Find out how to get in full shape in a short period of time and effortlessly. Summer is approaching, and many people remember that it is necessary to take care of their body. If in winter the excess weight could be easily hidden under a fur coat, then in warm weather this cannot be done. It is quite obvious that in such a situation the question of how to prepare the body for summer is extremely relevant for them?
The increase in body weight during the cold season is by and large a normal physiological process if you do not take care of yourself. In the spring, for most compatriots, the situation is aggravated by the fact that it is necessary to get rid of fat as soon as possible. This situation is familiar to everyone, but you should not bring it to this point. For health, it is better to lose weight gradually and you will need at least a couple of months for this.
Having decided to urgently start fighting fat, someone goes to a fitness center, others begin to use a variety of strict dietary nutrition programs, and still others are looking for the fastest way possible, starting to use various pills and supplements. You must understand that the body does not want to just part with its energy reserves and all the miracle pills most often turn out to be ineffective and absolutely dangerous to health.
You don't have to rely on pills and continue to actively consume cakes and cookies. In the case of strict dietary nutrition programs, the situation is no better, because they can seriously undermine health. In winter, the body is in constant stress, but here you yourself deprive it of energy and aggravate everything.
Remember that for weight loss it is enough to just adhere to a few dietary rules, and they do not imply strict restrictions. If you want to speed up the process, then start playing sports and be more active at home. No pills or diets will help you solve the existing problem in the long term. Not only that, after diets, the weight almost always returns to its previous indicators, so you can still damage the body.
How to prepare your body for summer: the beginning

In any business, you need to know where to start. If you are thinking about how to prepare your body for summer, first of all pay attention to your diet. In the spring, more greens and vegetables with fruits appear in stores, which must be present in your diet. These foods contain a ton of nutrients that your body needs.
Swap out large plates for small ones and use them to measure out your food. Anything that fits on it can be safely eaten. This will allow you to lower your dietary energy score and visually trick your brain. It is also extremely important to chew food thoroughly and not eat heavy meals before bed. Try to eat for the last time two hours before going to bed.
There are still recommendations to ban eating after six in the evening. Probably, the authors do not have modern information and do not know that scientists have long proved the fallacy of this approach to the organization of nutrition. You may well have a snack a couple of hours before bedtime, but eat light foods like fruit or cottage cheese.
Cut out sugar and reduce the amount of salt. But you need to drink a lot of water, at least one and a half liters per day. Note that it is advisable to take into account only drinking water in this amount, and not tea and coffee. Today, they are increasingly talking about the benefits of melt water and scientists have confirmed this fact.
It is very useful to start playing sports, and it is not necessary to visit the gym for this. You can also maintain good shape with the help of home workouts. However, if you have the time and desire to visit the fitness center, then this will only be a plus. We said above that you can only lose weight with the help of properly organized nutrition. However, the speed will be slow, and regular exercise will help you achieve your goal much earlier.
Unfortunately, not everyone understands that sports should be practiced regularly, and not depending on the desire. Most often, they refer to a lack of time, but you must agree that you can always allocate three hours for training a week. But if there is no desire, then the matter is different and you can find a lot of excuses. Many people who want to know how to prepare their bodies for summer make the same mistake - exercise once a week or even less. In this case, do not expect positive results. At the same time, and too often, you can’t do it either, and the best option is three sessions per week. We already spoke at the beginning of the article about the desire of many to lose weight with the help of strict dietary nutrition programs. This is the second common mistake most people make.
In the short term, such nutritional programs are almost always effective, but then all the results disappear, and you gain weight again, and even more than it was before you started losing weight. Once again I want to say about the uselessness of various diet pills. If you want not only to know how to prepare your body for summer, but to do everything right, then you need to eat right and play sports.
Tips for those who want to lose weight by the summer

- Council number 1. You do not need to constantly convince yourself that this is the last time I will eat a piece of cake, and tomorrow a new life will begin. This will continue indefinitely if you do not control yourself. If the decision on the need to deal with extra pounds is made, start acting at that very minute.
- Council number 2. Remove all unhealthy foods from your refrigerator and never buy them again. Eat more fruits and vegetables at any time of the year.
- Council number 3. You should not just decide to lose weight, but find a good motivator. Of course, there are people who do not need this at all and they have sufficient willpower to make their dreams come true. However, there are very few of them and many will require serious motivation. For example, you can imagine how you will appear on the beach in an open swimsuit, and all the men will be at your feet. In this matter, it is difficult to give precise advice and you will have to show your imagination.
- Council number 4. Playing sports should be fun, not torture. There are now many sports that can help you lose fat. Choose a sport, it is advisable to find a competent trainer and a fitness center located near your home. If your budget is limited, then you can do without the services of a coach, but in this case it will take more time to achieve the task. The fact is that it is important to choose the right load and draw up a competent training program. A trainer will help you in this matter, and under his guidance, you will quickly master all the technical features of each exercise. You can cheat and pay only for a month of classes. After the training program is ready, the loads are determined, and the exercise technique is studied, you can continue to practice on your own.
- Council number 5. Often, a person who has not previously been involved in a spot falls into a panic. When, after training, his muscles start to ache. Do not be scared, this is a completely normal reaction of the body, which was simply amazed by such an act of the owner. He adapts quickly enough, the muscles will get stronger and the pain will disappear. It should be noted here that professional bodybuilders judge the effectiveness of training precisely by the presence of pain.
- Council number 6. Drink from one and a half to two liters of water throughout the day, excluding coffee and tea. It is also important to reduce the amount of salt, but you should not completely abandon the product, because it must be maintained in a water-salt balance.
- Council number 7. Sugar in your diet is a waste product. This is the main enemy of a beautiful figure, because it is the fast carbohydrates, of which he is a supplier, that can be converted into fats. Eat more cereals, such as buckwheat and oatmeal, are great for your health. They also contain carbohydrates, but are complex. As a result, the body will be provided with a sufficient amount of energy.
- Council number 8. Without vegetables, it is difficult to imagine a full-fledged diet for a person who wants to know how to prepare the body for summer. Similar words can be said about fruits, though not all. Those of them that contain a lot of fructose, say, grapes or bananas. You can use it, but in moderation. But citrus fruits will be an excellent help in achieving this goal. Scientists have discovered in their composition substances that can significantly accelerate the processes of lipolysis.
- Council number 9. Replace regular bread with whole grain, because it contains a large amount of plant fibers and vitamins B. It is also necessary to abandon white bread, since it does not carry much nutritional benefit to the body.
- Council number 10. Do not listen to those "experts" who declare the need for a complete rejection of animal fats. They are necessary for the body for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Testosterone and estrogens, the main hormones of the male and female body, respectively, are synthesized from animal fats. Just limit your intake.
Let's summarize all of the above. If you want to know how to prepare your body for the summer, then first of all you need to:
- Reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat.
- Start fighting cellulite.
- Improve muscle tone.
- Return the skin to its previous elasticity.
This is not as difficult to achieve as many people think. At the same time, you have to work on your body, because a beautiful figure cannot appear out of nowhere.
A set of exercises to prepare your body for summer is presented below: