Description of koikerhondye, rules of training and care

Description of koikerhondye, rules of training and care
Description of koikerhondye, rules of training and care

The origin of the Koikerhondye breed, the standard of appearance, the character of the dog and his health. Care tips, training features, interesting facts. Purchase price. Dogs of the Kooikerhondje breed have a melodic name and attractive appearance. For their abilities, they are honored by hunters and scientific researchers. Their good-natured disposition and dedication will win your heart for years to come. And if you are an active person, then your four-legged friend will gladly accompany you in your sports hobbies.

The origin of the Koikerhondje breed

Koikerhondje lies
Koikerhondje lies

Not every modern hunter is able to tell which of the dogs has a tail that serves as bait for game? Perhaps many will even take this as a joke. But this is not a joke at all, and there really is such a breed. This is the most outstanding and oldest hunting dog in the Netherlands - the Koikerhondje. It is she who knows how to lure birds into a trap.

In Dutch it is called "de kooi" - a cage, from the English word "decoy" - a trap. The very name "kooiker" means "duckling". In the 16th century in the Netherlands, the canine skills of taking out wounded game and serving it to the hunter were highly valued. This was specially taught, and it cost a lot. The images of the Koikerhondye dogs are captured on old canvases by famous artists - Rembrandt and Bernard. And it should be noted that such dogs were present in the paintings only with persons of a noble family. That is, only rich people could possess such animals.

By the end of the 19th century, the breed was completely forgotten, and no one was engaged in its selection, only in the 20th century enthusiasts remembered its existence, and the restoration of the species began. This was done by Baroness Arderbroek van Ammerston. All her life she devoted to the revival and popularization of many completely unknown to contemporaries and forgotten breeds of dogs, including this variety. At that time, in the Netherlands itself, there were only 25 individuals of the aboriginal breed of interest in terms of exterior and working qualities.

For the complete revival of the breed, a detailed description of all its exterior parameters was compiled, and on the basis of this description, a search began for the remaining individuals. In the north of Friesland, the most suitable bitch named Tommy was found to continue the species. But the first litter was unsuccessful, the puppies died. But in the subsequent offspring of 1943, there were three young girls who were perfect for further breeding. In 1971, on December 20, the Kooikerhondje variety regained its official recognition. To celebrate and popularize her, the Netherlands began to celebrate the day of the breed every year.

Curiously, quite domestic kouikerhond are able to find a common language with wild animals. Considering their purpose, it is very important today. In modern Holland, there are few hunters now, but they are actively engaged in important scientific research on the migration of ducks and their population. The ducks are caught, labels are fixed on their paws and released, and then the paths of movement of different species of these birds are studied.

Duck traps are installed along the banks of water bodies. These traps are cruciform gutters with a mesh on top. The design looks like an aviary. The dog is the bait for the birds. At the command of the owner, the animal runs slowly around the wall, actively wagging its tail so that the ducks notice it. They are very, for some incomprehensible reason, attractive to the lush tail of the dog and they obediently follow her without any fear. When the birds fall into the trap, they are slammed shut. This is such invaluable assistance provided by koikerhondye to zoological science.

And such wonderful dogs are very rare. Now they can be found in a limited area of modern Holland. There are a few individuals in Denmark, Germany and Scandinavian countries. There are very few of them and they are not engaged in any kind of hunting, but are kept only as pets.

External standard of a dog of the Kooikerhondje breed

Kooikerhondje appearance
Kooikerhondje appearance
  1. Head. In good proportion to the body. Round forehead, pronounced occipital tubercle. The transition to the muzzle is smooth.
  2. Muzzle in koikerhondye it is elongated with a flat bridge of the nose, rather massive. Lips tightly pressed with dark pigmentation. The sock is black. Scissor bite.
  3. Eyes. Small, slightly elongated with raised outer corners. The look is very expressive. The color is brown, from light to dark. The eyelids are pigmented in black.
  4. Ears. Hanging medium size. Close to the cheekbones, set high. Feathers along the edge of the ears are long and black.
  5. Neck the representative of the Kooikerhondje breed is graceful, even and at the same time muscular. The dog holds her high.
  6. Frame. Elongated with a slightly raised croup. The ribcage is pushed forward oval. The belly is lean. The ribs are elongated, but not pronounced. Their weight reaches up to 13 kg.
  7. Tail. White fluffy tail with long feathers along the lower edge, bent upward in the form of a crescent. Set on back level. When moving, the koikerhondye wags it from side to side, which in some unusual way attracts the ducks.
  8. Legs with dry muscles. The hind ones are slightly longer than the front ones.
  9. Paws. Medium oval - compact. The hind ones are smaller than the front ones. There are webbing between the toes.
  10. Wool cover. Nice and long, slightly curly coat with a thick and dense undercoat. Has properties to repel water. The longest at the edge of the ears on the tail and limbs, short on the head and muzzle. When walking koikerhondye, it seems to flow gently.
  11. Color. The main color is two-tone, very distinctive - white-red. A long white stripe runs all over the body. A small but important nuance of the color is the black hair on the edge of the ear, the so-called earrings. When breeding these dogs, it is very important not to lose this important breed mark.

The nature of the koikerhondye

Kooikerhondye with frisbee in his teeth
Kooikerhondye with frisbee in his teeth

This is an example of a special relationship between a man and a dog, based on love and trust. On a hunt, dogs with some special instinct feel what the owner wants from them, and they themselves perform all the necessary actions. They perfectly adapt not only to environmental conditions, but also to circumstances. In nature, they are high-spirited, gambling and playful. The houses are quiet, calm and accommodating.

Kooikerhondye are affectionate and kind creatures. They are very sociable, they like to live among people, they easily make contact. But in dealing with strangers, they are vigilant and cautious - you cannot buy their trust with something appetizing and tasty. They subtly feel the mood of the owner and try to please him. They are very attached to the owners, but they are completely indifferent to the children. However, they will never harm the child, especially if it is a family member. They do not like when they are strongly squeezed and pulled for no reason. Better to step aside and ignore this behavior, but show no teeth. They also cannot stand a loud voice or shout.

Suitable not only for avid hunters, but also for simply athletic, energetic people. Indeed, for good physical shape, such a dog needs regular training. There is such a sport, invented in England, which both people and dogs can do together, it is called agility. The owner not only improves his physical form and the pet, but also achieves excellent understanding and contact with him.

This is both play and training. There are different levels and training programs with obstacle courses, the placement of which is not known in advance. Kouikerhondye must carry out all commands without a leash and food rewards. A pet trained in this way feels literally every slightest movement of the owner and understands what needs to be done. These are the activities these dogs like. And these joint training will create not only a pleasant atmosphere and excellent understanding of man and dog, but also perfectly support the dog's shape and health.

Kooikerhondje dog health

Koikerhondje runs
Koikerhondje runs

Compared to other canine species, koikerhondje of similar size live quite a long time 12-14 years and have almost no health problems.

Of course, you can't do without sores at all. They may have eye problems such as cataracts, a clouding of the lens that can cause loss of vision. With such a diagnosis, only an operation will help the animal. In veterinary medicine, it is called: phacoemulsification of cataracts. Now such manipulations are carried out at the highest level, and the recovery is very successful.

In very rare cases, koikerhondje also experience manifestations of genetic breed problems - epilepsy and neuromuscular disorders. Animals with such serious defects are discarded and not further bred in order to avoid offspring with gene defects.

Also, these species of spaniels have problems with their teeth and gums. This can be easily avoided by regularly examining and, if necessary, brushing your pet's teeth from an early age.

Care Tips for Kooikerhondje

Kooikerhondye on a leash
Kooikerhondye on a leash
  1. Wool. The waterproof double wool is dirt-repellent and low-maintenance. But if you are preparing your dog for a show event, then you need a full grooming. First is bathing. Before the procedure, the dog is well combed out. Then they bathe with shampoo for long-haired dogs, apply a special cream-conditioner. After all this makeup must be thoroughly washed off. Next, the koikerhondye dog is combed with a hair softener and blow-dried in the direction of hair growth. In daily grooming, the dog is washed once every one or two months. Combing out, as a rule, with a slicker, but not too often and intensively.
  2. Ears. Since the dog is used for hunting purposes and it is very mobile, water and foreign particles can get into the ears of the animal while hunting or jogging through bushes and tall grass. Therefore, in order to avoid otitis media and various other troubles, the auricles must be systematically checked and, if necessary, cleaned. The easiest way: the ear is shallowly filled with a special lotion, gently massaged and the dog, shaking his head, mechanically removes everything unnecessary.
  3. Eyes … If dust or dirt gets into the eyes of the animal, then they are wiped towards the inner corner of the eye. This procedure is performed using a cotton pad or a piece of natural cotton fabric.
  4. Teeth. Train your puppy to brush his teeth from an early age to avoid dental problems. Pet stores will help you choose all the necessary pastes and brushes. Indulge your favorite Kooikerhond with teeth-cleaning bones. They are: edible from natural ingredients, and in the form of funny toys made from special materials. Their shapes and sizes are also varied. The selection is made taking into account the characteristics and preferences of your dog.
  5. Claws. Usually these energetic dogs walk, run and jump a lot, and their claws grind off themselves. Under other circumstances or long-term maintenance in the apartment, the claws must be cut off with a nail clipper or filed with a file. The claws on the dewclaws (if any) of the animal are sheared regularly.
  6. Walking. If the koikerhondye dog is kept in a private house, then the territory must be fenced so that he cannot escape into the street. On walks outside the home in a city, the pet walks only on a leash, although it does not like it.
  7. Toilet. These funny dogs are very intelligent animals and they very quickly understand that they need to do their business on the street. But puppies can be taught to relieve themselves outside the apartment only after routine vaccinations. Until that time, the pet's body was not yet adapted and it can pick up all kinds of infectious and very life-threatening diseases.
  8. Feeding. First of all, the Koikerhondye is a hunting dog and therefore needs meat. It should not be greasy, preferably: beef, lamb, chicken, turkey. You need to diversify the animal's diet with by-products (liver, lungs, heart), cereals (buckwheat, yak, wheat), fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir) and a little vegetables (carrots, apple).

If the dog's diet consists of ready-made feeds, then they should be selected in accordance with the characteristics of the animal and only of excellent quality from well-known manufacturers. They can be in the form of canned food or dry mixes (granules). It is urgently necessary for the correct development and good health of the dog to enrich its nutrition with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Many people believe that if a dog is a hunting dog, then it should be given bones. Say, this is what the ancestors always did after a successful hunt. This is a very dangerous delusion. First, the dog's intestines are clogged with undigested bone debris, and secondly, the bird's bones are so sharp that they can cut the stomach and intestines. So do not take risks, take care of the health of your beloved pet.

Kouikerhondje training

Kooikerhondye jumps over the crossbar
Kooikerhondye jumps over the crossbar

It is a pleasure to train a kooikerhond. After all, he loyally loves his master and unquestioningly obeys all his orders. Since this is a very mobile hunting dog, it is necessary to conduct training in a well-fenced area so that the pet cannot unexpectedly jump out onto a busy highway or a crowded street. Such a dog cannot be kept on a leash, but it must be trained. They do a great job of obedience and overcoming obstacles. They understand their owner literally from a half-glance. Well suited for sports activities with the owner.

Interesting facts about Kooikerhondje dogs

Koikerhondye in the snow
Koikerhondye in the snow

Being a very obedient and diligent dog by nature, representatives of this breed, sometimes getting on a hunt, forgets about everything in the world. And if he has already started his work on luring ducks, then he is completely there (so to speak, in the process of creativity). At such moments, he sometimes does not hear the owner's commands at all. And, by the way, he does just fine without commands - the dog himself knows what to do, you will have as many freshly caught ducks as you like.

Price when buying a koikerhondye puppy

Koikerhondye puppy
Koikerhondye puppy

If you decide to have such a curious and independent pet, then you will have to look for nurseries in the homeland of the breed - in Holland. In other countries, the breed has not yet been bred, they are few and the working qualities of these dogs are generally not in demand (they are kept as pets). You should also take into account the fact that if you do not hunt with this dog, then it must be subjected to other physical activities in special stadiums for four-legged. If you cannot create the necessary conditions for the full-fledged maintenance of the koikerhondye, then it is better to get a breed that is more suitable for you, quieter.

Since the breed is not widespread and very rare, the average price for a purebred puppy ranges from 35,000 rubles. up to 60,000 rubles, depending on the sex and exterior of the dog. Dogs with small deviations from the external standard are sold much cheaper.

More about the Koikerhondje breed in this video:

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