Can you eat broth while losing weight? Benefits and harms, contraindications. Slimming broth recipes and real reviews of girls.
The benefits of chicken and vegetable broth have been known for many years. But when going on a diet, many are confused: is it possible to eat a portion of your favorite dish without harming your figure? What foods and recipes for weight loss broth should be chosen to lose weight, let's talk further.
Is broth possible for weight loss?

Sitting on any diet, a lot of questions arise related to the selection of the menu and the benefits or harms of a particular dish. Most people know that a liquid must be included in the diet. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to eat broth while losing weight.
The opinion of nutritionists on this issue is divided. Some believe that broth will not be able to negatively affect the result, while others are of the opinion that it does not contribute to a decrease in stomach volume, which is a negative factor for weight loss. But everyone agrees that the right broth for weight loss will not only not be able to worsen the result, but will also help in the fight against extra pounds.
The most popular option is chicken. When asked if chicken broth for weight loss is possible, nutritionists unequivocally answer “Yes”. In addition, the recommended ones include vegetable.
Basic rules for preparing slimming broth:
- The meat from the store is not of good quality, because factory chickens are fed with the addition of mineral supplements, antibiotics, hormonal drugs. When boiling an "unclean" product, various chemical compounds (creatine and creatinine, others) get into the broth, which can harm the body. Therefore, it is better to use secondary broth, which means that after boiling, you need to drain the water and pour in a new one.
- According to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is necessary to initially prepare the vegetable broth, then add the previously cooked meat.
- The skin for chicken broth should first be removed and not used, fat and carcinogens accumulate in it.
- Cooking chicken broth for weight loss is necessary from pure boneless meat. Chicken bones accumulate compounds of mercury and arsenic, as well as heavy metals. During cooking, all harmful substances will be in the fresh soup.
- It is recommended to refuse salt when cooking, so fluid from the body will be excreted faster without provoking edema.
- When cooking vegetable broth for weight loss, vegetables should not be cooked for a long time. All beneficial properties and fiber will disappear.
- You can add fresh herbs to the vegetable broth. Thus, its fat burning properties will become even higher.
Important! You can not drink liquid food, it is better to refrain from drinks for 2 hours. Otherwise, the gastric juice will be diluted and the digestion process will take longer.
The benefits of broth for weight loss

The broth must be prepared from fresh and high-quality products, in which case it will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the body.
The benefits of broth for the body:
- Liquid food is absorbed much faster than solid food, therefore it does not cause heaviness in the stomach.
- It improves the salt-water balance (it can be included in the rate of water consumption per day - this is especially useful for those who cannot drink clean water).
- Liquid food speeds up metabolism by stabilizing intestinal motility, especially useful for people suffering from constipation.
- The broth is able to warm the body (especially important in the cold season).
- Broths have a low calorie content, which is undoubtedly a plus during weight loss, while the set of vitamins and minerals in them is not less than that of solid food.
- Broth soup is able to increase immunity, chicken is considered the most suitable. It contains proteins and fats, which in liquid form are easily digested by the body, and also prevent heart attacks and strokes, B vitamins (which improve the functioning of the nervous system), folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Strengthens bone tissue and muscle fibers. In addition, it contains gelatin, which improves the condition of hair, skin and nails. It is actively used to relieve the condition during colds. Thanks to the arginine content of chicken broth, it helps to shed those extra pounds around the sides and abdomen.
- Nutritionists recommend slimming broth for obese people as it contains enough vitamins and minerals for the body to function properly. At the same time, it provides the necessary portion of energy with a low calorie content.
Contraindications and harm

Despite all the beneficial properties of vegetable and chicken broth for weight loss, it can be harmful, so there are a number of contraindications. Choosing low-quality food for cooking can negatively affect your health. Cooked soup made from poor chicken meat goes through the digestive tract too quickly, lowering the acidity of gastric juice.
Weight loss broth is contraindicated in patients with diseases of the liver and genitourinary system, gastritis with low acidity, gout. With pancreatitis, individual components of the dish can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, which can be expressed in bouts of nausea and vomiting.
Allergy to individual components of slimming broth is also a contraindication to its use. With high cholesterol, you should not abuse the offal dish, nitrogen compounds and fat accumulate in them.
Slimming broth recipes
According to nutritionists, you should not deny yourself the consumption of liquid food. Moreover, there are many low-calorie slimming broth recipes, thanks to which you can not only please yourself with a delicious dish, but also get rid of extra pounds. The most popular are chicken and vegetable. Below are recipes for diet broths for weight loss.
Chicken bouillon

For making chicken broth, it is better to use a homemade chicken carcass. If this is not possible, you can take a store, then you need to drain the first broth in order to remove all chemical compounds and protect yourself from their effects.
- Chicken breast - 1 pc.
- Carrots - 1 pc.
- Onions - 1 pc.
- Fresh parsley - half a bunch (can be replaced with dried, but this will affect the taste and aroma of the finished dish)
- Fresh dill - half a bunch
- Dried bay leaves - 3 pcs.
- Allspice - 6 peas (black or white can be used)
- Water - 6 L (2 - for the first broth, 4 - for the second)
Step by step preparation of chicken broth for weight loss:
- Remove skin and bones from chicken breast, trim fat, if any, if necessary. Rinse well under running water and place in a saucepan. Fill with water - 2 liters for the first brew. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
- When the broth soup boils, keep it on fire for another 3-5 minutes. Take out the meat, and drain the first broth.
- Place the meat in a clean saucepan and add the remaining 4 liters of water. Boil the broth over low heat for about 1 hour.
- Add coarsely chopped vegetables and all the spices. We cut the bunches with herbs, rinse in running water and send them to the broth. We simmer on low heat for another hour.
- We take out the chicken breast into a separate plate and leave to cool. Filter the liquid - discard the onion and spices.
- Cut the cooled meat and carrots into small pieces and send them to the finished broth. When serving, you can also add finely chopped herbs.
The finished product is enough for 4 doses. For weight loss, broth can be replaced with all meals for the day. In this mode, you can eat for up to 3 days. If the diet needs to be extended to a week, a full (mostly protein) lunch and vegetable salads are introduced without dressing for a snack.
Vegetable broth

There are many recipes for vegetable broth for weight loss, below are the most popular and effective in the fight against obesity.
Ingredients for Vegetable Celery Broth Soup:
- Onions - 1 pc.
- Carrots - 1 pc.
- Celery (stems) - 2 pcs.
- Fresh parsley - half a bunch (you can replace dried parsley, but this will affect the taste and aroma of the finished dish)
- Fresh dill - half a bunch
- Thyme - 2 sprigs (can be replaced with Provencal herbs or dried marjoram)
- Dried bay leaves - 3 pcs
- Garlic - 4 cloves
- Allspice peas - 7 peas (can be replaced with white pepper)
- Water - 3 l
Step by step preparation of vegetable broth soup with celery:
- Wash carrots, onions and celery, cut into large pieces. Leave the garlic intact, as well as the herbs in bunches.
- Fill with cold water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes. Strain the finished broth, removing all the vegetables.
- You can add fresh chopped herbs and a little salt to it.
Vegetable broth alone cannot replace all meals, but it can be alternated with chicken. For lunch, you can add a little whole grain or rye bread to the diet.

Ingredients for Vegetable Cabbage Broth Soup:
- Carrots - 2 pcs.
- Onions - 2 pcs.
- Cabbage - 1/2 small head.
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc. (you can take 1/2 each of yellow and red)
- Tomato - 5 pcs.
- Celery stalks - 2 pcs.
- Dill - half a bunch
- Parsley - half a bunch
- Water - 3 l
Step-by-step cooking of vegetable broth soup with cabbage:
- We wash all the ingredients well. Cut the carrots, onions and bell peppers into 1 * 1 cm pieces. Chop the cabbage.
- We send everything to a saucepan with cold water and put on fire.
- After boiling, add chopped celery and cook for 15 minutes.
- Add grated tomatoes and chopped greens.
- Turn off the slimming broth soup and let it brew.
Real reviews of slimming broth

Despite the fact that the recommendations of nutritionists differ significantly regarding the use of liquid food during the struggle for a dream figure, many managed to feel the benefits of broth for weight loss, the reviews are below:
Anastasia, 47 years old
I have always belonged to the list of those who are always losing weight, all because I cannot keep myself in hand for a long time. Constant breakdowns, and again weight gain. I read on the Internet that you can lose weight with broth. At first, I was skeptical about this method, because I believed that I would be constantly hungry and give up quickly. But alternating vegetable with chicken, I did not feel bad at all. On the 4th day, I added a fish lunch to the diet, and from the 10th day, a milk dinner. In 14 days I lost 7 kg. This is a very good result for me.
Ekaterina, 26 years old
At first I heard about a drinking diet, but somehow it did not inspire confidence in me. So I decided to stick with PP, replacing several meals with chicken broth for weight loss. I had a full breakfast (oatmeal with fruit), 3 bouillon snacks and a protein dinner. So I lasted 10 days, after which lunch appeared. I've been eating like this for a month now: now my result is minus 8 kg. Sports are present.
Lida, 35 years old
I needed to quickly lose 3 kg before vacation. I decided to try broths for weight loss, as they promised that there would be no feeling of hunger. I can't say that I was not completely hungry, but I managed to lose 3 kg in 3 days. Therefore, I can recommend the method for express weight loss.
Is broth possible when losing weight - look at the video:

Broths have a low calorie content with good saturation. Therefore, they can be classified as dietary meals if prepared correctly. Despite the fact that nutritionists are still arguing whether broth can be used for weight loss, the results and reviews of satisfied losers have repeatedly confirmed their benefits in the diet.