Lavender essential oil for beauty and health of hair

Lavender essential oil for beauty and health of hair
Lavender essential oil for beauty and health of hair

Lavender oil helps to get rid of dandruff, eliminate brittle hair, and restore its healthy natural shine. Learn how to use this product in hair care. Content:

  • Benefits of lavender oil
  • Lavender oil composition
  • Aroma combing hair
  • Hair use
  • Contraindications for use

Lavender essential oil is considered versatile, as it is widely used in various fields, such as cooking, perfumery, aromatherapy and cosmetology. It becomes simply irreplaceable for hair, helping to strengthen it, restore beauty, solve the problem of brittleness and split ends, and has a positive effect on the scalp.

Benefits of lavender essential oil for hair

Lavender hair oil
Lavender hair oil

Lavender oil is becoming an indispensable tool in hair care, because it can help solve various problems. It differs in the following properties:

  1. It has a fresh, pleasant and soothing scent, so it helps not only relieve stress and insomnia, but also soothe irritated scalp. Recommended for use in certain skin diseases.
  2. Lavender oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Due to these properties, it should be used for scratches or other damage to the skin. Helps get rid of dandruff and itching, makes hair beautiful, thick and healthy.
  3. Thanks to the regular use of homemade cosmetic masks, which contain lavender essential oil, the hair follicle is strengthened. As a result, the structure of the hair is improved from the inside and along the entire length, and its growth is activated. Recommended for frequent use in case of hair loss.
  4. Lavender oil has nourishing and moisturizing properties, so it fills hair with vitality and natural shine. If there is a problem of lifeless, brittle and dull hair, increased fat content, you must use masks with this oil or apply a couple of drops to a comb and simply comb the strands.

Lavender oil is often added to professional cosmetics - shampoos, balms, masks, rinses, etc.

Lavender oil composition

Lavender essential oil
Lavender essential oil

Thanks to the set of useful components that make up this product, it is ideal for any hair type:

  • Resins … Provide reliable protection of hair, thickening it at the roots, a thin film forms on the surface, which neutralizes the negative influence from the environment.
  • Valeric acid … Has a calming effect, relieves inflammation, itching, headache.
  • Citral and Caproic Acid … They are among the natural antiseptics, so they help get rid of inflammation of the scalp.
  • Cineol … Promotes the removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the epidermis, gives hair a pleasant lavender scent.
  • Tannins … These include tannin. They give the strands reliable protection from negative solar or temperature effects.
  • Ursolic acid … Helps in the fight against oily hair, normalizes the production of sebum.

Aroma combing hair with lavender oil

Brushing your hair with lavender oil
Brushing your hair with lavender oil

It is very helpful to use lavender oil during aroma combing. Due to the regular conduct of such a cosmetic procedure, the condition of the hair improves, the curls acquire a beautiful shine.

For this purpose, a fine comb is taken, on which literally a couple of drops of lavender essential oil are applied. Then, for 10 minutes, the hair is carefully combed, it is advisable to move the comb in different directions so that the oil is evenly distributed over the strands. After such a procedure, a beautiful shine of hair appears, it becomes perfectly smooth.

Aroma combing is an effective scalp massage by stroking the crown of the head with your fingers at the same time. Movements should be light, circular. This procedure helps to speed up blood circulation, enhances metabolic processes in the scalp. As a result, lavender oil penetrates directly into the hair roots, nourishing and saturating them with vitamins and microelements. This procedure helps to accelerate hair growth, make it thicker, and prevent the problem of hair loss.

To perform a head massage, you can take burdock, olive oil or jojoba as a basic remedy: for 2 tbsp. l. base is added 4 drops of lavender oil. The most important thing is to stir the oil mixture well so that the lavender oil is evenly distributed over the base. If necessary, the composition can be slightly warmed up in a steam bath, making the massage procedure much more effective. Lavender oil easily penetrates the pores, nourishes the hair follicle from the inside, as a result of which the problem of hair loss is solved.

Using lavender oil for hair

Applying a lavender oil mask to hair
Applying a lavender oil mask to hair

Before you start using lavender oil, you need to remember that it has a fairly high degree of concentration, so it is not recommended to take it as a base oil or apply it to strands (scalp) in a pure, undiluted form.

Features of using lavender essential oil for hair:

  1. Treatment of seborrhea and dandruff … To make a medicinal rinse, you need to take honey (50 g) and mix with baking soda or salt (used as an emulsifier). Warm water (500 g) and lavender oil (3 drops) are added. The oil must be mixed with an emulsifier, then it dissolves in water. After each shampooing, the hair is rinsed with this solution (a new one is prepared each time, cannot be stored) along the entire length. This procedure is allowed to be performed daily to improve the general condition of the scalp.
  2. Hair restoration … This recipe will help you quickly restore lifeless, dull and injured strands. As a basis, 30 g of sunflower oil is taken (you can use almond, jojoba, burdock or grape). It is heated with steam, 4 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of ylang-ylang and rosewood ether are added, egg yolk is driven in. All components are thoroughly mixed until the composition acquires a homogeneous consistency. The resulting product is evenly distributed from the roots to the very ends of the hair, then a plastic bag is put on the head. After 20 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. After a week, the mask is re-applied, the full course of treatment is 2 months. Such a cosmetic procedure will help get rid of dandruff, irritation, the hair is perfectly moisturized, and combing is facilitated.
  3. Head lice treatment … For this purpose, the following remedy is being prepared: 3 tbsp. l. olive oil with 2 drops of lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree oil. The resulting mixture is applied over the entire length of the hair and evenly distributed. A plastic bag is put on the head, after 20 minutes the mask is washed off with any shampoo. After several procedures, the head lice problem will be solved.
  4. Conditioner rinse … Suitable for regular use. To prepare it, take a lavender (linden or chamomile) color and pour 60 g of apple cider vinegar. The composition is poured into a dark glass container and tightly covered with a lid, left for a week. After a specified period of time, the infusion is diluted with warm boiled water (no more than 3 glasses). Then 2 drops of lavender extract are added and the rinse is evenly distributed over the entire length of the curls. A towel is wrapped around your head, and after 10 minutes you need to rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water. Leftover conditioner can be refrigerated for a while, but must be steamed slightly before use, and then lavender oil is added.
  5. Colored hair care … For injured and colored hair, it is useful to regularly use the following remedy: mix 3 tbsp. l. jojoba oil with 5 drops of lavender oil and rosemary, 2 drops of thyme extract are injected. The oil mixture is slightly heated with steam, then applied to wet strands, washed off with shampoo after 10 minutes.

If lavender oil is added to cosmetics, you need to follow a certain scheme: 1 tsp. the main drug is taken 2-4 drops of oil. The resulting composition should be used immediately after preparation and not stored, since the essential oil begins to lose its beneficial properties over time. Such funds can be used 3 times a week.

Contraindications to the use of lavender oil

Using lavender oil
Using lavender oil

Lavender oil for hair has a lot of positive qualities and helps to solve various cosmetic problems, but it also has certain contraindications for use:

  • Forbidden in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Not recommended for lavender allergies.
  • It has a strong relaxing effect, therefore it is forbidden for people suffering from low blood pressure, otherwise a strong feeling of weakness, loss of strength may appear.
  • You can not combine the use of concentrated lavender oil in the case of taking medications with iron and iodine.

How to use lavender oil for hair - watch the video:

[media = v = 6wrcXSIKXMo] Lavender oil helps to preserve beauty and youth, gives emotional balance and tranquility. With its regular use in hair care, your curls will shine with a healthy shine, acquire silky softness and dazzling beauty.
