You don't have to go to the gym to lose weight and stay fit. Learn how to do squats correctly to get the perfect body. Most women are unhappy with their appearance and use a wide variety of ways to adjust their figure. But few people realize that the simplest squats will help to lose weight and return an attractive look to the buttocks and hips. However, in order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary not only to regularly conduct training, but also to know several rules and features of performing squats.
The question of the presence of a fat layer in the lower body has always worried women, because extra pounds, as a rule, settle in this area. This result is obtained due to improper and unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of even minimal physical activity, etc.
To solve this problem, today not only the gym is used, but also a variety of newfangled diets, when observing which you have to starve, cosmetic procedures (massages, wraps, creams, masks, etc.) can also be used. But these funds do not always give the desired result. It is also good with squats or any other physical activity, using various means for losing weight (if you only take them and do nothing else, then there will be almost no result):
- Slimming Mangosteen Syrup
- Lipoxin
- Eco Pills Raspberry Capsules
- Drops OneTwoSlim
If there is no time or opportunity to visit the gym several times a week, do not despair, because to acquire a dream figure, it is enough to regularly perform simple but very effective squats. Of course, in order to achieve the desired result, you will have to spend a lot of time, so be patient. As a rule, on average, it takes about 30-40 days to correct the buttocks and hips, depending on the initial weight and nutrition, because these factors have the most important influence. The main thing is to do squats regularly and soon such workouts will become a habit, and will not seem too burdensome.
The benefits of squats

Everyone is familiar with such a simple exercise as squats since childhood, but few people know that they include two types of loads - aerobic and strength. During squats, the muscles of the legs, abdominals and back are tense, so effective strength training is carried out.
During squats, frequent and intense breathing begins, as a result of which an increase in the number of contractions of the heart muscle begins. The blood is enriched with oxygen, saturating every cell of the body.
Squats are very useful for the body, so you shouldn't be lazy, because regular training will help you regain good physical shape and correct your figure:
- Squatting regularly helps to speed up the metabolic process, so that fatty deposits are gradually converted into muscle tissue.
- You can only lose weight if you expend extra calories every day.
- Squats help to strengthen the muscles of the back, tighten the abdomen, tone the gluteus muscles, and the hips become slim and toned again.
How exactly do squats work in the fight against excess weight?

Squats are one of the most effective exercises today, since almost all muscles work during their execution. As a result, fat deposits in the thighs, abdomen, buttocks are burned and muscle mass is built up.
Of course, if we talk about energy expenditure, then squats will lose out to active aerobic loads, but at the same time they are among the effective means for combating excess weight.
Taking into account the initial body weight, different efforts will be made to perform even the simplest physical exercises, therefore, the process of losing weight will occur in different ways. If desired, you can calculate the number of calories burned during squats, but this is done only on an individual basis.
For example, if a woman weighs about 60-65 kg, after 5 minutes of squats (100 repetitions), about 43 Kcal is consumed. Provided that morning and evening training is carried out, you can get rid of 86 Kcal per day.
Squatting weight loss isn't just a result of calorie expenditure. In order to increase the effectiveness of such an exercise several times, you can use additional loads, for example, a barbell or dumbbells. Thanks to the use of additional loads, the process of muscle mass formation is accelerated several times. Unlike body fat, muscles will consume excess calories much faster. Consequently, energy consumption also increases, even if there will be no cardinal changes in the usual power supply system. However, in the case of reducing the usual diet by 150-200 calories, the process of losing weight will be much more active.
Squat technique for weight loss

To get a dream figure and get rid of existing excess weight, it is necessary not only to exercise regularly, but also to perform squats correctly. Conventionally, this type of exercise is divided into two stages:
- The first stage is considered to be a deep and unhurried squat, which should be accompanied by strong tension of the muscular corset of the back, as well as the lower limbs and abdominal muscles.
- The second stage is power. A return from a deep squat to the starting position is performed by lifting the weight of your body. If desired, dumbbells, weights, heavy books or plastic bottles filled with water can be used to increase physical activity.
Performing squats, you must not only think about the process of losing weight, but also try not to harm your own health. Even such a simple exercise has a special technique that must be strictly observed, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable. When starting a workout, there are a few simple guidelines to consider:
- During the exercise, the abdominal muscles must be strained without fail, since they will play the role of a strong corset for the spine.
- The heels should always remain flat on the floor.
- It is strictly forbidden to take your heels off the floor while squatting, as this is the grossest mistake that should not be allowed.
- It is necessary to monitor the position of the back, since during classes it should remain completely straight, but not rounded or arched.
- Having reached the bottom point, the knees should be parallel to the feet.
- You can not turn your knees out or in.
- During classes, breathing should be even and measured, you must try to adapt to the rhythm of squats - while moving down, a deep and even breath is taken, and when moving up, exhale.
It is necessary to constantly monitor the squatting technique, since it is the correct execution of the exercise that gives the maximum effect. In about 15–20 minutes of training, you can lose about 250 Kcal, but this figure directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the initial body weight. While training, you need to try to tune in to a special wave, since it is important to feel how the muscles work during each movement.
Contraindications for squats

In order for squats to only benefit and not harm health, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are certain contraindications, which include diseases such as:
- arterial hypertension;
- back problems;
- hernia;
- diseases of the joints of the legs;
- problems in the work of the cardiovascular system;
- varicose veins;
- scoliosis;
- radiculitis.
In the event that there is at least one of the above diseases, it is necessary to abandon squats as a means in the fight against excess weight, otherwise there is a risk only to worsen your own well-being.
How to start losing weight with squats?

If you have not previously had to work out fruitfully using squats, it is necessary to stop the choice on the classical technique. In this case, the legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the arms are lowered along the body and as relaxed as possible. Squatting is done slowly, while you need to go down until a right angle is formed in the knees. Then you must also slowly return to the starting position.
In the event that squats are used as a weight loss exercise, the maximum number of repetitions is mandatory. To increase the load, it is useful to use additional weights - for example, dumbbells. Of course, the number of squats will be determined strictly on an individual basis, but at the same time, you need to gradually increase the number of repetitions, since the muscles have the ability to get used to the exercises.
To get used to regular training and join the process, you need to start classes with 1 set, which should have 15 squats. It is important to perform at least 3 approaches in one workout, between which you can take short breaks for 3-5 minutes, but no more.
Soon there will be a feeling of strength in the muscles and a desire to increase the load, performing 20 squats in one repetition, gradually reaching 30 times. You can also do more repetitions, while the break between them should be kept to a minimum.
During the week, you can do 3-4 times, it is not necessary to train every day. If the resulting load begins to seem small, it is useful to use weights, for example, small dumbbells, weighing 1-2 kg, would be an excellent option.
It is important to remember about the golden rule of every workout - first, a warm-up must be performed in order to warm up the muscles well, otherwise the risk of injury increases. During the warm-up, special attention should be paid to the ankles and knees, since performing squats will put a lot of stress on these areas.
Weighted squats

This type of exercise is not suitable for everyone and is recommended to restore elasticity to the buttocks and hips. It will be sufficient to use an additional weight of 1 kg at first. Dumbbells are taken into the hands (you can use bottles filled with water), the legs are spread shoulder-width apart, and a smooth squat is performed using the classic technique.
Plie squats

This squat is based on the plie ballet movement. To perform this exercise, the legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the toes are turned outward, after which a smooth downward movement is performed (the knees are bent as slowly as possible).
This exercise is a great way to get rid of excess fat on the inner thighs. To perform this exercise, you can use dumbbells as weights.
Today, there are a fairly large number of different types of squats, thanks to which you can quickly lose weight and return a slim figure. But in order to obtain such a result, classes should be carried out regularly, you should also pay attention to your own diet and limit the use of fatty and too high-calorie foods, which provoke the appearance of excess weight.
Check out the squat technique in this video: