Description of dog breed Golden Retriever

Description of dog breed Golden Retriever
Description of dog breed Golden Retriever

The history of the origin of the golden retriever, the standard of the exterior, the character, the description of health, advice on care. Price when buying a golden retriever puppy. The Golden Retriever is the kindest creature, a dog with a wonderful character, remarkably intelligent eyes and a unique "golden" exterior. It is simply impossible to confuse this cute dog, it is so beautiful and recognizable. Possessing a wonderful intelligent character and charming "golden" appearance, he is perhaps the most adored pet in the world by children.

Golden Retriever origin story

Bitch and golden retriever puppy
Bitch and golden retriever puppy

For many years, the romantic theory of their origin from Russian circus dogs imported from the Caucasus has been widely circulated as a story of the origin of golden retrievers, or, as they are sometimes called in the English manner - Golden Retrievers.

The alleged owner of the Scottish estate Guisachan Estate Sir D. Magerbanks, Lord Tweedmouth The first in 1856, while visiting a visiting circus in the city of Brighton, was struck by the extraordinary intelligence and dexterity of circus dogs performing in the arena with golden yellow wool. Having bought these dogs from the owner of the circus (which he called Russian dogs acquired in the Caucasus), he brought them to his estate, where he began to use them for hunting deer. He allegedly laid the foundation for purebred breeding of dogs with golden hair. The descendants of these circus dogs were later called Golden Retrievers.

In the 19th century, this very version of the origin of the Goldens was zealously promoted by the owner of a beautiful dog with golden sandy hair, Colonel P. Trench. He was actively supported by all respected breeders of St. Huberts and Noranby, who clearly benefited from such a romantic story. Colonel Trench considered his retriever to be a direct descendant of the first circus dogs, and it was with his submission that the "circus version" was nevertheless accepted as an official English Kennel club during the registration of the breed. The gold-yellow dogs were registered by the club as "Russian Yellow Retriever" and it was under this name that these handsome yellow-gold dogs participated in Crufts exhibitions in 1913-1915. I must say that the circus version of the origin of the Golden Retriever lasted until 1959, right up to the moment when new facts were made public, refuting the reality of the legendary story.

The first doubts about the truth of the "circus story" appeared in 1927, when the grandson of Lord Tweedmouth the Third told a certain Mr. Smith a completely different story of the breed's origin. According to him, the first retriever puppy with an unusual yellow color was accidentally discovered in a whelping black retriever bitch of a city shoemaker in 1860, during a joint grandson's walk with his grandfather Lord Tweedmouth the First. The unusual yellow puppy was the only one among the entire brood of black puppies of the most common smooth-haired retriever. The lord was so impressed by the unusual color of the puppy that he immediately bought it from a shoemaker and brought it to his estate. The puppy was named Noyce.

Retold by Smith in the magazine "Country Life" this version of the origin caused a heated discussion among fans of the breed. And especially meticulous researchers Elma Stonex and R. P. Eliot decided to radically clarify the situation. They examined many old records of breeders, correspondence between dog clubs and nobles in England in order to find facts confirming the possibility of natural mutation of the color of black retrievers. At the same time, enthusiastic researchers were well aware that the displayed stability of the preservation of golden color was associated not so much with mutation, but with systematic selection of the species.

In the 50s of the XX century, the search was crowned with success. It has been documented that the yellow Noyce puppy was not acquired by the old lord from a shoemaker at all, but from the Brighton breeder Lord Chichester in 1864. In 1868, Noyce was mated to a tweed water spaniel. This was done in order to obtain a dog with an improved temperament, the ability not to be afraid of water and swim well, while maintaining the hunting qualities of a standard gun dog. Four golden-colored puppies were obtained, which were later mated with reddish setters. The following offspring were repeatedly mated with black retrievers, spaniels, and even a yellow bloodhound. All matings were carefully recorded by the old lord in the list documents found, ending in 1890 (the year of the death of the ascetic lord). Thus, the mystery of the origin of Golden Retrievers was unraveled, and the information released to the public in 1959 forced to rewrite their history, putting an end to this issue.

The first Golden Retriever from which all current retrievers are descended is considered to be the 1909 champion of the dog Normandy Campfine (owner Miss Charlesves).

The purpose of the golden retriever

Golden Retriever and baby
Golden Retriever and baby

The very name of the retriever indicates that the animal belongs to the group of gun hunting dogs, bred to supply (return) the shot game (from the English "to retrieve" - to return). During the rest of the hunt, such dogs should simply calmly follow alongside or behind the hunter. Hunters usually use retriever dogs in a pair with a cop. The cop finds and scares the animal or raises the bird on the wing to shoot the hunter. And the retriever dog provides a gentle and neat tray of game to the hunter. It was for this function that the old lord created a new breed with a universal quality - the ability to feed not only field, but also waterfowl.

Nowadays, the functions of the Goldens have expanded significantly. Now these handsome men with a calm, peaceful character are often used as guides for the blind and people with disabilities, for the rehabilitation of the elderly and disabled. They are popular as customs dogs (to search for drugs, weapons and explosives), as well as search and rescue dogs.

Well, the Golden Retriever is absolutely irresistible - in the role of actors. There are just a lot of films where they played the main roles.

But these animals received the greatest popularity, nevertheless, as a pet, a remarkably gentle friend of children and adults.

External standard and breed description of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever for a walk
Golden Retriever for a walk

"Golden" refers to hunting gun dogs of a rather large size. The dimensions of an adult male at the withers reach from 56 centimeters to 61 centimeters with a wide spread in weight - 26–41.5 kg. Females are somewhat smaller both in height and in body weight. Their height, as a rule, does not exceed 56 centimeters, and their weight is in the range of 25-37 kg. It is believed that the proportionality of the Golden Retriever is most harmonious if its length from the withers to the base of the tail is equal to the height from the withers to the ground.

  1. Head proportional to the body, beautifully shaped, with a wide neat forehead and a wide parietal part. The stop is distinct, smooth. The muzzle is elongated, but without the slightest hint of rudeness of features. The nasal bridge is medium in width. The nose is pronounced, not too large, preferably black. The lips are close to the jaws, moderately thick, with small flecks. The jaws are wide and strong. The teeth are white and large. Pincer bite.
  2. Eyes oval or almond-shaped, set wide apart. Eye color from light hazel to dark brown. The expression of the eyes is attentive and benevolent. The rim of the eyes is dark.
  3. Ears medium set, triangularly rounded, drooping, with a short coat.
  4. Neck the golden retriever is rather long, lean and muscular, blending smoothly into the withers, without dewlap.
  5. Torso elongated, well balanced, strong and toned, with a broad chest and a well toned belly. The back is strong, of medium width. The back line is straight. The croup is strong and sloping.
  6. Tail rather long, medium set, richly furred.
  7. Limbs upright, strong, muscular, with good musculoskeletal balance. Feet are neat, small, round ("cat's paw"), with tightly pressed toes. Paw pads are springy, firm.
  8. Wool straight or wavy with a fine guard hair and a dense, waterproof undercoat. The guard hair is long. The fur framing the neck and ears of the Golden Retriever, to a large extent gives its head that special good-natured expression that is a characteristic feature of this breed. It is desirable that the quality of the coat does not require much involvement of the dog hairdresser.
  9. Color provides all shades from golden, beige or cream. Any red shade of wool (mahogany or mahogany) is not desirable. The presence of white hairs on the chest is allowed.

Currently, there are three types of Golden Retriever conformation:

  1. British type (common throughout Europe and Australia) - puppies have a wider skull, distinct muscularity of the limbs, straight croup. The eyes are dark, round in shape.
  2. American type (common in the United States) - less muscular type of animal (in comparison with the English type). The coat is a rich golden color. Lighter or too tones are undesirable.
  3. Canadian type (new type of retrievers) - the most graceful and tall type of constitution of the dog (the maximum weight of an adult male reaches 34 kg). The color of the coat is lighter than that of the American type.

The personality of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever puppy and kittens
Golden Retriever puppy and kittens

Goldens are very active, energetic, hardy and athletic dogs that can easily adapt to almost any conditions of existence. They are smart and quick-witted, they are distinguished by great curiosity, good memory and wonderful flair.

They are benevolent and peaceful, trusting and unassuming. And they are also distinguished by that special intelligence of behavior, which is not often found in the dog's world. Even puppies bark extremely rarely, which, combined with the complete absence of any aggression in their character, completely excludes their use as a guard or watchman.

The incredibly peaceful and lovable nature of golden pets attracts the attention of dog fans from all over the world. They are always in the spotlight. They get along well with children, taking part in their games and fun with pleasure. It is because of the special love of little golden retrievers who, after special training, are often recruited to work as “treatment dogs” for the rehabilitation of problem children in dispensaries and shelters. Golden Retriever get along well with old people, they are able to be reliable guides and helpers, perfectly brightening up old age.

With an energetic but gentle and gentle nature, Golden Retrievers are perhaps the best dog for keeping at home. They are capable of excellent communication with people and animals around them, never creating problems in relationships, showing amazing delicacy and unobtrusiveness.

Golden Retriever health

Golden retriever running
Golden retriever running

Unfortunately, golden beauties are not distinguished by good health and have a lot of genetic breed predispositions to diseases.

The most important problem is a great predisposition to the development of cancer. Among the most common are (according to statistics published by American canine organizations): hemangiosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, and osteosarcoma. It was these diseases that caused the death of more than 61% of American retrievers.

The second most common problem is hip dysplasia, which is a hassle for owners. According to British veterinarians and a study conducted by the UK Kennel Club, the number of retriever dogs with knee and elbow dysplasia reaches almost 39%.

There are serious predispositions to heart disease (subvalvular aortic stenosis, cardiomyopathy), to joint diseases (dislocations, osteochondritis, cruciate ligament ruptures). Possible skin diseases (dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, seborrhea, sebaceous lymphadenitis). Hemophilia also happens.

Eye problems are common - cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, glaucoma, distichiasis, eyelid volvulus, corneal dystrophy and retinal dysplasia.

Another disease, mostly associated with the behavior of the owner of the animal, is obesity. Energetic retriever pets love to eat. And if the owner does not limit their diet and does not pay due attention to walking, then they are able to put on weight very quickly, with all the ensuing further consequences for health.

Here is such a difficult pet. Therefore, the Golden Retriever's lifespan is short and reaches 11–12 years.

Retriever Care Tips

Golden Retriever in a scarf
Golden Retriever in a scarf

Golden Retrievers are active dogs that require a certain living space and the ability to fully and freely run. Therefore, they feel best in nature or living in the courtyard (in a spacious aviary) of a country house. Once you decide to get yourself such a pet, the first thing you should think about is this. During a walk, the dog should not only run, but be able to communicate with other dogs and people, as well as train in executing commands, play with a stick or a ball.

Also, many owners of "Goldens" note that their animals shed heavily. And indeed it is. Therefore, in order to reduce the amount of hair in the house, as well as to prevent pets' hair from falling into tangles, it is necessary to pay attention to combing them daily (at least 15 minutes a day). Naturally, during periods of active molting, as well as after walks in the forest, combing should be done more often. It is necessary to bathe the dog as soon as it gets dirty or the day before the show. There are never any problems with bathing, this pet loves both water and bathing.

If the activity level is too high, the hanging ears of Golden Retrievers are too susceptible to bacterial otitis media. It is important to regularly examine his ears for the timely detection of an infiltrated infection. It is also imperative to check the dog's ears after walking in the forest, especially in the spring and summer seasons, when the real "kingdom" of ticks begins in the forest.

It is not difficult to choose a diet for an energetic and healthy "retreat", it does not require any special diet. Most ready-made food for energetic dogs of industrial production is quite suitable for him. The only thing is that you need to control the amount of calories consumed by your pet to prevent obesity. "Goldens" are big food lovers, and their sweet, begging look, "starving" dog is able to pity even the most staunch owner.

Price when buying a golden retriever puppy

Golden Retriever Puppies
Golden Retriever Puppies

The first golden beauty was brought to Russia (then still in the USSR) from the USA in 1989 by Alexei Surov, the founder of the Russian Retriever Club. A lot of time has passed since then and the Goldens have gradually mastered Russian territory. Despite the difficulties of selection and the difficult state of health of dogs in modern Russia, many kennels have been created, which allows you to easily choose a retriever puppy for every taste and budget.

The average price of a thoroughbred puppy is quite affordable and amounts to 35,000–45,000 rubles. Find out more useful information about the Golden Retriever in this video:
