Cheese Tom de Boj: description, benefits, harm, recipes

Cheese Tom de Boj: description, benefits, harm, recipes
Cheese Tom de Boj: description, benefits, harm, recipes

Description of cheese Tom de Boj and the secrets of making. Energy value and chemical composition, benefits and harms when consumed. Home Kitchen Uses and Variety History.

Tom de Bauge is a semi-hard cheese made only in one of the French regions - in Savoy, in the Bauges mountain range. Smell - earthy, sour-creamy; taste - fruity, with a hint of pine needles, sweetish or herbal, spicy, with pronounced pungency; texture - firm, dense, elastic; the presence of several uneven small eyes is allowed; color - from old ivory to waxy yellow. The crust is natural, gray, with a light bloom. Wheel-shaped heads, diameter - 18-20 cm, height - 3-5 cm, weight - 1, 2-1, 4 kg.

How is Tom de Boj cheese made?

Making cheese Tom de Boj
Making cheese Tom de Boj

Interestingly, the preparation of the raw materials for the Tom de Beauges cheese begins long before the production process. The animals are fed in a special way. If grazing is carried out on mountain pastures, then the cheese heads are then marked in green; when there is a large amount of fruit in the diet - red.

Collect 2 milk yield - evening and morning. Evening milk is at room temperature and is already populated with beneficial flora. When standing, cream rises to the surface. It is customary to remove them, so that later, when mixing portions of the raw materials, restore the required fat content. Storage of raw materials after degreasing is allowed: at 10 ° С for 12-16 hours and at 6 ° С for 28 hours. To make 1 kg of cheese, you need 10 liters of milk.

How Tom de Beauge cheese is made

  • Milk is necessarily poured into copper vats (cauldrons), heated to 32 ° C and rennet is poured in. Coagulation takes 1-1, 2 hours. In small farms, additional bacterial sourdough is added.
  • After forming the kale and checking for a clean break, they proceed to cutting. For this, a cheese "harp" is used - with an ordinary knife, even a very sharp one, it is almost impossible to chop a bulk layer into pieces the size of a corn grain.
  • The curd mass is allowed to settle to the bottom, part of the whey is drained, the contents of the vat are slowly heated to 35-37 ° C (heating rate - 1 ° C / min) and stirred with movements from top to bottom, changing the position of the curd. Each time the mass sinks to the bottom, the separating liquid is poured out.
  • When the grains are dry enough, the intermediate raw materials are laid out in molds and left for self-pressing for 7-8 hours, turning 4 times. In large dairy factories, a special vibration drain table is used to speed up the separation of whey.
  • Any method of salting is possible - rubbing the surfaces of the formed heads or placing in 20% brine. If the wet method is used, then the cheese is left for 8-10 hours to dry, dry - immediately dipped into cellars with a temperature of 4 ° C and a humidity of 75-80%. The minimum holding time is 5 weeks.

The exact recipe for how the Tom de Beauge cheese is made is unknown. Some cheese makers still, as in the old recipes, neglect the introduction of additional sourdough. The raw material is inoculated with the necessary bacterial cultures using the serum left over from the preparation of the previous batch. In addition, cooking and aging conditions can be changed directly during production processes, focusing on the acidity and moisture content of the product.

After installation on the racks in the cellar, the first week, the heads are turned over 2 times a day, from the second - 1 time. When foreign fungal cultures appear on the crusts, the surface is washed with 20% brine.

Composition and calorie content of cheese Tom de Beauj

French cheese Tom de Beauge
French cheese Tom de Beauge

This product is not a dietary one, and if you do not refuse it, following a diet for weight loss, it is necessary to allocate time for active training.

The calorie content of Tom de Boj cheese is 330-384 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 22-27 g;
  • Fat - 30.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.23-0.28 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Retinol - 160 mcg;
  • Folic acid - 26.9 mcg;
  • Tocopherol - 0.5 mg.

Mineral composition per 100 g:

  • Sodium, Na - 807 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 626 mg;
  • Iron, Fe - 0.2 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 20 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 460 mg;
  • Potassium, K - 90 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 807 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.50 mg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 3.76 mcg;
  • Selenium, Se - 5 μg.

Fat content of cheese Tom de Beauge relative to dry matter - 45%

The high sodium content is due to careful salting. Thanks to this process, the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria is stopped and the long-term preservation of products is ensured, without compromising its quality.

Isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, valine, aspartic and glutamic acid prevail among the amino acids in the composition of Tom de Beauge cheese.

If you eat a piece of cheese weighing 100 g, the organic reserve will be replenished with calcium - by 29%, phosphorus - by 8%, copper - by 29%, zinc - by 6%, vitamin E - by 44%, folic acid - by 42%, iron - by 80%. But it is not recommended to eat such a portion, especially if this variety is regularly used as a supplement to the daily diet. The recommended "dosage" is no more than 60 g for women and 80 g for men.

Benefits of Tom de Beauge cheese

What does Tom de Boj cheese look like?
What does Tom de Boj cheese look like?

Easily digestible milk protein improves tone and helps restore energy reserves, cope with increased stress, both emotional and physical.

Benefits of Cheese Tom de Boj:

  1. Increases the regenerative properties of the epithelium, promotes rapid recovery and increases the production of melanin, which protects against aggressive environmental influences, including ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Improves vision, helps to tolerate the change of light regime painlessly.
  3. Stimulates the hematopoietic system, prolongs the life cycle of red blood cells. The likelihood of anemia is reduced.
  4. Improves protein metabolism, normalizes water and electrolyte balance.
  5. Retains water in the body and helps to avoid moisture outflow, slows down age-related changes and improves skin tone.

Reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the skeletal system, slows down atherosclerosis, prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
