Ecoterm overview

Ecoterm overview
Ecoterm overview

What is Ecoterm, how it is produced, the main pros and cons, technical characteristics of the material, selection rules and price, features of DIY installation.

Disadvantages of Ecoterm

Insulation plates Ecoterm
Insulation plates Ecoterm

Like any other heat insulator, Ecoterm has its drawbacks. They are similar to all the weak points that other linen-based heaters have. Let's consider them:

  • Relatively high flammability … Despite the fact that Ecoterm is treated with fire retardants, the material burns easily.
  • High price … In comparison with many synthetic heat insulators with a similar level of thermal conductivity, Ecoterm has a higher price.
  • Inability to use under a screed … This insulation does not withstand strong mechanical stress.
  • The need for waterproofing … If you intend to use Ecoterm linen insulation for thermal insulation of rooms with high humidity, then an additional layer of waterproofing is required.

Selection criteria Ecoterm

Insulation structure Ecoterm
Insulation structure Ecoterm

Ecoterm is a brand of linen insulation produced by the Belarusian CJSC Politeks. Products are supplied to European countries. When choosing a material, make sure that the manufacturer is indicated on the packaging, as well as its technical characteristics.

Also, consider these guidelines:

  1. Ask the seller for documents certifying the quality of the insulator and confirming that the products are original.
  2. High-quality Ecoterma slabs have an elastic dense structure and a grayish tint.
  3. When feeling, the insulation should not crumble and dust.
  4. Examine the packaging: it must be intact so that the sun's rays and moisture do not fall on the material.

The price for Ecoterm may differ depending on the region of sale. On average, it is: for a heater with a thickness of 50 millimeters - from 170 rubles per square meter, for a material with a thickness of 100 millimeters - from 330 rubles per square.

Brief installation instructions Ecoterm

Installation of Ecoterm
Installation of Ecoterm

For the installation of Ecoterm, as a rule, fasteners are not required. First of all, you need to take care of installing the lathing on the walls or joists on the floor.

We carry out work according to the following instructions:

  • We install the sheathing beams in such a way that it is slightly less than the width of the slabs. The material should fit snugly into the space between the profiles.
  • If necessary, we attach a layer of waterproofing.
  • We fill the finished cells with Ecoterm plates.
  • We set the material from bottom to top.
  • If during the installation process gaps have formed, then we fill them with scraps of material.
  • We put a vapor barrier membrane on top of the insulation layer.

To carry out a decorative finish, we pre-cover a layer of insulation with a reinforcing mesh.

Watch the video review of Ecoterm:

New generation linen heaters are environmentally friendly, safe and reliable materials. The manufacturer Ecoterma guarantees that the thermal insulation will last more than 60 years without losing its performance. In addition, the insulation does not emit any harmful substances into the air upon contact with moisture or exposure to high temperatures.
