Fitness in the country: training with a shovel

Fitness in the country: training with a shovel
Fitness in the country: training with a shovel

Find out how to effectively organize your workouts if you can't go to gyms. There are a lot of people who want to lose weight today, and having your own personal plot can solve simultaneously de tasks - to grow a good harvest and do fitness. Today we will tell you how you can conduct training with a shovel (fitness in the country).

No one would argue that moderate garden work is good for your health. Those vegetables and fruits that can be purchased at the supermarket were grown using a large amount of chemical fertilizers. If you have a summer cottage, then the grown crop will be an order of magnitude more useful.

Do not forget that outdoor work also has a positive effect on human health. If you, in addition, decide to conduct training with a shovel (fitness in the country), you can get a double benefit by speeding up the processes of fat burning and strengthening the muscles. It is quite obvious that such training cannot replace professional sports, but not all people need it.

Most of us just want to look good, which involves eliminating excess weight. Thus, training with a shovel (fitness in the country) can be a great way for you to stay in good physical shape.

Training with a shovel or fitness in the country: features

Girl training with a shovel
Girl training with a shovel

Let's talk in more detail about how you can conduct training with a shovel while doing fitness in the country.

  1. The muscles involved in the work. When a person works in a personal plot, the muscles of the arms, legs and back are actively involved. In addition, flexibility improves, and the elements of the articular-ligamentous apparatus are strengthened. Most of the work carried out in the country requires the active participation of hands. All people who want to lose weight need to pay more attention to hand training, since this is more conducive to fat burning in comparison with walking.
  2. The shovel is an excellent exercise machine. If you have worked in a garden with a shovel at least once, then you can imagine how difficult this business is. When you dig the beds, the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and buttocks are actively involved. Footwork at this moment is reminiscent of a stepper exercise. Most likely, your grandmother does not understand the desire of her grandson to lift weights in the gym. Imagine how happy she will be the moment you dig up her garden! At the same time, you will also receive not only moral satisfaction, but also strengthen your muscles.
  3. Planting potatoes is similar to squats. When planting potatoes, other muscle groups take part in the work. In fact, this process can be compared to bodybuilding squats. The greatest load at this moment falls on the buttocks and the back of the thigh. It should also be remembered that in the process of planting potatoes, the back muscles are perfectly stretched. Planting or harvesting potatoes may well spot the classic squats. When you carry buckets of root vegetables, you can assume that you are working with dumbbells as a weight. Note that when carrying buckets of potatoes or other gifts from the summer cottage. You must follow the same safety rules that are known to you from the hall.
  4. Rake - a projectile for pumping the press
  5. To actively pump the muscles of the press, the types of work discussed above are not suitable. To do this, you do not need training with a shovel, but a rake. Also in this case, the muscles of the back are activated. With this garden tool, you only need to suck in your belly. Note that there is a similar exercise in Pilates. It should be added here that when you work on a personal plot, then, thanks to tightening the press, the tone of the muscular corset of the lower back also improves. This part of the body can be easily injured if the muscles are poorly developed. To actively load the press when working with a rake, we recommend changing the working hand so that both sides of the abdomen develop harmoniously. When you use a rake to remove fallen leaves or weeds, this type of work is close to a tug of war in terms of the number of muscles involved, and the main load falls on the back.
  6. We plant flowers and train the lower back. For most women, the issue of elastic buttocks is very relevant. The rules for training these muscles are discussed on every web resource dedicated to fitness. However, to get excellent results in this direction, all you need is to start a flower garden. And again, it should be noted that squats in the country must be performed correctly. The knee joints should not bend at an acute angle, as in this case they have a lot of stress. Also try to keep your back straight. This will not only avoid lower back injuries, but it will also improve your posture. For the safety of the lower back, you should first squat and only then perform a tilt. At the moment of tilting, the muscles of the back of the thigh are well stretched, which increases their tone and strengthens. Do your flower garden regularly, and you can quickly evaluate the results of such fitness in the country.
  7. Stretching and picking fruits. It would seem that picking apples or other fruits is not difficult. Already, it cannot be accurately compared with working in the beds. However, it is a very healthy exercise for your muscles. Note that in this case, almost all the muscles of the body work. At this moment, the muscles of the arms, back, shoulder girdle, lateral muscles of the body, as well as the chest are stretched. If you need to stand on tiptoes to pick fruit, then the muscles of the legs are also involved.

However, even this is not the main advantage of this type of summer cottage work. The thing is that many small muscles are involved, which, even in the gym, with the help of sports equipment and equipment, it is not always possible to work out. This primarily concerns the muscles along the spinal column. This is necessary so that you can maintain balance. Moreover, these muscles can work as actively as possible, only at the moment when you are in a static position. They will be extremely useful to you in the cold season, when it is icy outside.

Let's see what other benefits fitness can give us in the country:

  1. Pulling a bucket of water out of a well - biceps, triceps, and also chest muscles take part in the work.
  2. Transporting heavy loads on a wheelbarrow over rough terrain - all abdominal muscles are actively working.

We just looked at how shovel training or outdoor fitness can help you strengthen various muscles in your body. However, let's remember that work on the garden plot is carried out in the fresh air, which is extremely beneficial for the brain. If your work is related to intellectual activity, then the summer residence will help you to improve your productivity.

Doing fitness in the country, you not only distract from everyday problems, but also saturate the body with oxygen, including the brain. As you know, only if there is sufficient oxygen supply, all our internal organs are able to work with full dedication and without serious disruptions.

Shovel training or fitness in the country: useful tips

Shovel training
Shovel training

You've probably already noticed that homework is a lot like doing fitness in the gym. This suggests that you should first do a small but high-quality warm-up and only after that you can start working. This primarily concerns the muscles of the back and hip joints.

Please note that most summer residents work with a bent back. This leads to the fact that a strong negative load is exerted on the joints and the lumbar spine. If you don't prepare your body to work in the garden, you will quickly feel tired or even back pain. We recommend that you first walk around your site and evaluate the scope of the proposed work.

Simultaneously perform arm swings and body bends to the sides. Such a simple warm-up will allow you to prepare your body for the upcoming loads, which can be quite commensurate with training in the gym. When your training with a shovel and fitness in the country is completed, then it is worth doing exercises to stretch your back muscles. To do this, you need to stretch and thereby the muscles will relax, and all the load will be removed from them. If your back hurt, then after stretching this negative moment will be minimized.

Also remember that working in one position for long periods of time can be dangerous. Remember to take breaks to give your body a break. You have probably come across such a phenomenon as pain in the back after working in the country. However, if everything is done correctly, then the pain will not bother you. We recommend alternating bends with squats. For example, first work with a rake and then plant something. By doing squats, you train your back muscles, and bends allow you to relieve excess load from them. As you can see, training with a shovel is a full-fledged fitness in the country.

It should also be said that while resting, you can do simple shovel or rake exercises to speed up muscle recovery. It will also reduce fatigue and give you the opportunity to work more productively. Given the fact that all work on the backyard requires serious physical exercise, training with a shovel or rake is not intended to load the muscles even more.

By using your gardening tools as support, you can perform various bends or swings. It is very important at this moment to feel how the muscles are stretching. This is what helps to relieve fatigue, and your performance will increase.

How to train in the country, see here:
