Disabled in the family: problems and their solutions

Disabled in the family: problems and their solutions
Disabled in the family: problems and their solutions

The concept of "disability" and the interpretation of this term. The article will discuss how to behave correctly if a person with disabilities lives in the family. A disabled person in the family is a problem that no adequate person can dismiss. When a person becomes helpless, he needs moral and physical support from relatives. It is necessary to figure out how to cope with the voiced trouble if the victim's close circle does not see a way out of this situation.

Decoding and history of the formation of the concept of "disabled"

Daughter with disabled mother
Daughter with disabled mother

Before starting to deal with the situation when there is an incapacitated person in the family, it is necessary to study the meaning of this term itself. The concept of "disabled" has Latin roots of the origin of the word and is interpreted in translation as "defective."

If we consider this definition from the point of view of our mentality, then we should refer to the era of Peter I. In those days, all military personnel who were sent to civilian positions due to any injuries were called in this way. However, Western Europe also interpreted the concept of "disabled" in a narrow way, referring it exclusively to soldiers.

The 19th century made its own adjustment to the designated concept, when this term already meant the civilian population who suffered from the hostilities. After the end of World War II, the spoken word made its meaning even more concrete.

Disabled people are now all people who have any disabilities in the physical, mental or intellectual terms.

Disability groups

If we consider this phenomenon in detail, then it is impossible to analyze the factor under study one-sidedly. Personalities are not the same, and neither do people with disabilities.

Age differentiation of disability

Girl with leg disability
Girl with leg disability

In this case, it should be understood that at each stage of his development, a person reacts differently to events happening to him. In the case of ranking by disability, it is necessary to distinguish two categories of objects that somehow stand out from their environment:

  • Children with disabilities … This could happen both in the womb and as a result of injury or serious illness. If we take statistical data as a basis, then half of the cases of such a phenomenon are due to problems with the functioning of the brain. Researchers attribute 5% of injured children to road accidents and injuries, after which the child became partially or completely incapacitated.
  • Disabled adults … Some people get this status at a more mature age. Psychologically, they are much more difficult to endure tragic events, because in their subconscious they have a comparison with a healthy life in the past. The causes of disability can be of a very different nature, but very often an accident becomes the culprit of a person's disability.

Disability due to its occurrence

Disabled husband with wife in the park
Disabled husband with wife in the park

With the situation sounded, there is also a differentiation of concepts when analyzing the problem that has arisen. Investigating the factor of full or partial incapacity, it is necessary to isolate the concept of "disability" in the following aspects:

  1. Awarded from childhood status … Usually it is voiced for any congenital pathologies that are of a serious nature. However, a child can get sick during his puberty, which then leads to serious consequences.
  2. Disabled fighting … This status can be claimed by those people who suffered significant harm to their health during the war. Such injuries include contusion, injury, trauma, and illness that were acquired while on duty.
  3. Disabled labor … The term itself already suggests that the status is assigned to victims of injury at work. In this case, we can talk about an accident or an occupational disease caused by unfavorable working conditions.
  4. Disabled people with a common disease … Allowance for this fact is assigned to all people who are characterized as subjects with disabilities. At the same time, pathology can have various reasons for education, but in documents it is often encrypted in order to comply with medical secrecy.

Disability by the degree of work ability

Man with a cane
Man with a cane

Depending on the degree of the disabled person's ability to work, the following groups are distinguished:

  • Disabled group I … People who have been assigned this category of disability are not able to take care of themselves on their own. At the same time, they may have disorientation in the presence of a violation of communication and control over their behavior. With the first group voiced, people are considered completely dependent on their immediate environment due to the severity of their illness.
  • Disabled group II … With the aids of outside help, these subjects are able to serve themselves. They are oriented in space and time, but for this they need an installation from other persons. Such people control their behavior with the condition of support and control on the part of those who want to help them. Such a group implies partial performance, which may not correspond to all spheres of human activity.
  • Disabled group III … People with voiced status move around, but it takes them more time than other members of society. They are able to communicate with their environment, but they do it with the wrong speed of assimilation of information, as their interlocutors. In sparing working conditions, subjects with this medical diagnosis are quite able to work, which gives them a chance to find a job according to their capabilities.

Disability by the nature of the disease

Woman with reduced mobility
Woman with reduced mobility

This is not the end of the classification by the voiced criterion, because there is another category of partial or complete incapacity:

  1. Mobile group … The name itself suggests that people, after the announcement of the decision of the commission, are able to move independently. Consequently, in the future, they live an almost full life with some restrictions regarding health and working conditions.
  2. Low mobility group … Such people can move, but only with the help of strollers or crutches. In this case, work from home is quite suitable for them, so that they feel needed by society. The option of assistance in delivery to the workplace is also suitable for them if it is impossible to get there on their own. However, not every entrepreneur will agree to this, because the voiced factor carries additional financial costs.
  3. Fixed group … Bedridden people can still analyze the events around them. In addition, they are able to create works that are remembered for a long time to readers. The author of the famous composition "Evening Bells" Ivan Kozlov wrote it when he could not move and went blind.

Important! The life of the disabled is arranged exclusively with an orientation to the group assigned to them. It is impossible to demand from a person with a disability what he is not able to accomplish.

Features of behavior with people with disabilities in the family

In this case, the immediate environment should be very careful about their injured relative. It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself what you can do in this case, and what you should refrain from.

Erroneous behavior of loved ones with a disabled person in the family

Disabled guy on a walk
Disabled guy on a walk

For the correct tactics of communicating with a person with disabilities, relatives should avoid the following actions in relation to the patient:

  • Building a wall from the outside world … When a problem arises, some relatives try to create a bastion between their family and acquaintances. Psychologists consider this a fundamentally wrong decision, because in this way, from the best intentions of loved ones, the loneliness of a disabled person becomes most noticeable.
  • Removal from all household duties … If a person with disabilities loses the chance to develop their fine motor skills, this will negatively affect their possible rehabilitation. The exception is people from an immobile group, for whom it is unrealistic to carry out such assignments.
  • Discourse on evil fate … One of the most common mistakes is such an oversight on the part of the victim's loved ones. It is impossible to return the past, therefore it is impossible to complain about “if only …” in any case. It will be unbearably painful for a family member who has become disabled to hear such statements from loved ones.
  • Finding the culprit … Only this factor can be worse than reasoning about evil fate, when a deep analysis of what happened. In this case, the injured party will begin to feel like a heavy cross for the whole family. Ultimately, she will withdraw into herself and try to isolate herself from others as much as possible.
  • Carelessness in words … Some psychologists consider the term “disabled” to be a rather offensive word, replacing it with a definition in the form of a person with disabilities. However, some overly caring relatives clearly and loudly everywhere announce that they have such a problem in their family. Such inappropriate behavior often hurts people who have become partially or completely incapacitated for one reason or another.
  • Stop sign … In this case, the problems of a disabled person in the family acquire global proportions. The worst thing for an injured person is the refusal of his close circle to believe in his future. It is not recommended to talk about the impossibility of healing in the presence of the injured party. Faith has empowered many people, so this behavior is fundamentally wrong.
  • Inappropriate support … Some individuals find it a good idea to look for the purely positive side of disability. To cheer up the victim, they describe to him all the delights of social assistance from the state and talk about the advantages of being restricted from work. At the same time, I would like to invite such people to swap places with a disabled person, which will definitely immediately cool their enthusiasm.

In all these cases, the close circle wants to do everything as best as possible for the patient who is dear to them. However, the effect of such actions will be completely opposite, because you need to know all the intricacies of handling an injured person.

Correct behavior of relatives in relation to a disabled person in the family

Girl with a disabled guy
Girl with a disabled guy

After the described incorrect approach to the voiced problem, you should figure out the correct solution in this situation. Psychologists, understanding all the sensitivity of the issue, have developed the following recommendations for family members of the victim:

  1. Destruction of the information barrier … A disabled person has the right to communicate with the outside world, therefore, due to his capabilities, it is necessary to give him this chance. For example, it is very important for blind people to purchase cassettes or discs with information of interest to victims. Books in braille will be useful to them so that they can develop and receive a certain education. For those who are simply limited in mobility, you can help find communities of people with similar problems on the Internet. It is always easier to communicate with those who find themselves in the same situation. And it will be easier for relatives because the disabled person realizes that there are still people like him, but they do not give up, but are fighting for their lives or learning to survive in the current conditions.
  2. Refusal of overprotection … In especially difficult cases, such help is definitely needed, because a person with disabilities cannot cope without it. In other situations, you should not once again remind the disabled person that he is not able to take care of himself. He is able to do some of the manipulations available to him on his own.
  3. Desire to listen … Each of us sometimes needs to speak out, cry out everything that has accumulated. Relatives need to talk with their loved ones, support him morally. However, at the same time, one should not allow complete immersion in one's own state. This is fraught with depression, nervous breakdowns, thoughts of suicide.
  4. An important factor for self-confidence is beauty … This is especially true for women. It is vital for them to look good. To do this, do not neglect such simple manipulations as dyeing your hair, and before going outside, apply the simplest makeup and help to do your hair if she is not able to do it herself. As for men, clean, neat clothes are enough for them.
  5. Affordable employment … If it is possible to perform any actions in terms of work, it is necessary to give the disabled person a chance to realize themselves. The close circle should make every effort to find a suitable occupation for the person for whom they are worried. This could be a factory that employs people with disabilities (for example, assembling outlets). Also, for some, it will be fine to drive a car specially equipped for driving with physical limitations.

If a person has already been burned more than once, faced with a refusal to hire him, from which he lowered his hands, relatives should talk to him and console him, helping to restore faith in his strength. The fact is that employers are far from always able to hire a disabled person, since this implies the need to specially equip the workplace. And many enterprises, which, due to financial problems, were not in the best position, simply cannot do it.

Rules of etiquette when contacting a disabled person for strangers

Disabled woman at work
Disabled woman at work

Relatives usually quickly learn how to communicate with the affected family member. The situation is more complicated with those who are not included in the number of people from the close circle of the disabled person. For them, experts have developed a number of tips to eliminate the awkwardness of contact with a person who has limited capabilities:

  • Conducting the Conversation Correctly … In no case should you refer exclusively to the person accompanying the disabled person. This is considered the height of tactlessness, because in this way the failure of the injured person is once again emphasized.
  • Patience in communication … Some people with disabilities cannot quickly assimilate the information presented to them by the interlocutor. You should be sympathetic to a problem conversation, while listening carefully to the disabled person.
  • Correct gestures … If a person with disabilities is hard of hearing, then it is permissible to once again draw attention to his person. Waving your hand or lightly patting the interlocutor on the shoulder will help. However, such manipulations in relation to a person who is restricted in movement are unacceptable.
  • Tact … You should immediately remember the fact that a wheelchair is a personal space for a person and his inviolable area. Under no circumstances should you push or lean on it without the permission of the owner of such a vehicle.
  • Foresight … If a person does not see well, then you should not grab him and drag him along all possible bumps and potholes. It is necessary to warn the disabled person in advance about obstacles on the way, while gently holding his hand.
  • Friendliness … This aspect especially concerns the moment when there is a communication with a disabled person who has mental disorders. The myth about the hidden maniac in every such person is definitely not true. It is necessary to conduct a conversation on a confidential note in order to win over a person with a similar problem.
  • Openness … You do not need to be overly correct if a disabled person with speech impairment said indistinctly. At the same time, you should not be rude, but tactfully asking about the essence of what has been said is not forbidden. If desired, the interlocutor can write a phrase on a piece of paper, which will immediately smooth out the awkward situation during the conversation.

How to behave with a disabled person - watch the video:

A disabled child in a family or an older person with disabilities is a difficult test for his loved ones and for himself. However, with a properly organized daily routine and competent support from relatives, individuals with a similar problem are able to feel themselves in demand in society.
