Learn how to properly use peppermint essential oil to get rid of dandruff and excess oiliness in your hair. Peppermint essential oil is a completely natural product that is actively used today in the field of cosmetology, namely, for hair care. The use of this product helps to accelerate hair growth, restore its damaged structure and prevent hair loss.
If you regularly do simple beauty treatments using peppermint essential oil, you can get beautiful, shiny, strong and thick hair. To achieve this effect, you need to know the features and rules of using this product.
Peppermint essential oil: properties and composition

Essential oil is obtained not only from the leaves, but also from the flowering top of peppermint. The main active ingredient in peppermint oil is menthol, which relieves stress, disinfects and tones the skin, protects minor damage to the skin and prevents the onset of inflammation.
Peppermint essential oil is a rich source of valuable substances necessary for hair care. It is recommended for the restoration of voluminous and thick hair. It has a stimulating effect on the growth process of strands, their loss is significantly reduced. But even with most other problems, this natural product will help you quickly cope with it if you combine it with other valuable ingredients.
Many girls and women face the problem of hair loss, this issue is especially acute in spring. As a result of a lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body, hair loss occurs, and their growth slows down. It is necessary to stimulate the hair, especially if you plan to restore the density and volume of hair after intense hair loss. Also, peppermint essential oil helps to quickly regrow the natural hair color after dyeing, or change a short haircut.
It is recommended to stimulate growth even if the hair structure has been damaged. This condition can be the result of exposure to severe frost, salt water, ultraviolet rays, frequent hot styling, or lightening coloring on the hair. In some cases, complete restoration of damaged hair occurs, which returns strength, healthy shine and volume, and their growth is accelerated.
Peppermint essential oil has the following effect on hair:
- The scalp is toned, which stimulates hair growth.
- The process of blood circulation of the scalp, including the hair follicles, improves.
- Nutrients actively enter the body, penetrating the hair follicles. Thanks to this, the hair is nourished and restored from the inside.
- The properties of menthol contribute to a faster and better recovery of all nutrients.
- It is recommended to add small amounts of natural peppermint essential oil to nourishing masks for scalp and hair.
Among the advantages of peppermint essential oil is the fact that it has antifungal and antiseptic properties. Thanks to its use, you can stop inflammation of the scalp and get rid of the fungus, as well as oily dandruff.
Peppermint oil is most effective for treating oily dandruff, but you shouldn't use it as the only remedy. The fact is that in combination with other drugs, a faster effect can be achieved. After dandruff has been removed, peppermint oil can be used as a preventive measure.
Since peppermint essential oil has antifungal effect, it helps to quickly get rid of the dandruff problem. In stores, various cosmetics are sold that only help to remove the symptom, and not the cause of the appearance of dandruff. Also, this product has a drying effect, therefore it is an addition to the treatment of oily dandruff.
The use of this product helps to cope with the problem of oily hair at the roots. The fact is that excessive fat content is always associated with a violation of the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which function much more actively than they should. Often girls face such a problem in the summer.
Excessive oily hair at the roots not only has an unattractive appearance, but also significantly increases the likelihood of dandruff and acne on the surface of the scalp. Also, excessive oiliness can result in the problem of intense hair loss.
- Due to the fact that menthol has a drying effect, the desired result will be visible after several uses of peppermint oil.
- Hair becomes voluminous and dry at the roots after several cosmetic procedures using this product.
- The oil contains valuable elements that help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as remove the cause that provokes the appearance of fat content.
Peppermint essential oil should be used with extreme care to care for dry hair. This product has a drying effect, which can only exacerbate the problem of dry scalp and hair. To get rid of these problems, it is recommended to add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to the composition of nourishing and caring hair masks.
Since this product also has a tonic effect, nutrients and moisture are absorbed much better, so the desired result will be obtained faster.
Using peppermint oil for hair care

Many natural essential oils are very aggressive on the skin, which is why they are not recommended in their pure form to prevent severe irritation. People with dry hair and inflamed dry scalp should use peppermint oil with extreme caution. You need to use this tool in diluted form or in minimal quantities, which will help to avoid allergic reactions and irritation.
Combing hair
The easiest and most popular way to use this product is to apply a few drops of essential oil to the comb, after which you need to comb your hair. This method can be used as daily care. It is necessary to take into account the fact that essential oil has the property of rapidly evaporating, which is why it must be added before each procedure. It is advisable to use a comb only from natural materials - for example, wood would be ideal. The fact is that metal or plastic is capable of chemical reaction with essential oil.
A simple comb is a great way to work your hair all the way down. However, in most cases, peppermint oil has an effect on the scalp and hair roots. That is why, for this procedure, it is better to purchase a special round massage brush. It is necessary to apply the oil evenly, after which the scalp and hair roots are treated with gentle massaging movements, gradually moving along the entire length of the strands.
Provided that such a simple procedure is carried out regularly, the onset of hair loss, dandruff and oily roots can be prevented. Of course, brushing your hair will not help get rid of global problems, but it provides complete care and maintains healthy hair. As a result, the strands become soft, smooth, silky, returning strength, healthy shine and volume. With regular brushing, your hair will always have a pleasant scent.
Hair wash
When washing your hair, you can add a few drops of natural peppermint essential oil to the shampoo. After such procedures, the strands become strong, strong, dandruff and oily hair are eliminated. This method should be used with extreme caution by owners of dry and severely damaged hair. The disadvantage of this method is that the product is almost completely washed off from the strands, so the benefit will be minimal.
Hair rinsing and cosmetic masks
These methods are not only the most effective, but also contribute to the accelerated restoration and strengthening of hair, especially if there is a tendency to hair loss. To rinse the hair, a small amount of oil is dissolved in water, after which the composition is applied to the strands. This procedure helps to get rid of dandruff, oiliness and stop hair loss.
The effect of natural oil is most effective in combination with other tonic and nutritious products. In order to quickly stop hair loss and accelerate hair growth, as well as to combat dandruff, it is recommended to use easy-to-prepare cosmetic masks. In most cases, it is enough to leave such formulations on the hair for only 10-15 minutes.
Homemade hair masks with peppermint oil

To stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair, it is recommended to add a few drops of natural peppermint essential oil to the cosmetic mask. You can use ready-made masks or make them yourself. A positive result will be noticeable after several applications of such formulations.
Mask with honey, cinnamon and vegetable oil
- Take liquid honey (1 tbsp. L.), Slightly warmed vegetable oil (castor, burdock, almond, olive or argan).
- Add cinnamon powder (1 tsp), mint oil (2-3 drops).
- The composition is applied before washing the hair and evenly distributed over dry hair.
- To achieve maximum benefit, it is recommended to wrap the hair in a layer of polyethylene and insulate with a towel.
- The mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo after 20-30 minutes.
Mask with ginger root and mint oil
- Vegetable oil is heated (it is advisable to use sunflower or olive oil).
- The ginger root is finely ground and added to the oil.
- A few drops of peppermint oil are added.
- The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair for 15–20 minutes.
This mask must be used very carefully for dry hair, as the action of ginger can be too aggressive.
Egg yolk and mint oil mask
- To prepare this mask, you need to take a small amount of slightly warmed vegetable oil (castor or burdock).
- One egg yolk is introduced and all components are thoroughly mixed until the composition acquires a uniform consistency.
- A little peppermint essential oil is added.
- The composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, after which the head is covered with polyethylene and insulated with a towel.
- The mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo after half an hour.
- To enhance the positive effect, vitamin E and A can be added to the mask.
This mask moisturizes and nourishes the hair, so it is recommended to do it before each shampooing.
Mask with aloe juice, castor oil and mint oil
- Castor oil is recommended to fight dandruff, as it has an antifungal effect, saturating the scalp with valuable nutrients.
- Castor oil is mixed with aloe vera juice, which can be purchased over the counter.
- A few drops of peppermint oil are added to the composition and the composition is applied to the hair for 40 minutes.
- It is recommended to make such a mask before washing your hair.
Mask with mint oil and green clay
- Green clay has a valuable disinfecting effect and is therefore recommended for the treatment of oily and dry dandruff.
- Clay can be used in powder form or diluted.
- The clay powder is dissolved with a little water, then a few drops of peppermint essential oil are added.
- The composition is applied to the hair and scalp.
- After the composition hardens, the mask is washed off with warm water.
These masks are very simple to prepare, but they help to care for and restore damaged and weakened hair. Most importantly, to achieve the desired result, you need to apply peppermint oil regularly, at least 1-2 times a week.