How to gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month?

How to gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month?
How to gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month?

The main goal of bodybuilders is to gain muscle mass. There are many ways to do this. Find out how you can gain 5 kilograms in a month. Very often, beginners misunderstand the whole process of muscle fiber growth, being confident that the most important thing here is training itself. However, they do not take into account other factors, which leads to a lack of clear progress in the classroom. If you focus only on intensive training, forgetting, for example, about the correct nutrition program, then the effect is practically impossible to achieve.

Often, athletes spend several hours a day training, but this can only work with the support of sports pharmacology. Under high loads, the body receives severe stress and requires a large amount of nutrients to restore it. Today we will try to answer in detail the question of how to gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month and is it possible in principle.

Weight Gain Nutrition Program

Athlete drinking protein shake
Athlete drinking protein shake

Nutrition is a very important aspect of an effective workout. Without a quality nutrition program, you will not be able to gain weight or lose weight. To do this, you should correctly calculate the calorie content of the diet, as well as macronutrients needed by the body on a daily basis.

In the athlete's menu, the main share of nutrients should be carbohydrates from 40 to 50 percent. About 30-40 percent should be protein compounds and 10% should be given to fats. Needless to say, the nutrition program should only include organic foods and McDonald's fast food is out of place. To calculate the required amount of nutrients, it is best to use special calculators that can be found on a large number of web resources.

When the percentage of all macronutrients and the daily caloric content of the diet are known, it is necessary to choose the right food.

Essential foods for muscle growth

Schematic representation of muscle products
Schematic representation of muscle products

If you decide to engage in bodybuilding seriously, then you need to forget about fatty foods, fast food, chips, etc. in addition, you should reduce consumption as much as possible, and it is better to completely abandon sweets and various lemonades. Exclude from your nutrition program everything that negatively affects the body.

The basis of your diet should be cereals, pasta, boiled meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. With intense training, the body must receive all the nutrients it needs. This will not only allow faster recovery of muscle tissues, but also strengthen the joints and ligaments, which are heavily loaded during training.

Remember that water makes up about 80 percent of your total body weight. If you can live without food for a couple of months, then without water no more than five days. Water takes part in various processes, including it is necessary for the growth of muscle fibers.

Sports supplements and muscle growth

Supplements in capsules and dumbbells
Supplements in capsules and dumbbells

Sports nutrition is an integral part of effective training, and it is impossible to talk about how to gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month without taking this factor into account. If you have just started training and your training experience does not exceed one month, then you do not need to use nutritional supplements. But if you've been in the gym for more than three months, then there should be room for protein and creatine in your diet. You can also use gainers, but this is not always required. When gaining mass, it is very important to provide the body with all the necessary substances. Most often, protein compounds are insufficient. Protein blends help replenish their supply. A very valuable property of protein is its ease of use. It is enough to add the powder and water to the sports shaker, stir well and drink.

In modern life, there are often times when you can't eat well. There can be many reasons for this. At the same time, you should always remember that food supplements cannot completely replace the usual diet, but are a supplement to it. Thus, protein shakes alone will not achieve results. After completing the training, you should consume a protein mixture, after which, when you come home, you should eat well.

There has been a lot of talk lately about creatine. It should be noted that this supplement is optional. The main task of creatine is to retain water in the body to accelerate recovery processes. As a result, in the gained 10 kilograms, half will be water, which will then be excreted from the body. By and large, it will not be possible to gain more than five kilograms within a month. It is enough to take creatine once or twice a month. At the same time, water consumption should also be increased.

Training sessions for mass gain

Bodybuilder Performs Standing Barbell Press
Bodybuilder Performs Standing Barbell Press

Since each person has individual characteristics, then the preparation of a training program should be approached strictly individually. It is necessary to take into account the gender of the athlete, his age, level of physical fitness. Perhaps someone first needs to lose weight and only then begin to work on gaining mass. There are a lot of methods and the preparation of a training program is worthy of a separate article and not even one.

If the athlete is not overweight, but on the contrary, there is a lack of it, then first, special attention should be paid to working on large muscle groups. Basic exercises are very suitable for this, and you need to focus on them. As an example, there is a simple and effective training program for athletes with more than two months of experience.

  • 1st day - training of the pectoral muscles and triceps;
  • 2nd day - back muscles and biceps;
  • 3rd day - muscles of the shoulder girdle and legs.

Moreover, each workout should include from 2 to 4 basic exercises and 2 or 3 isolating exercises. It is also important for the first time to focus on the technique of performing the exercises. You should not chase the working weight, it will not leave you anywhere.

For beginners who have no experience of training athletes, it is possible to recommend performing no more than 5 basic movements and again, focus all attention on the technique. It should also be noted that each athlete should keep a diary of their activities, which will help track progress and, if necessary, quickly make adjustments to the training. By following these simple guidelines, you can gain 5 kg of muscle mass in a month.

For nutrition, fluid intake, and muscle-building workouts, watch this video interview:
