Features of the external standard can de palleiro, training

Features of the external standard can de palleiro, training
Features of the external standard can de palleiro, training

The history of the origin of Can de Palleiro, external standard, behavioral and health features, advice on care, training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. They are vigilant, brave and very intelligent dogs, which are considered the rarest breed in the world. Not big, but very agile shepherds. They do an excellent job with their duties making life easier for a person. Versatile dogs that could serve in the police, used as rescuers and guards. In their homeland, they are considered a national treasure, they are treated with reverent and cherished.

The history of the origin of the breed can de palleiro

Muzzle can de palleiro
Muzzle can de palleiro

Can de Palleiro is originally from Galicia, a region in northwestern Spain north of Portugal. At home, the dog is known as the Celtic Shepherd. According to the researcher Alberto Bertelli, their presence was established from the existence of the pre-Roman Kelian-Iberian population. Although others say that their ancestors were the dogs of the peasants of Central Europe and accompanied the Pre-Celtic people in Spain. These canines share a common ancestry with the Belgian, German, Dutch and French shepherd dogs. For many centuries, these animals have lived here, helping people to graze herds and protect their homes. They have such advanced capabilities that they can be trusted with a herd of two hundred heads, and rest assured that not a single animal will be lost.

With what fearlessness one dog handles two dozen bulls! These are not sheep or goats, Galician bulls weigh on average 400 kg. Can de Palleiro's work manifests itself in speed and indomitable character. There are five varieties of bulls in Galicia. Some of them are "kachena". They are very hardy and can be found in the mountains for a long time. They are not big and, by local standards, have a friendly disposition. But the residents say that God forbid they run into them when they are angry or frightened by something. Man is unlikely to stop them. And then the dogs come to the rescue. But not every dog can handle such a colossus. Only can de palleiro can do this. In addition, thanks to their thick undercoat fur, they can perfectly tolerate damp, cold climates.

Outside Spain, it is almost impossible to meet them. This is the rarest breed. Officially, as a breed, the International Cynological Federation is not recognized. There are no more than five hundred of these animals on the territory of Spain. The main livestock is collected in the city of Galicia. These dogs, like many years ago, work on farms where livestock are raised. In Galicia, no shepherd will go out into the pasture without his four-legged helper. Like any other herding dog, it can make quite difficult decisions on its own. But if her owner is nearby, he obeys him unconditionally.

Can de palleiro are very easy to train. They are simply born to work with the herd. If properly trained, they will be the owner's right hand. Now these dogs are not as popular as they used to be. At first, they seem like cute pets, but with closer communication, you realize that these are real campaigners. One of the names of the breed sounds like: "a dog from a barn", and if translated exactly - "straw dog". It's not just the color of her coat. Previously, they spent the night in a straw shed, guarding the dwellings of the shepherds.

At the end of the 20th century, the can de palleiro were on the verge of extinction. For a long time, no one perceived them as a breed, and did not follow its selection. Dogs interbred with other canine species, and there were almost no purebreds left. During that period, this species was almost completely lost. It's good that they realized it in time. In early 1999, the Spanish government actively began to restore the breed. A program for the collection of breeding animals was developed. From the twenty found purebred dogs, from the end of 1999 to 2008, their number increased to 157. The first standard of this variety was created in 2001 and officially recognized in Spain. It was also published in the local scientific journal "Archivos de Zootecnia" and outlined strategies for the revival of the species. Subsequently, the fans organized a club for lovers of these animals. Its organizers are still working on improving these canines.

Can de Palleiro are the smartest creatures attached to humans. Very easy to learn. Family is the main value for them. They adore children. Now, in their homeland, they are shaking over every representative of the breed, because their number is not yet so large. In Galicia, they were declared a national treasure. They are written about in local newspapers and magazines, filmed in commercials and serials. As a result, a huge queue lined up for the Can de Palleiro puppies. But breeders are slow to meet the increased demand. The main thing is the preservation of pedigree qualities, not commerce. Communicating with them, you get great pleasure from the positive charge that they carry.

External standard can de palleiro

Can de palleiro exterior standard
Can de palleiro exterior standard

At first glance, they look very much like a German shepherd. Strong animals, wolf-like with harmonious proportions and strong constitution. Despite the heavier bones and strong muscles, their movements are light and fast. Females are smaller, their bodies are longer due to their reproductive characteristics. They weigh 25–38 kg. At the withers, males: 59–65 cm, females: 57–63 cm.

  1. Head medium in size, with smooth lines. The parietal part is flat, the cheekbones are not prominent. The frontal groove is slightly visible.
  2. Muzzle rather long, tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is not abrupt. The bridge of the nose is wide. The flews are well matched. The lips are tightly closed, black pigmentation. A complete dentition must be present. The teeth are white, the canines are powerful. Scissor bite.
  3. Nose - the lobe is large, harmonious with the muzzle. Its color can be pinkish, flesh-colored, brown and black.
  4. Eyes small, oval, the color depends on the color of the dog. They can be yellow, amber, green, gray and dark brown. The look looks lively and intelligent.
  5. Ears the can de palleiro are large, erect, with dense cartilage, high-rise. Slightly rounded at the ends.
  6. Neck very strong and muscular with pronounced withers.
  7. Frame - slightly elongated format, strong bones and mesomorphic muscles. The loin is broad and powerful. The croup is slightly raised and sloping. The chest is full and deep. The belly and ribs are well tucked up.
  8. Tail - thick at the base, tapering towards the end. Set on not high, of medium length, reaching to the hock. At rest, the dog keeps it down. When moving, it is at the level of the back. Curved in the form of a saber. It has beautiful feathering along the edge.
  9. Extremities. The legs are wide. Strong bones, straight and muscular, very strong. The thighs and shins are well developed. Hock joint well angulated. The hind legs are slightly higher than the front ones.
  10. Paws oval, arched. The toes are tight and close together. The paw pads are dense. Strong nails, preferably black.
  11. Wool cover. Double thick coat, has an abundant undercoat and hard, straight, guard hair that protects from external influences. Front of the head, ears and muzzle, covered with short hair; on the neck and back of the legs, the coat is slightly longer. Slightly wavy and coarse hair is allowed.
  12. Color. The color can be in all shades of sable: gray with a pattern of sable, wolf, tan (the so-called sand), red (called cinnamon), and even black, sometimes with white markings. Solid tones from light yellow to sandy, fire brown and black. Uniform colors can be with lighter or darker areas.

Characteristic features of the behavior of can de palleiro

Young can de palleiro
Young can de palleiro

Can de Palleiro have a warm disposition, extraordinary wisdom and humility. In difficult situations, dogs are able to make their own decisions, but only if the owner is not around. They carry out his commands without question. They idolize the owner and obey him. Pets are great for keeping in a family. They love children very much.

They are very sensitive and react to all sounds and movements, because they have a very keen sense of smell. They are gregarious animals, so they control the territory well. They are very wary of strangers. Males can be more aggressive than females. You must not forget that this breed was originally intended for protection and not as a decorative pet for the soul. Can de Palleiro was born a vigilant guard and watchman who not only knows how to graze cows, guiding and holding them in the territory entrusted to him, but also will fight for peace in your home.

Keeper of the legendary intellect, he represents a strong, reserved character. His particular courage makes him an excellent partner and ally for shepherds. This dog shows great loyalty to its owner and to the people in the house. Living with him, you can feel comfortable and calm. It is necessary to emphasize the stability and balance of this animal. These are excellent character traits for cattle shepherd dogs.

Can de palleiro health

Can de palleiro sits
Can de palleiro sits

Dogs of this breed are unpretentious, endurance, strong health and good immunity. But no matter how good genetics your animal has, so that it grows physically healthy, and does not need medical help in life, it needs to be properly raised.

First of all, it consists in organizing a balanced diet, with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements. The puppy must have a proper daily routine. For example: you cannot walk with him after eating, because it is fraught with volvulus or feeding him at the wrong time, because the work of the gastrointestinal tract will go wrong or there will be excess weight. The same applies to the correct distribution of physical activity, excess or lack of which can lead to abnormal development of the body.

It is very important to carry out regular anti-invasive procedures. After all, the presence of helminths has a very detrimental effect on the development of a young organism. Also, the pet needs to be provided with lifelong, regular, routine vaccinations. This will save him from many undesirable infectious and viral diseases. If you stick to the right system, your animal will grow up healthy and beautiful.

Care tips for can de palleiro

Can de palleiro puppies
Can de palleiro puppies
  • Wool. Since the dog has a very thick undercoat, first of all, you need to regularly comb it out with a special brush - a slicker. The manipulation is carried out from one to two times a week. During the molting period, to help the animal get rid of dead hair faster, they comb it out every day. The procedure is best done outdoors. This will save you from unnecessary cleaning in the house. Dogs are bathed as they become dirty no more than once a month. It is necessary to wash the animal only with shampoos with PH balance, washing it off well from the pet's coat. After the dog is thoroughly wiped and allowed to dry in a warm room.
  • Ears. Since the can de palleiro are constantly exposed to different weather conditions, their auricles should be checked regularly and cleaned if necessary.
  • Eyes. Their eyes do not require any special care. If foreign particles get into them, then there may be irritation. Therefore, you need to wipe them, and then drip them with pharmacy products.
  • Teeth. This is not a decorative dog. Usually, these animals do not have problems with the dental cavity. Therefore, you do not need to clean them. The only thing is to give your dog solid food, which, when chewed, creates a mechanical effect and removes all excess from the teeth. These can be cartilages or bones from pressed veins. It is dangerous for pets to eat ordinary bones of livestock or poultry. They clog the intestines and can cut them open.
  • Claws. Can de palleiro are shepherds, and they arrive in constant motion, so they have no problems with claws. The only thing is to cut the claws on the dewclaws, which, due to their physiological characteristics, cannot be ground.
  • Feeding. Every dog needs good nutrition for good growth, development and well-being throughout its life. Whatever you feed your animal: dry food or natural food, the products must be tested and of high quality. Natural food, for the most part, consists of meat products with added fiber, slow carbohydrates and proteins. It is also enriched with vitamins and minerals. If you prefer concentrates, then first of all check what you buy. This control lies in your mindfulness. Do not buy unknown brands, carefully study the labels: the purpose of the product and what it consists of. If you have found the food that suits your pet, buy only that food. Better not to experiment.
  • Walking. Can de palleiro are not decorative dogs. They will not bask on the couch, waiting for a treat. These dogs need space and movement. If they do not live in rural areas, they need to be provided with regular walking and training.

Training can de palleiro

Can de palleiro with the hostess
Can de palleiro with the hostess

The training and education of the "straw dog" should be started at an early age. From puppyhood, the animal must be taught to communicate with people, fellows and other animals. After all, later, they will need to work with livestock, not showing aggressiveness towards it. Having passed the elementary foundations of behavior in the home and family, the dog needs to be taught a course of obedience. Further, for work on the farm, they use training methods proven over the years.

Can de palleiro are very versatile. They are used not only as shepherds and guards. Dogs help people in rescue and search operations. They are very intelligent, have an excellent sense of smell and good stamina. Many breeders participate in dog competitions with them and they show excellent results, taking prizes.

Interesting facts about can de palleiro

Can de palleiro and the cow
Can de palleiro and the cow

Until now, the can de palleiro is used for grazing and guarding cattle on dairy farms throughout Galicia. Due to their small numbers, they are endangered. The enthusiast club is struggling to preserve the breed. According to the club's research, there are only 400 can de palleiro. For the successful restoration of the variety, and its recognition by the international canine organization, it is necessary to increase the number to 1000.

Purchasing a can de palleiro puppy

Two can de palleiro puppies
Two can de palleiro puppies

These unique animals can only be found in Spain. They can be purchased only through the club by filling out the required form for buying a dog, in which you indicate all the necessary parameters of the animal. You will have further contacts with the breeder. Can de Palleiro is a rare and rare canine species. These dogs are the pearl of the national treasure of Spain. Therefore, they are very cherished. Breeders are jealous of the export of these pets outside the country. You will have to try very hard to convince the owners to sell you a puppy, and the payment for it will be quite high. If, nevertheless, you are lucky enough to become the owner of the Can de Palleiro, you will be accountable for life of the dog to the breeder.

Before purchasing such an animal, think about why you need it. If you are not a farmer, and you are not going to use the can de palleiro for its intended purpose, then you will constantly have to deal with it. In addition to the course of obedience, the animal must have constant physical activity. For these dogs, participation in various canine competitions, for example, agility, is perfect. When you prefer decorative dogs with a calm demeanor, this is not your pet.

How can de palleiro looks like, see this video:
