Best egg hair mask recipes

Best egg hair mask recipes
Best egg hair mask recipes

Learn how to make simple and effective egg hair masks at home. The recipes are light and versatile, and the ingredients are in every refrigerator. Every girl dreams of having beautiful, shiny, lush and gorgeous hair, but nature has not rewarded everyone with such a gift. It is the appearance of the hair that is given the most attention than everything else. Constant styling, use of a hair dryer, dyeing and the use of various foams have a negative effect on the condition of the hair.

To get beautiful and well-groomed curls, you need to put a lot of effort every day. To improve the appearance and health of your hair, it is better to use natural and simple products. For example, beauty masks based on eggs are an excellent option.

Benefits of egg hair masks

Chicken egg yolk close up
Chicken egg yolk close up

The best hair care product should only be of natural origin. Easy-to-make egg masks can do wonders for your hair. It is quite enough to regularly do such masks for one month, and you simply do not recognize your own hair. No modern and expensive shampoo will help to achieve such an effect.

Egg masks have a lot of positive qualities:

  1. The yolk contains a large amount of sulfur, phosphorus and iron. These components will return the hair a beautiful glossy shine, softness and silkiness. Also, such an unpleasant problem as dandruff is eliminated.
  2. The egg contains various groups of vitamins that reliably protect hair from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and other external factors.
  3. The egg also contains lecithin, which has a regenerating and healing effect on injured, weakened and damaged hair. As a result, the strands become soft, smooth, silky, and styling is easier.

Rules for using egg hair masks

Egg mask on girl hair
Egg mask on girl hair

In order for the use of egg masks to bring the maximum benefit to your hair, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. Eggs that are not cold should be used, therefore, a few hours before the preparation of the mask, they must be removed from the refrigerator.
  2. Before the yolk is introduced into the mask, the film must be removed from it. If this is not done, it will be extremely problematic to wash off the mask from the hair.
  3. Eggs are beaten with a fork until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. The finished mask is rubbed only into dry hair, since the composition will drain from wet strands.
  5. Rinse off the mask only with cold water, which will help to avoid egg curdling. It is strictly forbidden to use hot water.
  6. To prepare the mask, it is better to use homemade eggs, since they contain much more vitamins and minerals, in contrast to the product purchased in the store.
  7. Quail eggs bring invaluable benefits for hair.

Homemade egg hair mask recipes

Girl with long hair and several chicken eggs
Girl with long hair and several chicken eggs

Today, there is just a huge number of a wide variety of recipes for preparing effective and completely natural egg masks designed for hair care. You can use ready-made recipes or add other components. However, egg masks are not recommended for very dry and weak hair. But such formulations will be a real salvation for oily hair.

Protein Purifying Mask

  1. The combination of egg white with kefir is ideal for the care of oily hair at the roots and porous along its entire length.
  2. The mask helps to perform not only deep cleansing, but also restores glossy shine, softness and silkiness to the hair.
  3. To prepare the mask, protein is mixed, pre-whipped to a thick foam, with fatty kefir (0.5 tbsp.).
  4. The resulting composition is applied in a dense layer to the strands, after which you need to wrap your head in a layer of cling film.
  5. After 60 minutes, rinse off the remnants of the product with cool water and wash your hair with any mild shampoo.

Egg mask shampoo

  1. Take the egg white and beat until a thick mass is obtained.
  2. The composition is applied to the hair, a little water is added to get lather.
  3. The hair is massaged for a few minutes and then washed out with plenty of cool water.
  4. This cleanser should only be used on dry hair.

Lemon egg hair mask

  1. This product is ideal for treating oily hair.
  2. You will need to take egg yolk and lemon juice, which helps to remove the layer of sebum from the scalp.
  3. Egg yolk perfectly nourishes and protects hair from the effects of various negative environmental factors.
  4. Juice from half a lemon and two egg yolks are mixed.
  5. The resulting composition is applied to the hair with light massaging movements, the strands are crumpled within a few minutes.
  6. Hair should not be washed before the procedure, and it must be completely dry.
  7. Then the head needs to be wrapped in a layer of polyethylene and a warm towel.
  8. After 40 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water without using shampoo.

Olive oil and egg mask

  1. For brittle and weakened hair, it is recommended to use a mixture of egg and olive oil.
  2. However, adding olive oil to the composition of the product is necessary only for owners of dry hair type; for oily hair, you need to use alcohol.
  3. To prepare the mask, take one egg yolk and the juice of half a lemon, after which olive oil (30 ml) is added.
  4. Then 100 ml of water is injected, and the resulting composition is applied to the hair, left until completely absorbed.
  5. Rinse out the remnants of the mask with cool water and a mild shampoo.

Egg mask for thickening and growing hair

  1. Regular use of such a composition with the addition of burdock oil helps to accelerate hair growth and thickness.
  2. You will need to take burdock oil (30 ml), cognac (30 ml) and an egg (1 pc.).
  3. All components are thoroughly mixed and then rubbed into the hair.
  4. The mask is left on for 60 minutes, then washed off with plenty of cool water and a mild shampoo.
  5. If the hair is very porous and badly damaged, it is recommended to apply a little balm before rinsing the mask.
  6. A full course of treatment should last at least 3 months.
  7. You need to apply such a mask every three days.

Egg mask for dry hair

  1. It is necessary to mix egg yolk (2-3 pcs.) With the pulp of a ripe banana and butter (1 tsp).
  2. In order for the composition to be homogeneous, the banana pulp must first be chopped with a blender until puree is obtained.
  3. The finished mask is applied to the hair and left on for 30 minutes.
  4. The composition is washed off with cool water and a mild shampoo.

Egg and cognac mask

Masks with the addition of cognac are ideal for the care of brittle and weak hair. Such formulations have the following effect:

  • restore the damaged hair structure;
  • hair returns softness and silkiness;
  • returns the natural glossy shine to the strands;
  • increased blood circulation of the scalp, thereby eliminating the problem of hair loss;
  • roots are strengthened;
  • hair growth accelerates.

The composition of cognac contains unique tannins, thanks to which the process of sebum production is normalized. This factor is very important for those with oily hair.

It is recommended to regularly use brandy hair masks in the following cases:

  • dandruff;
  • loss of volume;
  • slow hair growth;
  • split ends problem;
  • if the scalp is too dry or oily;
  • after perming or dyeing hair.

For the care of colored hair, it is recommended to regularly use the following mask:

  1. Take coffee (1 tsp.), Egg (1 pc.) And cognac (3 dessert spoons).
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the composition is applied to the entire length of the hair.
  3. After 50-60 minutes, you need to wash your hair well with cool water, but without using shampoo.
  4. You can add a little lemon juice or herbal decoction to the rinse water.

The following mask is ideal for nourishing and saturating the hair with useful substances:

  1. Take egg yolk (2 pcs.), Corn oil (1 tbsp. L.), Cognac (1 tbsp. L.).
  2. The yolks and oil are heated in a steam bath and then mixed with brandy.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the hair roots and evenly distributed over the entire length.
  4. The head must be insulated with a towel, thereby enhancing the effect of the mask.
  5. After 45 minutes, residues are washed off with plenty of cool water and a mild shampoo to remove the oil.

To restore damaged and brittle hair, it is recommended to use the following composition:

  1. Egg yolk (1 pc.), Natural honey (1 tsp.), Cognac (1 tbsp. L.) Are mixed.
  2. The number of components may vary depending on the length of the hair.
  3. The resulting composition is rubbed into the hair with gentle movements.
  4. After 45 minutes, the remnants of the product are washed off with cool water.

To strengthen hair, if there is a problem with hair loss, a mask such as:

  1. Take cognac (1 tsp), dry yeast (0.5 tsp), honey (2 tbsp), burdock oil (2 tbsp), kefir (1 tsp), egg yolk (2 pcs.), castor oil (2 tbsp. l.).
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The resulting composition is slightly warmed up in a water bath and applied to the hair.
  4. To enhance the effect of the mask, it is recommended that the hair be wrapped in a layer of polyethylene and insulated with a towel.
  5. After 40 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with cool water using shampoo.

For split ends, the following mask is an excellent solution:

  1. To prepare the mask, you will need to take cognac (1 tbsp. L.), Olive oil (2 tbsp. L.), Colorless henna (1 tsp. L.), Egg yolk (1 pc.).
  2. All components are well mixed to obtain a homogeneous thick composition.
  3. The mass is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, gently rubbed into the scalp.
  4. Hair is wrapped in a layer of polyethylene and insulated with a towel.
  5. After 40 minutes, the remnants of the product are washed off with cool water and shampoo.

In the event that it is required to restore the hair structure, it is recommended to make a mask with the addition of wheat germ:

  1. The mask contains milk (4 tbsp. L.), Cognac (1 tbsp. L.), Egg yolk (1 pc.), Wheat germ oil (10 drops), dry yeast (1 tsp.).
  2. First, yeast is taken and dissolved in warm milk.
  3. The egg yolk is mixed with wheat germ oil.
  4. Both mixtures are combined and cognac is introduced.
  5. The resulting composition is rubbed into the hair roots, after which it is evenly distributed over the entire length.
  6. The mask is washed off after 30 minutes with cold water using shampoo.

A mask with an egg, cognac and vitamins is ideal for nourishing hair:

  1. Take vitamin A (20 drops), cognac (3 tbsp. L.), Egg yolk (2 pcs.), Natural honey (2 tbsp. L.).
  2. The composition is applied to the hair for half an hour.
  3. The mask is washed off with cold water and shampoo.

Egg and aloe mask

In order for egg masks to bring maximum benefits for hair, it is recommended to add aloe to their composition:

  1. You will need to take a leaf of aloe, honey (1 tbsp. L.), Burdock oil (1 tsp.), Cognac (1 tsp.) And egg yolk (1 pc.). Instead of burdock oil, you can use castor oil.
  2. First, the aloe pulp is crushed and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. The composition is applied to clean hair.
  4. After 2, 5 hours, you need to wash off the mask with cool water using shampoo.

Honey and egg hair mask

Egg masks with the addition of natural honey have excellent properties. In order for the procedures to be of maximum benefit, after applying the composition, the hair must be wrapped in a layer of polyethylene and insulated with a towel.

If you are using candied honey, it must first be melted in a steam bath or mixed with a little warm water. It is recommended to use such a mask once a week, and a positive result will be noticeable in a month, as the condition of the hair will significantly improve.

You can use the following composition:

  1. Burdock oil (2 tablespoons), cinnamon powder (1 tablespoon), honey (2 tablespoons) and egg yolk (1 piece) are mixed.
  2. The resulting mask is applied to the hair and left on for 90 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, the hair should be thoroughly washed with cool water using a mild shampoo.

Regular use of easy-to-make beauty masks helps to care, nourish and repair weakened and injured hair. The main thing is that only natural and high-quality products are included in the composition of the masks.

A collection of the best recipes for egg hair masks in the following video: