Corner on the horizontal bar: technique and training

Corner on the horizontal bar: technique and training
Corner on the horizontal bar: technique and training

Learn how to quickly build abs with the power of a simple bar exercise. A detailed technique for training the muscles of the press. The embossed pumped press is definitely capable of decorating your figure. All men dream of having six cubes on their belly. To do this, you can train on the horizontal bar, and today we will introduce you to the technique of performing the Corner exercise.

Where to start training the press on the horizontal bar?

Pull-ups on the bar
Pull-ups on the bar

You shouldn't have any problems finding a horizontal bar. This sports "equipment" is installed in courtyards and school playgrounds. Thus, first of all, you should determine if you are overweight. If you have fat on your stomach, then even a high-quality pumped press will not be visible under it. First, you need to lose extra pounds, for which you should reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed and start using fat burners.

This will allow you to quickly eliminate body fat. You can train your abdominal muscles on the horizontal bar five times throughout the week. To relieve stress after exercise, take a warm bath after exercise. You should also remember to warm up before the main part of the training.

The correct technique for performing a corner on a horizontal bar

Athlete Performs Corner
Athlete Performs Corner

Performing a corner on the horizontal bar in accordance with the requirements of the technique, and carrying out regular workouts, you can perfectly pump the straight and oblique muscles of the press. To perform them, you need to hang on the crossbar and from this position raise your straight legs to parallel with the ground. At the end position of the trajectory, it is necessary to pause.

Legs can be raised not straight in front of you, but obliquely. To make the exercise more difficult, you can draw different shapes with your feet. The corner is a technically simple move and you will quickly master the technique. However, you should draw your attention to several mistakes that can be made when performing a corner on a horizontal bar during press workouts:

  • Before the leg raises, the body sways on the bar, and you use the force of inertia, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the training.
  • The legs are lowered with a sharp movement.
  • Legs bent at the knee joints rise.
  • There is no pause at the upper end position of the trajectory.

How to behave correctly on the horizontal bar?

Jock near the horizontal bars
Jock near the horizontal bars

Exercises for developing abdominal muscles are considered the most effective, since they provide a powerful load on the target muscles and at the same time there is practically no pressure on the spinal column. But in order to achieve positive results from training on a horizontal bar, it is not enough to observe only the technique of performing a corner or other movements. You also need to follow a few simple rules.

First of all, you need to monitor your breathing. This applies to all strength exercises and will make them even more effective. Remember that the exhalation should be done at the moment of maximum load, and the inhalation should be done while relaxing. With regard to the corner, this means that while lifting the legs, you must exhale, and when lowering them, inhale.

It's also important to use a closed grip to keep your hands from sliding off the bar. All movements should be performed slowly and without jerking. Before lifting your legs, eliminate the rocking of the body. And the last prerequisite for your effective workouts is the mandatory tension of the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

Exercises for the development of the press on the horizontal bar

Training on horizontal bars
Training on horizontal bars

Not only the corner can be used to develop abdominal muscles by exercising on the horizontal bar. Now we will introduce you to other, no less effective exercises. But first, I would like to remind once again that the main part of the lesson should be started only after the warm-up. To do this, you should perform inclinations and circular movements with your hands and separately with your hands.

  • Croak. Hang on a horizontal bar and, bending your legs at the knee joints, begin to lift them to your stomach. It is very important to perform the movement slowly and only with the effort of the abdominal muscles. Perform this movement in three sets of 25 reps each. Rest duration between sets should not exceed 30 seconds.
  • Raising your legs to the bar. This is a fairly complex movement that only an athlete with sufficiently developed abdominal muscles can perform. Also from the hanging on the horizontal bar, you should raise your straight legs to the bar. Be sure to pause at the end point of the trajectory. The exercise is performed in three sets of 30 repetitions each.
  • Twisting. The starting position is the same as the previous movement. With your legs bent at the knee joints, begin to slowly raise them to the chest. To complicate the exercise, you can take out your legs alternately left and right. This will help you work out your oblique abdominal muscles perfectly.
  • Bicycle and scissors. The two exercises are quite similar. After hanging on the crossbar, start using your legs in a manner similar to riding a bicycle. Performing "Scissors", you need to raise straight legs one by one. The exercise is performed as long as possible.
  • Tick tock. From a hanging position on a horizontal bar, raise your legs at a 45-degree angle. After that, begin to move them to the right and left, imitating the movements of a clock pendulum.

How to build muscle on the horizontal bar?

Athlete on the horizontal bar
Athlete on the horizontal bar

With the help of a horizontal bar, you can effectively work out all muscle groups in the upper body. Let's take a look at how to make your horizontal bar workouts more effective.

  • Hands. When working on a horizontal bar, you use the lats of the back and arms. To shift the emphasis of the load on the biceps and triceps, you need to use a narrow grip. You can also pump your biceps more actively if you use a reverse grip. To shift the load on the triceps, a neutral grip is suitable when your palms are facing each other.
  • Back. Pull-ups are the best choice here. This is a very effective movement and it makes no sense for you to come up with something of your own. While lifting the body, exhale, and when moving down, inhale. For an even load on all the muscles of the back, it is best to use a straight (palms facing away) grip slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints.
  • Wings. Wings in the language of bodybuilders are the lats of the back, or rather their upper section. To pump them, you will need to use the widest possible reverse (palms facing you) grip. To maximize the load on your lats, you need a friend's help. He should raise your legs at a 45-degree angle and hold. However, even without assistance, you can achieve excellent results with regular training.
  • Breast … Whichever type of pull-up you perform, the pectoral muscles will actively work. But the maximum load on this group is achieved when using an average straight grip, and it is necessary to pull up behind the head. This is a challenging exercise, especially for beginners. Perform the movement in three sets with the maximum number of repetitions.
  • Shoulder girdle. The main muscles of the shoulder girdle are the deltas. To get the most out of your pull-ups, use a straight, narrow grip. The Exit Strength exercise is also very effective. You should know it from school physical education lessons.

How to quickly pump up the press on the horizontal bar, see this video:
