Penoplex review

Penoplex review
Penoplex review

What is penoplex, how is it produced, the main types and areas of use of the material, technical characteristics, pros and cons of insulation, selection rules, an overview of the best manufacturers and do-it-yourself installation technology.

Penoplex advantages

Laying foam on the floor
Laying foam on the floor

The benefits of penoplex are very diverse. They concern exclusively high quality plates from trusted manufacturers. The main advantages of insulation include:

  • Excellent thermal conductivity … Penoplex boards can be used even in severe winters. They will reliably protect the home from cold penetration. In addition, repeated freezing and thawing cycles do not harm the material in any way.
  • Light weight … The material is very light, which greatly simplifies transportation, storage and handling. In addition, even a weak foundation, floors and walls can withstand its weight.
  • Ease of installation … It will not be difficult to install penoplex plates on your own, without resorting to the help of professional builders. At the same time, no special tools or expensive equipment are required. You can cut the material using a regular hacksaw.
  • High environmental performance … You can work with penoplex plates without using personal protective equipment. They do not generate dust, do not emit harmful substances and do not irritate the skin if they come into contact with it.
  • Low price … Penoplex is a relatively inexpensive material. On average, the cost of purchasing it pays off after three winters after installation.

Disadvantages of Penoplex

House insulation with penoplex
House insulation with penoplex

The disadvantages of penoplex are similar to those inherent in all other types of polystyrene insulation. Let's consider them:

  1. Relatively low fire safety … Despite the assurances of penoplex manufacturers that modern material is practically non-flammable, it still remains quite fire hazardous. It is difficult to ignite insulation with fire retardants, but when exposed to open fire, it will melt and smoke.
  2. Low vapor permeability … Under certain unfavorable conditions and improper installation, this property can become negative in penoplex. In particular, for this reason, it is not recommended to insulate the walls from the inside of the room in order to avoid the appearance of condensation and the spread of harmful microorganisms. It is also important to ensure good ventilation in buildings insulated with this material, since the natural process of air exchange will be disrupted.
  3. UV instability … Being under the open rays of the sun, the penoplex will collapse. Therefore, immediately after installation on external walls and façades, it must be protected with finishing.
  4. Poor adhesion … Penoplex has a smooth surface, unlike polystyrene, so it can be problematic to attach it to walls and ceilings - it does not adhere well to surfaces. For this reason, the installation must be carried out using additional fasteners. This is especially true of penoplex with a sheet thickness of 40 millimeters.

Penoplex selection criteria

Penoplex for home insulation
Penoplex for home insulation

In order for the insulation to serve for a long time and not lose its properties, it is necessary to choose from a huge variety of products and manufacturers of high quality penoplex. It is also important to choose the material specifically for your needs.

Our recommendations will help to do this:

  • Consider the brand and series of heat insulator when choosing it for your purposes. Also, pay attention to the size of the penoplex. Large stoves will be inconvenient to work in small spaces. You should also not buy material with a density below 25. It will not provide adequate thermal insulation.
  • Please note that penoplex with a density below 25 kilograms per cubic meter should be in doubt. A quality material produced using the extrusion method cannot be too loose. Otherwise, foam is in front of you.
  • Study the technical characteristics of the penoplex indicated on the package. If you do not trust the manufacturer, then you can independently weigh the material in order to determine its density and conformity to the declared one.
  • Break off a piece of material from the edge. Extruded foam will give a break with an abundance of regular polyhedrons, but not round balls. The fault line must pass through the cells as well.

Price and manufacturers of penoplex

Penoplex packaging and sheet
Penoplex packaging and sheet

Leading European companies such as BASF, Polimeri Europa, Nova Chemicals, Styrochem are considered the best manufacturers of this insulation material. Recently, a large number of brands have appeared on the Russian market under which Penoplex is produced. Companies such as Penoplex and Technonikol deserve attention. Their production capacity is quite high, which makes it possible to produce material of excellent quality.

The price of penoplex varies depending on the thickness, density and series. Here are some approximate data:

  • A 20 mm thick penoplex sheet costs about 60-70 rubles.
  • A material with a thickness of 30 millimeters will cost 100-110 rubles per sheet.
  • The cost of a sheet with a thickness of 40 millimeters is in the range of 140-150 rubles.
  • The price of a 50 mm penoplex sheet is 170-180 rubles.
  • A sheet with a thickness of 60 millimeters has a cost of about 180-190 rubles.
  • 100 mm sheets are in the range of 300-350 rubles.

Brief instructions for installing penoplex

Penoplex installation
Penoplex installation

This insulation can be mounted on floors of various designs, walls of any materials. The technology for installing foam is quite simple and is no different from fixing foam or expanded polystyrene sheets. If you are insulating the floor, then it is enough to spread the sheets on the leveled surface in a ragged way. Fill the joints with polyurethane foam.

To insulate walls, follow these instructions:

  1. First of all, we prepare the surface - we clean it of old plaster, paint, dirt, dust.
  2. We cover the wall with an antifungal primer.
  3. We level the surface in the presence of deformations, pits, bumps. At the end of the procedure, we again treat it with a primer.
  4. If you are insulating the facade or external walls, then along the broken line at the bottom we install an L-shaped profile. It will be a support for the lower foam plates.
  5. We begin the installation of the first row from the bottom. Apply adhesive to the slab and press it firmly against the wall.
  6. The installation is carried out according to the brickwork principle, leaving no gaps.
  7. After you finish installing the plates on the glue, wait until the composition is completely dry.
  8. We begin to mount the material on dowels with a mushroom-shaped head and plastic nails.
  9. Please note that the caps should be recessed into the penoplex, and not protrude above the surface.
  10. After that, we reinforce the walls using a special mesh and corners.
  11. Cover the reinforcing mesh with a layer of plaster. After it is completely dry, you can start decorating the walls.

Watch a video review of Penoplex:

Penoplex is an inexpensive and practical material that has a number of significant advantages. It can be used to insulate various residential and non-residential buildings. In addition, it can be used to create a soundproofing and vapor barrier layer. And the installation process is simple and for beginners.
