When creating a course of steroids, the goals set are taken into account. The professional course is different from the amateur one. Learn about the specifics of designing bodybuilding courses. The goal of bodybuilding is to increase muscle mass. At the initial stage of your career, proper nutrition and training is sufficient to achieve this goal. However, every athlete has a moment when simple methods become ineffective and the mass gain stops. As a result, the athlete is faced with a serious choice: to stay at the achieved level and hope to overcome it over time, or to start using steroids.
A very important aspect when creating an anabolic cycle is understanding for whom it is being created. Professionals and hobbyists have different goals, and for this reason, their courses will differ significantly. Today we will try to understand the specifics of building a bodybuilder course.
Features of professional and amateur courses

The main task of amateurs when using steroids, of course, not counting the mass gain, is to maintain health. It is this factor that should be the main one when choosing drugs and their dosages. To ensure the complete absence of side effects or to minimize them, you can use small dosages for a short period of time. The simplest example of such a cycle would be the use of turinabol for a week in the amount of 40 milligrams daily. Also, at the end of the cycle, it is necessary to carry out restorative therapy.
The basis of the course should be the safest drugs, for example, methandienone, boldenone, turinabol, nandrolone. They must be used in minimal dosages. When the effect of these steroids on the body is no longer enough, then stronger ones, say, testosterone esters, drostanolone or trenbolone can be used.
In recent years, the use of the principles of building professional cycles of anabolic steroids for amateurs has been very noticeable. In turn, for a professional, it is most important to achieve the maximum increase in muscle mass, which leads to a deliberate neglect of health. Most professionals use the highest doses of AAS for a long time. We can say that professional athletes constantly use steroids with short pauses, during which the "bridge" is most often used, or, in other words, the athlete continues to use steroids in the minimum dosage.
Steroid use

Amateur course

All the specifics of building a course for an amateur bodybuilder should obey a simple rule - if a steroid gives a positive effect at a minimum dose, then it should not be taken anymore.
- The first courses can be solo use of methandienone. The drug is taken daily, 10 milligrams every 5 hours. Rehabilitation therapy involves taking tamoxifen (20 milligrams in the morning and 10 milligrams in the evening, or clomid (50 milligrams twice a day). The duration of such a cycle should not exceed one week.
- The second course for beginner athletes can be a combination of oxandrolone and primobolan. Oxandrolone is consumed in an amount of 70 to 80 milligrams daily, and the entire dose should be divided into four doses. Primobolan dosage ranges from 500 to 700 milligrams. This amount of steroid should be divided into two doses over the course of a week. The cycle duration is at least 12 weeks. Rehabilitation therapy is carried out in accordance with the above recommendations.
Professional course

As mentioned above, professional athletes use steroids throughout the year, and the short pauses between anabolic cycles are filled with "bridges".
The mass recruitment course must be carried out during the off-season. To do this, you can use the following drugs:
- Oxymetholone at a daily dosage of 150 milligrams;
- Nandrolone decanoate in an amount of 600 to 700 milligrams throughout the week;
- The dosage for sustanon is 1,500 milligrams over a week.
Also, to reduce the risk of side effects, you should use anastrozole at a dosage of 1 milligram every other day.
As the start of the competition is approaching, esters of the male hormone can be introduced into the cycle. Also, to give the muscles a relief, it is necessary to take fat-burning drugs and diuretics.
A growth hormone

Recently, growth hormone has gained a lot of popularity among athletes. True, due to its high cost, it is mainly used by professionals. But some amateurs can also afford to purchase this drug, having received in return a high-quality mass and a complete absence of side effects.
On the Internet, you can find a fairly large number of schemes for the use of this drug, but for beginners they are very complex and are mainly a combination of growth hormone with other drugs that can cause side effects. Novice athletes may be advised to use one of two courses of growth hormone:
- Boldenone in the amount of 800 milligrams for a week and a daily intake of GH at a dosage of 10 IU. This cycle should last for 12 weeks and at the end of it you can gain about 10 kilograms.
- Primobol is applied weekly in the amount of 900 milligrams. The dosage of GH is 10 IU daily.
When using growth hormone, professional athletes also use insulin in small doses. However, novice athletes should not do this, since when using insulin, it is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge. At the same time, it should be recognized that the combination of insulin with AAS can give a very tangible result. But it is necessary to remember about the specifics of building a bodybuilder course, drawing a line between the professional and amateur cycle of anabolic steroids.
Learn more about the features of building a course for bodybuilders in this video: