Features of use and recipes for onion hair masks

Features of use and recipes for onion hair masks
Features of use and recipes for onion hair masks

Learn how to prepare onion masks for hair care, how they are applied and the benefits they provide. Recently, recipes of traditional medicine in skin, body and hair care are gaining more and more popularity. An indispensable product is a simple onion. Onion masks are considered effective and invaluable as they help get rid of various problems associated with hair condition.

The benefits of onion hair masks

Bow and a girl with well-groomed hair
Bow and a girl with well-groomed hair

Onions have a lot of useful qualities and powerful potential, therefore they are recommended for hair care. Onion juice contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron, silicon and zinc.

These substances are necessary for the full functioning of the human body, while the vegetable also contains vitamins B, C and E. This composition is simply invaluable for the beauty and health of hair.

If onion juice is used correctly and regularly, the strands receive the necessary nutrition, and the hair follicles are effectively strengthened.

One of the advantages of onion masks is that they are ideal for caring for different types of hair. These formulations have a positive effect on both dry and oily strands.

Weakened, lifeless, dull, thin and brittle curls, damaged by frequent staining or hot styling, can be quickly restored if you use cosmetic masks that include onions several times a week.

The use of such compositions allows you to achieve the following results:

  • partial or complete hair loss stops;
  • hair returns to its previous volume;
  • curls become smooth, soft, silky and shiny;
  • a disease such as seborrheic dermatitis is eliminated;
  • it has a stimulating effect on the hair growth process.

Features of the preparation of onion hair masks

Making an onion mask
Making an onion mask

In order for onion masks to bring only benefits for the hair and help to significantly improve their condition, you need to know some of the subtleties and features of their use:

  1. Onion masks can provoke tears, which can seriously ruin your mood. But to eliminate this minor nuisance, it is worth using one trick - before preparing the composition for the mask, the onion is peeled from the husk and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. As a result of exposure to cold, the concentration of released sulfur is significantly reduced, due to which the bulb is quickly crushed and does not cause tears.
  2. You need to make an onion mask for dirty hair. The fact is that the greasy film formed on the surface of the strands reliably protects the hair shafts from irritation.
  3. Before the finished composition is applied to the curls, you just need to comb them and do not need to be moistened with water.
  4. It is necessary to apply the onion mask exclusively to the hair roots and scalp. In the event that the composition is distributed over the entire length of the strands, there is a risk that the hair will become very dry and seriously damaged.
  5. To prepare the mask, use pure onion juice or a vegetable, previously chopped to a mushy state. To obtain juice, the onion head is taken, peeled from the husk, cut into several pieces and passed through a meat grinder. Then the resulting onion puree is transferred to cheesecloth, previously folded in several layers, and the juice is carefully squeezed out.
  6. The mask lasts no more than 20 minutes on the hair, since this time will be quite enough for the active substances that make up the onion to take effect.
  7. If, after applying the mask, a strong itching or burning sensation appears, which is simply impossible to tolerate, you need to rinse your hair with plenty of warm water as soon as possible and no longer use such a composition.
  8. In the event that onion masks are used as a means to prevent slow growth and hair loss, it is recommended to carry out one cosmetic procedure every 7 days.
  9. If these formulations are used to treat weakened hair, masks should be done every 3 days.
  10. It is important to complete the full course - the therapeutic one includes 15 procedures, and the prophylactic 10 masks.

Contraindications to the use of onion masks


It is necessary to use onion hair masks very carefully, since such products are not suitable for everyone. It is very important to closely monitor the individual reaction of your own body.

Before applying the onion mask to the entire scalp and hair roots, a small sensitivity test and determination of allergies must be performed first:

  • Fresh onion juice is taken and applied to the skin behind the ear.
  • After 15 minutes, if there are no unpleasant sensations (for example, a strong and unbearable burning sensation, itching, redness, rashes, etc.), you can safely carry out a caring cosmetic procedure.
  • If unpleasant sensations appear, you should abandon the use of an onion mask for hair care and pay attention to formulations that do not contain such aggressive components.

Onion mask is one of the most aggressive cosmetic formulations. The fact is that onion juice contains a large number of components that irritate delicate skin.

Essential oils, glycosides, acids and phytoncides, contained in high concentrations, can provoke the formation of a serious burn on the delicate scalp.

It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to apply pure onion juice or gruel from this vegetable to the surface of the scalp. Otherwise, you can cause serious damage and severely injure the epidermis. That is why onion hair masks have a fairly large number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use such a composition if there are wounds, cracks, scratches or other damage to the integrity of the epidermis on the surface of the skin. As a result of exposure to caustic juice and aggressive substances that make up its composition, the condition can only worsen - painful pustules, acne and wounds appear.

Onion hair mask recipes

Onion gruel mask
Onion gruel mask

Depending on the condition and type of hair, as well as the existing problem, it is worth choosing the right onion masks. First of all, it is necessary to remember that only natural and fresh products should be used for the preparation of such cosmetics.

Firming mask

Preparation of a firming mask with onion gruel
Preparation of a firming mask with onion gruel

When doing daily styling, many women simply forget that hair also needs rest and careful care. To keep the strands thick, silky, beautiful and healthy, you need to regularly moisturize and strengthen them. For the restoration and therapeutic care of hair roots, it is recommended to use the following mask:

  1. Take fresh onion juice (3 tbsp. L.), Liquid and natural honey (1 tbsp. L.), Olive oil (1 tbsp. L.) And fat sour cream (1 tbsp. L.).
  2. If this mask will be used to treat oily hair that is prone to quick staining, you do not need to add olive oil.
  3. To obtain onion juice, the vegetable is finely chopped and squeezed through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
  4. All components are mixed in a glass container until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. A ready-made mask is applied to the root part of the hair and gently rubbed into the scalp.
  6. From above, the hair is wrapped in a layer of polyethylene or a rubber cap is put on, and then insulated with a towel or scarf.
  7. After 50 minutes, the remnants of the product are washed off with shampoo (it is advisable to use a baby shampoo).
  8. Cosmetologists recommend using such a mask no more than 2 times every 7-8 days.

Mask for fine hair

The girl washes off the mask from her hair
The girl washes off the mask from her hair

It is thin and weakened hair that needs more thorough care. To give the hair additional volume, it is not necessary to use false artificial curls, it is quite enough to regularly make a simple strengthening mask. It quickly restores the tone of the hair and helps to lift it slightly in the root area. To do this, you should use the following recipe:

  1. You will need to take fresh onion juice (3 tbsp), natural and liquid honey (1 tbsp), castor oil (2 tsp), mayonnaise (2 tsp).
  2. To prepare such a mask, it is best to use homemade mayonnaise, since it does not contain harmful preservatives.
  3. All components are whipped well, the result should be a fairly fluffy and homogeneous mass.
  4. With soft and unhurried movements, the mask is rubbed directly into the scalp, then the hair is wrapped in a layer of cling film and insulated with a towel.
  5. After 60 minutes, the residues of the product are washed off with plenty of warm water and baby shampoo.
  6. This cosmetic procedure can be performed every 7-8 days.

Hair loss mask

Girl with a mask on her hair and bulbs
Girl with a mask on her hair and bulbs

Sooner or later, everyone is faced with such an unpleasant problem as hair loss. This can happen due to a lack of valuable substances in the body or severe stress. But don't worry, because regular use of a special onion mask will help you quickly eliminate this minor nuisance. Such a therapeutic composition is being prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Take fresh onion juice (2 tbsp. L.), Liquid honey (1 tsp. L.), Castor oil (0.5 tbsp. L.).
  2. First, the onion is mixed with honey (you can use the frozen product, but first it is melted in a steam bath).
  3. The finished product is evenly distributed over the scalp.
  4. From above, the hair is wrapped in a layer of cling film and insulated with a terry towel.
  5. The mask is left on for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  6. You can use this medicinal composition several times a week, but not more often.

Hair rejuvenation mask

Girl with onion
Girl with onion

A simple mask can be used to provide an effective treatment for weakened and injured hair. It contains seemingly completely incompatible products, but the effect is literally amazing. So, to prepare such a medicinal composition, you must use the following recipe:

  • You will need to take onion juice (2 tbsp), burdock oil (1 tsp), sea salt (1 tsp), liquid honey (1 tbsp), cognac (1 tbsp) kefir of minimum fat content (1 tbsp. l.).
  • All components are mixed in a glass container, and you need to make sure that the salt crystals are completely dissolved, otherwise they can severely injure the scalp.
  • The composition is evenly distributed over the root zone of the hair, then the head is covered with polyethylene, insulated with a terry towel.
  • After 60 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and warm water.
  • It is allowed to make such a mask no more than once every 7 days.

Dandruff mask

Preparation of an onion dandruff mask
Preparation of an onion dandruff mask

Dandruff can seriously ruin your life, because you can't disguise it. But when this problem appears, you need to start solving it as soon as possible. A pathogenic fungal microorganism provokes the formation of dandruff, which is why it is best to seek help from a specialist. However, regular use of special onion masks can significantly reduce dandruff. Such a therapeutic composition is being prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. You will need to take fresh onion juice (1 tbsp. L.), Burdock oil (2 tbsp. L.), Alcohol or vodka (2 tbsp. L.).
  2. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The resulting composition is rubbed into the hair roots with soft movements.
  4. Hair is wrapped in cling film and a terry towel.
  5. After 30 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and baby shampoo.
  6. It is recommended to use this remedy once every 7 days, until there is a visible improvement, but to completely eliminate dandruff, you will have to undergo a course of treatment.

Hair growth mask

Hair Growth Mask Ingredients
Hair Growth Mask Ingredients

To accelerate hair growth, it is not necessary to experiment on yourself, testing a variety of modern drugs and traditional medicine recipes. An easy-to-prepare onion mask can easily cope with this task, which is done as follows:

  1. You will need to take fresh onion juice (4 tablespoons), cognac (1 tablespoon), liquid honey (1 tablespoon), flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon), kefir (2 tablespoons) …
  2. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  3. The finished mask is rubbed directly into the hair roots and a gentle massage is done.
  4. After 1, 5–2 hours, the residues of the product are washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  5. To obtain a visible result, it is recommended to carry out such a cosmetic procedure every 2-3 days for 2 months, then take a short break (30-40 days) and repeat the course.

How to remove onion smell from hair?

The girl rinses her hair to remove the smell of onions
The girl rinses her hair to remove the smell of onions

The main disadvantage of onion masks is the formation of an unpleasant and corrosive odor, which is sometimes very difficult to remove. To do this, you should use a few simple tips:

  1. it is best to use formulations that contain onion juice, and not gruel, since in this case the aroma will not be too strong;
  2. it is strictly forbidden to use hot water for rinsing hair, since the unpleasant aroma will only be stronger on the strands;
  3. lukewarm water is ideal for washing your hair after an onion mask;
  4. it is useful to additionally rinse the hair with various herbal decoctions after such a procedure, which can neutralize the persistent onion aroma (for example, chamomile or burdock, while adding 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the finished broth);
  5. for additional rinsing of hair, you can use water with the addition of any essential oil - 2-3 drops of the product are taken for 1 liter of liquid (for example, orange or bergamot oil is perfect).

Onion masks are quick and easy to prepare, but their regular use helps to achieve an amazing result - injured and weakened hair is quickly restored, curls return a beautiful and healthy shine, color brightness and natural silkiness.

You will learn more recipes for onion hair masks from the following video:
