Features of the use of dianabol in sports

Features of the use of dianabol in sports
Features of the use of dianabol in sports

Today we will talk about one of the most popular oral steroids - dianabol. The content of the article:

  • The need for dianabol
  • Application features
  • Dosage
  • Side effects
  • Sample courses

Dianabol is currently one of the most popular and widely used oral steroids. It has been used by athletes for quite a long time and managed to pass a serious test. Also, our athletes know this drug under the name "methane". More than one generation of Soviet athletes grew up on it.

The need for dianabol in sports

Athletes in the gym
Athletes in the gym

The active ingredient in the preparation is methandrostenolone. The main form of release is tablets weighing 5, 10 and 50 grams. The popularity of the steroid is due to several reasons. First, it is administered orally, making it affordable for beginner athletes. After all, experience is required to use injectables.

Secondly, it has an acceptable cost, which makes it affordable for a wide range of athletes. In addition, the course of Dianabol is very effective and can lead to a rapid increase in muscle mass.

The rapid gain in muscle mass can be attributed to several reasons. Firstly, the drug accelerates muscle tissue hypertrophy, and also retains fluid in the body. Also, when using dianabol, strength indicators also increase.

This is due to the acceleration of the synthesis of creatine phosphate in muscle tissue cells. It is this substance that affects the production of ATP, which acts as a fuel for muscle cells.

Features of the use of dianabol

Muscle volume with and without dianabol
Muscle volume with and without dianabol

It should be said right away that Dianabol is also available in the form of injections. However, it is the tablet form that is most widespread. The drug has a short disintegration period, therefore, the daily dosage should be divided into two doses. This is very easy to do, since the tablets have several dosages. In addition, Dianabol should be consumed with meals to eliminate indigestion.

But recently, more and more often you can see the recommendations of athletes about taking a steroid shortly before the start of a training session - the entire daily dose. This scheme is based on the assumption that in this way it will be possible to raise the level of steroid content just during training.

We can agree that this method of using dianabol looks very interesting, but remember that this can cause an increase in the load on the liver. But at the same time, this use of a steroid is now widely practiced by experienced athletes. But for beginners, it is definitely worth dividing the daily dosage into two doses.

Dianabol dosages


The average daily dose of the drug is from 30 to 50 milligrams, and the standard course of Dianabol continues for 4-6 weeks. Beginners should reduce the daily dosage to 30 or 40 milligrams. This is more than enough to get good results.

Of course, more experienced athletes can increase the dose, but you should always remember about the maximum allowable amounts of the drug used. An excessive increase in dosage will not lead to an improvement in effectiveness, but it can cause side effects. Thus, the uncontrolled use of the drug is completely meaningless. Most professional athletes do not consume more than 70 or 80 milligrams during the day.

Experienced athletes often use a combination course of dianabol. The most effective combinations are Deca and Testosterone Enanthate. It should be remembered that good results in a mass-gaining cycle can only be achieved with a combination of intense training and a proper diet. Otherwise, the anabolic course will not bring the desired results.

For beginners, a solo course of the drug will be quite enough. With the help of Dianabol, you can gain a decent amount of muscle tissue.

Dianabol side effects

Types of steroids
Types of steroids

It should be said right away that Dianabol is hepatoxic. It is insignificant, but still it must be remembered. The drug undergoes alkylation at 17-alpha, which significantly increases its biological activity. As a result, in order to avoid an increase in the load on the liver, the recommended dosages and duration of use should be adhered to on the Dianabol cycle.

With a significant increase in dosage during a dianabol cycle, the usual androgenic side effects can occur. When the dose is reduced, they pass quickly. It is also worth noting that androgenic side effects largely depend on the individual characteristics of the athlete's body.

A course of dianabol can cause an increase in estrogen levels, and anti-estrogenic agents should be used to combat this. It is also possible for excess fluid to accumulate in the body. But this has a beneficial effect on the work of the ligaments and joints, which are well lubricated.

Examples of Dianabol courses

The course of taking steroids
The course of taking steroids

Let's consider examples of courses on the use of Dianabol in sports.

Course number 1

Course 1
Course 1

It is worth noting that the dosage of the drug in this course is completely analogous to the solo course of Dianabol.

Course number 2

Course 2
Course 2

This anabolic cycle uses dianabol and testosterone enanthate. This is exactly the combination that was already mentioned above. Thanks to this course, you can achieve very good results in gaining mass.

Course number 3

Course 3
Course 3

This is a more complex course, which, in addition to dianabol, also includes two testosterone esters - enanthate and propionate. It is also quite effective.

How to take Dianabol - watch the video:

To prevent a possible negative effect on the liver, it is advisable to take the following drugs during the course of dianabol: Liv-52, alpha-lipoic acid or Milk Twist. Nowadays, a lot of similar drugs are produced, which are not difficult to find.
