How to properly use iodine for acne?

How to properly use iodine for acne?
How to properly use iodine for acne?

The effectiveness of iodine in drying acne. How is it useful and what contraindications does it have? How to properly use iodine to cleanse the skin of inflamed acne, pimples and blackheads? Mask recipes, real reviews.

Iodine for acne is a long-standing, well-proven remedy that was in use back in those distant times, when the AS did not have the slightest idea about Zinerit and Baziron. He served mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers regularly. But the cosmetic industry is developing rapidly, and today iodine is competing with dozens of various gels and ointments. Let's try to figure out whether it makes sense to still hold on to a remedy that has been tested by generations or whether it is time for the "good old" iodine to leave the race, giving way to more progressive rivals.

Does iodine help acne?

Alcohol solution of iodine for acne
Alcohol solution of iodine for acne

In the photo, iodine for acne: you can buy an alcohol solution of 5% for 26-58 rubles.

Let's make a reservation right away: that brown or, in rare cases, violet liquid in transparent bottles, which 99 out of 100 Russians probably have in the first-aid kit, is not pure iodine. Liquid iodine is a rare remedy; usually only scientists and pharmaceutical workers can see it in this state. What ordinary users buy in pharmacies is a 5% alcohol solution of crystalline iodine.

Let's consider its composition and properties in more detail to understand whether it makes sense at all to smear acne with iodine. The solution contains:

  1. Iodine … An extremely effective destroyer of harmful microorganisms. No wonder the doctor of medicine Mark Sircus wrote that this tool is able to kill 90% of bacteria on the treated skin area in 90 seconds. Moreover, scientific experiments have shown that iodine is able to cope with fungi and even some viruses. Consequently, those microscopic parasites that conduct their subversive activities in inflamed acne will have a hard time.
  2. Ethanol … It also disinfects the skin, and also dries up inflammation and removes the problem of grease. However, for this very reason, moxibustion with iodine can lead to new problems if your skin itself is dry.
  3. Potassium iodide … Acts as an auxiliary substance to iodine.

Sometimes distilled water may be present in solutions, which does not affect the skin.

Based on the composition of the product, we can say that it is quite possible to remove acne with iodine. He will destroy bacteria, dry out the foci of inflammation, accelerate the healing of small wounds. But you shouldn't expect delicate skin handling from this remedy, therefore it is difficult to say in advance whether your face will react to it with dryness, peeling and minor chemical burns. So iodine will definitely not get the first place in the list of pimple-destroying drugs - there are remedies that are no less effective, but with a much milder effect.

An unambiguous argument in favor of iodine is its low price. For reference, the approximate cost:

  • Iodine alcohol solution 5%, volume 25 ml - 26-58 rubles;
  • Iodine felt-tip pen with a porous core, volume 5 ml - 54-79 rubles.

In the West, and in recent years in our country, povidone-iodine, which is a mixture of iodine with polyvinyl alcohol, is gaining popularity. It is less irritating to the skin, does not cause discomfort when applied to wounds and has a more pronounced effect. For acne, povidone iodine can be used as well as the previous generation. It costs about 70 rubles. for 2 ml.

Useful properties of iodine for acne

Iodine for acne
Iodine for acne

It is quite natural that the main advantage of the solution is its bactericidal effect. It was thanks to him, apparently, that the idea arose to use iodine against acne, because it promotes the resorption of already formed white abscesses, penetrates through the upper layers of the epithelium to still hidden internal inflammations and prevents the appearance of acne in the future, cleaning the skin from harmful microorganisms.

It also helps to get rid of iodine from subcutaneous millet acne, which, for all its diminutiveness, sometimes noticeably spoil our appearance and at the same time last for an offensive long time.

We have already talked about the ability of an alcohol solution to dry the skin. If greasy shine is your constant problem, another effect of using the product can be getting rid of unpleasant gloss.

And some cosmetologists also say that the combination of iodine and alcohol improves blood circulation, gives the skin a healthy color and increases its elasticity. But we would not advise to rely on such a result too much. Used in meager doses, iodine is unlikely to significantly disperse the blood, and if the norm is exceeded, it will provide more problems than benefits.

What action to expect from iodine is not worth it:

  1. Comedog … The agent is not able to influence the cleansing of the pores from the dust and sebum accumulated in them, therefore it makes no sense to smear black dots with iodine. But it can be used by adding a couple of drops to a saline solution to wipe problem areas and compresses. Salt will help draw out dirt, and iodine will prevent inflammation.
  2. Anti-aging … Despite the persistent legend, iodine does not know how to moisturize the skin, does not affect the rate of collagen and elastin production, and does not saturate tissues with nutrients. Therefore, it is not necessary, while burning acne with iodine, along the way to apply it to the first wrinkles and hope that they will dissolve. Alas, the healing solution is not your help here.

Note! Sometimes on the net you can find a recipe for getting a tan using iodine added to a jar of face cream or a bottle of body lotion. This is definitely not worth doing. Firstly, the skin is unlikely to accept your initiative with gratitude, and secondly, an excess of iodine will have a bad effect on health. And thirdly, it is very difficult to achieve an even and natural tan in this way.

Contraindications to the use of iodine

Thyroid disease as a contraindication of iodine for acne
Thyroid disease as a contraindication of iodine for acne

Under no circumstances should some categories of people use iodine for acne on the face or body:

  • owners of dry, thin, flaky skin;
  • those who have been diagnosed with any malfunctioning of the thyroid gland;
  • people with individual iodine intolerance.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, before deciding to use the product, should visit their doctor and ask him what problems may arise if pimples are smeared with iodine, what will happen to the skin, whether the procedure will affect the development of the fetus, whether it will affect the composition breast milk. Most likely, permission for its moderate use will be obtained, but it is better to play it safe.

Note! It is forbidden to fight skin imperfections with iodine in children under 5 years old!

If you do not belong to any of the listed categories and do not complain about health, short contact with iodine solution will not bring harm. But just in case, do not forget to monitor your condition, paying attention to the following signs:

  • frequent thirst;
  • increased salivation;
  • unexpected and persistent rhinitis;
  • tickling sensation, sore throat;
  • incomprehensible fatigue;
  • bad breath.

If all this was unusual for you before, there is a risk that you develop iodism - inflammation of the mucous membrane due to an excess of iodine in the body. In this case, the use of the solution will have to be stopped immediately, and if there are persistent signs of malaise, consult a doctor.

Important! To find out if it is possible to smear acne with iodine in each case, before the first use, you should apply a few drops of the solution to the wrist or the delicate skin of the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction. Itching, hives and edema impose a strict veto on any procedure with this remedy.

How to use pure iodine for acne?

Applying iodine for acne
Applying iodine for acne

When using iodine for cosmetic purposes, the main thing is to strictly observe the dosage. Do not change the proportions indicated in the recipes and do not increase the duration of the mask or solution, trying to increase their effectiveness. Remember that you are dealing with a fairly corrosive substance that requires careful handling.

How to cauterize acne with a pure alcohol solution of iodine:

  1. Wash with warm water and a mild detergent. Soap will not work here: it dries the skin, and it already faces a serious test.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the iodine solution.
  3. Heat each pimple gently. To do this, you need to press the tip of the stick to it and leave it in this position for 10-12 seconds. It is important to understand that acne can be smeared with iodine only pointwise, trying not to touch healthy skin.
  4. Let the solution take a few minutes to take effect.
  5. Treat your face with an antibacterial cream or, if one is not available, soothe your skin with an aftershave gel.

It is better to do this procedure on the eve of Saturday, otherwise you will have to go out to people with red spots on your face, which may not go away within the next couple of days. But if you need to get rid of the marks urgently, try applying gruel from grated raw potatoes to your face, it whitens the skin well.

Note! It is possible to apply iodine on acne at night, but it is better to do this only in exceptional cases, for example, to remove subcutaneous mildews or inflamed acne. In other situations, it is better to carry out the procedure a couple of hours before bedtime, and before going to bed, wash and make a brightening mask.

In addition, you can make a compress with iodine:

  1. Dissolve 1 dessert spoon of salt in 100 ml of warm water. Ideally, it will be marine, but without essential oils and other additives.
  2. Add 4 drops of iodine.
  3. Shake the solution, soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the spots with comedones.
  4. Wait 10-15 minutes.
  5. Remove cotton pads and wash with warm water.

You will have to repeat the procedure several times, the black dots do not disappear quickly. But over time, the result will certainly be.

Recipes for masks with iodine for acne

Mask with iodine and aloe for acne
Mask with iodine and aloe for acne

Iodine helps with acne not only "solo", but also in combination with other ingredients. The advantages of homemade masks are a milder action (the product can be applied to the whole face without fear) and a complex action - depending on the type of additional components, recipes with iodine can moisturize, nourish, refresh, etc.

Effective masks for acne with iodine:

  • With aloe … Cut the agave leaf in half and scrape off the pulp so that you get 2 tsp. raw materials. Mash it until smooth and add 2 drops of iodine. Lubricate pimples or apply a compress with cotton pads. If your skin reacts well to aloe, you can leave the mask overnight, and in the morning wash with warm water and use a moisturizer.
  • With honey … Mash 2 tsp. honey with 2 tsp. vegetable oil. In the original recipe, castor is indicated, which has the ability to cleanse the skin, but the experience of users on the network has shown that sesame, coconut and olive work no worse. Add 2 drops of iodine. Apply the mass to cleansed face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and use your favorite cream. If you change the oil 1 tsp. lemon juice, the mask will acquire refreshing and brightening properties. But it should not be used if there are wounds on the face from old acne or the skin is hypersensitive. Many people doubt whether iodine, used in such small quantities, helps with acne. But given that in this case, the purpose of the mask is preventive cleansing and disinfection of the skin, we can say with confidence that the honey-oil mixture, flavored with iodine, copes with this task.
  • With parsley … Chop or grind a few parsley sprigs in a blender. To make the parsley more juice, it is worth crushing it with a wooden mashed potato crush. You can use the stems, leaves, and even the root if found in your refrigerator. Put 2 drops of iodine into the chopped mass. Remember it with your hands so that everything mixes well. Apply the mask on your face, leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool water and lubricate the skin with cream.

Note! To inflict a final killer blow on acne, make it a rule to wash with herbal decoctions of a string, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, dandelion, burdock or calendula and wipe your face with ice cubes prepared from them.

Real reviews about iodine for acne

Reviews about iodine for acne
Reviews about iodine for acne

At first glance, it is not easy to get a clear idea of the effectiveness of iodine for acne according to reviews, they are very diverse. But this contradiction is removed if we take into account one simple thing: those who used the solution carefully, in compliance with safety measures, and at the same time took into account the peculiarities of their skin, were satisfied. But the frivolous handling of iodine has spoiled some of the nerves, and even appearance.

Maria, 27 years old

At night, I apply iodine to the spot of the pimple. If the place is just starting to itch, then after 2 days no problem will appear. If he has already jumped out, then I smear for about 4 days. I apply at least 10 hours before going out, because iodine does not always have time to be completely absorbed.

Alexandra, 23 years old

Girls! Don't repeat my mistakes! These tracks will not pass soon. I disfigured my face. Do not use iodine on pimples. It leaves burns that can go away from 3 months to 3 years!

Lisa, 35 years old

I just applied iodine to acne on my face and body at night (sometimes in the morning). I saw the effect the next day. The blackheads dried up, and after 2-3 days the crust fell off and stains remained. It is ideal to use this treatment for problem skin of the body, but on the face, I advise using more gentle methods. Iodine can leave spots, it is very difficult to remove them. If you decide to use it to treat acne on the face, you need to apply the product very gently with a cotton swab in small dots. This way the risk of burns is much reduced.

So, you know how to get rid of acne with iodine. It remains to decide if this tool is right for you. If your skin is not hypersensitive, you have no contraindications to iodine products, and you are going to act deliberately and carefully, then why not? If in doubt, give preference to specialized pharmacy products. You can remove acne without risking your beauty.
