-60 kg can easily "drag away" and overturn the largest person) and wait for the owner indefinitely, staying in place.

Black Terrier external standard

Russian black terrier for a walk
Russian black terrier for a walk

The Black Terrier is a large, sturdy dog with athletic build and a very formidable appearance. Has strong bones and perfectly developed muscles. The maximum height reaches 76 centimeters at the withers (in males) and up to 72 centimeters (in bitches), and the weight ranges from 50 to 60 kg in purebred dogs and 45-50 kg in females. However, larger specimens are often found.

  1. Head large, massive, but proportional to the general constitution of the animal, elongated. The brow ridges and the occipital protuberance are moderately expressed. The frontal part is wide and flat. The stop is noticeable, but smoothed. The muzzle is massive, broad at the base and tapering slightly towards the nose. The nose is large, black. The lips are thick black, evenly pigmented, tight-fitting. The teeth are very large, white, according to the formula (42 teeth). The bite is like a scissor.
  2. Eyes oval, medium in size, set wide and straight, framed by tight-fitting black eyelids. The eye color is dark.
  3. Ears the black terrier has symmetrical, medium size, high set, triangular, hanging on cartilage.
  4. Neck muscular, lean, equal in length to the size of the head. The nape is muscular, strongly pronounced.
  5. Torso powerful, well-balanced, athletic, with a well-defined broad chest. The back is very strong and muscular. The line of the back is slightly lowered to the croup. The belly is tucked up, "athletic". The loin is short, wide and strong. The croup is medium in length, wide, distinctly muscular, somewhat sloping.
  6. Tail Set on high, thick at the base, usually docked. An undocked tail (does not affect the rating) has the shape of a sickle or saber.
  7. Limbs straight, parallel, strong and muscular. Paws are rounded, "in a lump", claws and paw pads are black.
  8. Wool black terrier. The entire body of the dog is covered with coarse, dense double hair with a short, dense undercoat. The guard hair is dense, with a break, reaching a length of up to 15 centimeters. The undercoat is very dense, but much softer. There are pedigree ornaments - abundantly developed woolen "beard", "eyebrows" and "mustaches".
  9. Color only black is allowed. A black color of the animal with an admixture of gray hair is possible (no more than a third of the main color).

The character of "Stalin's dog"

Girl with black Russian terriers
Girl with black Russian terriers

The Black Terrier is a strong, energetic, hardy and perfectly adaptable dog. Despite the fact that the creators of the breed sought to get a rather aggressive dog, a lot of their efforts were put into ensuring that this ferocity did not get out of control and was completely controlled by humans. Therefore, the "blackie" turned out to be quite peculiar in character, completely unlike the aggressive dogs of other breeds.

Being not "in the service", he gives the impression of a kind of bumpkin, calmly and lazily not paying attention to those around him, able to frolic in moderation, run and play. Behaves quite friendly, not trying to scare or bite anyone.

But when performing guard functions, the dog changes. No, the "blackie" does not rush at each and every one with wild barking. He has a different strategy. When a stranger enters the protected area, the dog takes an active defensive position, waiting and assessing the situation. These animals have an amazing ability to make decisions on their own. If a stranger saw a dog and left the territory, the dog will not chase him (without a special command). On the contrary, he will lose all interest in the departed and calm down. If the penetration of the object continues, the dog attacks. His attack resembles the blow of a powerful, straightened spring. The black terrier crushes the offender, stands on his chest and, threatening with his teeth, holds him until the owner arrives. He starts to use his teeth only when necessary (there is a powerful bite and separation, then again a bite and separation). Usually, his ramming blow is enough for a complete victory.

In general, this is a wonderful talented dog, with great dignity and absolute self-confidence. Quite friendly, affectionate towards the owners, quite playful and disciplined. He is hardy and unpretentious, very smart and not at all as aggressive as many scare. Yes, undoubtedly, acquiring such a large dog with working security and service functions, it is necessary to be aware of the need for its compulsory training and education. This strength and size requires a lot of control. Therefore, people who do not have training experience, are not energetic or who start a dog for the first time, such a dog will clearly not be able to do it.

The Black Russian Terrier is a very serious, outstanding dog, demanding a serious attitude towards himself, strict but fair.

Health of Russian terrier dogs

Two Russian black terriers
Two Russian black terriers

The Black Terrier is a very healthy breed. But it is artificially bred, and therefore carries in its genes the breed problems inherited from the breeds of the forefathers and foremothers.

In particular, a genetic predisposition to dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints (the scourge of large and medium-sized dogs) was noted.

Often, progressive retinal atrophy (often combined with cataracts), leading to complete blindness of the animal and otitis media (inflammation of the ear canal), manifests itself.

In the absence of proper pet care, the "bangs" hanging over the eyes often leads to conjunctivitis of the eyes, and the "beard" and "mustache" are fraught with the appearance of fungal diseases of hair and skin.

Therefore, preventive examinations of the veterinarian and careful observation by the owner of the behavior and condition of the dog remain relevant.

The life expectancy of these giants of the canine world ranges from 10 to 14 years. Longer lifespans are rare.

Black Terrier grooming tips

Woman with black Russian terrier
Woman with black Russian terrier

"Blackies" are adapted to life on the street, regardless of the weather. Therefore, they feel better and freer in a spacious open-air cage or fenced yard of a house, and not in the limited space of an apartment.

The grooming of the black terrier's coat is fairly standard and unpretentious. Caring for the coat of show-class dogs is a completely different song that requires a separate discussion.

The nutrition of black giants should be energetically complete, well balanced in structure, vitamins and minerals. Feeding a dog of this size is not an easy task. It is optimal to feed him with industrial feed with an increased holistic-class diet.

The nuances of training and interesting facts about the black terrier

Black Russian Terrier training
Black Russian Terrier training

The dog is very intelligent and intelligent, very trainable and very disciplined. The training is standard, but requires training with an experienced dog handler. These large dogs are difficult to retrain.

Often, even today, the black giant dog is called the “KGB dog”, “Stalin’s dog”, and sometimes “Beria's dog”. It is not known for certain who was the first and when to mark these wonderful dogs with such impartial cliches.

In fact, neither the "leader of all peoples" nor Lavrenty Beria have ever owned such dogs, and they have only the most indirect relation to the appearance of the breed itself (work on the breed began during their reign). And even more so, the all-powerful KGB has nothing to do with the origin of these dogs, as well as with the origin of all the other service dogs used in the special services. But the myth remains a myth, and myths die hard. Apparently, the formidable, frightening appearance of these dogs obliges you.

Price when buying a Russian terrier puppy

Russian black terrier puppies
Russian black terrier puppies

Nowadays, with the development of capitalism in Russia, the breed has gained even more popularity. Many wealthy people felt the need to maintain such a formidable and authoritative guard.

Therefore, there are a lot of nurseries for "strong blackies" in modern Russia to satisfy any demand. The cost of puppies varies greatly. So, it is quite possible to purchase a dog of this breed for an amount not exceeding 10,000 rubles. But most likely, such a puppy will only "look like" a thoroughbred Russian black terrier, nothing more. For an amount of 10-15 thousand rubles in Moscow, you can buy a puppy more or less similar to a terrier, but without documents and any confirmation of its origin. One can easily be deceived in one's expectations, eventually raising a "nobleman".

In the price range from 15 to 20 thousand rubles, we can talk about puppies of a black giant of average quality, again often without documents and pedigree. And only with the amount of 25,000 rubles or more, the sale of full-fledged "KGB dogs" begins. For 30,000 rubles, it is quite possible to buy a "blackie" worthy of an exhibition.

Well, a real show class starts at a cost of 35,000 rubles and more. Moreover, the "ceiling" of the amount is always very conditional and depends on many factors.

So, good luck with your purchase!

Learn more about Stalin's dog from this video:

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