How to pump up your glutes in the gym

How to pump up your glutes in the gym
How to pump up your glutes in the gym

A lot of work needs to be done in the gym to make the buttocks more attractive. How to do this effectively will be described in today's article. Studies have shown that the buttocks are considered the most attractive parts of the human body. Men, when looking at a woman, immediately assess the breasts and buttocks. Girls, in turn, are interested in the width of the shoulders and the volume of the buttocks. Anthropologists have found that the buttocks are most attractive to both sexes, as they show a person's ability to run long distances. For evolution, this was one of the main factors of survival. Thus, today you will learn how to pump up the buttocks in the gym, thereby making them even more attractive.

Approaches to correcting the buttocks

Exercise for training the buttocks
Exercise for training the buttocks

There are several approaches to correcting the shape and volume of the buttocks. There are a lot of them, but three methods are the most effective for people with excess weight and with a thin figure.

Ways for overweight people:

  • Correct nutrition program. If you are overweight, eating the right diet will help you reduce body fat.
  • Aerobic exercise. This type of workout is most effective for both cardio and interval training. In addition, it is advisable to conduct strength training once or twice a week.
  • Fat burners.

Ways to correct the buttocks for thin people:

  • Proper nutrition. It is necessary to increase the calorie content of your nutritional program, consume more proteins in order to increase the anabolic background in the body.
  • Strength training. Strength training is essential for effective buttock muscle hypertrophy.
  • Hormonal contraception for women. With the correct use of hormonal contraception, proper fat deposition will be ensured. This will improve the shape of your breasts and buttocks.

Anatomy and causes of buttock atrophy

Schematic representation of the gluteal muscles
Schematic representation of the gluteal muscles

The buttocks are a rather complex "mechanism" consisting of three types of muscles of different sizes, which are called the gluteus maximus, medius and small. With their help, the quadriceps unbend and unfolds the thigh outward, and when working together with the muscles of the back of the thigh, the body unbends after bending. In addition, it is thanks to the gluteal muscles that the body tilts to the sides. As you can see, the answer to the question of how to pump up the buttocks in the gym can be answered that it is quite difficult.

With an insufficient mass of muscle tissue on the buttocks, a person is able to show weak results in all exercises designed for the legs, from squats to jumping. If an athlete, having dropped into a squat with weights, is not able to stand up, then this can only indicate insufficient training of the gluteal muscles and quadriceps. If you do not pay due attention to the buttocks in training, then the lifting effort will be reduced by almost half.

The modern lifestyle of most people is such that they basically have to sit. After spending a day at work in the office, the buttocks are practically inactive all this time, which leads to muscle tissue degeneration. This leads to a loss of tone, which is very difficult to regain, even with the help of hard exercise. If you want to know how to pump up your glutes in the gym, then get ready for the hard work in your workouts.

Buttock training strategy

Girl performs an exercise to train the gluteal muscles
Girl performs an exercise to train the gluteal muscles

For people over 30 who decide to start exercising in the gym, experts will always advise you to start swinging the hamstrings and buttocks. Only then can you grab the quads. The muscles of the buttocks play a very important role in almost all exercises designed to develop the legs. If they are not sufficiently inflated, then when doing squats, the person will not be able to achieve the desired level of intensity when the quads begin to develop.

Often, beginners who have no one to suggest this training strategy can do basic squats for several months without getting any feedback. The fact is that due to the weak muscles of the buttocks, they are physically unable to perform the exercise with the required intensity. In this case, the answer to the question of how to pump up the buttocks in the gym will be as follows: change the training program.

It is recommended to swing the buttocks at the same time as the biceps of the thigh, however, if this group of muscles has suffered enough from hypodynamia, then it makes sense to include special exercises in your training program, which should be performed twice a week. It is about such a training that the conversation will go today. The main exercise here is the Romanian dumbbell deadlift. It is very important to use this particular sports equipment, and not a barbell. Only dumbbells allow you to get a good feel for the work of the gluteal muscles. This fact can be explained by different biomechanics of work with different types of weights. When working with a barbell, the main load, and, therefore, training, falls on the back extensors. In turn, the dumbbells are located as close as possible to the axis of the body, and the main load falls on the buttocks and the back of the thigh. There are other effective exercises for back extensors, but now you need to know how to pump up your glutes in the gym.

When performing the exercise, the pyramid method should be used, i.e. increase the weight of the dumbbells from set to set in such a way that the final set is the most difficult. The second exercise of the program may seem unfamiliar to some. Pressing one leg is significantly different from the classic exercise. Thanks to him, the gluteal muscles are actively contracted. You should prepare for the fact that the next day after class, the buttocks may hurt a lot. The exercise should be performed with maximum efficiency.

All the exercises remaining in the program are of an auxiliary nature, and when performing them, the main thing is the correct technique, and not the magnitude of the load. This program is suitable for both men and women. The main differences in the structure of the female muscles from the male are in the weaker pectoral muscles. The muscles of the legs have no fundamental differences. Thus, the answer to the question of how to pump up the buttocks in the gym is the same for everyone: perform the complex, which will be discussed below.

Complex for training the buttocks

Schematic representation of the gluteal deltoid
Schematic representation of the gluteal deltoid
  • Romanian deadlift. 5 sets are performed. The number of repetitions in the first set is 10, in the second - 8, and in all subsequent ones - 6 each.
  • Press with one leg. Three sets of 10 repetitions are performed.
  • Hyperesthesia. In total, 3 sets of 10 repetitions should be performed.
  • Raising the pelvis. 3 sets are performed. In the first, the number of repetitions is 15, in the second - 12, in the final - 10.
  • Leading the leg back. Only three sets. In the first, the number of repetitions is 15, in the second - 12, in the final - 10.

Romanian deadlift

An athlete performs a Romanian deadlift
An athlete performs a Romanian deadlift

It is necessary to become level and hold the dumbbells in straightened arms in front of you. The back must remain flat throughout the exercise, otherwise the extensors of the back will be more involved, and not the buttocks. Lean forward until your torso is parallel to the floor. From this position, you should straighten with the effort of the hamstrings and gluteal muscles.

One leg press

Athlete performs leg press
Athlete performs leg press

To perform the exercise, a leg press simulator is used. One leg is on the floor, the other rests on a movable platform. To increase the load on the gluteal muscles, place the working leg as close to the upper edge of the platform as possible.

Back hyperesthesia

Back Extension Machine
Back Extension Machine

The hips are resting on the cushion of the machine, and the arms are crossed at the chest. The back should be straight. Stretch the body "in line" with the effort of the hamstrings and buttocks. The lower the simulator cushion is, the greater the load on the buttocks.

Raising the pelvis

Girl performs a pelvic lift
Girl performs a pelvic lift

Place two benches in parallel, so that the distance between them is slightly less than the height of the athlete. The hands are located behind the head, the legs rest on one bench, and the shoulders rest on the second. With a powerful movement, raise your pelvis as high as possible.

Leading the legs back

The athlete performs the abduction of the legs
The athlete performs the abduction of the legs

A soft handle should be attached to the cable of the block and the foot of one leg should be passed through it. The body is in a squat with arms resting facing the block. Extend the knee of the working leg, taking the foot as far as possible. Slowly return your leg to its original position. Women can use a shock absorber.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the exercises for correcting the buttocks in this video:
