How to train on horizontal bars and parallel bars in spring?

How to train on horizontal bars and parallel bars in spring?
How to train on horizontal bars and parallel bars in spring?

Find out how to properly train outdoors in the spring, and what are the benefits of training on the uneven bars and horizontal bars. Not everyone can visit the gym, and not everyone at home has at least dumbbells to train. If you want to pump up, then spring workouts on the horizontal bar and uneven bars are an excellent choice. These types of sports equipment can be found in any school stadium or even backyard. The only thing you need to achieve your goal is desire and motivation.

Thanks to the training on the uneven bars and the horizontal bar, you can pump almost all the muscles of the upper body. These are excellent sports equipment that are actively used not only by beginners, but also by experienced athletes. You may have heard of such a sports discipline as workout. Fans of this sport train on the uneven bars and horizontal bar, and do it on the street. Even the frost cannot stop the fans of this sport. It is quite obvious that for beginners, spring training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars will be the best choice.

In literally one month of regular training, you can achieve excellent results. However, for this you will have to reconsider your diet and regimen. If you have free space in your apartment, you can practice at home by purchasing a horizontal bar and parallel bars from a sporting goods store. However, we recommend doing spring training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars outdoors.

It is very important to do a good warm-up before starting each session in order to avoid injury. At this point in time, a large number of different training programs have been created, in which only the above-named sports equipment are used. If you decide to train seriously, then you should keep a diary in which you need to note the number of sets and approaches, as well as progress. You don't have to use a notebook to do this, because you can find many free smartphone apps on the Internet, designed specifically for this purpose.

Features of spring training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

Athlete preparing for pull-ups
Athlete preparing for pull-ups

Before you start choosing a training program, and then directly to conducting spring training on a horizontal bar and uneven bars, you need to remember a few simple rules and follow them exactly. This is a kind of guarantor of your success.

  1. Choose a workout program according to your goals. Of course, it will not be easy for a novice athlete to do this, but it is necessary to try. Choosing a program for yourself, you need to focus not only on the exercises themselves, but also on the mode of their implementation. It depends on this in many respects what problem you will solve.
  2. A training program doesn't have to be a simple set of movements. On the net you can find a lot of so-called "training programs", which, in fact, are a set of exercises. You must understand that a high-quality training program should provide for the progression of loads. Simply put, it should contain information about the increase in physical activity over a certain period of time and in accordance with the level of the athlete's readiness.
  3. The training program must have a time limit. A training program is a way to achieve a set goal in a certain time interval. There are no ideal programs, as well as universal ones. You cannot use one program indefinitely and progress at the same time. Also remember that the body needs a certain amount of time to adapt to the training program at the level of neuromuscular connections and the nervous system. Simply put, you master the technique of movements with the necessary parameters for a certain time. However, you cannot use the program for a long time without making changes to it, since your progress will stop. This is due to the complete adaptation of the body to physical activity. We cannot say exactly when changes need to be made, as this is an individual indicator. However, we recommend that you do this once every one and a half or two months.
  4. Do not consider other people's training programs as effective as possible. This applies to any programs you find on the net. This does not mean at all that you should not pay attention to them. You can study them and get ideas, the implementation of which can be very useful in practice.

Spring Training Program for Mass Gain

The athlete is engaged on the horizontal bar
The athlete is engaged on the horizontal bar

We have already said that spring training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars should correspond to your task. It is quite obvious that novice athletes are primarily interested in the possibility of gaining mass, and we will now talk about such a program.

In each set, you must perform from 10 to 12 repetitions. In each movement, four approaches are performed, and the number of training days during the week is three. Also remember that when doing the exercises, it is necessary to exhale at the moment of maximum muscle tension.

Obviously, not every beginner is capable of doing this many reps and sets. This is okay, and you should do as much as you can. However, do not forget to gradually increase their number in order to bring them to the above figures. Here are some tips to help you make your spring bar and parallel bar workout program as effective as possible:

  • In the extreme lower and upper position of the trajectory, it is necessary to maintain a pause for two counts.
  • All movements should be done slowly, and you need to learn how to feel the contraction of the muscles.
  • Watch for correct breathing.
  • Observe the technique of all movements, as the speed of your progress largely depends on this.
  • Do not be lazy and do not cheat, work in the lesson with maximum dedication.

Often, beginner athletes lack willpower, and they quit classes without seeing rapid progress. You must understand that this is simply impossible and the body is not able to build up a large amount of muscle mass in a short time. Moreover, for him the muscles are ballast and he seeks to get rid of them as soon as possible.

That is why it is important to conduct spring training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars regularly, as well as observe the daily and nutritional regimes. In addition, you should find a motivator for yourself, although this should not be a problem. Don't you want to have a beautiful body? This is achievable, but you have a lot of work to do. Agree that it is not so much to spend a few hours a week on training. In any case, it is good for your health, as opposed to watching TV or drinking alcohol.

1st day of training

  • Pull-ups, wide grip - 4x10 (number of approaches x number of repetitions).
  • Pull-ups for the head - 4x10.
  • Dips on the uneven bars, normal grip - 4x10.
  • Hanging leg raises on the bar - 4x10.

2nd day of training

  • Pull-ups, narrow grip - 4x10.
  • Pull-ups, normal grip - 4x10.
  • Dips on the uneven bars - 4x10.

3rd day of training

  • Pull-ups, normal grip - 4x10.
  • Dips on the uneven bars - 4x10.
  • Hanging leg raises on the bar - 4x10.

When you can easily do a given number of sets and reps, then you should start using additional weights. To do this, you can use weights for the legs, pancakes from a barbell, a kettlebell, etc. It is very important to remember that the load should gradually increase. Otherwise, you will not be able to progress.

Spring training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars: useful tips

The girl is engaged on the horizontal bar
The girl is engaged on the horizontal bar

First of all, I would like to say about nutrition, since half of your success lies in its correct organization. You are probably familiar with the term "carbohydrate window". This is a period of time, about 40 minutes from the end of the exercise, during which all nutrients are absorbed by the body as quickly as possible.

If you consume fast carbohydrates during this period of time, you will be able to restore the glycogen reserve in a short time, as well as activate the processes of regeneration of microdamage of muscle fibers. To do this, you need to use honey, freshly squeezed fruit juice, banana, condensed milk. Choose one of these products. In addition, you can use sports nutrition, specifically whey protein or gainer (suitable for lean athletes).

It is also necessary to say about the existence of another rather effective training method - a super series. The essence of the technique lies in the alternation of exercises performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. Simply put, you do a pull-up on the bar and immediately after that you start push-ups on the uneven bars. It is very important that there is no pause between exercises.

Try to include in the training program only those movements, the execution of which is given to you as hard as possible. They are the ones who are able to bring the desired result. Watch your technique, as this is another basic tenet of bodybuilding. If you do the exercise incorrectly, then the result from it will be much lower. You probably noticed that in the proposed training program, a large number of muscles are involved in all exercises.

They are called basic and are the best choice for gaining mass. In the super series, one set is considered to be the performance of two exercises. As you can see, the training program is extremely simple, but with the right approach, it will be very effective. Once again, it is worth recalling the importance of nutrition, as well as the need to exercise regularly.

For more about training on uneven bars and a horizontal bar, see the following story:
