Dachshund appearance standard and puppy price

Dachshund appearance standard and puppy price
Dachshund appearance standard and puppy price

The origin of the Dachshund breed, the standard of appearance, the character of the animal and its health, advice on care, training, interesting information. Price when buying a dachshund puppy. The content of the article

  1. Origin
  2. External standard
  3. Character
  4. Health
  5. Care Tips
  6. Training and interesting facts
  7. Purchase price

These little weeds look at the world from the bottom up, but from this their qualities do not lose their superiority at all. They are independent, relying only on themselves. Arrogant, but for some reason they have some kind of enchanting power. Who is inherent in all these character traits? One of the most curious and restless dogs is the dachshund. This is a four-legged "dwarf" with a motor. At the first meeting, her unusual appearance brings a smile. But such a reaction from the people around her does not at all prevent her from carrying herself with dignity and confidence. If the dachshund had not had such short legs, it would not have been able to fulfill the tasks assigned to it so perfectly. People can only be envied, and learn from them perseverance and self-esteem.

Dachshund breed origin

Two dachshunds
Two dachshunds

Each city has its own coat of arms and flag. As a rule, proud eagles or invincible lions are immortalized in heraldry, but there are also national unofficial symbols. For example, in Russia - a bear, in Spain - a bull, but in Germany - a dachshund dog. In this country they are called "takkel", which means - badger dog. The breed was first mentioned in a 1700 document.

At this time, there are three types of breed: standard, dwarf, rabbit. According to the type of hair, the varieties are divided into: smooth-haired, long-haired, wire-haired. They all have the same ancestors and, as a result, one story. Where these "dwarfs" came from and where their original homeland is is not exactly known. The time of the origin of these animals, even in the modern world, causes controversy and heated debate. Dachshund is the oldest breed of burrowing dogs. Referring to some information, the existence of their progenitors originated in ancient Egypt. In this kingdom, drawings of dogs on short legs were found.

Breeding of the modern breed began in the 15th century on the territory of Bavaria. The progenitors were German non-standard culling hounds from the breed. They had short legs. From them, the dachshund genetically acquired such qualities as: indefatigability, keen intuition and intelligence, the excitement of a hunter, courage in battle with prey, pursuit of game with the help of a voice.

Previously, not only ordinary people, but also European monarchs were engaged in breeding hunting dogs. The dignitaries were proud of their lines of hounds, greyhounds and terriers. Russian emperors and empresses were no exception. In Russia, dachshunds first appeared in the 18th century at the court of Empress Anna Ioannovna. She respected everything German and was an avid hunter. Having moved from Courland to St. Petersburg, she brought several dachshunds with her. At that time, for its sophisticated mind and skills when working with an animal, the dog gained popularity and the nickname "badger".

After the reign of Empress Anna, these dogs were forgotten in Russia for a long time. The return of the breed took place again only at the beginning of the 20th century. Our compatriots then flatly refused to accept the hunting qualities of these wonderful animals. They were brought up as family favorites. One of the most famous dachshund lovers in the Russian state was the writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. He owned two pets named Brom and Hina.

Dachshunds are terribly charming creatures. Their difficult character is combined with tenderness and kindness. The mixture of these qualities was liked by many extraordinary personalities. Napoleon Bonaparte was a passionate taxi driver. On Saint Helena, being terminally ill, he left a complete guide on how to care for his favorites after his passing. And after the death of the dogs, he asked to bury them with him in the same grave - the order was strictly executed.

To an ignorant person, these animals may seem awkward and funny. So they never saw them at work. When a dachshund follows the trail, it transforms. It is believed that these dogs are the kings of the underworld, that is, they can only fight in the hole. Now in modern Germany there are a lot of competitions and tests for hunting dogs in which dachshunds also take part. One of the elements of these tests is the pursuit of the wounded animal on the blood trail. Since this species has an excellent sense of smell and loud barking, they successfully cope with this task.

Modern dachshunds come from dogs that were common throughout Europe. These are wire-haired hounds - marriages. The initial disadvantage of these dogs in pursuit - short legs, later turned into the most important advantage, because in the hole a tall dog simply will not turn around. Short legs and an elongated body are signs of a dyschondroplasic breed. In the language of Latin healers, "dis" is a violation, "chondro" is a cartilage, "plasia" is a development. A breeding feature of dachshunds is a violation of cartilage development fixed by targeted breeding. Hence such an elegant appearance.

External standard of representatives of the breed

Dachshund appearance
Dachshund appearance
  1. Head in dachshunds, conical, forehead with a smooth, tapering transition to the nose. The upper part of the skull is convex, but not wide.
  2. Muzzle. Elongated, but not thin. The severity of the brow ridges. The lips are tightly pressed, the flews slightly overlap the lower jaw. Jaws strong, able to open very wide, scissor bite. The teeth are powerful with rather large closing canines.
  3. Nose - The nose is well developed. The color of the lobe is harmonious with the color.
  4. Eyes. Elongated, raised outer corners, medium size. The eyeball of the dachshund is dark brown in color. With a light brown color, the color of the eyes can be much lighter, for example, amber yellow. With a spotted shade, a speckled pattern of the retina of one or two eyes, bluish or green, is allowed.
  5. Ears. Set on high enough, without folds, moderately long, hanging. The ends of the ears are rounder.
  6. Neck. Distinctly muscular and long, the nape is distinctly pronounced.
  7. Frame. Elongated with mesamorphic muscles. The back of the dachshund is straight, the shoulders are sloping. The loin is slightly curved. The ribcage is wide, elongated in height, protrudes slightly forward in the center, with depressions on the sides (forms the so-called keel).
  8. Tail - is a natural continuation of the back line. Has an average fit. In a calm state, it does not touch the ground. The tail is slightly bent towards the top, tapers towards the tip, resembles a whip.
  9. Extremities. Strong, with mesamorphic muscles. The articulation angles (at the elbows and hips) are clearly visible. The front legs are straight. The hind legs are strong (the thigh is prominent, the tibia is short). Hind legs set - no cow and barrel-shaped. The presence of dewclaws on the hind legs of the dachshund is not allowed by the standards.
  10. Paws. The pads are plump, the fingers close together, the claws are strong dark colors. The hind feet are smaller than the front ones.

The coat can be divided into the following types:

  1. Wire-haired type. The main coat of these dachshunds adheres to the skin (except for the muzzle, eyebrows and ears). The hair is wiry, with an undercoat. There is a beard on the face. Bushy eyebrows hang slightly over the eyes. The hair on the ears is shorter.
  2. Color. The main one is from light to dark boar and red (the color of withered autumn foliage). All smooth-haired colors are acceptable.
  3. Long-haired type. The coat is smooth and shiny, but softer than other species. Adheres tightly to the skin. Longer at the throat and lower body. On the ears, it lengthens to the edge. Pronounced areas of fine hair on the back of the dachshund's legs and underside of the tail. Colors such as the smooth-haired type.
  4. Smooth-haired type. The skin is tightly tucked, fits the muscles. The coat is short, without undercoat. There is a coarser structure on the lower part of the tail.

As for the color, it happens:

  • Plain. Maybe: orange-red, reddish-yellow, pinkish-beige. According to the basic color of the dachshund's coat, black hairs can occasionally be found. White color is not allowed. The tip of the nose and nails are black.
  • Two-tone. The whole body is black or dark brown. The presence of otmein-tan is required. They can be reddish brown or beige. The main color is without blotches. The nose is black in dark dogs, brown in chocolate fawn.
  • Marble. The main coat is dark colored. It can be pure black, dark orange, dark silver. The pattern is chaotic, the spots are gray or beige.
  • Tiger. Orange or beige with black or brownish tiger stripes. The color of the nose and nails is the same as that of two-color and one-color dogs.

The nature of the dachshund

Dachshund puppy
Dachshund puppy

By nature, the dachshund is a friendly and non-aggressive creature. Has a balanced temperament and self-esteem. This is a beautiful and compact animal, so taking it with you even on vacation is not a problem. They always want to be where the whole family is going or going. Dachshunds tend to live in small flocks. Often in the house where they brought such a pet, after a while a second one appears.

They are very smart and understand everything. They are distinguished by great persistence. If you allowed your dachshund to sit on the couch at least once, you won't kick it out of there again. They are energetic, very mobile and at the same time funny dogs. You will never be bored with them. Therefore, older people are better off not having them. They are suitable for energetic people or large families. They can be started both for keeping in the house and in the apartment, as pets and hunters.

It is often said about these dogs that they are stubborn and cunning. This is more of a compliment than an insult. It is perseverance in achieving the set goal and resourcefulness in all senses that helps the dog in confrontation with an enemy who is several times larger than him. Previously, dachshunds were used to hunt burrowing animals: foxes and badgers. The badger surpasses this dog in weight, power and cunning. The manner in which these "dwarfs" work is amazing. They are very wise, they value their opponent well. They know when to attack and when to step back and improve their skills.

According to German law, a group of people going hunting in the forest must have a hunting dog with them. The pet helps not only to track down the prey, but also, if necessary, to find the wounded animal. A hunter must take care of nature and a four-legged friend helps him in this. When hunting, it is important that the dog brings the game to the hunter not only from land, but also gets it out of the water. Dachshund copes with this task.

Dog health

Dachshund in the arms of the veterinarian
Dachshund in the arms of the veterinarian

In general, these are healthy animals. The most common genetic defect in the breed is various diseases of the spine. In order not to face such problems, the dachshund must be properly grown and maintained with high quality. Puppies of these dogs are very fragile creatures, in dealing with them you need to be very careful. They are quirky and you need to make sure that the baby does not fall, he is firmly supported by his hand under his chest, holding him a little to himself. When releasing a puppy, it must be placed on all four legs to avoid serious injury. Also, safety measures apply to adults.

If the flooring in the apartment is slippery, then the dog's legs will develop incorrectly, there may be a markup of the front, or a cow of the hind limbs. The spine of a small puppy after two months of age begins to grow intensively, and the muscles are not yet strong. Therefore, you need to feed him in small portions and often. Food should be well balanced and fortified. Since they have an elongated body format, do not allow the boy to stand in a column begging for food - a deformity of the spine is possible. Until the dog is 10 months old, do not let him walk down the stairs himself - his back may sag.

Dachshunds are terrible gluttons. They are very diligent and cunning can beg you for food. Do not fall for their manipulation, otherwise your pet runs the risk of becoming obese. This is fraught not only with problems with the spine and joints of the dog, but can even lead to diabetes.

Dachshund grooming tips

Dachshund and puppies
Dachshund and puppies
  • Bathing. Smooth-haired dachshunds are washed much less often than other types. Comb out during molting with a rubber mitten or a brush with natural bristles. Wire-haired and long-haired dachshunds are washed and combed more often. Shampoos are selected according to the dog's hair type.
  • Ears. To prevent otitis media, you need to regularly check and periodically clean the auricles. Dachshund is a mobile animal and therefore, during water procedures, make sure that no water gets into the ears.
  • Eyes. No care is required. Only if the dog was on the hunt, digging the ground and particles of earth got into the eyeballs, they are gently wiped towards the inner corner.
  • Teeth. Better to clean regularly with special brushes and edible pastes. Let's chew on the special preventive bones for the dachshund.
  • Claws. If your dog walks a little and does not grind its claws, they must be cut off. For this, clipper scissors are well suited. You can file the claws with a coarse file.
  • Feeding. Dachshund is, first of all, a hunter and for excellent physical shape it needs to eat meat. Preferred beef, lamb. You cannot give pork - it is fatty. Also, the diet is supplemented with fiber - cereals, vegetables. Additionally, food is enriched with vitamins and minerals. They are very fond of fruits and vegetables. You can pamper your pet with a delicious apple or carrot.

Dachshund training and interesting facts

Dachshund and ball
Dachshund and ball

The elements of training are taught from "young teeth". The most important skill in training hunting dogs is shooting. It is important to teach to give the game to the owner on the first command. A real hunting dog should work in any conditions.

The German training system differs in that it is primarily applied. A pet should not be afraid of extraneous stimuli at all: sharp sounds, movements and the approach of strangers. Entirely and completely dachshund should be focused on the beloved owner.

Some people call dachshunds sausages or sausages - they are not far from the truth. The first such similarity was noticed by a butcher from the city of Frankfurt, who began to produce sausages under the name "dachkhund".

Later, in 1871, a German émigré brought to the United States of America a recipe for "sausage-dachshunds." The preparation of the dish allowed the German to earn his living, and the Americans liked the new food. But they couldn't remember what this strange "German dog" was called. Subsequently, they began to call them "hot dog" - hot dog. In 1987, the 500th anniversary of the "sausage-dachshund" was celebrated in Frankfurt.

In Germany, each owner of a four-legged pet pays a tax of 60 to 100 euros per year. If the owner and his pet successfully pass the obedience exam, the tax may be halved or canceled altogether. In 1972, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Germany. The symbol of the competition was a dachshund named Valdi. According to the organizers, the dog of this particular breed was the real embodiment of the German character, body strength and good spirits.

Price when buying a tax

Taxi puppy muzzle
Taxi puppy muzzle

To purchase a pet with a stable psyche, contact only professional kennels. There, the animals undergo a good selection selection. Aggressive or sick dogs are not allowed to breed. This is very important for such a breed, because only its legs are small, and the teeth are large. The average price for a thoroughbred puppy ranges from 15,000 rubles. up to 220,000 rubles, depending on the sex and exterior of the dog.

More useful information about the dachshund in this video:

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