How to gain muscle mass without fat?

How to gain muscle mass without fat?
How to gain muscle mass without fat?

Want to gain muscle and burn fat at the same time? How do bodybuilders stay lean with minimal body fat during the offseason? Find out now! Every athlete strives to gain the maximum amount of mass. But this is impossible without careful planning of your training process and nutrition program. Everyone knows that you need to eat a lot while gaining weight. However, this can lead to the appearance of excess body fat, which is unacceptable. Learn how to gain muscle mass without fat in this article.

How to eat right to gain lean muscle mass?

Man with shopping cart in supermarket
Man with shopping cart in supermarket

It is known that carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. It is from this nutrient that glycogen is synthesized, which is used by the muscles for energy. But at the same time, with an excess of carbohydrates, they will be converted into fats. To avoid this, you can follow a few tips. This will help you gain lean muscle mass without fat.

It is important that the ratio of carbohydrates to protein compounds in your diet is 3 to 1. This is simple enough to do and you should not have any problems. It is also important to consume more carbs after exercise. During this period of time, the ratio of this nutrient to protein can be 4 to 1. You should also eat carbohydrate food within half an hour after the end of the session. This is important for this reason. That it is at this moment that the body is actively replenishing the glycogen depot and carbohydrates will definitely not be transformed into fats.

The unrefined slow carbohydrates found in cereals are best consumed prior to training. This will allow you to provide your body with the necessary energy for a long period of time. If you are prone to fat accumulation, then it makes sense to split your activities. It is better to train large muscle groups in the morning and work on small groups in the evening. Thanks to this step, you can speed up the synthesis of enzymes that are involved in the production of glycogen from carbohydrates. This will avoid the accumulation of fat mass.

When you are resting, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake by about twenty percent. At these times, the body does not require a lot of energy and it is very likely that carbohydrates are converted to fat.

It is also important to consume carbohydrates along with protein compounds. If this is not done, then the protein will be primarily used by the body as an energy carrier. If you use these nutrients together, then the carbohydrate will be provided with the necessary supply of energy, and protein compounds are used to build new cells of muscle tissue.

How to train properly for mass gain?

Girl do dumbbell push-ups
Girl do dumbbell push-ups

Muscle growth is closely related to strength performance. If you want to gain mass, then you should also increase strength. To do this, you should constantly increase the working weight of the weights, and to make it easier to control this process, it is worth keeping a training diary.

Basic exercises greatly influence muscle growth. They should form the basis of your training program. Multi-joint movements involve a large number of muscles and the anabolic response to them is significantly higher in comparison with single-joint exercises.

Beginner athletes should not pay much attention to work on simulators. For mass gain, you should focus on free weight training. Trainers can be effective for athletes with a long training history.

For maximum mass gain, you need to train at least three or four times during the week. It also makes sense to use cardio from one to three times in seven days, thereby speeding up the lipolysis process. Your workouts should not be excessively long. It is quite enough to carry out intensive training for a maximum of one hour. You will get more benefit from shorter and more frequent sessions compared to longer, less frequent sessions. Under the influence of physical activity, the body begins to intensively produce testosterone. Scientists have found that 45 minutes after the start of the session, the concentration of the male hormone begins to decline rapidly. After that, the production of cortisol begins, which contributes to the accumulation of fat.

You shouldn't always train for failure. If used intermittently, this training method can help you gain mass. However, if you bring yourself to a state of muscle failure in every lesson, then simply overload your nervous system. Scientists have found that the central nervous system takes much longer to recover in comparison with other systems and that it is she who is the main limiting factor for the full recovery of the body. Try to perform each exercise so that you have a couple of repetitions left in stock.

How to gain mass without fat, learn from this video:
