What to drink after exercise? Post Workout Drink Recipes

What to drink after exercise? Post Workout Drink Recipes
What to drink after exercise? Post Workout Drink Recipes

Athletes are constantly in need of nutrients. Find out what is best to drink after a workout session. The article contains simple and healthy recipes for drinks. The lack of nutrients that athletes need can be replenished not only with food, but also with various drinks. It is about what to drink after a workout that the conversation will go on today. Also, in the final part of the article, there will be recipes for post-workout drinks that each athlete can prepare on their own.

The need for post-workout drinks

The athlete drinks after training
The athlete drinks after training

To provide the body with energy during intense training, carbohydrates are primarily needed. At the same time, one immediately remembers glycogen, which is a kind of energy reserve. This substance can only accumulate in certain quantities and it is very important to restore its reserve after the completion of the training. The rate of recovery of the body depends on the rate of restoration of glycogen reserves.

Also important for faster recovery and rehydration. With a decrease in the level of fluid in the body by 2% of body weight, a person's working capacity significantly decreases. There are two steps to restoring glycogen stores:

  • Fast (first) - its duration is from 30 to 60 minutes and this process takes place without the use of insulin;
  • Slow (second) - at this stage insulin is already needed.

Insulin is important and at the first stage, recovery is fast enough, and insulin sensitivity is at a high level. The need to consume carbohydrates after training is proven by a study conducted on cyclists. When carbohydrates were consumed two hours after the end of the training session, glycogen recovered 45% slower than when carbohydrates were consumed immediately after the training session.

A very interesting parameter is the rate of glycogen assimilation by the body. Another study found that carbohydrates are best consumed in small portions and often after exercise. The body also requires protein compounds to accelerate the recovery of muscle tissue microtraumas obtained during training. The result is a post-workout formula for those substances:

  • High glycemic carbohydrates;
  • Amino acid compounds;
  • An electrolyte complex composed of chloride, potassium and sodium.

By consuming a cocktail containing the above ingredients, the body will be able to:

  • Replenish glycogen stores;
  • Get material for the synthesis of muscle tissue;
  • Restore the water level;
  • Quench your thirst.

Recommended Post-Workout Drinks

Bottles to carry your workout drink with you
Bottles to carry your workout drink with you

However, don't think that the above post-workout drink recipe should always be used. For training of a certain duration and intensity, an appropriate drink should be used. The type of training also influences this choice.

Water after exercise

Water is poured into a glass
Water is poured into a glass

When it comes to what to drink after training for athletes after completing a training session, it should immediately be said about water. Ordinary boiled and filtered water, which should be the main drink. It doesn't matter what the intensity of your workout, but you should always have water with you.

It should be consumed every 20 minutes or when dry mouth occurs. It is even better if the water is melted or structured. This liquid is able to more "revive" the body and give it energy. The only thing to pay attention to is where it was poured. From mineral waters it is worth using "Essentuki" and "Karachinskaya". Of course, you should first release gas from it and only after that drink.

Sports drinks

Bottled sports drinks
Bottled sports drinks

Speaking of sports drinks, I mean the so-called isotonic drinks. They are designed to restore electrolyte balance and provide the body with additional energy. Isotonic contains 14 grams of carbohydrates per 250 milliliters of water. Thanks to this, fatigue is removed and energy reserves are restored. Also, the body receives the necessary mineral complex to increase endurance. The best time to consume isotonic is endurance training and long training sessions.


Energy drinks in cans
Energy drinks in cans

This group of drinks should include various energizers and drinks containing caffeine. The most popular drink in this group is Red Bull. Energy drinks are consumed only during a training session to increase reaction, endurance and concentration. After training, it makes no sense to use them, moreover, it can even be harmful, as it will slow down the rate of glycogen recovery.

Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk in a glass
Chocolate milk in a glass

A good choice for athletes doing strength training or gaining weight. This drink contains protein compounds and carbohydrates in a good combination. In addition, chocolate milk contains minerals and vitamins. This product from domestic manufacturers is of rather low quality and it is better to use goods from world brands, for example, TruMoo. Those who wish to make this drink on their own can be given a simple recipe for a post-workout drink - mix milk powder and cocoa powder. The drink is ready.


Fruit and vegetable juices in glasses
Fruit and vegetable juices in glasses

Of course, the juice must be natural. Various juice drinks or nectars are not suitable. Juices contain a large number of different substances that athletes need to accelerate recovery. For example, cherry juice contains substances that relieve swelling and inflammation, as well as relieve pain in the muscles.

Gainers & Protein Shakes

Gainers & Protein Drinks
Gainers & Protein Drinks

These drinks are specially formulated to accelerate recovery processes. Thanks to their use, the body receives protein compounds, restores sugar levels. In this case, you first need to increase the sugar level by taking a gainer, after which you can use a protein shake.

These are all the basic drinks that should be mentioned when answering the question of what to drink after a workout.

Post Workout Drink Recipes

Cocktail in a glass with a straw
Cocktail in a glass with a straw

And as promised, here are a couple of post-workout drink recipes that you can quickly prepare yourself.

Cocktail "Vitamin"

Ingredients for a vitamin cocktail on a leaf
Ingredients for a vitamin cocktail on a leaf

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Water - 250 milliliters;
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • Tableted glucose - 4 tablets;
  • Rosehip syrup - 2 tablespoons;
  • Freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.

Cocktail "Lip is not stupid"

The ingredients for the "Lip is not stupid" cocktail written on the leaf
The ingredients for the "Lip is not stupid" cocktail written on the leaf

The following ingredients are required:

  • Chocolate protein - 1 milliliter;
  • Almond milk - 150 milliliters;
  • Cottage cheese (low-fat) - 100 grams;
  • Peanut butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • Ice - 1 cup.

Learn more about post-workout drinks and making a quick protein shake in this video:
