Broholmer breed: description of the dog, external standard

Broholmer breed: description of the dog, external standard
Broholmer breed: description of the dog, external standard

Historical data on the origin of the broholmer, external standard, behavior, health, care advice, training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. They have served people faithfully since ancient times. Were not only warriors, guards and hunters. In modern times, having an impressive appearance, and at the same time, an outstanding character with funny habits, dogs served as a prototype for cartoon and comic book characters.

Often they are considered deities of beauty in the world of dogs. Strong, physically fit, naturally calm. These huge giants are called lap dogs. These are amazing animals. Reliable friends and guards. Almost ideal pets for children who will play with them will never offend and will always protect.

Historical data on the origin of the Broholmer breed

Three broholmers
Three broholmers

Denmark is an amazing country. Many ancient palaces and buildings have been preserved in it to this day. For example, Rosenborg Castle was built during the era of King Christian IV, at the very beginning of the 17th century. He keeps many secrets and riches. But the Danish monarchs also have another asset - their royal dogs.

The history of these amazing animals begins more than a thousand years ago, when the Scandinavian Vikings came to Byzantium. There, these stern warriors saw huge, as it turned out later, mastiff-like dogs. They really liked them and the Vikings took several individuals with them. In what time period these dogs appeared on the territory of Denmark, it is now impossible to say for sure. But in this country, mastiffs mingled with local dogs. Some historians claim that the Vikings went to Byzantium through Russia. It is an interesting fact that there were also little-oozing large dogs which were called: "loshes" or "muzzles". In all likelihood, they got to the territory of Russia in the same way, from Byzantium.

It is now impossible to talk about the similarity of the characters of broholmers and their warlike owners. Time has changed, people and morals have changed, and therefore the dogs have become different. Do these pets reflect the character of modern Danes? The main feature of broholmers is that they are very confident animals. In their homeland, they say about them: mental stability. That is, it means reasonable calmness. This phrase reflects not only their character, but also the appearance of the animal. Dogs radiate good strength. Distinctive features of all dogs with little oats: a strong head, hangings on the neck, small hanging ears, amber eyes, dense skin and thick undercoat.

Such dogs were known to people as early as the 5th century BC. The homeland of all mastiffs is Central Asia. To the west, they came through Persia and Greece. Little dogs lived in Germany, where they were brought from Asian countries. There is evidence that such dogs existed in ancient Rome, Egypt and even China. There they were used for hunting large animals, protecting property and home, as service dogs. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that they possessed supernatural powers and could protect against evil spirits. Mastiffs were in the army of Alexander the Great. They fought in the Roman legions. Later, a branch of these dogs appeared in almost all European countries.

In 1589, Anna, daughter of the Danish king Frederick II, married the Scottish monarch James VI, who later became the English ruler, James I. On the day of his accession to the throne, he presented several English mastiffs with a gift to the Danish crown. Those dogs also formed the basis of the Danish mastiff. For a long time, broholmers were court dogs and accompanied their crowned masters everywhere. They served them faithfully. The Middle Ages was followed by the Renaissance. Then came the time of technology, machines, equality and brotherhood.

Large, formidable dogs, which are a symbol of feudal power, were no longer needed. Mastiffs disappeared everywhere, and probably would have completely disappeared in time, if not for one person. February 20, 1813 at Broholm Castle, Niels Frederick Mercher Sichested, a talented engineer and a successful businessman. He had many interests, including: archeology and dogs. It was this man who restored the mastiff breed and named it after this castle. The name of the castle can be translated as: "bro" - a bridge, and "holm" - an island. This is where the Russian word “hill” comes from.

There were twenty dogs in Niels' house, and forty near the house. Subsequently, he was awarded the title of duke. His relatives continue his work to this day. Now, the breed lovers club organizes its events in Broholm Castle. These dogs are valuable for the inhabitants of Denmark because throughout the history of the country, they have been with them, from the Viking era to our time. This is the pride of Denmark and its living history.

Description of the external broholmer standard

The appearance of the Danish ma-t.webp
The appearance of the Danish ma-t.webp

One of the most diverse breeds. They can weigh between 50 and 90 kg. They have a strong disposition and royal calm.

  • Head has an imposing and representative appearance, wide. The upper part of the skull is like a mastiff, in parallel with the large muzzle. This gives him a truly regal look. The forehead is of good depth.
  • Muzzle - massive, but not long. Against the background of a large head, it looks rather short. The flews hang over the lower jaw. Lips with dark pigmentation. The jaws are powerful. The teeth are white, the canines are strong. Scissor bite.
  • Nose the broholmer has a large, black pigment.
  • Eyes small, medium-sized, with a determined look. Color from light, very warm amber to dark, yellowish and brownish shades.
  • Ears. The size is average. Located high. Triangular, hanging, close to the cheekbones.
  • Neck. Developed, muscular, has a slight dewlap and pronounced withers.
  • Frame - extended format, powerful. The back is straight, the croup is medium in size, slightly sloping. Their ribcage is the largest compared to other dogs.
  • Tail straight, long, wider at the beginning, high rise. When moving, it rises to the back line. Should not bend.
  • Limbs - long, muscular, with good bones. Straight lines, in parallel with each other. Strong ligaments and hocks should allow free movement.
  • Paws round in a ball. Developed pads. Powerful black pigmented claws.
  • Coat short throughout the body, close to the skin. Has a dense undercoat.
  • Color. There can be not only sand color, but also brown and even black. Black dogs are the same in character, but smaller in size than their sand-colored cousins. They have a lighter head.

Characteristic Behavior Traits of the Great Dane

Danish dog sitting
Danish dog sitting

During the last century, the breed has lost the aggression that was so necessary during the hunt. Now broholmers prefer not to hunt, but to “sofa”. The physical characteristics of this dog leave no doubt for the original purpose of the breed. First, they are very large. Their paws are the same size as the fully open palms of a human's hands. They like to lean on their hind legs and place their front paws on your shoulders. Despite their massiveness, they are very dexterous and unusually graceful.

Breeders refer to them as amazingly spiritually gifted creatures. These giants are incredibly loving animals that love to kiss. Perhaps this character trait made this breed one of the most popular cartoon characters. The most famous Great Danes are "Scooby" and "Astro", Jetson's dog.

American artist Brad Anderson made his career by painting the Great Dane, one of the most beloved in America. For over fifty years now, he has been drawing Marmaduka, the hero of long-running newspaper comics. Millions of fans read the publication every day. The books based on this comic have sold over five million copies.

Andersen is in his eighties, but he still illustrates six pages of newspaper comics a week. The Danish mastiff is a funny dog. By their very nature, they have a great sense of humor. The artist draws inspiration from his own experience of communicating with the Great Dane, having a bitch at home named "Mia". Observing his favorite, he notes that they spread their long legs, occupying all the space around. They themselves do not know what to do with them, and it looks very funny.

They behave very loyally with children and protect them. What children do not do with them: they climb, ride a horse, crawl on them. Pets stay patient. They are funny and create comics by themselves. The one who started the Great Dane will never get bored.

Dog health

Danish dog running
Danish dog running

Unfortunately, there were some health problems. This breed has one of the shortest life spans - only seven to eight years. In very rare cases, broholmers lived to be fourteen years old, which is a lot for a large dog.

First of all, throughout their life, they develop problems with their paws. In order to avoid this, the dog needs to be properly raised, paying great attention to diet and physical activity. After all, Great Danes grow unevenly. They also have a genetic predisposition to hip dysplasia. For the most effective detection of the disease, in adolescence, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination. After all, the sooner you learn about the disease, the better treatment you can prescribe, and the faster you get rid of problems.

And they also have diseases of the internal organs, such as: flatulence or bloating. It is the leading cause of death in Great Danes. Bloating occurs when the dog starts to run on a full stomach. In Great Danes, like many other canines, stomachs are not attached to the rib cage. During vigorous activity, the stomach begins to dangle and blocks the intestinal tract. This can be dangerous if not taken care of. The main thing is that the pet rests forty minutes after eating, only then can he run. And best of all, take a walk before eating. It is better to adhere to the basic recommendations, because the owners are very close with their pets, and when something irreparable happens, this is a tragedy for the whole family.

Broholmer Care Tips

Two broholmer puppies
Two broholmer puppies
  • Wool. They are smooth-haired animals, so it is easy to care for them. You can simply pour from the shower and dry with a towel. Of course, if the dog is heavily contaminated, then it should be redeemed with a typed shampoo. It is important to choose such a concentrate so that the skin of the animal remains in a good PH balance. Otherwise, the natural grease will wash off and there will be problems. The smallest of these is dandruff. If at least once a week you comb your pet with a special mitten, he will be grateful to you. This will remove excess dead hairs and create a kind of massage for the pet's body. During the molting period, this manipulation should be carried out more often.
  • Ears. They need to be inspected periodically. During water procedures, try to prevent water from getting into the auricles, otherwise otitis media is provided to the pet. They need to be cleaned extremely rarely.
  • Eyes. Everyday care is not required. Wipe if necessary. There are many pharmacy preparations that relieve irritation, but you can prepare an elementary chamomile decoction at home, which is perfect for this.
  • Teeth. In order for your broholmer to have fresh breath and to be relieved of troubles in the oral cavity, from early childhood, teach him to brush his teeth. Provide it with specialized toys and bones made from natural pressed veins, which, when chewed, create mechanical stress and remove unnecessary deposits.
  • Claws. Dogs are not cats. Their claws do not retract into the pads as in felines, and therefore, with excessive regrowth, they interfere with their walking. If your dog's claws do not grind off during walks, then of course they need to be cut.
  • Feeding. The most expensive thing in keeping a brogolmer is to properly raise a puppy, then the dog does not require a lot of expenses. Someone feeds with natural feed, some with dry concentrates. In any case, everything should be of very high quality. You can't grow an animal on one porridge with a carrot. There should be natural meat and mineral and vitamin supplements.
  • Walking. Basically, they are comfortable everywhere, but still, they need space. Such a dog cannot be stuffed into a closet, it needs a place to stretch its legs and move every day. Broholmers can run after a bike, swim for a long time. They are very active and physically strong. But at the same time, everyone should not give active loads to puppies. These are dogs of late adulthood. It does not grow evenly: first the paws, then the body. Excessive activity can result in improper formation of the bone skeleton and joint diseases.

Great Dane training and interesting facts

Broholmer training
Broholmer training

These are large dogs, so they need to be trained as early as possible. They, of course, need to be educated, general obedience is necessary for them, but in no case should one stoop to rudeness. Treating them with love and tenderness, only then will you get the desired result.

In the town of Denmark, Copenhagen, in 1902, a female Bengal tiger gave birth to two wonderful tiger cubs. For unclear reasons, she abandoned her offspring. The zoo staff tried to feed the carousel themselves from a pipette, but the kids flatly refused to eat. Then, one of the employees suggested placing them on the newborn Danish Mastiffs. Mom sniffed striped children for a long time, but in the end she accepted them, and they took root in a new family. The cubs enjoyed playing, eating and sleeping with their brothers and sisters. "Striped" grew by leaps and bounds. The bitch loved and looked after them like her own children. The story made it into local newspapers. The Danish Mastiff named "Marie" became famous throughout the country. After several years, she was taken to the cage with the tiger. The dog sniffed and began to wag its tail, and the formidable predator lay down and pressed its muzzle to the cage. They looked at each other for a long time. Eyewitnesses to this meeting claimed that the mother and her foster child recognized each other.

Buying a broholmer puppy

Broholmer puppies
Broholmer puppies

The Danes are very reluctant to give broholmers outside the country. If you want such a dog, you must be patient, because the wait can take several years. You will be given a puppy, only on the condition that once, every two years, you will come to Denmark and exhibit it there at the show. One more condition: be sure to continue the race, and mating should be carried out on the territory of Denmark. They do not want to give dogs away not because of harm, they love the breed very much and consider it a national treasure. Everything related to the culture and history of Denmark is jealously guarded not only by the state, but also by the citizens themselves. Before giving away his jewelry, the breeder must make sure that the puppy falls into the careful hands of a competent person.

The most difficult period is the process of raising a dog. Before starting it, assess your capabilities. A Great Dane puppy, while growing, eats a lot, the food should be of high quality and balanced. Those who want to get a dog, ask one question: "What breed to choose?" Weighing the pros and cons, for many, acquisition cost plays an important role. If you have your eye on the broholmer, then be prepared to part with a tidy sum to get a puppy. This figure may increase if the breeder finds out that you are a foreigner. Recently, a Great Dane puppy was sold for $ 5500. Of course, love has no value. Friends cannot be bought and cannot be sold. It doesn't matter whether your dog is of noble blood or ordinary courtyards, first of all, you need to love the dog with all your heart and she will answer you in kind!

You will learn more interesting information about the Great Dane from this video of the Planet of the Dogs:
