Description of the exotic plant kuruba. What are the taste and aroma characteristics of the fruits? Chemical composition, benefits and harms. Why you should control the inclusion of the product in the diet. How to eat banana granadilla. Cooking recipes. In addition, the components of banana granadilla are beneficial for the health of the gums and teeth. Also, the fruits have a tonic and tonic effect on the body. After strenuous physical activity, muscle fibers recover faster.
Contraindications and harm to the fruit of kuruba

Although an exotic fruit has a lot of useful properties, if it is included in the diet excessively, it can provoke indigestion and cause painful sensations. There is a danger of significantly undermining metabolic processes in the body and worsen general well-being.
Consequences of abuse of banana granadilla:
- Individual intolerance to certain components … The multivitamin content of the fruit can stimulate a malfunction in the digestion process, impair the absorption of minerals, cause anaphylactic shock and swelling of the mucous membrane. In addition, body temperature may rise, heart rate accelerates, and hypersensitivity may occur.
- Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract … There is diarrhea, profuse flatulence, constipation, nausea accompanied by vomiting, pancreatic adenoma, irritation occurs on the mucous membrane, and peristalsis worsens. There is a risk of developing gastritis and duodenal ulcers, the normal functionality of the liver and kidneys is disrupted.
- Deterioration of cognitive abilities … Less oxygen enters the brain, thought processes are hampered, there is a feeling of constant fatigue, apathy, inattention, intracranial pressure arises. The activity of the central and autonomic nervous system is impaired.
- Allergic reaction … Redness and acne appear on the skin, peeling occurs, aches in the muscles, vision deteriorates, the conjunctiva dries up, cuts eyes, runny nose and frequent bouts of nausea appear. In addition, toxic shock occurs, and the body weakens in the fight against infectious and viral agents.
Before adding kuruba to food, you should consult your doctor and make sure that the components of the fruit will not cause individual intolerance. The poisoned person will have increased sweating and blood pressure.
Absolute contraindications to tacho:
- Ulcer and gastritis … The digestion process and the synthesis of blood proteins deteriorate, the body does not receive the necessary micro- and macroelements, pathogenic microflora appears, the activity of the pancreas is suppressed. In addition, immunity decreases, fiber and electrolytes are not absorbed.
- Diabetes … The fruit increases the percentage of blood sugar, the mouth feels dry, the weight is rapidly gaining, there is swelling and a tingling sensation in the limbs. Excessive irritability and unmotivated aggression occurs, the neurons of the central nervous system are affected.
- Epilepsy … The components of the fetus can provoke an attack, damage to parts of the brain, dizziness, loss of consciousness, stupor, drowsiness, uncontrolled muscle contractility. Disorders in cardiovascular activity also occur.
- Increased acidity … Putrid belching, erosive and ulcerative lesions, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, constipation, diarrhea appear, the antibacterial processing of food worsens, and the alkaline balance is not regulated. There is a constant feeling of discomfort and irritability.
In case of poisoning, all the harm of banana granadilla is manifested, so you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is important to put the patient on the bed, give him salted water and give him a laxative. In this way, you can flush the stomach and remove harmful toxins.
How to eat banana granadilla

The taho has a delicious orange tart-sweet pulp, which has a sour taste and a pleasant aroma. Usually, the fruits are eaten fresh, after peeling them off - they perfectly help to cope with thirst in hot weather.
In Bolivia, a mixture of banana granadilla juice, sugar and the alcoholic drink Aguardiente is prepared, which is usually drunk before dinner or used to prepare other desserts.
In Ecuador, the curuba fruit is an ingredient in ice cream.
In New Zealand, tahoe is used in the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products, fruit salads and puddings.
Only ripe banana granadilla is eaten, so it is important to choose it correctly. To choose ripe fruits, you should pay attention to the color of the peel, it should be light yellow or dark green.
Store tacho at low humidity and a temperature not exceeding 0 ° C.
Banana Granadilla Recipes

On the basis of the pulp of kurubas, jams, preserves, syrups, refreshing drinks, juices, jellies and salads are prepared. The fruit goes well with legumes, pomegranates, pineapples, apples, nuts, grapes, grapefruit, tangerines and kiwi.
Banana Granadilla Recipes:
- Pancakes with kuruba … 90 grams of wheat flour is combined with 4 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Kurubu is removed from the skins and grains. Beat it with a blender along with egg yolk, a glass of milk and 20 grams of melted butter. All ingredients are combined and thoroughly mixed with a whisk. Beat 2 egg whites and pour into the dough. Pancakes are fried in a dry non-stick skillet over low heat until golden brown.
- Nutritious cocktail … Peel and cut 3 curubas into small pieces. A liter of low-fat milk and a tablespoon of sugar are poured into them. Add a pinch of chalk cinnamon if desired. Beat the cocktail with a mixer for about 3-5 minutes. You can garnish the drink with a mint leaf.
- Soufflé with tahoe … 4 fruits are peeled and cut. A frying pan is liberally greased with butter and the fruit is fried on it. Then 5 yolks are separated and combined with a glass of low-fat milk, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. The remaining egg whites are beaten and poured into the milk mixture. Cover the mold with baking paper and spread the egg-milk mass, and on top the sliced kuruba. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and the dessert is placed there for 20-25 minutes.
- Chocolate cheesecake … 150 grams of milk chocolate and 80 grams of butter are melted in a water bath. A tablespoon of cocoa and 3 tablespoons of wheat flour are added to them. Then 2 chicken eggs and 3 tablespoons of sugar are driven in. In another container, beat peeled kuruba, 100 grams of cottage cheese, 1 egg and a teaspoon of sugar with a blender. First, pour the chocolate mixture into the baking dish, and then the curd. You can create chaotic patterns on the dessert with a fork. The cheesecake is placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
- Muffins with kuruba … 100 grams of soft butter is combined with 3 tablespoons of cane sugar and a glass of white sugar, 3 cups of wheat flour and 3 tablespoons of baking powder. 2 chicken eggs are driven in from above. 3 fruits of the kuruba are removed from the skin, crushed and placed with the rest of the ingredients. The dough is poured into a baking dish and placed in an oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.
Banana granadilla is found in traditional dishes of Colombian, New Zealand, Venezuelan and Uruguayan cuisine.
Interesting facts about kuruba

Indians who lived in South America knew about the healing properties of fruits. They were the first to try to domesticate this plant.
In Ecuador, the plant is called taxco, in Venezuela - brocade, and in Peru - ting ting. Locals value kuruba for its thirst-quenching ability. For this reason, the fruit is often taken with them on long hikes.
In 1964, at the Columbia University of Narruo, developments were made on the methods of cultivation of fruits. This was due to the state's desire to bring the product to the international market.
The tree liana bears fruit for a whole year in Colombia, but in New Zealand this period is shortened, and the fruits are harvested from early spring to late October. The plant begins to bear fruit in the second year of life.
In case of poor-quality soil drainage with the help of trenches and pipes of the plantation, curubas are negatively affected by root-knot nematodes. Watch a video about banana granadilla: