The article describes all the advantages and disadvantages of juices. Learn what is best to drink before, during, and after your workout. Everyone needs to replenish their body fluids daily. Without it, he simply will not be able to function normally, as a result of which dehydration occurs, and sometimes irreversible and even lethal consequences. You can quench your thirst with different drinks - plain or mineral water, compotes, juices and much more.
The benefits of natural juices
Always, since childhood, they tried to give us juice. And not in vain, since they are a real storehouse of many vitamins and minerals. Vegetable, fruit or berry juices are very important in an athlete's diet. They are able not only to quench their thirst after intense workouts, but also to replenish the reserves of all essential vitamins.
First of all, juices, especially those made from yellow or orange fruits, contain a lot of carotene, in addition, they are rich in:
- vitamin C;
- nicotinic acid;
- ascorbic acid;
- various amino acids.
In general, absolutely any juice contains a certain set of certain useful microelements. The advantage of such a drink, in contrast to fresh fruits, is in the better digestibility of elements from a liquid form than from a solid one. Modern production allows the processing to preserve most of the vitamins contained in raw vegetables and fruits. But the question always arises: is the use of juice or harm?
The systematic use of juices can improve the functioning of many body systems, since these drinks:
- normalize metabolism;
- strengthen the immune properties, protecting against the penetration of infections;
- act as antidepressants, calming the nervous system in stressful situations;
- improve the process of assimilation of food by activating the work of the digestive glands.
This indicator is very important for bodybuilders, especially during the period of weight gain, when it is necessary to eat large amounts of protein foods.
Due to the presence of potassium salts, many types of juices help to remove excess fluid from the body and, accordingly, reduce swelling, which also has a positive effect on gaining lean muscle mass. The fiber content improves intestinal motility, but in large quantities it can have a laxative effect.
Which juice should you choose?

Juices are important in the athlete's diet, they can not only quench their thirst after intense training, but also replenish the reserves of all the necessary vitamins.
Of course, juice is not a panacea - remember that it is only a food product. But nevertheless, there is a benefit from it, although it is not visible to the naked eye, and does not come instantly.
For athletes, it is important to choose juices with a high fructose content and a minimum, or even better - with a complete lack of sucrose. Repeated studies have confirmed the information that sucrose contributes to the growth of body fat, the accumulation of bad cholesterol and the development of many cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, healthy juices are based on fructose - the fruit's own sweetness. For example, apple juice contains four times more fructose than sucrose, while cherry juice contains 15 times more. For people watching their diet, it is very important to know the answer: "Juices - benefits and harms?".
The need for juices increases in the winter-spring period, when the choice of fresh fruits is minimal, and the supply of vitamins in the body has been practically depleted since summer. If we talk about the choice between packaged and freshly squeezed juice, the advantage belongs to the second. Despite the preservation of many nutrients in the packaged product, some of the vitamins and microelements evaporate at the time of heat treatment. A freshly prepared drink must be drunk immediately after its preparation, within half an hour. It was at this time that all useful substances were concentrated in it.
The harm of natural juice
Besides the benefits, which are of course significant, there is also harm. In packaged versions of mass production, there is a possibility of preservatives added to increase the shelf life of the product.
If we talk about home-made juices, after half an hour of finding freshly made juice without sterilization and heat treatment, the likelihood of the formation of various bacteria and harmful microorganisms increases. In production, this possibility is excluded.
It is important to note that harm can be caused not only by violated cooking standards, but also as a result of prolonged intake of one type of juice. For example, high doses of carrot juice can trigger the development of jaundice as a result of its high beta-carotene content. Pomegranate juice is difficult for the stomach, especially people suffering from ulcers or gastritis can notice this. Do not take medications with citrus juices, as they lose their properties. And taking juices on an empty stomach can provoke an increase in acidity, thereby corroding the walls of the stomach.
Natural juice - composition

Despite the existing disadvantages, the correct use of juices, without abuse, has much more advantages. Regarding the benefits specifically for athletes, it consists in the ingestion of the following elements into the body:
- Carotene - promotes muscle growth by improving protein synthesis, and also increases the content of glycogen in the body, which is an energy reserve for physical activity.
- Thiamine - this trace element improves oxygen transport, participates in the process of cell growth and protein production.
- Riboflavin - This element is involved in the metabolic processes of glucose and proteins, as well as in the oxidation of fatty acids.
- Cyanocobalamin - regulates the content of the amount of carbohydrates.
- Vitamin C - accelerates regenerative processes in cells, increases overall tone, balances the work of the nervous system and protects the body from the effects of free radicals.
- A nicotinic acid - helps in reducing the level of harmful cholesterol, participates in the regulation of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, in the processes of biosynthesis.
Any product is good in moderation. Systematic, but in small quantities, the use of vegetable, fruit or berry juices can improve the general condition of the body, give strength and energy, while not causing side effects.
Video about natural juices: