Is iodine good for nails?

Is iodine good for nails?
Is iodine good for nails?

Iodine is a relatively cheap and effective remedy that helps strengthen nails and heal fungus. To get the benefit, you need to know some of the subtleties of its use. Every girl knows how difficult it is to take care of her hands, because their beauty depends on this. And nail care is no exception, but not all tools are useful here. Many girls have brittle and thin nails. As a rule, this effect is the result of improper and irregular care, frequent extension and staining of nails with varnish. The simplest iodine will help to correct the situation, but for this it is necessary not only regularly, but also to use it correctly.

The benefits and harms of iodine for nails

Girl treats her nails with iodine
Girl treats her nails with iodine

Iodine is an antiseptic, which is found in almost every home medicine cabinet, and has a low cost. This tool is simply irreplaceable for nails and has the following effect:

  • the nail plate is strengthened;
  • the fungal infection is eliminated;
  • helps to get rid of the problem of delamination and brittle nails;
  • destroys various types of bacteria and infections.

However, despite its many positive qualities, iodine can cause serious harm if used incorrectly for nail care. Iodine is a very strong antiseptic, so there are some rules and features for its use. This product cannot be used every day as it contains alcohol. It is alcohol that dries the nail plate. Therefore, it is quite enough to use iodine no more than 2 times a week, which will help strengthen weakened nails. This method will help prevent fragility of the nail plate, and this tool also acts as an effective prevention and prevents fungus and infection from entering.

If your nails have already been damaged, iodine is ideal for strengthening them. In this case, you need to apply the product once every two days, so that the nail plate will not dry out. Iodine is ideal for restoring thin and brittle nails with cracks and chips.

The main disadvantage of iodine is that it stains the nail plate in a yellowish tint, which makes the marigolds not very attractive. In some cases, the natural color of the nails returns quickly enough, and sometimes you have to walk for a long time with yellow nails. Lemon juice can be used to lighten the nail plate, but this must be done constantly until the desired result is obtained.

To strengthen nails with iodine, it is quite enough to carry out this procedure only twice a week. The product is applied in the evening, before bedtime, with a cotton pad or cotton swab. The nail plate is processed, then you need to wait a couple of minutes until the iodine is absorbed, otherwise you can stain your clothes. It is not recommended to wash your hands after this procedure.

If in the morning your nails do not have a very attractive yellow tint, you can take a lemon wedge and wipe them thoroughly. Thanks to such actions, not only is there a slight whitening effect, but also a strengthening effect, because lemon juice is very useful for nails, restores their beauty and health.

Using iodine to treat nails

Girl's hands, a jar of iodine and a flower
Girl's hands, a jar of iodine and a flower

Iodine is an effective and indispensable remedy that is great for treating fungal infections. Before trying to get rid of this unpleasant disease, you need to know the causes, infections and symptoms of the disease.

Getting rid of a fungal nail infection is very difficult and time-consuming. The fungus spreads from one family member to another within hours, so prevention is helpful. One visit to a public place or contact with an infected person is enough and infection is guaranteed. This disease usually affects people with weakened immune systems.

The main signs of nail fungus are:

  1. The nail plate changes its light, becomes yellowish, stripes appear. The nail affected by the fungus can be not only bright yellow, but also pale, including dark gray.
  2. The skin around the nail becomes brighter.
  3. Healthy nails do not have an unpleasant odor; when a fungal infection is affected, a pungent aroma appears, which is enhanced by wearing synthetic socks and tights.
  4. The nail plate loses its structure and shape - it becomes thicker or thinner.
  5. Nails may become denser in some areas and very thin and brittle in others.
  6. The skin around the affected nail is constantly itchy.
  7. Cracks appear on the surface of the nail plate.

Experts insist that an integrated approach and the use of special synthetic preparations are required to treat nails from fungus. In some cases, if the infection has occurred recently, medications may also be effective, however, the benefits of comprehensive care should not be forgotten.

To apply iodine to the nails, to treat the fungus, you need to observe the following rules:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water first to remove dirt and bacteria.
  2. If the nails are covered with varnish, a solvent is used to dissolve it.
  3. Then the hands are washed again to remove the remnants of the chemical preparation from the nail plate.
  4. Any fatty cream or oil is taken and applied to the skin around the nail plate with a cotton swab. By observing this rule, you can prevent dry skin and not stain your fingers in an ugly yellow color.
  5. At the next stage, the nail plate is treated with iodine, which is applied with a cotton swab or a special brush.
  6. As soon as the product dries up, you can go about your usual activities, but it is not recommended to wash your hands during the first few hours.

Folk recipes with iodine for nails

Female nails covered with iodine
Female nails covered with iodine

If the disease is at an early stage of development, you can get rid of the fungus with simple iodine. The easiest folk recipes are special baths. This is the most optimal type of treatment for nail fungus, while the nail plate does not dry out and does not acquire an ugly yellow tint. Among the advantages of this method is the fact that not only the nails are treated with an antiseptic, but also the skin of the hands or feet.

Iodine bath recipes

Girl's hands near a bowl filled with water and iodine
Girl's hands near a bowl filled with water and iodine
  1. Take warm water and iodine (5 drops). The antiseptic dissolves in water, after which hands or feet are lowered into the liquid. The procedure lasts only a few minutes. Then the skin must be washed with clean water and wiped dry. It is recommended to do such a bath twice a week.
  2. Fill a bowl with warm water, but it shouldn't be hot, and add just a few drops of 5% iodine. Steam your nails for about 10 minutes, after which you can perform a classic trim manicure. Moreover, all problem areas where signs of fungus have appeared must be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. In the most severe cases, you can apply a gauze swab pre-soaked with an antibacterial agent. This treatment can be performed several times a week.
  3. Iodine in combination with vinegar is an effective remedy against fungal infections. Fukortsin is also added to the composition. It is necessary to adhere to a simple treatment regimen - before going to bed, the nails are treated with iodine (not diluted) and this procedure is performed within 14 days. Then, for another two weeks, the nail plates need to be treated with 9% vinegar. For the last two weeks, fukortsin has been applied to the nails.
  4. In the pharmacy, you need to buy not simple iodine, but a blue product. Iodine is mixed with apple cider vinegar (you need to use a homemade product, since the store contains harmful synthetic substances). The components are taken in a 1: 1 ratio, after which the mixture is applied to the nail plate twice a day. First in the morning, after washing your hands and wiping them dry and in the evening, before going to bed. The full course of treatment lasts two weeks - this procedure is performed every day. Then a break is taken for 10 days and a second course of therapy is carried out.
  5. You will need to take olive oil (1 tablespoon) and heat it in a water bath, then iodine (4-5 drops) is injected. The mixture is gently mixed with a toothpick. Then a cotton swab is taken, with which the resulting composition is applied to the nail plate. As soon as the oil is well absorbed, after about 10 minutes, the residues of the product are removed with a napkin. Do not wash your hands, so this procedure is recommended before bedtime. In the morning, you need to wash your hands (feet) in warm water and wipe dry. Then any nourishing cream is applied to the skin.
  6. Iodine and sea salt is a simple yet effective recipe for treating nail fungus. Sea salt (1 tablespoon) is dissolved in a glass of water, after which iodine is added (5–6 drops). All components are well mixed, then you need to hold your hands or feet in a warm solution. After completing the procedure, you need to wash your hands with warm water and wipe dry. If necessary, iodine is rubbed in its pure form into the nail plates.
  7. Iodine in combination with salt helps to strengthen nails and get rid of fungal infections. To do this, you just need to do a healing bath every evening - sea salt (40 g) and baking soda (2 tablespoons) are dissolved in hot water (1 liter). The bath is done for 30 minutes, after which, if necessary, the nail plates are processed. Then the hands and nails are wiped dry, and iodine is applied to the problem areas with a cotton swab. The product is applied in three layers, with a short break between each so that iodine can be absorbed into the nail plate.

If all procedures are performed correctly, positive changes will be noticeable within 7-10 days. It is important to navigate not only by external signs, but also by your own feelings. The fact is that iodine can literally burn out the fungus, which can cause an itching feeling. This is quite normal, if you are worried about a strong burning sensation, you need to take a short break between treatments.

During the course of treatment for the fungus, it is worth making sure that the infection does not affect healthy nails. That is why the affected and healthy areas need to be treated with different instruments. Even if only one nail was affected, the treatment is carried out for everyone.

Prevention of nail fungus

Well-groomed female nails
Well-groomed female nails

The process of treating nail fungus is quite complex and lengthy. To prevent infection, you can follow simple preventive measures:

  1. Do not wear someone else's shoes, tights, socks and knee-highs.
  2. You cannot use someone else's towel.
  3. When visiting the pool, beach, baths and saunas, you need to walk only in rubber shoes and do not allow friends to use their own things.
  4. It is better to do pedicure and manicure on your own or contact only trusted masters who carry out high-quality disinfection of instruments.
  5. You need to change your tights and socks on time. It is not recommended to wear dirty hosiery for several days in a row.
  6. Every day you need to wash your feet in warm water using soap and wipe your skin dry.
  7. Each family member should have their own slippers and towel.

If one of the family members has become infected with nail fungus, prevention should be carried out by everyone, since there is a high risk of infection.

For more informative information on using iodine for nails, see below:
