Courses for crossfit athletes differ significantly from courses for bodybuilders or powerlifters. Find out the specifics of building courses and what drugs to take? CrossFit is a type of multifunctional training in which techniques from various sports are intertwined. For this reason, CrossFit representatives need to develop various qualities, for example, endurance, strength, accuracy, flexibility, agility, etc. It should be admitted that solving such problems does not seem very simple.
It should also be remembered that athletes use intense training, which makes it necessary to speed up the recovery process. For all these reasons, the specificity of building an athlete's crossfit course is fundamentally different from the preparation of courses in other strength sports. They should use completely different drugs, which will be discussed today.
Antihypoxants on the course

This group of medicines is designed to enhance the absorption of oxygen by the cells of the tissues of the body. Thanks to their use, the body receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, and tissues become more resistant to hypoxia.
It is a complex medication with a number of unique features. It is an antihypoxant, immunomodulator, antioxidant and nootropic. In addition, the metaprot also has regenerative qualities. Thanks to the use of the drug, the production of RNA and protein increases, it participates in the synthesis of glucose, pyruvic acid and other substances.
An equally important feature of the metaprot is the ability to utilize lactic acid, which is known to be a metabolite of metabolic reactions occurring in muscle tissues.
Thanks to this drug, all enzymes participating in the Krebs cycle are enhanced, the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, adinosine diphosphate and adinosine monophosphate is accelerated. An equally important feature of Riboxin is its ability to increase the energy potential of cellular structures. The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the athlete. If its mass is less than 80 kilograms, then the optimal dosage is the use of 500 milligrams in the morning and 250 milligrams after lunch. If the weight of the athlete exceeds 80 kilograms, then the dosage should be 500 milligrams of riboxin twice a day.
Thanks to this agent, the consumption of ATP and creatine phosphates by cells slows down, which prolongs the ability of the heart muscle to contract normally. Under the influence of physical exertion, a large amount of hydrogen ions accumulates in the cells, which subsequently leads to the accumulation of potassium and sodium in the cellular structure of the heart. Trimetazidine inhibits these processes.
In addition, the drug is able to maintain the acid-base balance at the cellular level, protects tissue cells from free radical attacks, and inhibits the release of creatine kinase from dead cells. The drug should be taken in an amount of 20 to 40 milligrams three times during the day.
Already by the drugs used, you can notice the differences in the specifics of the construction of the crossfit athlete's course in comparison with other strength sports.
Nootropics on the course for crossfitters

Medications of this group are able to optimize metabolic processes in the human brain. They also have the ability to potentiate the cognitive functions of the brain, mental activity and memory, optimize the interaction of the cerebral hemispheres and increase the response.
This preparation contains gamma-aminobutyric acid and copanthenic acid. The main task of pantogam is to increase performance (physical and mental), increase the brain's resistance to hypoxia, reduce the motor excitability of the central nervous system and the risk of seizures. The drug must be taken three times throughout the day in the amount of 1 milligram per dose.
The drug significantly improves blood flow, accelerates the transport of calcium into tissues and increases the plasticity of tissue cell membranes. Also, in the course of scientific experiments, scientists were able to prove the ability of the drug to enhance the synthesis of ATP, increasing those very energy capabilities of the body. Pyrocetam should be taken two or three times during the day in a daily dosage of 6 to 9 grams.
The drug has a nootropic, antioxidant, anticonvulsant, neuromodulatory effect on the body. It also significantly activates motor activity and improves mood and performance. In its structure, phenotropil is very similar to pyrocetam, which allows it to increase the thinking abilities of the brain and its resistance to poisoning. The drug should be consumed daily in an amount of 200 grams three times throughout the day.
Taking adaptogens on the course

These preparations are made from plant materials and help to increase efficiency, as well as help the body to quickly adapt to difficult environmental conditions. Since these are herbal remedies, they are excellently tolerated and have no side effects.
The composition of the drug includes seven active substances at once that improve the well-being of the athlete, increase the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. Also Eleutherococcus helps to reduce fatigue, improves mood. In this regard, it should be noted that the drug is indicated for use by residents of the northern regions of the country. Eleutherococcus should be taken in the morning in an amount of 30 to 50 drops per glass of water.
This drug helps to stop the development of tumors, is an anti-inflammatory agent, helps the body fight pathogenic flora, stimulates the nervous system, and increases efficiency. Rhodiola infusion should be taken before eating in an amount of 30 to 50 drops per glass three times throughout the day.
Of course, the list of drugs used by crossfit athletes is much wider, but using the examples given in this article, one can draw conclusions about the specifics of building a crossfit athlete's course. You can also use AAS, but in minimal doses.
You can learn more about CrossFitters and their achievements in this video: