Description of the Cane Corso breed

Description of the Cane Corso breed
Description of the Cane Corso breed

The history of the cane corso, external criteria, characteristics of behavior and health, advice on care, principles of training. Puppy purchase price. These are not simple animals. For centuries, they have been admired, respected and placed above many other breeds. They are remembered by folk traditions and legends. To this day, in some southern Italian dialects, the word "corso" means a powerful, beautiful and courageous person. The image of these dogs is captured in paintings, in sculptural miniatures, described in literary and scientific works.

The noble writer Erasmo de Malmaison, back in the 16th century in his poem "The Hunt", notes that they contain the unique abilities of many breeds. Possessing not a small weight, they are very flexible and mobile. Having an impressive appearance and a serious disposition, they can be both formidable and soft at the same time. Another writer, Teofilo Folengo, who lived between 1491 and 1540, talks about their use in hunting bears. At the beginning of the 16th century, professor-zoologist Konrad von Gesner, in his treatise, describes the criteria for this breed.

The history of the Cane Corso breed

Two cane corso
Two cane corso

The history of these dogs begins with the historical monument of Rome - the Colosseum. According to one version, they appeared exactly here. The ancestors of the modern Cane Corso, the Roman pickling dogs, fought in the arena of death against wild animals and gladiators. The word "Corso" in the name of the species does not affect a specific geographical area on the map, for example - the island of Corsica, as many mistakenly believe. Most experts believe that "Cane Corso" has the exact meaning - yard dog. "Kane", derived from the word "canis", translated from Latin is a dog, and "cortos" is a yard or paddock. For a long time they have been called: "the watchman of the property locked behind the fence."

These dogs have changed throughout their existence. At the beginning of their origin, they were not black, their colors were striped, and their size was much larger than they are today. Now the Cane Corso have changed, and their forms have become softer due to mixing with other breeds: Bull Mastiff and Boxer. Even 30-40 years ago, dogs of this breed were very large - the size of a calf and almost always striped. Throughout their history, they have undergone many changes, but over the past two thousand years, the main requirements for them have remained unchanged: dedication, strength, intelligence and endurance.

The name "courtyard" is not humiliation, but on the contrary - recognition of merit. They have a whole range of unique qualities that have long been recognized by Italians. The first studies of canines, which later formed the breed, were made in 1540. The Italian historian and thinker, Teofilo Falengo, was engaged in this. He researched these dogs throughout Italy from south to north. It was noted to them that their livestock is very different.

They are versatile animals. Until now, they carry out their original functions - herding the bulls. In Italy, there are farms where buffaloes are bred, from which high-quality milk is obtained a delicious cheese - mozzarella. The Cane Corso has a natural sense of territoriality, and therefore, they do not allow anyone to approach the farm. If suddenly the goby has strayed from the herd, or left the pen, then the dog very loyally returns it to its place. When four-legged shepherds pacify a bull, they usually grab it by the ear, and thus immobilize the animal. They are also guarded from uninvited guests: rats, mice, foxes and wolves. This is very important, because rodents are carriers of various infectious diseases. And if one animal from the herd falls ill, then the rest are also not immune from the disease.

These dogs are real fighters. They went on campaigns and fought in special armor against the enemy's cavalry. But still, initially, they were used to guard livestock. At first, on campaigns with the Roman legionaries, they set off as herdsmen. There was no canned food then, and therefore, the invincible armada carried most of the food with it. Looking at this power, you understand why the Cane Corso was used not only in military service and hunting a large animal, but also in hunting. If these dogs can handle the buffalo, then the wolf has no chance at all.

Previously, not only their tails were docked, but also their ears. This is the most vulnerable place in dogs, so they try to get rid of them. Some breeders continue to crock their ears to this day, despite all the protests of the European Union. Despite the fact that the dogs are very serious, at this time, they are the kings of the shows, family favorites and companions. More recently, their existence was heading towards complete disappearance. The wealthy class did not accept this breed. Dogs were the pets and indispensable helpers of commoners who used farming hard work to survive. Times changed, cities developed, and people from the countryside moved closer to civilization. The number of subsistence farms has dropped sharply, and the help of the Cane Corso has practically ceased to be used. Therefore, the breed was not bred, their number was rapidly decreasing, and this almost led to the death of the species.

Italian dog handlers consider this fact a dark spot in their work. When the Cane Corso began to be restored, in the late 70s of the last century, only 60 individuals were collected from all over Italy. They were distinguished by great aggression towards humans, because they were used only as guards. At the moment, the situation has changed radically. A group of enthusiasts managed to revive the breed with its antique beauty and gain international recognition.

Despite the revival and recognition, work on improving the breed continues to this day. Now, these animals are popular all over the world. And therefore, dishonest, stingy breeders are not concerned with quality, but a large number of puppies. Fortunately, there are some kind of fans of the breed who are not interested in the benefits, but in the opportunity to improve all the criteria of these animals. Only due to such zeal of fans of the Cane Corso, we have the opportunity to enjoy just such an appearance and character of these wonderful dogs. At the moment, Italian dog handlers may not blush, but rejoice that they saved this ancient, cultural value of Italy.

External criteria and description of the Cane Corso breed

Cane Corso on a par
Cane Corso on a par

Cane Corso is a large breed of dog with prominent muscles. It inspires respect, and even fear.

  1. Head. In width, more than in length. The frontal part above the pronounced superciliary arches is slightly convex, then flatter. The cheekbones are well defined.
  2. Muzzle. Square format, powerful, with a straight nasal bridge. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly visible. Lips with black pigmentation, hanging significantly over the lower jaw. The bite can be straight or slightly undershot. Powerful white canines in a linear arrangement.
  3. Nose placed on the line of the bridge of the nose, does not protrude beyond the edges of the lips. The nose is developed, only black.
  4. Eyes - set wide apart. Not large, oval, not protruding. The eyelids are well-fitting, dark-pigmented. The color of the eyes is desirable darker, but still depends on the color of the coat. The dog has a keen and intelligent gaze.
  5. Ears at the Cane Corso they are located high. Triangular, slightly rounded at the ends, with thick cartilages. Hanging over the cheekbones. Docked at the request of the owner.
  6. Neck in the same length as the head. Very strong, with a developed upper part, but at the same time it looks graceful.
  7. Frame. Muscular, longer than the height at the withers. The back is straight, with a strong, short loin and a wide croup. The chest is very developed and powerful. Ribs well rounded and well spaced. The bottom line is matched.
  8. Tail. High landing. Wider at the base. Stop at the fourth vertebra if desired.
  9. Front limbs with lean muscles and strong bones, the hind legs have wide, muscular thighs, the posterior surface is more convex. The legs are dry.
  10. Arched paws. The fingers are tightly pressed. The hind ones are slightly smaller than the front ones.
  11. Coat short and shiny, no undercoat.
  12. Color. Black, gray, red or brindle. There are white markings on the chest and feet. All colors except gray and black must have a dark mask on the head that captures the eyes.

Characteristics of the behavior of the Cane Corso

Children with Cane Corso dog
Children with Cane Corso dog

It would hardly occur to an outsider to come up and caress this huge dog. But it turns out that his temperament is conflict-free. He is devoid of heightened hostility. In no case, just like that, the Cane Corso will not attack. Any dog can be dangerous - it all depends on the owner. If the owner is irresponsible, then the behavior of his animal will be the same.

One of the most important qualities of such a dog is that it knows who is his and who is a stranger. The position towards outsiders will always remain prudent and cautious, easily succumbing to rage. A properly trained pet, who has been socialized from an early age, will never behave withdrawn.

Cane Corso is keenly aware of everything, he is very smart. He is sensitive to all people in the family where he lives, especially to young children. Sensitively responds to the cry of the child. In addition, the dog is fanatically loyal to its owner and tries to demonstrate this all the time. I am ready to fulfill any order, just to please him. Cannot be without an owner for a long time. His absence is very hard. When separated from him, he can refuse to eat and even die.

In general, these dogs behave calmly and balanced, but this does not mean that they are suitable for any person. After all, behavioral traits are partly in the genes, but the conditions of the surrounding influence make their mark on the character of the animal. That is, how the owner brings up his pet - so he will be.

Cane Corso health

Cane Corso on a walk
Cane Corso on a walk

The health of the Cane Corso, first of all, begins with the adjustment of its genetic diseases. The most unpleasant of these is femoral dysplasia. This pathology of the hip part of the skeleton, depending on the degree of flow, manifests itself in different ways. In milder cases, it leads to lameness in the hind limbs. Severe form, leads to immobilization.

Factors can be not only inherited. But the external influences in which the pet is grown and lives are of great importance. Controlling the situation is not easy enough, because several genes affect this pathology. Like all heavy and mobile dogs, among the Cane Corso there is a large percentage of individuals with this disease.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to keep the problem going. In this regard, it is very important not to introduce feeble animals into breeding. Owners of such pets should take them for x-ray, at the age of one year, before the first mating. The procedure allows for timely culling and timely detection of the disease. This makes it possible, at the right time, to prescribe therapeutic or surgical treatment, which leads to very good results.

Care tips for the Cane Corso

Cane Corso with the hostess
Cane Corso with the hostess
  1. Wool. Hair care in itself is not difficult. You just need to brush it once a week with a stiff natural bristle brush. In case of heavy pollution, bathe with a typed shampoo. Due to the lack of an undercoat, the parasites cause a lot of trouble for the Cane Corso, quickly reaching its skin. Treatment for fleas, and in warm weather from ticks, will save the dog from suffering and disease. All these inconveniences can be easily prevented by observing adequate hygiene rules and using the latest pharmaceutical preparations. Provided they are used correctly, you can save your dog from such "troubles".
  2. Ears. The condition of the auricles should be monitored regularly. If your dog has long, droopy ears, the likelihood of otitis media (inflammation of the ear canal) increases. Therefore, you need to clean and check the auricles regularly.
  3. Eyes. They rarely require any special attention.
  4. Teeth. It is necessary to regularly clean and provide preventive natural bones for chewing.
  5. Claws. They are trimmed as they grow back with clippers for dogs.
  6. Feeding. There is no particular preference. But such a heavy dog, at least up to a year, needs to be raised on super premium food. Their composition is well balanced. When growing Cane Corso, there are some dietary restrictions that are difficult to comply with when given natural food.
  7. Walking. It is impossible to keep such a pet on the street, in harsh winter conditions. After all, he has no undercoat. He can only live in an apartment or in a house. It is necessary to provide space for free movement.

Cane Corso training

Cane Corso on a leash
Cane Corso on a leash

A very important aspect of Cane Corso training is, first of all, the development of working qualities. Begin training from puppyhood. When you have a puppy, you must understand what you want to achieve in the future, and how to raise a pet. If you need to train him in defense, then first of all, you should teach the disciplines of obedience. It is better to work with an instructor, as the dog is serious: large, strong, hardy.

Many believe that in order to raise a good guard dog, it must be kept in isolation from others. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion. A dog that does not know what a person is, instinctively fears him. A fearful dog can behave inappropriately and aggressively. Or his working qualities will be lost.

There are several ways in which you can achieve the establishment of a wonderful character in a pet. This is a careful selection of producers, imprinting and socializing of the animal. Choosing the best individuals to reproduce is the most important factor because inherited genes are so powerful. If the parents had a violent temper, then there is a high probability that the puppies will be the same.

By "imprinting" is meant the identification of one's own species, through communication with the mother, adopting her actions and manner of communication. A puppy between three and six months old should be in contact with people. It is necessary that he obey, and reckon with individuals not like him. In communication with relatives, an immature dog must master the rules of the pack. Communicating as much as possible with his balanced fellow tribesmen and the people around him, the little dog will grow up as a socialized animal with a wonderful character.

Interesting facts about the Cane Corso

Cane Corso lies
Cane Corso lies

When breeding Rottweilers, the Cane Corso was taken as the basis of the breed. At the moment, both species belong to the same group of Molossian dogs. There is an external similarity between the breeds, but the behavior of Rottweilers is more aggressive. They also differ in size and color.

The specifics of buying a Cane Corso

Cane corso puppy
Cane corso puppy

Whenever you decide to get a certain breed, you need to approach it thoughtfully. The Cane Corso must be treated with awe. After all, these are dogs only recently revived again, which are still trying to mint. They were once nearly lost. This is a four-fingered piece of the history of Italy, with all its heritage and it must be protected.

In our time, first of all, it is necessary to restore the health of the breed, then correct its behavioral traits, and then, external data. These are the main and very important factors that will help you choose the right puppy. Therefore, you need to make connections only with such breeders who are selecting dogs according to these positions.

The breed is popular, but still the best breeding individuals are found only in the homeland of the breed in Italy. The average price for a purebred Cane Corso puppy will range from $ 500 to $ 2000.

Learn more about the Cane Corso dog breed from this video: