Chopped log bath: construction technology

Chopped log bath: construction technology
Chopped log bath: construction technology

A chopped-up bathhouse can proudly bear the name of an environmentally friendly building. Log wood, as a natural conditioner, purifies the air and regulates its humidity. The resin of the logs saturates the space with bactericidal substances. Consider the construction of a bathhouse from chopped logs. Content:

  1. Bath design
  2. Material selection
  3. Bath construction

    • Foundation device
    • Walling
    • Roof construction
    • Communications and decoration

Log buildings made of chopped logs are justifiably more expensive than similar buildings made of rounded wood. Manual processing of the trunk does not violate the protective layer of its wood. This affects the quality of the entire structure. Today you will learn about the construction of a bath from such logs.

Chopped log bath design

Chopped log bath project
Chopped log bath project

Before starting the design, sketch on paper a plan of your future bath, decide on its size and orientation on the ground.

To this we add a few more of our tips:

  • A large bath will require a lot of fuel to heat it up. Therefore, choose the minimum dimensions of the premises, convenient for the rest of a certain number of people at the same time. On average, one person should have 2-3 sq.m. area.
  • The classic layout of the bath includes three rooms - a steam room, a shower and an entrance hall, which can be combined with a relaxation room. The dressing room usually occupies half of the entire area of the building.
  • If you make an attic roof in the bath, then the room under it can be used for an overnight stay or, for example, a billiard room.
  • A bathhouse with a terrace will look more solid and will provide an additional place to relax in the summer.
  • The location of the stove must be planned in such a way as to ensure the simultaneous heating of all rooms.
  • The roof for a bath is usually made with a gable. If the structure is an extension, it is more rational to make a pitched roof.
  • In order to avoid temperature losses, any wooden frame requires a warm and heavy roof. Norwegian roofs with soil on their surface and a vegetable lawn are very popular.
  • It is better to place the entrance to the bathhouse on the south side, there is usually less snow here.

For a chopped log bath, projects are typical and individual. Typical projects are posted by manufacturers of wooden log cabins in the media and on the Internet. After creating a mental image of the desired building, you can select the appropriate project and simply buy it. If this is not enough, the typical project is being finalized by the designers taking into account your additions. When ordering an individual project, its best option is drawn up, taking into account the climate and geological conditions of the customer's area.

The cost of the walls of a log house made of chopped logs averages 4,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m. building area.

Choosing a material for a chopped log bath

Chopped log for the construction of a bath
Chopped log for the construction of a bath

Pine, spruce or aspen wood is usually used for the bathhouse. Try to buy wood harvested in winter. It is more resistant to temperature extremes. Due to the affordability and easy handling, pine logs are often used for log cabins. Their wood is resistant to weathering and decay.

Logs with blue spots, noticeable curvature and cracks around the branches - signs of rotten core of the tree, cannot be used for the wooden walls of the bathhouse. Do not buy over-dried wood - its wood is difficult to process.

Chopped logs, unlike rounded logs, are processed manually. This method allows you to remove the sapwood of the trunk with minimal damage to its protective layer. Therefore, in addition to increased durability, chopped logs have a number of advantages: less cracking and moisture absorption of the material, higher biological resistance to the effects of fungus or insects, a variety of choice of log diameters, and a variety of styles for construction.

Chopped cedar log
Chopped cedar log

The disadvantages of chopped logs are very conditional: the price of work on manual preparation of the material is quite high, the quality and appearance of the constructed log house directly depends on the experience of the performers. To build a bath from a chopped log, we need:

  1. Beech or birch nails;
  2. Inter-row insulation - jute or moss;
  3. Lags from a bar for the ceiling and subfloor;
  4. Logs;
  5. Boards 250 mm;
  6. Rafter beam;
  7. Waterproofing film;
  8. Fasteners;
  9. Roll thermal insulation;
  10. Roofing material;
  11. Antiseptic and fire retardant for wood processing.

Construction of a bath from chopped logs

After designing and purchasing materials, you can start building our bath. We will build a foundation, erect a wooden frame and a roof, lay utility lines and finish the premises. Now let's talk about everything in order.

The device of the foundation for a bath from chopped logs

The foundation for a bath made of chopped logs
The foundation for a bath made of chopped logs

We will make a strip foundation under the log house.

For its construction it is necessary:

  • Dig a trench around the perimeter of the future building.
  • Install and secure the wooden formwork.
  • To make metal frames from reinforcement d12 mm.
  • Lay the frames in the formwork and connect them with a knitting wire.
  • Pour the formwork with M200 concrete to the design level.
  • On the hardened concrete of the foundation, waterproofing from roofing material.

The base of the foundation should be 100-200 mm below the level of soil freezing in your area. In the body of the foundation, before pouring it, it is necessary to provide embedded sleeves for admission to the construction of communications - water supply, power cables, sewerage and ventilation.

On soft soils with low design resistance, pile foundations are used.

Erection of the walls of a bath from chopped logs

Log cabin
Log cabin

Wood structures can be damaged by moisture, damage by insects, fungus and mold. To prevent this from happening, before installation, the wood of the products is treated with special compounds - deep penetration antiseptics. The formulations can be applied by brush or spray, especially scrupulously processing the bowls and grooves of chopped logs.

After they dry, the subsequent treatment is carried out with a fire retardant - a fire retardant that forms a special film on wooden surfaces that reduces the risk of fire.

Building walls from chopped logs
Building walls from chopped logs

After preparing the logs, you can proceed to the installation of a log house:

  1. Its first crowns are fitted and installed on the foundation. The upper and middle crowns are fitted on the ground, and then disassembled and installed on the frame. This eliminates time-consuming work at height.
  2. In the process of erecting the walls, the crowns are laid with alternation of the upper and butt parts of the log, since it retains the natural relief of the trunk - the top is narrower than the butt. Rows of logs are installed horizontally, the process is controlled using a building level.
  3. For the location of the doors, 2 lower crowns and 5 upper ones are prepared, for windows - 5 lower crowns and 3 upper ones.
  4. Due to the presence of chopped logs of various diameters in one frame, their joining requires special skills. Therefore, pay attention to the photo of the chopped log baths and the video on the construction of chopped walls.
  5. To ensure the tight fit of the crowns to each other, longitudinal semicircular grooves are made in the lower part of the logs. For vertical stability of the wall, the connection of the logs is carried out using birch or oak dowels, which are hammered into the prepared holes, have a pitch of 200 mm and are staggered.
  6. The crossing of the crowns is carried out by cutting "into the bowl". This method ensures the tightness of the corners and the retention of heat in the building.
  7. To eliminate heat losses in the bath, a sealant is placed between its logs. They are tow, moss or linen batting. This procedure is called caulking. After the end of the shrinkage of the building, it must be repeated, after five years.

Chopped baths made of large diameter logs are considered more durable. This is due to the smaller number of crowns of their log cabins and, as a consequence, more reliable performance in operation. Such baths belong to the elite buildings, as their log cabins are made of healthy species of cedar and larch. With proper care, these homes can last for hundreds of years.

Construction of the roof of a bath from chopped logs

The roof of a bathhouse made of chopped logs
The roof of a bathhouse made of chopped logs

For the installation of the roof, it is necessary to assemble a wooden structure, consisting of support bars, rafter legs and lathing. The lower rafters are fastened using sliding joints. This is done to exclude deformation of the roof during shrinkage of the logs. The slope of the gable roof is 18–44 degrees, and the slope of the pitched roof is from 25 to 30 degrees.

Slate, corrugated board, metal tiles, ondulin and other materials can serve as roofing. To prevent the walls of the log house from getting wet, the roof must be equipped with a drainage system.

Communications and decoration of a bath from chopped logs

The bathhouse, like any residential building, must be provided with running water, electricity, sewerage, heating and ventilation. The work on the arrangement of these systems is very demanding. Therefore, it should be performed by experienced professionals familiar with Building and Safety Regulations.

The premises of the bathhouse made of logs do not require special finishing. The log has an attractive natural texture. The washing compartment can be finished with moisture-resistant materials. The steam room is sheathed with aspen or linden wood, which has a low thermal conductivity. When decorating the premises, windows and doors are installed, floors are laid, ceilings are hemmed, shelves are hung, an interfloor staircase is mounted and many more pleasant work is done in the new bath.

The process of building a bath from chopped logs is presented in the video:

Thus, the presence of a person in a chopped building has a healing effect on his health, therefore, treat the construction of a bath in the most careful way.
