Katyk is a traditional drink of the peoples of Central Asia

Katyk is a traditional drink of the peoples of Central Asia
Katyk is a traditional drink of the peoples of Central Asia

What is katyk, how is it prepared? Calorie content and chemical composition, useful properties and contraindications for use. Recipes for dishes from a fermented milk product and interesting facts about it. The drink creates a film on the surface of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, prevents the development of peptic ulcer disease.

Knowing what katyk is useful for, you can stay beautiful and young. The product is used as an ingredient in home cosmetics. If you make hair masks with it, you can get rid of dandruff, prevent flaking. Facial products soften, nourish, improve color and prevent acne.

Contraindications and harm of katyk

Peptic ulcer
Peptic ulcer

It is advisable not to introduce the drink to the menu for young children and pregnant women, if they were not familiar with the new taste before.

Damage to katyk can be provoked with increased acidity, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, with lactose intolerance.

You should not get carried away with the product during obesity, with constipation, with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and constant heartburn.

There is debate over whether the katyk contributes to weight gain. The drink is quite thick and fatty, but if you do not abuse it, it is impossible to get better.

Recipes for dishes and drinks with katyk

Kurt on a plate
Kurt on a plate

The sweet drink is drunk, or rather eaten, by itself, and various dishes and seasonings are prepared from the sour. Bashkirs and Tatars improve the taste by adding cereals and vegetables, beets and cherry juice, spices, fresh and dried herbs, mineral water.

Katyk recipes:

  • Salma … Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add half an onion and two diced potatoes. While everything is boiling, knead the dough for dumplings. Beat the egg, add some salt, add 2 tablespoons of water and so much wheat flour to make a liquid elastic dough, resembling thick sour cream in structure. The dough is little by little scooped up with a teaspoon or dessert spoon and dipped in a boiling broth. When the potatoes are boiled, they mix the hot soup with the katyk, stirring constantly. Cook for another 10 minutes, adding spices to taste. Sprinkle with herbs before serving. How to cook katyk if there is no finished product at hand: 200 g of cottage cheese is mixed with ice water and 1 chicken egg. Stir vigorously with a hand blender or whisk, adding sour cream to achieve a thick texture.
  • Sihomon … Mash, 1, 5 cups, pour boiling water for 2-3 hours, then put to cook, pour 1.5 liters of water. As soon as the beans begin to boil, add the corn noodles. It is prepared in advance: a glass of corn flour is kneaded into a quarter of a glass of salted water, the batch is passed through a meat grinder. Allow to dry. Katyk, 1 l, mixed with ghee, 2 tablespoons. The soup is allowed to brew for 10 minutes, half a teaspoon of red pepper is added. Then the oil mixture is poured in.
  • Suzma … This curd can be made by making katyk at home. It is difficult to separate whey from a "store-bought" drink - even the most natural product contains a certain amount of preservatives. The drink is made according to any of the above recipe, but the amount of sourdough is increased so that everything quickly sours. You can bring the finished product to a boil by adding a little citric acid. Fold the gauze in several layers, decant the serum and separate the thick. In 3-4 hours the Suzma will be ready. Sugar, cream, jam or honey are added before serving.
  • Kurt … When preparing homemade katyk, it is evaporated much longer than usual, so that the amount of liquid is reduced by 1/3. Then they make a suzma, trying to remove as much water as possible. Suzma is salted, to taste, rolled into balls, cakes are formed and put under oppression. After 4-5 hours, spread the curd cakes on a clean wooden board, cover with gauze and expose to the sun. Can be dried in the shade, in a ventilated area. You can also add spices of your choice and herbs to the cheese.
  • Dolmas tavern (stuffed zucchini) … Zucchini, 1 kg, peeled, choose the core. Rice is washed, poured with clean water. Minced meat is made from meat, passing through a meat grinder with tomatoes, onions, salt and pepper, add rice. Zucchini is stuffed, put in a saucepan, simmer until meat is cooked. Sprinkle with herbs during cooking, and just before turning off, pour in the katyk and immediately turn it off, leaving it to brew for 10 minutes.
  • Seafood with katyk … The shrimp are cleaned, the esophagus must be removed, boiled for 1-2 minutes in salt water. Beat equal amounts of cream and katyk in a blender bowl, add some salt. Shrimp and orange slices, cut into pieces, are placed on a plate, after removing the white films. Pour milk sauce on top.
  • Okroshka … Boiled lamb without fat, boiled eggs, dill, green onions, fresh cucumbers are cut. Homemade kvass is mixed with katyk - 3: 1, all ingredients are combined. Salt, add sugar. Pour in food ice before serving.

Drinks with katyk:

  1. Green cocktail … Katyk is poured into earthenware, finely chopped dill is poured, salt is added. Proportions: 1 liter of drink, 100 g of dill, 10 g of salt. The container is tightly corked and removed to a warm place for 3 months.
  2. Smoothie … Katyk is poured into a blender, grated chocolate and banana pieces are added.

Interesting facts about katyk

Katyk with greens
Katyk with greens

This drink began to be made more than 2000 years ago. In the annals of the ancient Bulgars, there is a description of the menu at the meeting of the Bulgar king Almush and the Baghdad caliph (922 AD). The distinguished guest, who agreed to convert to Islam on their lands, was treated to millet porridge, meat cooked on a fire in various ways, bread and katyk.

In 1722, in Kazan, Peter the Great was treated to katyk, who inspected the troops before the campaign against Prussia. The wealthy Kazan merchant Ivan Mikhlyaev celebrated his anniversary and impressed the tsar with an outlandish drink.

At that time, they did not yet know how katyk was useful, but they were always served with abundant feasts. Peter I was surprised: despite the plentiful table, with hot, liquid dishes and sweets, no problems with digestion arose. Nobody complained about the hangover either.

In Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, katyk is as popular as kefir and yogurt. It is eaten with dumplings, pancakes, thirst quencher and snacks during hard working days. Drinking the drink daily will help keep you healthy and alert.

What is katyk - watch the video:

When purchasing a product from the bazaar, you need to pay attention to the structure. It should be completely homogeneous, without clots, color - white, smell - fresh, milky. When buying in a store, you need to check the integrity of the packaging and look at the labeling.
