Description of the Airedale breed and the character of the dog

Description of the Airedale breed and the character of the dog
Description of the Airedale breed and the character of the dog

The origin of the Airedale breed, exterior standard, character, description of health, care and training, interesting facts. Price when buying an Airedale terrier puppy. Airedale. This glorious curly dog is often referred to as the King of Terriers. And the point here is not even that the Airedale is the largest of the terriers. There are many large and very large dogs, but no one calls them kings or at least princes for this. It's not about the size, and not even about the noble posture of this cute little bearded dog. It's about his character. The dignity of an aristocrat, extraordinary stamina and decisiveness in danger, desperate courage - these are the wonderful qualities, repeatedly tested over the centuries, that distinguish the Airedale from the general mass of dogs. His noble brave lion heart makes him truly the king of a huge army of terriers.

The history of the origin of the Airedale

Airedale on a walk on the beach
Airedale on a walk on the beach

The Airedale Terrier breed originates in the picturesque Airedale Valley in the west of Yorkshire in England (it is from the name of the valley that the breed takes its name).

The first mentions of the existence of dogs of the progenitors of the future breed date back to the early Middle Ages. It was in those years that hunting with dogs on river otters living in the floodplain of the River Aire was gaining popularity in England. Later, already in later times - in the XIVIII century, for hunting otters, local residents used special otter hounds - otterhounds (Otterhounds), possessing excellent instinct, excellent swimming, dexterous and fearless, but often missing valuable prey due to the lack of hunting excitement and the ability to penetrate the hole. These qualities, on the contrary, were abundantly possessed by the Old English Terriers, used for hunting foxes and badgers, but little familiar with the water element.

Until the middle of the 19th century, hunters had to use two dogs at once to hunt otters: a terrier to find and drive the otter out of a coastal burrow, and an otterhound for the subsequent pursuit of the animal in the water. Keeping two dogs at once was quite an expensive pleasure, and therefore an attempt was made to create a versatile dog. Old English terriers were crossed with otterhounds to get a dog with the necessary working qualities (the appearance of the animal was of the least interest to the folk breeders of those years). As a consequence, according to modern researchers of the breed, Old Irish Terriers, Welsh Terriers and dogs of local shepherd species have repeatedly occurred with the resulting mestizo dogs. All this, ultimately, made it possible to create a universal dog with excellent working qualities, which was called the "coastal terrier".

The fame of these dogs and their capabilities spread throughout the kingdom. "Coastal Terriers" successfully settled in other territories of Great Britain, partly losing their qualities as otter hunters, but having acquired the hunting skills of a gun dog, becoming a truly universal hunting dog. Now with the "coastal terriers" they hunted rabbits and hares, foxes and wild boars, badgers and all kinds of fowl.

The breed was gaining more and more popularity, penetrating the aristocratic circles of Great Britain. To meet the ever-increasing requirements for the aesthetics of the dog's exterior among aristocrats, breeders had to work hard to achieve the visual appeal of new dogs while maintaining their working qualities.

In 1864, the Shore Terriers took part for the first time in an exhibition championship sponsored by the Airedale Agricultural Society. In 1879, connoisseurs and admirers of the breed decided on a new name for the "Shore Terriers". The breed was named - Airedale Terrier. It was under this name that she entered the UK dog herd book in 1886.

After the official recognition of the breed, Airedale began to be bred as planned, achieving clear exterior standards. Distinguished by excellent intelligence, obedience and quick-wittedness, the breed was accepted into service in the army and police.

During the First World War, Airedale dogs were widely used to deliver command messages to the front line, as well as postmen dogs. Moreover, the military representatives of the species showed just miracles of courage and discipline (which there is a lot of documentary evidence). Under enemy fire, being in a wounded state, they still carried out the order, delivering the necessary messages to the troops.

The courage and unparalleled military prowess displayed by the Airedale Terriers during the war, served to further increase the popularity of the breed in the 20th century. In the 1930s, they were brought to the USSR for service in the Red Army (although tsarist Russia first became acquainted with this breed during the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, using Airedale dogs as orderlies and messenger dogs).

For the first time overseas in 1881, the Airedale becomes the favorite dog of the presidents of the United States: Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge and Warren Harding. Moreover, it was the Airedale Terrier named Fight of the 29th US President Harding who became the first pet to enter the White House.

In 1888, the Airedale was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club, and in 1914 by the United Kennel Club (UKC).

By the 20s of the XX century, the appearance of the representatives of the breed has changed dramatically. The shape of the body has become more square, the coat has become richer and tougher, and the saddlecloth is clearly distinguished. The head has acquired a special elongation and elegance, in fact, becoming the breed "face" of the Airedale. Airedale terriers of the 50s were already of almost modern type and exterior.

Nowadays, these dogs have become indispensable participants in exhibition championships in almost all countries of the world, having won the love and respect of millions of dog admirers.

Purpose and use of the Airedale

Airedale in the snow
Airedale in the snow

The Airedale dog is indeed a very versatile dog. It is perfect as a versatile hunting dog, capable of being both a gun dog and an assistant for hunting waterfowl and even a dog for baiting a large game. In the English naturalistic literature on hunting, even the options and rules for using several Airedale terriers for baiting cougars and African lions are described.

In addition to hunting talents, airedale are also excellent service dogs used in law enforcement agencies to guard military and government facilities, while patrolling the streets and as search dogs. Also, these multifunctional dogs perfectly cope with search and rescue duties and sanitary duties during hostilities, are successful as postmen and messenger dogs. Erdels are also strong in sports - now they are indispensable participants in agility competitions - speed overcoming of obstacles.

And they are also wonderful home companions, benevolent and exclusively loyal to the owner, his loyal companions and protectors.

Airedale external standard

Airedale exterior
Airedale exterior

The representative of the breed is the largest terrier that exists today, it is tall, but rather compact, stately, muscular and strong. His whole figure is marked by energy, strength and dexterity.

The dimensions of an adult male Airedale at the withers reach 58–61 centimeters with a weight of up to 30 kg. Females are somewhat smaller. Their height is never more than 59 centimeters, and their body weight rarely exceeds 20 kg.

  1. Head proportional to the body, with a long and narrow skull. The top of the head is not wide. The stop (transition from the forehead to the muzzle) is barely pronounced. The muzzle is distinctly rectangular in shape. The dog's profile is easily recognizable. The bridge of the nose is wide and long. The nose is large and black. Cubes fit snugly against the jaws. The jaws are very powerful with a strong grip. The teeth are white, large, with well-defined large canines. Scissor bite (undershot or overshot not desirable).
  2. Eyes rounded, set wide and slightly deep. The color of the cornea is dark (from dark brown to almost black). The expression in the eyes is intelligent, perceptive. A protruding or light-colored eyeball is not allowed by the standard.
  3. Ears triangular in shape, located on the sides of the head, half hanging (on the cartilage), close set to each other, standing upright. The upper fold of the ear is not much higher than the upper silhouette of the head.
  4. Neck the Airedale is of medium length and moderate in thickness, but very strong and muscular. It widens conically towards the shoulders of the animal, the scruff is not pronounced.
  5. Torso square-conical, strong and taut, with a well-developed chest and a taut belly. The back is very strong, short, not too broad. The back line is sloping towards the rump. The croup is strong, short, sloping.
  6. Tail set high, solid and strong, usually docked.
  7. Limbs straight, very strong with strong bones, well muscled. Feet are round and compact with tight toes.
  8. Wool tough, dense, with a soft undercoat. The guard hairs are wire-like. The length of the coat is from short to medium (in any case, the length of the coat is such that the dog does not seem shaggy). The dog has characteristic breed details - "bushy eyebrows", small "mustaches" and "beard" from the guard hair, giving the animal originality and recognizability of the exterior.
  9. Color reddish brown with gray or black saddlecloth on the body. Also, the upper part of the neck and tail is painted in the color of the cap. Ears may be darker in tone than the main brown-red color.

Airedale character

Airedale Terrier lies
Airedale Terrier lies

Of course, airedale are wonderful in all respects representatives of the canines, having a lot of abilities and talents. They are energetic, but not intrusive, mobile, but easily controlled, proud, but not arrogant, strong, but not aggressive. Possess phenomenal dedication, remarkable intelligence and learning ability. You simply cannot find a more obedient and smarter animal. This is the opinion of all those people who at least once had the pleasure to get to know this dog better.

And this is actually an amazing dog. Friendly, sociable, completely devoid of inadequate aggressiveness, understanding and independent. Yes, it’s independent. And it is this quality that makes this wonderful pet quite problematic in education for the owner who first decided to have a dog. Airedale is not a dog for everyone and everyone. Unfortunately, it is the innate independence of the temperament of this smartest animal that inexperienced dog owners confuse with stubbornness, complaining about the problematic nature of the breed. No, the airedale is not at all stubborn, he just has a superbly developed sense of his own dignity, due to his special intelligence and rationality. The dog is too smart (and sometimes cunning) to carry out the ill-conceived or constantly duplicated orders of an inexperienced owner. Yes, and in general, he prefers to choose a worthy owner for himself. And now he obeys him implicitly. However, the airedale is not at all a conflict dog, not prone to offense, and even more so to any kind of revenge. And sooner or later he is able to forever make friends with his would-be master.

Young Airedales are very playful, mobile and inquisitive. They adore human society, easily contact with children and quite peacefully coexist with other animals, even cats. They are disciplined and never violate the order established by the owner of the house. These dogs are very friendly in nature and are able to behave calmly and calmly even with people for whom they do not have particularly friendly feelings.

In intelligence, the Airedale is able to give odds to many "intelligent" dogs. He is very smart and capable of quick self-learning. That is why it is so versatile and has a huge talent potential. In fact, all kinds of hunting, sports, service, security and sentry inclinations are concentrated in one dog. Which of them will be developed and in demand depends solely on the skill of the owner.

No other breed combines as many qualities as the Airedale. Only he can be at the same time reckless and balanced, good-natured and formidable, an unusually warlike and intelligently cute dog, immensely pleasing its owners.

Airedale dog health

Airedale terrier running
Airedale terrier running

As a rule, Airedale terriers are extremely healthy and hardy dogs with a strong immune system. Health problems are usually minor. But, as you know, nothing is perfect, like other dogs of large breeds, they have cases of hip dysplasia (especially if dog breeders do not pay due attention to timely culling during selection).

Unfortunately, the life expectancy of the King of Terriers is not very royal - up to 10-12 years.

Airedale Care Tips & Interesting Facts

Airedale on the street
Airedale on the street

The peculiarity of the quality of the wool of the Airedale terrier provides for trimming, which is usually carried out t no more than twice a year (preferably in the spring and autumn). During the trimming procedure, all hair is plucked from the dog's body, which is subsequently completely renewed.

Partial trimming of the coat is also possible - the coat is plucked only in some parts of the body to ensure the expressiveness of the breed's exterior. Partial trimming is increasingly being used just before exhibitions.

One of the most famous Airedale terriers was the Airedale named Boy, the pet of the 29th President of the United States, Warren Harding. This dog became the first dog in the history of the United States that was allowed to be on the territory of the White House. He also became the first pet in the history of the United States, whose life was regularly covered by the national press. Dog Boy was not only the "star" of newspaper publications, but also had his own chair specially made for him, on which he sat during government meetings. Three days before the president's death, his faithful Boy howled continuously while at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, warning of the imminent death of his beloved master, the US President.

Price when buying an Airedale puppy

Airedale puppy on a leash
Airedale puppy on a leash

Although the Airedale dogs were known in Russia long before the revolution, and then were brought back to Soviet Russia in the 30s of the XX century, the peak of the breed's popularity in the USSR came in the 80s of the XX century. In those years, Airedale Terriers were considered exclusively service dogs, mainly used in law enforcement agencies. Pedigree dogs were imported from nurseries of the GDR and Czechoslovakia, differing from generally accepted world standards in larger sizes: the height at the withers reached 66 centimeters (with the FCI standard - 61 centimeters). For a long time, it was the airedale of this size that existed on the territory of the CIS, after the collapse of the USSR.

Subsequently, pedigree dogs were brought to Russia from Finland, Great Britain, Germany, France, the USA and Australia (in total, about 80 individuals of both sexes have been imported into the country over the past 15 years). Gradually imported airedale, which had become that meets the best world standards, completely ousted the remnants of the "Soviet" version from all championships. Nowadays, there are almost no major "Soviet" representatives in Russia.

The popularity and mass character of the breed is reflected in the current cost of Airedale puppies. The price range is quite wide, a more or less thoroughbred puppy can be bought for 35,000–45,000 rubles. Show puppies will cost significantly more.

More about the Airedale in this video:

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