The specifics of building a powerlifter course

The specifics of building a powerlifter course
The specifics of building a powerlifter course

When using steroids, powerlifters have different goals than bodybuilders. Find out the specifics of building a course for a powerlifter and what are its features? As you know, bodybuilders are faced with the task of maximizing muscle mass. Powerlifters, on the other hand, need less weight. For powerlifting, the athlete's strength indicators are of the greatest importance. It is these differences that determine the specifics of building a powerlifter course.

Features of the powerlifter course

Girl Powerlifter Performs Bench Press
Girl Powerlifter Performs Bench Press

There are times when athletes go from powerlifting to bodybuilding and vice versa. Training in these sports has a lot in common and this transition is usually painless. If the training programs for athletes from these sports have general principles, then the pharmacology is different, and quite significantly.

Since powerlifters are primarily interested in strength indicators, the following factors come to the fore when choosing steroids:

  • Acceleration of the recovery of the central nervous system;
  • Increasing the general tone and desire to "plow" in training sessions;
  • Increased strength indicators.

Powerlifters should only use steroids that meet the above requirements. Of course, mass-gaining cycles also take place in powerlifting, but they are not the main ones. To a greater extent, preparations with strong androgenic properties are also suitable for the requirements of this sport, for example, male hormone esters, drostanolone, trenbolone, methyltestosterone, etc.

One of the features of powerlifting is the enormous stress on the joints, both during training sessions and in competitions. For this reason, very often the choice falls on nandrolones. But it should be remembered that the use of these steroids is only possible at a time when a doping test is not expected. Nandrolone can be found in the body for up to 18 months. It has long been established that nandrolone has a positive effect on joints and ligaments. The effect is especially noticeable when used in combination with nandrolone peptides, growth hormone or IGF. Also, to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes after previously received injuries, athletes can use synthetic steroid drugs of the glucocorticoid group. If the inflammation is not severe, then it is better to use weaker drugs, for example, diclofenac.

Until relatively recently, it was believed that powerlifters use lower dosages of AAS than is customary in bodybuilding. However, this is no longer the case. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the experience of the athlete. For a beginner powerlifter, 40 milligrams of methandienone per day will be enough. Of course, with experienced athletes, the situation is completely different.

Steroid use in powerlifting

The athlete sits at the table in front of steroid medications
The athlete sits at the table in front of steroid medications

Courses for beginners

The athlete prepares for the barbell snatch
The athlete prepares for the barbell snatch

A beginner needs steroids only to overcome the plateau state, and for these purposes it will be quite enough to use turinabol or methandienone solo in a dosage of 40 milligrams. Without fail, at the end of the course, rehabilitation therapy should be carried out according to the standard scheme, using clomid or tamoxifen.

Also, beginners can use intermittent methods of receiving AAS. Their essence lies in the use of drugs with a short half-life on training days three times throughout the week. It can be the same methandienone in the amount of 30 milligrams one hour before the start of the training. This method of using steroids is based on the ability of muscle tissue cells to assimilate the maximum amount of AAS at the time of physical activity. This method has a number of positive aspects, for example, the complete absence of a negative effect on the liver, the activity of the HH arc is not suppressed. But there are also disadvantages, the main one of which is the need for strict adherence to the daily regimen and the correct nutrition program.

Courses for professionals

Powerlifter Barbell Squat
Powerlifter Barbell Squat

Experienced athletes use high dosages of testosterone esters, as well as trenbolone, which is the most powerful drug for increasing strength. An example of a course for an experienced powerlifter is the following:

  • Sustanon is used twice a week, 500 milligrams each;
  • Trenbolone is also taken twice a week in an amount of 300 to 400 milligrams (weekly dosage);
  • Anastrozole should be taken in 500 micrograms every two days.

Also, when using the course described above, one should remember about the strong effect of the AAS included in its composition on the HH arc. For this reason, gonadotropin must be used. Rehabilitation therapy should be given at the end of the steroid cycle. The specifics of building a powerlifter course can be judged by the use of trenbolone.

A growth hormone

The drug Jintropin based on somatotropin (growth hormone)
The drug Jintropin based on somatotropin (growth hormone)

Unlike bodybuilders, powerlifting uses growth hormone only as an adjunct. Its main role is to prevent and protect joints and ligaments from damage. This undoubtedly affects the dosage of the drug as well. For athletes of any level of training, it will be enough to use 5 units of growth hormone throughout the day. For the same purposes, peptides, for example, TB-500, can also be used.


Insulin injection and insulin syringe
Insulin injection and insulin syringe

The use of insulin by powerlifters on courses is controversial. When using it, the athlete is likely to move into a heavier category. At the same time, thanks to insulin, the body recovers much faster after intense training. This fact makes the drug very interesting for beginners and representatives of the absolute weight category. Of course, it is worth remembering about the safety of the use of insulin.

As you can see from all of the above, the specifics of building a powerlifter course primarily consists in the use of steroids, which can significantly increase the athlete's strength indicators.

For more information on how to correctly design a course in powerlifting, see this video:

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