Kimrick: history of the breed, standard of appearance and rules of pet care

Kimrick: history of the breed, standard of appearance and rules of pet care
Kimrick: history of the breed, standard of appearance and rules of pet care

The history of the origin of the breed, the standard of appearance, the peculiarities of the Kimrik's temperament, the health of the cat, the rules for keeping a pet, the price of kittens. The tail process is the main feature of Cymric cats, depending on the length of the presence or the length of this organ, Cymric is usually divided into four categories:

  • Rumpy - cats are not just completely devoid of a tail, there is even a shallow notch in the place where the organ of balance should be located. This category of animals is especially valuable, since they are not born so often and, coming into this world, they immediately have a purpose - to win at prestigious cat shows.
  • Rumpy riser - from nature, these animals received a tail, but its length is only a few centimeters, this category of kimriks is also allowed to participate in exhibitions.
  • Stumpy - these purrs also have a short tail, its length is almost the same as that of ramp-risers, but its structure is distinguished by the presence of kinks and tubercles.
  • Longy - by and large, ordinary cats, which are born from the parents of the Cimrick breed, but they have a tail and it is the usual length for all cats. Not entirely honest breeders cut off the tail of their kittens on their own, as if mechanically making them purebred. Such cats are usually sold to inexperienced cat lovers, but as soon as the owners apply for participation in some kind of exhibition, then all the secret becomes clear.

Features of the character of cats of the Kimrik breed

Kimrick plays with a toy
Kimrick plays with a toy

In general, representatives of this species are very good-natured and peaceful, however, there are situations in their lives when instincts prevail. They are excellent hunters and even defenders, such a cat will always come to your aid. Even if you are playing with a dog, and he growls during the game, the kimrik can attack him without hesitation, since he may think that you are in danger. So the Cymric is not just a pet, but also that watchdog.

These tailless pussies are very fond of people, they like to spend time with them, but when there is not too noisy company around. Such a pet is very fond of active games, most often he chooses one favorite toy for himself and carries it around constantly. It does not have to be a mouse with a winding mechanism, sometimes it is the most common shoe lace that the cat will often bring in your teeth, inviting you to play with it in this way.

With children, these animals know how to behave in the best way, they will run and play, and if something happens, just turn around and leave. They will not bite and scratch.

Cymric do not tolerate a long stay alone, so if you stay at work for a long time, it is best to make a friend for your cat, it can be either a cat or even a dog, they will immediately become friends, and together it is always more fun.

Cimrick cat health

What does Kimrick the cat look like?
What does Kimrick the cat look like?

In general, these pets are distinguished by good health, they do not have a tendency to any serious diseases of the internal organs. With proper maintenance, vaccination, according to the vaccination schedule and regular examinations by a veterinarian, these unusual purrs will delight you for 9-12 years.

However, there are also some problems that accumulate in their tail, more precisely in what is left of it. The thing is that even though the tail process in Cimriks of not the usual length, all the nerve endings have remained in place, it's just that everything is concentrated on such a small area. Because of this, the tail is truly the "Achilles heel" of this breed. Care should be taken that no one touches your pet in this area, especially for children, since even a slight pressure on the tail, the animal experiences not just discomfort, but terrible pain.

Also, if you decide to breed cats of this breed, you should know that the unique gene of "short tail" entails many problems. The fact is that a kitten that receives this gene from both parents dies in the womb. There is also a risk of Manx's syndrome - this is a severe disease that manifests itself in Kimriks in the form of problems with the intestines, bladder, and spine defects, even splitting, are diagnosed in babies from birth. Usually these kittens are euthanized. You should know that Manx's syndrome may not manifest itself immediately, sometimes the manifestation of the disease occurs only in the fifth month of life, therefore, both buying and selling kittens up to six months of age is categorically not recommended.

Caring for Cimrick cats

Cimrick cat care
Cimrick cat care

These charming purrs cannot be called capricious or demanding, due to the fact that they have a rather calm and phlegmatic disposition, it is easy to take care of them:

  1. Hair care … In order for the silky hairs of Kimrik to not be throughout your apartment, in the gastrointestinal tract of cats, it must be regularly combed. If during the usual period it will be enough to comb the cat about 2 times a week, then during molting it should be done as often as possible. Usually cats of this breed love this procedure and are happy to come up to you as soon as they notice that the owner is armed with a brush. As for the brush, the best option would be a massage comb with a medium frequency of teeth. You should be aware that Cymric's fur tends to get tangled, so when combing, you need to carefully examine your pet. These cats, devoid of a tail, love water very much, they can independently crawl under an open tap and play with a stream of water if nearby your house there is a pond, then most likely it will be your companion's favorite place. But such a love for water does not in any way imply that these cats love to swim - for them this is a problem. Therefore, it is better to train your pet to take a bath from early childhood. It is necessary to wash the animal with a special shampoo and use a conditioner well. It is not recommended to buy 2 in 1 detergents.
  2. Hygiene of the ears … Train your furry friend to do hygiene routines once a week. Maybe the first times he will resist, but after getting used to it a little, the kimrik will get used to standing humbly and waiting for it to end. The cat's ears need to be cleaned about once a week, with the help of cotton swabs (it is better to choose children's ears with a stopper, so the likelihood of damage to the eardrum is reduced to almost zero). As an additional tool, you can use both liquid paraffin and specialized ear cleaners for cats, which are sold at a veterinary pharmacy. It's up to you, of course, to decide, but the latter are more suitable for animals, since they do not cause allergic reactions or inflammatory processes on vulnerable skin integuments.
  3. Dental care … Also, once a week, your pet should brush its teeth, it is recommended to do this with a small soft toothbrush and a special powder designed for animals. Cymric have a tendency to form tartar and to inflammatory diseases of the soft tissues of the mouth. It is also a good idea to feed your cat a special food at least once a week, the purpose of which is to brush your teeth.
  4. Nail care … In kimriks, claws, firstly, are very strong and sharp, and, secondly, they grow "by leaps and bounds."A scratching post is a necessary attribute in a house where there is a cat, but in a house where a pet lives, it will not be enough for the Cymric breed. So along with it you need to buy a claw trimming tool. This procedure should be carried out once a week, no more than 1-2 mm is allowed to be cut off. It will also be very nice to put a tree for your pet, it will be both a reliable scratching post and a climbing device.
  5. Toilet … These cute purrs, by virtue of their intelligence, very quickly understand what a tray is and what it is for. It is better to purchase a regular container for a cimrick, into which the filler is poured, so it will be more natural for him. The only thing that is important is that the cat litter box is always cleaned, these neat pets will in no case allow themselves to relieve themselves in an untidy, bad-smelling place, for this there will be more comfortable places in the house, so in case of anything, do not keep to resent your friend.
  6. Walking … You need to walk with representatives of this breed, maybe they will not require this, but they need a change of scenery. Let it not be daily hourly walks, but give your pet the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and open nature once or twice a week. These cats can be released from the harness, they will not run away, but climbing a tree is easy.
  7. Nutrition … For Cimriks, it is recommended to give preference to premium ready-to-eat foods. If you feed them homemade food, in no case offer the cat food from your table, their bodies are not adapted to digest fatty, salty, sweet food. It is also not recommended to give Cymric milk and offer them river fish.

Buying a kitten of the Kimrick breed

Due to the fact that this species is quite rare, the prices for these purrs are very high. The starting cost of a Cymric kitten of the pet class is about 25,000 rubles, representatives of the show class will cost you 70,000 rubles, and some individual individuals can be valued much more.

Watch a video about kimrick cats:
