Principles of Effective Fitness Training

Principles of Effective Fitness Training
Principles of Effective Fitness Training

Find out how fitness is fundamentally different from bodybuilding? And why there are different training principles in fitness for gaining muscle mass and drying the body. Within the framework of this article, we will try to tell as much as possible and in an accessible way about the principles of effective training in fitness. If you want to get the maximum result from your classes, then you must strictly follow these principles. Although today there are a huge number of different training methods, the basic principles formulated by Joe Weider continue to be relevant.

The principle of load progress

Girl performs dumbbell press with trainer standing
Girl performs dumbbell press with trainer standing

This is the most important principle due to which weight gain is possible. Your muscles will increase in volume and become stronger only if they have to constantly adapt to the stress. This can be achieved through their progression. To do this, you can not only increase the working weights of sports equipment, but also increase the number of sets and reduce the duration of rest between them. To keep track of the progression of the load, you should keep a diary of activities.

Set system principle

Group fitness training on fitballs
Group fitness training on fitballs

To maximize the load of each muscle group, several working sets should be performed in each movement. This is the only way to activate the growth mechanisms of muscle tissue cells.

Muscle Shock Principle

An athlete performs a seated dumbbell press
An athlete performs a seated dumbbell press

If you constantly use one training program, then very quickly your body adapts to these loads. As a result, this will lead to a slowdown in progress, and then its complete stop. To prevent this, it is necessary to periodically make changes to the training program. Change the exercises, the order in which they are performed, you can also change the number of sets and repetitions.

Isolation principle

Girls doing fitness in the gym
Girls doing fitness in the gym

To load only the target muscles, it is necessary to isolate them as much as possible from other muscles. This primarily applies to small muscles such as the lower leg or triceps. Exercise machines are most commonly used to isolate muscle groups. But this principle can only be effective after one or two years of continuous bodybuilding. Novice athletes should only perform basic movements.

Pyramid principle

Dumbbells with different weights
Dumbbells with different weights

The essence of this principle is to gradually increase the working weight from set to set. Let's say your maximum squat weight is 150 kilograms. Start working in the first set with a weight of 90 kilos, in the second - 105, etc. You can also use a full pyramid. The idea behind this method is that after reaching the maximum weight, you begin to reduce it with each new approach.

Priority principle

Athlete Performs Leg Press
Athlete Performs Leg Press

According to this principle, at the beginning of the lesson, you need to work on the muscle groups that are lagging behind in development. This is associated with a large supply of energy, and you will be able to load the muscles at maximum intensity.

The principle of intermediate sets

The athlete performs a deadlift with additional weights
The athlete performs a deadlift with additional weights

You should do sets for hard-to-work muscles (calf, abs, etc.) between sets for other muscles.

Static voltage principle

The girl performs the bar
The girl performs the bar

After completing the planned number of sets for each muscle group, you should create static tension in them. For example, after performing a movement for the biceps, immediately tense it for a few seconds. This improves the relief and separation of the muscles.

Superset principle

Athlete performing bent over dumbbell press
Athlete performing bent over dumbbell press

If you perform two movements in a row on antagonist muscles without pause, you can significantly speed up your progress.

The principle of combined approaches

The girl performs the thrust of the front block
The girl performs the thrust of the front block

The essence of the method is to perform at least two exercises on one muscle group without pause. For example, after doing bicep curls, go straight to hammer curls. Depending on your fitness level, you can gradually increase the number of exercises performed to three or more.


The athlete does dumbbell push-ups
The athlete does dumbbell push-ups

You need to perform an isolated movement first, and then a basic one on the same muscle group. This will significantly improve the quality of muscle development.

Maximum (peak) contraction principle

The athlete performs a row of the front block
The athlete performs a row of the front block

Peak muscle contraction should be understood as the ultimate tension of the working muscle at the time of peak contractions. For example, for the biceps, this will be the extreme upper point of the trajectory.

Partial amplitude principle

Athlete training on a crossover
Athlete training on a crossover

The essence of the principle is to perform a couple of repetitions in the last set with an incomplete range of motion. You press on the last set to failure, and then do two repetitions only at the top of the trajectory of the projectile.

Partial replays

The athlete performs a dumbbell press lying on the bench
The athlete performs a dumbbell press lying on the bench

According to this principle, it is necessary to work only in a certain part of the trajectory. Recently, this method has become very popular, as almost all pro-athletes use it.

Forced replays

The athlete performs a barbell press while standing
The athlete performs a barbell press while standing

Here you will need the help of a comrade. When you have already reached failure and cannot continue to perform the movement, then a friend helps you to do this. This is a rather complicated training method and you should not use it often, as you can simply overtrain.

Negative repetitions

Girl works out with dumbbells in the gym
Girl works out with dumbbells in the gym

It has been found that the muscles are able to exert more force when the projectile moves down. Thus, a friend helps you to raise the projectile, and you lower it yourself, completely controlling the movement.

Rest - pause

Girl resting near the bar after approach
Girl resting near the bar after approach

You perform a movement with a weight that allows you to do no more than three repetitions. After that, you should rest for a maximum of a minute and repeat the set. In total, you can perform three or four such sets.

Perform basic free-weight movements

Athlete squatting with a barbell
Athlete squatting with a barbell

Athletes should use basic exercises as the basis of their training program. This is due to the fact that in response to their fulfillment, the body secretes the maximum amount of hormones, since a large number of muscles participate in the movement.

Try to work while standing

An athlete trains with a barbell while standing
An athlete trains with a barbell while standing

This method is similar to the previous one. If there is a choice, then preference should be given to standing or bent over work, rather than sitting and lying down.

How fitness bikinist Ekaterina Krasavina trains, you will learn from this video:
