Batrachobia and the main signs of its manifestation. The article will discuss the possible prospect of getting rid of the fear of frogs with a pronounced course of the sounded pathology. Batrakhophobia (bufonophobia) is the presence of panic attacks in a person who is afraid of frogs and toads. At the same time, some people cannot even look at a voiced amphibian, which is not an adequate response to a harmless creature. However, these tailless representatives of the fauna live in almost every corner of the globe, so you should get rid of irrational fears about frogs.
The causes of batrachophobia

In most cases, people have a negative attitude towards those objects and phenomena that frighten them or cause disgust. Batrachophobia usually develops on this fertile soil, transforming a person without any phobias into a furious anti-frog fan:
- Disgust … It is much more pleasant to watch cats or goldfish, which by their very appearance evoke positive emotions in humans. At the sight of a frog, the heart will be beating happily exclusively for researchers in the field of batrachology.
- Folk omen … Some people argue that you should not pick up a frog, because after this touch, warts will appear on the body. At the same time, experts do not stop informing the population that it is the virus that causes such unpleasant neoplasms. If in the terrarium with frogs their habitat is not cleaned in time, then the voiced amphibians will simply die.
- Frog myths … Quite often, people who believe any false information succumb to the provocations offered to them. An extremely naive person will take seriously the stories of the Filipinos that people can turn into frogs. Indians from Mexico claim that the described amphibians are the progenitors of all mankind. However, an adequate person will only smile when voicing information of such a plan.
- Rejection of vocal sounds … Batrahophobes sometimes react calmly to the creativity offered by speed metal meters. At the same time, they cannot stand the croaking of frogs, which brings them out of balance. However, in the same Mordovia, people specially went to water bodies to enjoy the sounds that toads make.
- Culinary delights … In this case, it is not necessary to prove to some people that frog legs are an exquisite delicacy and taste like the meat of a young chicken. At the very thought of such a delicacy from France, many people may develop batrachophobia due to a feeling of disgust for the proposed dish.
- Bad smell … A person is sometimes ready to invent a problem for himself, which in fact does not exist. Associating toads with the environment where they live, some people are sure of the uncleanliness of the described amphibians. At the same time, science claims the opposite, because the frog will never live in an ecologically dangerous place.
- Fear of death … Having read the relevant literature, impressionable persons see literally in every toad a source of deadly poison. The rich imagination of such persons, who can be safely called batrachophobes, ascribes to the ordinary tree frog the presence of a potent poison in her.
- Mental trauma … A person can watch a motionlessly sitting frog for a long time, examining it and listening to the loud croaking of an amphibian representative of the fauna. However, the inhabitant of swamps and rivers sometimes jumps on a curious visitor to her domain. The fear that a person experiences from the described factor of surprise may well be transformed in the future into batrachophobia.
- Shocking case … In the early 1980s, a rather interesting situation was described in a medical journal. One woman, who had never been afraid of frogs before, began to experience all the unpleasant symptoms of batrachophobia after her lawnmower accidentally killed many amphibians.
The people say that you cannot be lovely by force. However, you can not perceive the same cockroaches or toads at the aesthetic level, but you definitely should not be afraid of them in panic.
Manifestations of fear of frogs in humans

Every person can relate without much sympathy to the voiced species of tailless amphibians. However, a true batrachophobe will always and under any circumstances behave as follows:
- Avoiding visiting water bodies … Even the rides that children love so much, batrahphobes will see them exclusively as a high-risk zone for life. Most swimming circles are created on the principle of the image of a frog, which every child loves so much. However, the batrachophobe will not appreciate such a reincarnation, because he simply will not acquire it.
- Dislike for certain products of the film industry … People who initially dislike horror films will definitely not be able to familiarize themselves with the plot of "Frogs" (USA, 1972) and the narrative of "Reed Toads" (Australia, USA, 2010). When showing these films, they just start to get nervous and switch to another TV channel.
- Somatic reaction … Many people who are unable to adequately assess crisis situations are sweating and pale in front of fear. Some people, at the sight of a frog, begin to clutch at their hearts, sweat and even faint. In very rare cases, they can even be snatched right in the center of events when they meet a toad. They will not agree to touch this unpleasant object under any persuasion.
Top ten main fears of batrachophobes

It should immediately be noted that some frogs are actually very dangerous to human life. However, it is not always the fear of their poison that makes a batrachophobe out of an adequate person.
Among the most terrible factors for people with sounded pathology, the following amphibians should be highlighted:
- Purple frog … The external data of this amphibian cause a feeling of disgust in most people who have met her. The very name of this frog seems rather harmless, but in fact it resembles a piece of jelly of a bright color. The small trunk that the voiced amphibian is equipped with does not add to its attractiveness.
- Glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum) … The voiced endangered amphibian repels people with its skin, which has an unusual structure. Not every wildlife observer will enjoy looking at the insides of a glass frog, which are visible to the naked eye.
- Dart frog … This amphibian has a rather bright color, the color range of which varies based on the subspecies of the frog. Batrahophobes and people who do not suffer from a voiced disease are afraid of poison dart frogs because of their danger to human life. It was the poison of such amphibians that the Indians used to make deadly darts and arrows.
- Goliath … Already by the very name of the frog, one can assume that it reaches an impressive size. Sounded toads weigh almost three kilograms and feed on amphibians, insects, and scorpions. This amphibian definitely does not feed on humans, but batrachophobes are in a state of shock from the size of the goliath.
- Horned frog … Looks like this "beauty" is rather exotic, which is clearly not to the taste of batrakhophobes. The Uruguayan amphibian sometimes reaches 15 cm in length and resembles a multi-colored cake in its appearance.
- Flying frog … In this case, we are not talking about a traveler from a famous animated film. Copepods live in trees and are able to jump from branch to branch. This behavior scares people, because they are used to perceive frogs a little differently.
- Spotted frog … Although this amphibian never attacks first, you should not disturb him under any circumstances. The poison of the Peruvian miracle of nature is capable of sending five people to the next world at a time.
- Terrible leaf climber … Outwardly, such frogs do not cause a wave of outright disgust, because they have a rather pleasant color. By themselves, they are not dangerous, but they should not be touched in any case. Any touch of a person to a leaf climber ends in death for an overly curious person.
- Phyllomedusa … The sounded species of frogs has a double color in the form of a combination of green and purple colors. This amphibian lives in South America, where the local population does not prefer to deal with it. The venom of Phyllomedusa is capable of causing such vivid hallucinations that it is used for this purpose by local tribes that live on the shores of the Amazon.
- Chirikita … Scientists are sounding the alarm because this toad is on the verge of extinction. With a rather small size and a pleasant color for the eyes, Chirikita belongs to the most poisonous amphibians.
False information about frogs

People are often afraid of things that they are not used to in their daily life. In this case, rumors and speculation around amphibians play a huge role, which look like this:
- Frog - a carrier of infection … Some people, for one reason they know, equate the described amphibian with the danger from the same cockroaches and mice. However, our ancestors did not have a refrigerator at one time, so they used frogs and toads for their intended purpose. This amphibian was simply placed in a container with milk so that the frog, with the help of its unique skin, saved the liquid from souring.
- Frogs are the most poisonous creatures … Certainly, some amphibians of this kind are very dangerous because of the lethal substance they release. At the same time, do not forget about the taipan (the death of a hundred people from one bite) and the box jellyfish, which holds the record for toxins.
- The frog is a harbinger of failure … Some people equate the croaking of the described amphibian with the ominous croaking of a crow. However, in Japan, it is the frog that is considered the messenger of great news and well-being. In Ancient Egypt, amphibians were mummified along with important persons, because the local population believed in the ability of frogs to raise from the dead.
- Frogs are harmful creatures … However, not they, but mice gnaw through the cracks in people's homes. It should also be reminded to some batrachophobes that it is the described amphibians that eat all unwanted guests in the form of wood lice, slugs and mosquitoes, which annoy humans.
- Frogs are human hunters … Some subjects consider common tree frogs to be a source of aggression against humans. The frog is usually busy hunting for fry, insects and small vertebrates. A person is not included in her plans unambiguously. And if she attacks him, it is solely for the purpose of self-defense.
Famous batrachophobic personalities

Media persons, whose life is viewed literally through a microscope, are very often susceptible to all kinds of emotional ailments. Among the people closely watched by the public, the following pronounced batrachophobes can be distinguished:
- Max Barskikh … The famous singer spares no words to describe the reason for his fear of frogs. In his native Kherson in the spring, the future artist with a band of friends decided to explore the surroundings once again. On the way of the children was a brown toad of impressive size, which bit Max when he tried to pick her up. According to the singer, in the same Thailand he was not averse to trying a peculiar national cuisine in the form of grasshoppers, beetles, locusts and scorpions. However, he could not overpower himself to feast on a dish from the chef, who presented the toad with an exquisite sauce.
- Paul Marinassio … The well-known owner of a road construction company in America has the most negative feelings for frogs. However, his hatred of them was able to bring the batrakhophobe quite substantial profit. 1, 6 million dollars he received in the litigation with neighbors. An eccentric personality said that his plot of land was flooded and he had to call his daughter for help at night to fight croaking amphibians.
- Marina Tsvetaeva … The poetess of the Silver Age amazed her inner circle with non-standard behavior. She could even be cold to people who understood her perfectly. One spring day, she decided to tease her friend by bringing a frog to her face. However, she then abruptly threw her prey aside after the first wave of bravado and swiftly retreated. Psychologists consider this transition from laughter to rejection to be a manifestation of a fear of toads.
Famous personalities became batrachophobes precisely because of their obvious dislike for frogs. However, not all stars share their fears, because the famous Paris Hilton is very fond of catching toads and then releasing them.
Ways to deal with the fear of frogs
The expression "they beat - run, but give - take" in this case will be definitely inappropriate statement. It is necessary to get rid of any complex, because the same frogs find their habitat almost anywhere on our planet.
Literature study to get rid of batrophobia

Many people believe exactly Wikipedia as the main source of information, which is based on encyclopedic data. If you study all the information about such a phenomenon as batrachophobia, then you can do auto-training as follows:
- Frogs are harmless creatures … Even the most venomous individuals of this species of amphibians never attack humans first. Some snakes do not need to send out an invitation to bite their prey. However, even the most venomous frogs in the world try to avoid unnecessary human contact.
- Frogs do not inhabit human dwellings … Such amphibians have extremely sensitive skin and live in the water element, which helps them avoid death. The surface of their body is so vulnerable that it is better to feel sorry for the frogs if they are not poisonous objects.
- Many frog species are endangered … In this case, one should think that it is not a person who should be afraid of a voiced amphibian. It is the king of nature in the form of a person who is able to destroy a large number of frogs of a rare species.
Help of psychotherapists in the fight against batrachophobia

Specialists are usually extremely wary of the problems that occur in the psyche of their patients. After a detailed study of the psychological difficulties in the form of batrachophobia, they in most cases coordinate the treatment plan as follows:
- Working with symbols … A person who is overcome by a fear of frogs should play with associations. At the same time, a competent specialist will focus on the fact that every sane person is afraid, first of all, of death. The image of any end-of-life attribute in the form of tombstones or memorial wreaths can be placed next to the frog animation. At the same time, it is possible to show photographs from the place of the most terrible disasters of the natural and pathogenic nature of the formation. Against the background of the horror seen, many batrachophobes will understand the entire unreality of the fear created in their minds.
- Subjective frontier method … In this case, the patient faces his fear directly in order to then calculate the subsequent perspectives of the behavior model in a critical situation. At the same time, the specialist asks his ward direct questions like "what next?", "Is this so problematic?" or "is it life threatening?"
- Positive example method … The same toad Klava from the TV series "Luntik" evokes a smile rather than aggression in the viewer. Therefore, it is necessary to make for oneself an installation that the sounded amphibian is a rather harmless object.
How to get rid of the fear of frogs - watch the video:

It is impossible to get rid of the voiced problem with the help of medications. Phobia in the form of a fear of frogs should be eliminated with the help of the consultation of a psychotherapist or through one's own efforts. You need to be afraid of real things, the irreversibility of which is more than obvious than the same danger from frogs and toads.