How to overcome your fear of dogs

How to overcome your fear of dogs
How to overcome your fear of dogs

Kinophobia and the causal factors of its formation. The article will demonstrate all the components of the sounded pathology with the provision of advice on its elimination. Kinophobia is a mental imbalance in which a person responds extremely inadequately to dogs. At the same time, he does not cause them any harm (the exception is pseudophobia in latent sadists), but is simply elementary afraid of them. The voiced pathology can be expressed both in a silent protest against dogs, and in panic attacks at the sight of these animals.

Causes of kinophobia

Rabid dog
Rabid dog

Fear of any phenomenon is both an innate and an acquired factor. Leading experts in psychology usually determine the nature of the emergence of fear of dogs as follows:

  • Family tradition … In most cases, children even begin to be afraid of puppies, because their parents put a certain program in the child's mind. The expression "do not touch the dog, otherwise it will bite" makes common sense, if you do not repeat it even in relation to an already existing pet. In this situation, compassionate parents usually think about the non-sterility of the animal in relation to the baby, and not about the possible danger from his actions.
  • Dog aggression … Even the person who just saw the warning grin of a dog can become a kinophobe. The fangs of this representative of the fauna are sometimes quite impressive in size, therefore they can make an indelible impression on women, children and weak-willed men.
  • Dog attack … In this case, we will talk about adactophobia, in which a person has either already been attacked by a dog, or saw her as an observer. A large animal of this type can cause people quite significant bodily harm, which sometimes ends in death.
  • Fear of contracting rabies … Psychologists say that rabiephobia is even more than a fear of dogs. With such a mental pathology, a person is afraid of dogs not only because of their sharp fangs, but also because of the presence of stray animals that are sick with rabies on the streets of the city or countryside. In some cases, people do not seek medical help after being bitten by a stray dog, which definitely leads to the death of an irresponsible person.
  • Watching horror movies … Sentimental people stock up on a dozen handkerchiefs when they watch White Bim Black Ear, Hachiko: The Most Loyal Friend, or White Captivity. However, you can really become a kinophobe when you involuntarily get acquainted with unattractive animals in the films "Dogs", "Resident Evil" and "The Dog of the Baskervilles".
  • Watching dog fights … Such bloody competitions are clearly intended for a small number of people with peculiar views on possible options for spending their leisure time. In this case, one immediately recalls the famous work of Jack London about White Fang, where a cross between a wolf and a dog became a toy in the hands of greedy and cruel businessmen.

Manifestations of fear of dogs in humans

Fear of dogs
Fear of dogs

You can remain quite adequate people with a pronounced fear of dogs of any breed. Individuals with sounded pathology usually behave as follows:

  1. Feeling pseudo-threat … Even in a harmless poodle, who simply decided to find a new friend in the face of a man, the kinophobe will see an attacking torpedo of unimaginable force. At the sight of a large animal, the poor fellow can rush to save his life, which no one has encroached on.
  2. Fear of dog images … Filmophobes do not have to face a monster in the form of the same "pocket" dog face to face in order to experience a sense of horror. For such people with a well-developed imagination, it is enough to see an image of a dog. In the most negative way, they will also perceive a rather harmless animated film about Scooby-Doo, in which they see an extremely dangerous animal.
  3. Psychopathological condition … Increased irritability and alertness always accompany the kinophobe. They are afraid to go out into the yard to take out the trash, because in this area you can always meet a lot of stray animals. Parks and squares also do not favor cinema-phobes due to the presence there not only of resting people, but also of persons with their four-legged pets.
  4. Bodily discomfort … Constriction in the chest, pain in the region of the heart, muscle tension - all these are symptoms of one hundred percent kinophobe. Even a distant dog barking unnerves him to a panic attack and leads to the described state.
  5. Paranoid delusions … In this case, people become socially dangerous individuals, because they begin to aggression in relation to society. Very often they are involved in a criminal article related to cruelty to animals. They are extremely unfriendly towards animal rights activists, considering them their personal enemies.

Varieties of dog fear

The child is afraid of the dog
The child is afraid of the dog

Fear of animals that are proposed for consideration may look like this:

  • Fear of small dogs … Not all small four-legged beasts are good-natured creatures. Some people can calmly relate even to large dogs, but do not trust the same loud-voiced Pugs from the famous fable of I. A. Krylov. Cynologists are convinced that the smaller the dog, the more aggressive it behaves, because it is scared to death of the world around it. With their barking barks, small animals warn everyone that although nature has acted unfairly with them, they are ready to stand up for themselves.
  • Fear of large dog breeds … In this case, any sane person has an elementary instinct for self-preservation. At the sight of the powerful jaws of some giants, people lose the slightest desire to contact them. Psychologists say that large dogs in kinophobes are associated with crocodiles, piranhas and sharks.
  • Distrust of decorative dogs … Even the harmless poodle Artemon from "The Adventures of Buratino" will be unpleasant for some kinophobes. At the same time, they voice their fears in the most strange way, speaking about the deceitfulness of the external sleekness of decorative dogs, about their hidden aggression towards humans.
  • Fear of the yard dogs … Abandoned or originally born animals without a home adapt perfectly to the world around them. At the same time, they can both feel sympathy for people and be aggressive towards them. Most kinophobes are wary of stray dogs, because they consider them unpredictable animals.
  • Fear of chain dogs … Any experienced dog handler will confirm that a dog that has been on a leash for a long time becomes an extremely aggressive animal. The slightest infringement of freedom hurts the psyche not only of people, but also of forced dogs, which are intended solely to protect the object entrusted to them.

Top ten most dangerous dogs for kinophobes


Many members of the canine family are capable of causing any harm to humans to one degree or another. However, kinophobes identify the following dogs that terrify them:

  1. Canary dog … The appearance of this dog is very impressive, but the viciousness of the representatives of this breed is very exaggerated. However, the Dogo Canary is incredibly attached to one person, so the offender will have to flee at the slightest manifestation of aggression towards the owner of the voiced animal. The dog is also somewhat wary of strangers, which can be determined by the decisive stance and formidable growl of the animal in an annoying situation.
  2. German Shepherd … There is no better guard in the world than a voiced dog breed. Kinophobes are the least afraid of these beautiful animals, which they may regret in the future. Despite the intelligence and poise of the shepherd dogs, they should not be enraged, because in this state they can seriously injure the aggressor.
  3. Chow Chow … It will come as a surprise to some people that these adorable "teddy bears" can pose a threat to humans. If the guest is not a family member that the dog knows well, then in no case should you try to pet the Chow Chow.
  4. Doberman … This breed of dog is very often used as a guard for personal property or institutions. Public opinion considers Dobermans extremely dangerous dogs, but at the same time they get along well with children. However, you should not be angry and show signs of aggression towards them, because these dogs are famous for their explosive nature.
  5. Caucasian Shepherd Dog … The size and power of this animal impress not only kinophobes, but also people with the absence of the described mental pathology. If we take into account the distrustfulness of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs towards strangers, then you should not tempt fate, teasing these representatives of the fauna.
  6. Siberian Husky … This breed of dog will never harm a person if it has a wise and experienced owner in the field of cynology. It is extremely difficult to keep such a dog at home, because it needs very long walks. If the husky falls into the hands of a dilettante with an aggressive character, then the dog automatically becomes a dangerous animal.
  7. German boxer … The appearance of these dogs can terrify kinophobes, because the representatives of this breed have a wide chest and a steel jaw. However, many dog lovers note the playfulness of German boxers, who are happy to play a ball with children.
  8. Bull terrier … The terrier / bulldog cross has a rather intimidating appearance and excellent fighting qualities. It should be noted that if a bull terrier is raised correctly, it will never turn into a killing machine. However, he does not tolerate the spirit of other animals, which, with his powerful jaw, can end very sadly for them.
  9. Rottweiler … In any case, the excellent physical qualities of this dog should be noted. Rottweilers are considered the best defenders, but only one person can control their actions. By protecting their master, they are capable of becoming a significant threat to any potential target for attack.
  10. Pitbull … The very name of the animal suggests that it is a cross between two dangerous dogs in the form of a terrier and a bulldog. This breed is one of the most dangerous in the world, because it has strong muscles and a rather aggressive character. However, the owners of pit bulls do not share the point of view of kinophobes, considering their pets to be reliable protectors of the family and favorites of children.

Do not discount large yard dogs, which usually stray into packs. Even a person who is not afraid of homeless dogs needs to be extremely careful when approaching these dangerous street children. As for the large breeds, such as the Moscow, Caucasian watchdog, they inspire fear by their very appearance, but good-natured in relation to the owners.

Famous people-kinophobes

Angry dog
Angry dog

Nothing human is alien to those people who have achieved a lot in their lives. Therefore, you should not judge them strictly for some fears of the same dog.

Notable people with kinophobia:

  • Nadine Coyle … The Irish singer and actress is scared to death of rodents, snakes and spiders. She explains her fears by the fact that she cannot bear the very idea that she might be bitten by an animal or a reptile. However, most of all, the star of the female pop group Girls Aloud is afraid of dogs because of their rather impressive fangs.
  • Michael Jackson … A phobia of this kind was revealed to the pop star's acquaintances literally by accident. The mischievous Labrador Buddy, a handsome fawn-colored man, was very pleased with the new guest. However, the animal's attempts to establish contact with a stranger ended with Michael starting to run out of the house and then moving along the wall along the foyer of the dwelling, bypassing Buddy, surprised by what was happening.
  • Genghis Khan … The conqueror of many nations was actually quite vulnerable personally, because he was afraid of his wife and his own mother. Historians claim that the great conqueror also avoided dogs. However, it should be noted that in those parts there were not lapdogs, but Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds. The descendants of this animal to this day cause a well-founded sense of fear in people.

Features of the fight against fear of dogs

Each person has the right to decide for himself the advisability of eliminating any emotional pathologies from him. However, you can be afraid of sharks, living in an area where there is not a single body of water. In the case of a pronounced kinophobia, experts still recommend that you tackle your internal imbalance.

School of educational program for kinophobe

Aggressive dog
Aggressive dog

Not every dog dreams of attacking a person he sees in his field of vision. Before thinking about possible measures of protection from the yard Ball, you should study the behavior of any dog according to this scheme:

  1. Vigorous tail swing … At the same time, the dog keeps its back of the body relaxed and sticks out its tongue. This position of the dog suggests that it invites a person to get acquainted and has an increased interest in a friendly nature.
  2. Tight tail … At the same time, he walks from side to side in a rather slow motion. It should be remembered that the dog is in deep thought. Such thoughts are not positive for a person, because the animal is thinking about the advisability of attacking the object of his choice.
  3. Wool on end … If, with this reaction of the dog to people, it raises its ears up, then it is better to retire from the scene. However, this must be done very calmly, because the dog so far only demonstrates his displeasure and readiness to attack.
  4. Tucked tail … At the same time, you should not rejoice in advance over the victory won, because the dog is still in control of the situation. Studded ears also signal that she is ready to defend and even attack after passing the first wave of fear on her part.
  5. Loud barking … Given this factor, I would like to say that there is nothing to go where you were not invited. The dog thus shows its protest against the appearance of a stranger on its territory. If the alien ignores such a warning, then he can be seriously bitten by an animal.
  6. Growling with bared fangs … The dog is ready to attack, because he sees no other way out of communicating with the obsessive person. If the dog is not susceptible to rabies, then even at this stage of the dangerous situation, it is possible to emerge victorious without any physical injury on both sides.

Attention! Anyone should understand that dogs rarely attack without any significant reason. However, it is necessary to keep abreast and competently react when meeting with our four-legged friends in order to prevent a possible conflict with them.

Rules of conduct with animals to eliminate kinophobia

Kind dog
Kind dog

A person with a fear of dogs cannot stay at home endlessly and hide from them. Therefore, he must be ready to face his phobia. The most expedient manipulations when an aggressive dog appears on the horizon will be the following human actions:

  • Correct behavior when meeting a flock … In some cases, it is simply impossible to avoid it, because a large number of stray animals live in all cities. In such a situation, it is urgently necessary to determine the leader of the tailed group. It is in relation to him that decisive measures must be taken, because his flight will entail the retreat of the entire flock.
  • Correct gaze focus … In no case should you look the dog directly in the eyes. For such an animal, this behavior becomes an unambiguous signal for an attack on a person. It is best to lower your eyes and press your hands to the body to show the dog the non-aggressive intentions.
  • Limited facial expressions … Only among humans is a smile considered a great way to show your friendly disposition towards each other. For a dog, this movement of facial muscles is always associated with a grin, which is a signal for an attack.
  • Caution in movement … There is a wonderful expression that I love you like a stick dog. Dogs can actually be scared either by her or by an object that resembles her. However, it is the feeling of fear that causes the response aggression in the described animal, therefore, you should be more careful with sharp attacks in the direction of the dog. You can just pretend that you are taking a stone or a stick in your hands, but you need to make this manipulation slowly. In no case should you turn your back on the beast, because a jump on it will immediately follow.
  • Diversionary maneuver … Some dogs begin to growl and approach a person if it seems to them that they may be attacked by him. In this case, an object should be thrown to the animal that it can bite. Very often, a dog completely loses interest in a person and begins to selflessly torment the proposed entertainment.
  • Additional precautions … Any kinophobe will feel more confident if he always has a pepper spray with him. Each dog is very sensitive to any smells that are aggressive for him, therefore a voiced chemical attack, even in the form of the same dichlorvos, will cause him to lose his orientation in space. An ultrasonic box purchased at any pet store, which four-legged aggressors do not like very much, will also help.
  • Extreme measures … If unwanted contact with an aggressive dog is inevitable, then quick legs may not help a person. To begin with, it is necessary to neutralize the animal for a while by sharply hitting it on the nose. This place is the most vulnerable zone for the dog, so for a while he will forget about his potential victim. If you can't hit, and the dog is already determined to rush, you should try to grab it by the lower jaw and press your tongue. In this position, she will try to break free, but she will lose aggression and cannot do anything.

Attention! Some people themselves deliberately provoke the dog to attack, even if they do not want this factor. In no case should you touch the described animal when it licks its puppies or takes food. Also, do not react to any approaching dog by running or screeching, which turns an initially curious dog into an aggressive individual.

Pharmacotherapy for treating fear in dogs

Taking pills
Taking pills

With a pronounced form of kinophobia, the doctor can prescribe to the patient a complex therapy of this kind:

  1. Reversible Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors … These biologically active substances include some antidepressants that help relieve panic attacks in kinophobes. In most cases, with the sounded pathology, experts recommend taking Moclobemide (MAO-A group) according to the high-dose treatment regimen.
  2. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers … Doctors consider them to be a rather weak way to treat kinophobia therapeutically. However, a drug such as Clonazepam is capable of changing the course of the disease sounded. Moreover, such a remedy should be used exclusively after the appointment of a doctor and directly under his systematic supervision.
  3. Beta-blockers … In this case, it should be clarified that the sounded chemicals are prescribed for a fairly short period of time. Their main goal is to block with the same Propranolol a pronounced state of anxiety at the sight of a dog.

Help of psychiatrists in the treatment of kinophobia

Visit to the nursery
Visit to the nursery

People who do not consider this area of medicine a newfangled phenomenon will rush to visit a specialist when their fear of dogs progresses. Psychotherapists with obvious manifestations in people of such a phenomenon as kinophobia, in most cases, will recommend treatment for them according to the following scheme:

  • Working with dog images … In art therapy, the patient is usually asked to embody their inner fears on paper. In this case, the kinophobe is given a ready-made drawing with a breed of dog for consideration. A person, while studying an image with a frightening animal, should aloud list those fears that a simple sheet of paper causes in him. Experts say that after a series of similar sessions, their patients agreed to pet first the puppy, and then the older and larger dog.
  • Reincarnation method … Psychologists in this case advise to act in the style of the heroes of any fantasy film. Passing by the dog, the patient is advised to imagine himself as a stool or display case with office supplies. The dog is absolutely uninterested in the voiced objects, so you need to do just this emphasis on your subconscious. The animal will not feel the fear of a person, and he will become for him just a moving object that does not pose a threat or desire to attack him.
  • Positive example method … With the sounded methodology, the kinophobe is proposed for consideration by Belka and Strelka, who became the first conquerors of space. It is then advised to familiarize yourself with the exceptional devotion of Hachiko, who for many years waited for his deceased master at their usual meeting place. The list of dogs that helped people can be continued with the example of St. Bernard Barry, a rescuer of people in the alpine snow. Also striking is the famous mine detector of the Second World War, Dzhulbars, who, due to his serious injury, was ordered to carry in his arms at the Victory Parade in 1945 across Red Square.
  • Productive raid to acquaintances … Psychologists strongly recommend the kinophobe to visit the close circle that has acquired the puppy more often. With a phobia and looking for answers, how to overcome the fear of dogs, the proposal unambiguously arises to start from small to large. If, in front of the kinophobe, a cute and clumsy creature grows into a tough dog, then there is a high probability that an individual with a voiced phobia will not be afraid of him.

How to get rid of kinophobia - watch the video:

Anyone should not torment themselves with the question of how to overcome the fear of dogs. The voiced animals have served their owners faithfully for many centuries without causing them any harm. You just need to behave correctly in places where dogs gather and inform the appropriate authorities in time about the presence in the area of aggressive animals that are infected with rabies.
