How to use Mildronate in sports

How to use Mildronate in sports
How to use Mildronate in sports

Mildronate is the best choice for athletes who train in aerobic style at high intensity. Learn how to maintain heart tone and prevent abnormal hypertrophy. The content of the article:

  • Mechanism of action
  • Properties
  • Dosages and application
  • Side effects

Mildronate is well known not only by strength athletes, but also by representatives of other sports. Since 01.01.2016, Mildronate has been included in the list of doping drugs. Meldonium (trimethylhydrazinium propionate) is used as an active substance in mildronate. The drug was created back in the seventies of the last century, and since then Mildronate has been widely used in sports.

The mechanism of action of mildronate

Mildronate injectable form
Mildronate injectable form

As mentioned above, the active substance of mildronate is meldonium, which has a similar effect to y-butyrobetaine. The mechanism of action of the drug predetermined a wide range of its pharmacological properties. Using mildronate in sports, an athlete can increase his performance, reduce psychological and physical fatigue, and activate tissue and humoral immunity.

With the manifestation of signs of heart failure, the drug is able to increase the heart rate, reduce the likelihood of angina pectoris and increase the whole body's tolerance to high physical exertion. The drug is actively used in case of myocardial damage, helping to slow down the appearance of necrotic areas, the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced, and blood circulation is normalized.

During high physical exertion, mildronate restores the balance between the transport of oxygen to the cells and their need for it. Also, thanks to its use, the level of cellular decay products decreases, which protects cells from destruction. The body quickly replenishes energy reserves, which is very important with intense training.

Mildronate stimulates the central nervous system, while eliminating all disorders in the functioning of the somatic and autonomic divisions of the central nervous system. With its help, you can eliminate the disorders caused by withdrawal symptoms. It should also be noted that it has a positive effect on the vessels of the retina, which helps to improve vision.

Meldonium significantly reduces the concentration of free carnitine and creates problems for the transport of fatty acids with long chains across the cell membranes. When used in cells, active forms of non-oxidized fatty acids, which are derivatives of acylcoenzyme and acylcarnitine, do not accumulate.

Mildronate is able to restore the balance between the need for cellular structures for oxygen and its transportation in ischemic tissues. This activates the glycosis process, without the consumption of additional oxygen.

As already mentioned, the injectable form is the most effective, but it is worth noting that the tablet form also has a high bioactivity rate, which is about 78%. In turn, injections are maximally bioavailable, which predetermined their greater efficiency. The metabolic products of mildronate are excreted through the kidneys. It should be noted that all of them are not toxic and are not capable of harming the kidneys.

Properties of mildronate

Mildronate capsules
Mildronate capsules

The main advantage of mildronate is the improvement of metabolic processes at the cellular level. Simply put, this promotes the speedy elimination of decay products from the cells, and, consequently, accelerates the process of restoring the energy reserves of cells. If you apply all of the above to muscle tissue, the muscles will recover faster after intense training.

It is also worth noting that recovery is faster not only after strength training, but also after endurance training. It is this feature that made Mildronate a very popular drug in sports. The faster the athlete recovers, the better results he is able to show.

The tool is produced both in tablet form and in the form of injections. As with almost any medication, the injection form of practice is twice as effective as the oral one. Actually, there is nothing to be surprised at, since the drug quickly enters the bloodstream.

Dosages and application of mildronate

The use of mildronate
The use of mildronate

The oral form of mildronate is a capsule containing 0.25 g of active substance. The average daily dosage is 0.25-2 grams. The injections contain 5 milliliters of the drug, and the daily dosage is 5 to 10 milliliters.

The most effective remedy for intensive training and hard physical work. To put it simply, Mildronate in sports and everyday life should be used when the body does not have time to recover from physical exertion.

It is worth noting that even if you get enough sleep and your nutrition program is well-designed, your muscles will not have time to fully recover. This is where Mildronate comes to the rescue. All athletes who have used the product in their careers only speak positively about its effect on the body. Most athletes prefer the injectable form of the drug, since it is significantly more effective than the oral one.

Mildronate can be used in sports for three to five weeks. Longer courses can make the drug less effective, since resistance may develop, i.e. insensitivity of receptors to the effects of the agent. Despite all the benefits of mildronate, if your diet is insufficient, then the drug will be ineffective.

Side effects of Mildronate


Minor side effects are possible when using mildronate. To protect yourself from their occurrence, you should use the remedy at the beginning of the day. Side effects sometimes include rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), high blood pressure (hypertension), and slight psychomotor agitation. However, this is very rare, both when using the oral form and injecting it.

How to use Mildronate in sports - watch the video:

Thus, Mildronate will help athletes to increase performance and reduce physical fatigue and is an effective drug for use in sports.
