What is penoizol, how is it produced, types of insulation, technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, rules for choosing material and equipment for its application, a brief DIY installation guide.
Penoizol advantages
This insulation has many positive features that distinguish it favorably from other types of polymer heat insulators. Let's consider them:
- Excellent thermal insulation ability … The 45mm foam insulation layer provides the same level of cold protection as 75mm foam and 125mm mineral wool.
- Resistance to many types of mechanical stress … When pressed, the elastic material will creep in and quickly return to its original shape after the pressure is released.
- Resistant to temperature fluctuations and increased humidity … Temperature drops do not have any effect on penoizol, and the material absorbs water and quickly evaporates into the atmosphere.
- Good vapor permeability … Thanks to this quality, the walls and roof will not deteriorate under the influence of condensation. Therefore, penoizol is recommended for insulation and insulation of wooden buildings.
- High adhesion … The heat insulator perfectly "sticks" to any surface, penetrating into the smallest cracks and holes. It is convenient for them to insulate structures of complex or carved shapes.
- Low cost … The material itself is relatively inexpensive. The price of penoizol is comparable to the prices for mineral wool from well-known brands. At the same time, you can save money by carrying out installation work with your own hands.
- Fire safety … When exposed to fire, the material does not burn, but only "melts", releasing water, nitrogen, carbon dioxide into the air.
- Versatility … Penoizol can be selected in any form of release for any need. They insulate almost all possible structures, preferably of a closed type.
- Absence of "cold bridges" … This quality is applicable to liquid and granular material.
Disadvantages of penoizol
Like any other heat insulator, penoizol also has a number of disadvantages. The main ones are the following:
- Material shrinks … It is 0, 1-5%. Only penoizol does not have this property, which is poured between the walls and is under pressure.
- Low tensile strength … The low density of the insulation explains the fact that it can be torn quite easily.
- High moisture absorption … In some situations, this quality can be viewed as a disadvantage. So, because of this, you should not use Penoizol for installation under a screed, in the underground part of the foundation. It is also recommended to use an additional layer of waterproofing.
- The need for special equipment for applying liquid penoizol … It can be bought or rented. You can also hire a professional team.
- Installation is possible only at temperatures above +5 degrees … High-quality foam can be obtained only if the temperature regime of operation is observed.
In addition, there is a risk of phenol-formaldehyde vapor release during the installation of the liquid urea foam. True, this happens only if the composition of penoizol contains resin of inadequate quality.
Criteria for choosing penoizol and equipment for installation
As a rule, liquid penoizol is chosen for household insulation, which is applied using special equipment. It can be bought or rented. The latter option is preferable, as it will cost significantly less.
Consider the following factors and recommendations when choosing material and equipment:
- There are two types of installations for the installation of penoizol. These are gas-liquid and pneumohydraulic devices. For example, to carry out work on the insulation of your own house, you can choose the budgetary equipment GZHU "Mini".
- Do not take a unit with a built-in compressor without a receiver.
- The plunger pump of the installation must be made of plastic or stainless steel.
- Do not choose equipment for penoizol with a plunger pump, where there is no speed control function.
- Refuse to purchase equipment in which the foam generator is attached directly to the pumping unit.
- Before buying penoizol, ask the seller to mix the solution in the right proportions and make some foam. The sample should be pure white. The resin should be of the same color.
- Foam should not shrink or shrink noticeably immediately after application.
- 15 minutes after spraying, you can pat the material with your hand. However, it should not break through.
- There should be no large air gaps in the frozen foam. The cells are ideally small and uniform.
- High-quality solidified penoizol breaks down with little effort. Only slight shedding may occur at the edges.
- With slight compression, the material should quickly regain its original shape.
Penoizol price and manufacturers
Since penoizol is a trade name for urea foam, it should be noted that in Russia the rights to use this mark belong to the NST (New Construction Technologies) company. In different countries, you can find various names of this material: Mofotherm (Czech Republic), Flotofoam (Great Britain), Animotherm (Germany), Isolezh (France), Insulsprey (Canada), Yporka (Japan). In Russia, such large enterprises are engaged in the production of urea resins, which are the basis for penoizol: OOO Tomskneftekhim, ZAO Metadynea, OAO Togliattiazot, OAO Akron, OAO Karbolit. The most common brand of this substance, which is used by manufacturers, is KF-MT. The price for it starts at 44 rubles per kilogram. In addition, phosphoric acid is needed to form foam. Its price on the Russian market is from 170 rubles per kilogram. The ABSK foam concentrate costs 170 rubles per kilogram.
Brief instructions for the installation of penoizol
The big advantage of working with penoizol is that the surface does not need to be leveled before applying it. A thick layer of foam will even out absolutely all defects.
We work with the material according to the following scheme:
- We assemble the equipment according to the instructions.
- We mix in a container all the components of the future penoizol, based on the proportions specified in the instructions for the equipment.
- We prepare the surface - we remove the remnants of finishing materials.
- We make a crate or install logs from wooden beams with a step of 50 centimeters.
- Apply a uniform layer of foam to the surface so that it is flush with the edge of the sheathing or lags. We begin installation from the far end to the near.
- Leave the layer to dry.
- After the penoizol hardens, we cut off its excess with a sharp knife.
- After complete polymerization of the material, we lay a reinforcing mesh.
- After that, you can start plastering or painting the surface, if necessary.
If you are insulating multilayer walls under construction, then penoizol must be poured evenly into the cavities so that there are no voids left. Watch the video review of penoizol:
[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = T1WubwOFiIQ] Penoizol appeared on the domestic construction market relatively recently. It has earned considerable popularity due to its excellent thermal insulation qualities, practicality and budget. The characteristics of penoizol allow it to be used for insulating almost any structure.