Factors affecting the flexibility of the human body. Rules and ways to safely improve it at home. Effective exercises from water aerobics, yoga, fitness. Body flexibility is the degree of mobility of the hip, ankle, knee, elbow, and shoulder joints. It is active, achieved only with the help of its own muscles, and passive (under the influence of the outside). It is determined by the range of motion and the depth of the spine deflection. Someone was lucky to be born with it, but many more people still need to develop it.
What determines the flexibility of the body

Innate ability is the first thing that affects the flexibility of our body. Some people, due to their anatomical features, are simply not able to twist, like yoga, even after long training. It is also of great importance whether a person was involved in sports in childhood. If not, then it will be much more difficult for him to achieve some outstanding results.
Here are a few more factors that affect the flexibility of the body:
- Age … The older a person is, the less the mobility of his joints becomes.
- Human gender … Women are much more capable in this regard than men. Their muscles are less tight and stretch faster.
- Joint condition … Their mobility is significantly limited after injuries and diseases (arthritis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, etc.).
- Stretching the muscles … It is more about the back and legs. You cannot stand on a beautiful bridge, even with the most flexible back, if your legs are poorly stretched.
- Emotional condition … Flexibility is markedly reduced by stress. In this case, much more time is spent on warm-up.
- Body type … Fat people are not as plastic as thin people. Being overweight makes it harder for them to control their body. The task is somewhat complicated by the height: the taller the girl or the guy, the more effort you need to make in the classroom.
Important! Even the most flexible person, if he does not stretch for a long time (more than 1-2 years), gradually becomes "squeezed". This is due to the fact that there is a weakening of the muscle frame and the spine loses its elasticity.
Rules for increasing body flexibility

In the first months, you should not heavily load yourself, this threatens to damage the joints and tendons. Stretching should be done slowly, smoothly, with a gradual increase in the difficulty of the exercises. First, they train 1-2 times a week, after 20 days the interval is reduced, gradually coming to daily training. Their optimal duration is from 20 to 60 minutes.
Here are some other things to consider:
- Proper preparation … Before you start developing the flexibility of the human body, you need to take a warm bath (shower) or warm up your muscles properly. It's just ideal to do this after a run, a distance of 1 km is enough, especially in summer. If this option is not suitable, you can work out on a treadmill, stationary bike or ellipse, 5-10 minutes will be enough.
- Class time … It is advisable to choose the morning, study until 12 o'clock. It is then that the muscles and tendons are most relaxed, so they will stretch easily and without much pain.
- Relaxation … It helps to achieve the best effect and to record the results obtained. You need to relax every 10-15 minutes. You can use pranayama from yoga. Sit in Siddhasana Pose - keep your back straight and cross your feet with your feet on top. Stretch your hands slightly forward over your knees. Then breathe out sharply with your nose, and after 10 seconds, quickly take in air with your mouth and release it. Repeat these steps 10 times.
- Duration and amount of exercise … If we are talking about a static form, then you need to stay in one pose for at least 10 seconds. In this case, the joints will be developed without sudden movements, thus avoiding their injuries. You need to repeat the same exercise from 3 to 30 times, as long as your body will allow.
- No pain … Crunches and lumbago in the knees are not allowed, as soon as severe discomfort appears, you must immediately stop training. All you should feel while doing it is a stretching sensation and muscle tension.
- Pose … It is important to combine recumbent, erect, sedentary, alternating between them. At the same time, movements on weight are always harder to do, they require more endurance.
Important! In order to avoid the rapid fading of the effect obtained, it is necessary to practice without long breaks (at least 2 times a month). It is very useful to start the day with stretching in bed for the development of flexibility in the human body.
How to develop body flexibility quickly and without pain
At the very beginning (first 2-3 months), it is best to do exercises in water or using various objects - fitball, bricks, belts. For convenience and safety, you can involve a partner. Asanas from yoga and Pilates, static and ballistic exercises help well.
How to increase body flexibility in water

This is the safest way to acquire plasticity. It is best to choose a body of stagnant water or the sea during the absence of waves, ebbs and strong tides. To prevent injury, there should be sand at the bottom, not pebbles on which to slip easily. You do not need to go deep, it is enough to be in the water so that it barely reaches the lower back. Naturally, water aerobics is excluded in the cool season.
Step-by-step instructions for performing a set of effective exercises:
- Back … Place your feet together and point one forward, extending the toe as much as possible. Keep your back straight at this time, and stretch your arms up. Feel the tension in your body and repeat this as many times as you can. Next, tilt back and, supporting yourself under the buttocks, continue to sink into the water until you are completely immersed in it. Duplicate the same 9 more times.
- Neck … Lie on your back in the water and try to stretch as much as possible. Lift the body above the surface, making a bend in the tailbone area, and then the head. Remain in this position for 10 seconds and repeat the procedure exactly.
- Hands … Lie on the water, but now on your stomach, and stretch your arms forward and then to the sides. At this time, it is important not to raise your neck and face too high.
- Legs … Standing straight, bring your left leg back as far as possible and grab the foot with your right hand. Pull it back as far as possible and then up. Now repeat the same steps with the right leg and left arm.
- Shoulders … Stretch your arms up and, without moving the body of the body, take them as far as possible to the side. Do this exercise 10 times on each side, and then cross your fingers behind your back, and stretch them back, not allowing your back to arch.
In the water, it is allowed to perform absolutely any exercise - bending, twisting, stretching, turning and lunging with legs. Circular movements of the arms, shoulders and hips are especially effective. The main thing is that the water does not get into the eyes and ears. You can wear special glasses and a hat.
Important! It is possible to develop body flexibility in a reservoir even with osteochondrosis, varicose veins and other diseases, when power loads are contraindicated.
How to develop body flexibility at home with the help of improvised items

You will need a medium-sized fitball, wood or brick, chair, tight rope or belt. All this will eliminate pain and avoid injury. Such exercises are especially relevant when there are problems with joints. For convenience, you will also need several blankets, which you will need to spread under you.
Features of using improvised items:
- Bricks … They will need 2 pieces, which must be placed opposite each other at the distance of your shoulders. Then lie down on the floor, point your heels towards the ceiling and strain your legs. In the meantime, bend your arms at the elbows, spread your fingers as wide as possible and rise above the surface. Next, slowly lower your shoulders onto the support and keep your body suspended so that your knees do not touch the mat. After 20 seconds, return to the starting position and do the same 5 times.
- Chair … Place two rugs folded in thirds on the floor. Place them so that they are under your back. In this case, the neck should be almost completely on them. Place a chair at a distance of about 25 cm from the support. Next, lie on the floor with your back to him, enter the "birch", stretching your legs up, and gently lower them to the dais one by one. You need to do this exercise at least 5 times, but if you feel dizzy, take a little rest. This is quite normal, because in this position the blood rushes sharply to the head. Then you can do this: sit on a chair, grab its back with your hands and, trying not to move the body of the body, turn your head and shoulders to the side.
- Rope … It is better to use a belt instead. Whatever you choose, throw it onto your feet. Then lie down on the mat and pull the rope towards you so that they are at an angle of at least 45 degrees. Do not release the device for 2-3 minutes. If it presses hard, loosen your grip.
- Bolsters … They need to be put one on one. Then lie on the floor so that they are directly under your lower back. Bend your legs at the knees, and join your hands behind your head and stretch them forward. Next, direct your stomach up, taking your hips and shoulder blades to the floor. Remember to breathe deeply while doing this. To quickly develop body flexibility, hold this position for 5-7 minutes.
- Fitball … Lie with your back on the floor about 0.5 m from the support and place your feet on the ball. As a result, your knees should be bent, and your head and arms should lie on the surface. Remain in this position for about 3 minutes. Another exercise: put your back on the ball, put your hands behind your head and slowly move a little towards the floor. As a result, the hips should be suspended and the knees bent. Having fixed well in this position, try to lift the body off the floor and hold it for at least 10 seconds. Repeat these movements 5-10 times. They perfectly develop the spine, hips and shoulder blades.
Developing body flexibility with yoga asanas

This option allows you to see improvements in 2-3 months of constant practice. The proposed exercises are simple enough even for a beginner. They can be safely performed for osteochondrosis and other problems in rheumatology. The initial challenge is to deepen the stretch of the muscles and work the joints.
Popular yoga asanas for body flexibility:
- Viralasana … The cat's pose is performed as follows - get on all fours, place your hands strictly under your shoulders. Your knees should be under your hips, your hands should be under your chin, your heels should be facing the ceiling. Lift your tailbone and head at the same time. Make a deep bend in the chest and lower back. Relax your neck muscles and stay in this position for at least a minute.
- Bhujangasana … To perform the Sphinx pose, we lie on our stomach, straighten our arms, put our palms on the floor at about ear level and stretch our upper body towards the ceiling. The face should be facing up and the heels should be facing the hips. Remain in this position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times.
- Ushtrasana … This asana is better known as the Camel Pose. In order to enter it, get on your knees, connect them and your feet together and bend back. Take your head as far as possible to the heels. Hold your toes with your hands. Repeat the same steps for 3 minutes.
- Anjaneyasana … Sit on your buttocks and with your hands pull your outstretched legs to your chest, holding on to their toes. Don't lose your balance, breathe. Make sure that your back does not bend back, but is flat. Do not leave the asana for 10 seconds, then gently lower your legs and do 5 repetitions of this exercise.
- Ubhai Padangustasana … In this position, the back and front surfaces of the thigh, lower back, shoulder blades are perfectly stretched. First, get on two knees and move the right one slightly forward so that it is at a 45-degree angle. Then pull your left leg back, laying it on the floor. Cross your arms over your head and take them behind your head, so that a slight deflection forms in the back. Now switch legs. It is recommended to repeat this asana 7-10 times in one practice.
- Crownchasana … This posture is necessary to improve the mobility of the hip joints, knees and ankles. We start by sitting on the buttocks, after which we bend the left leg under us, and raise the right leg up. In this case, you need to hold on to the foot with both hands. Try to move your leg as far as possible, but without pain, and wait 30 seconds. Then repeat the same with your right leg. Do not overstrain your muscles and do more than 15 of these exercises at a time.
- Adho Mukha Svanasana … Place your feet along the line of your shoulders and lower your palms to the floor. Spread your fingers as wide as possible, they should be parallel to the feet. Then step back to create a good arch in your back. Then, with an exhalation, take your buttocks back and your biceps forward, trying to reduce the space under you. Stay in the pose for 1 minute, then rise and repeat 10 times.
In order not to harm yourself, yoga classes to develop body flexibility in the first six months should not last longer than an hour. At this time, you should take the child's pose every 10 minutes. You need to sit on your knees, lower your pelvis to your heels, and your chest to your feet, stretch your arms in front of you. At the same time, the head should lie on the floor, try to spread the shoulder blades to the sides.
Important! After the first lesson, the back, shoulder blades, shoulders, arms, lower back will be very painful. Nothing wrong with that, just give yourself a week off and then continue to improve your flexibility.
Ballistic Exercises for Full Body Flexibility

Before you start charging, you need to warm up for 10-15 minutes. It's good if you sweat a little while doing this. This will warm up the muscles and joints, avoiding rupture of ligaments and tendons. Ballistic exercises work best in conjunction with static exercises. First, the first are executed, and then the second. In the future, after 3-5 months, they can be alternated.
Most Effective Exercises:
- Swing your legs … Place them shoulder-width apart and alternately raise them sharply as high as possible. First take them forward and then back. Then repeat the same thing, but with the leg to the sides. If you still have poor control of your body, you can lean on the back of the chair. On each side, you need to make 10 swings.
- Rotation of the pelvis … Stand with your feet under your shoulders. Place your hands on your hips and guide them clockwise, right-back-left-forward. After completing one circle, move in the opposite direction. Do 10-20 of these rotations.
- Mill … Place your feet at arm's length and, bending over, touch your right foot with your left hand. The other hand at this moment should be straightened above the head. Repeat with the left leg. Make only 10-20 of these bends.
- Back bend … While standing, try to reach your toes with your hands across your back. Having done this, stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Enter this pose 10 more times and then rest a little.
- Rolls … Bend your knees and squat down, leaving your hips in the air. Extend your left leg to the side and transfer your body weight to it. Now repeat the same steps with the right leg, and so on 10 times.
Important! To avoid injury, do not make sudden jerks. All bends, deflections, rolls and rotations should be performed smoothly, without haste.
Static exercises to develop body flexibility

This is the most important stage, since it is on it that the results obtained are consolidated and improved. Such exercises are always performed only after a good warm-up and warming up the muscles. For the first 2-4 months, you can bandage your knees and feet with an elastic bandage to prevent injuries to the tendons and ligaments. It would be nice to use a warming cream before and after class - "Analogos", "Venoruton", "Nikoflex".
A selection of the best static exercises:
- Standing … Spread your legs along your shoulders and stretch your straight arms toward the floor. If possible, place your palms on a surface and wait 30 seconds. Next, alternately bend your knees and direct them through your back to the head, as far as the flexibility of the body allows. After that, put your right hand behind your head and your left behind your back and cross your fingers. Swap them after 30 seconds. Now do another exercise - a bridge. To do this, carefully walk down the wall to the floor. To avoid injury, spread a blanket for yourself.
- Sitting … Your buttocks should be on the floor and your legs should be as far apart as possible. Your task is to stretch first forward, and then right and left, lingering in each pose for 30 seconds. Then put your legs together and try to reach your toes with your hands. If possible, sit like this for at least 10 seconds.
- Lying … Your face should be facing the floor. Bend your legs and grab your toes. Then try to bring your hips as close to the neck as possible, imitating a basket. At the same time, do not spread your legs too wide, otherwise there will be no special effect. Then you can do the following exercise: without lifting your chest and hips from the floor, raise your arms and keep them on weight for 10-20 seconds parallel to the body. Another way is to spread your legs to the side while lying on your back.
How to develop body flexibility - watch the video:

Even if you have poor body flexibility, do not despair, the exercises and tips suggested in the article will definitely help solve this problem. As a result, you will gain an easy gait and self-confidence!