After reading the article, you will understand your mistakes in pumping muscles and learn many additional nuances that will help you make a body worthy of your spirit. The content of the article:
- Features of overtraining
- Types and consequences
- How to get rid of
- How to eat right
Many people think that becoming a bodybuilder is a pretty easy task. You just need to competently and systematically engage in, as well as adhere to proper nutrition. But is it that simple? And why, then, does one athlete succeed in gaining high-quality mass, while the other does not? After all, it happens that an athlete is engaged in full strength, but there are still no results. In this case, you need to figure out what can inhibit the muscle building process so much.
Features of overtraining after training

First, many amateur athletes want immediate results, but this is rare. Secondly, they simply choose the wrong exercises for themselves or train a lot, which also does not bring results. It is necessary not only to practice correctly, but also to rest properly.
The most common problem in athletes is overtraining. Below we will talk about what it is and when this condition occurs in the body. All athletes, of course, know Arthur Jones, who invented one of the most popular machines called the Nautilus. Arthur was also one of the first to develop high-intensity short-term training. He tried everything on himself, and the results were really impressive.
Arthur Jones developed such a training system, since he himself did not have enough time to study for a long time in connection with life situations. He dreamed, if not to increase muscle mass, then at least to maintain it in the state that it was before. But after some time, Jones realized that such training gives more results, and muscle growth was quite rapid. As the saying goes, all the biggest discoveries happen by chance.
He started trying his training method with other athletes, and everyone started to make progress in their training. Some athletes often reached this point of overtraining, they did not have enough time to recover, but thanks to Jones' high-intensity training, everything began to improve.
High-intensity training has been improved by other sports trainers. They increasingly proved that short-term, but, again, high-intensity training helped to achieve tremendous results. Although everything has its own opinion, and many bodybuilders do not support this training system, since it does not comply with all generally accepted rules for playing sports. In most cases, those who deny such a training system also deny the state of overtraining of the body after exhausting training.
Types and consequences of overtraining of the body

The human body is overtrained when it does not have enough time to recover from training. For example, a beginner athlete immediately began to exercise very intensely every day - this is 100% overtraining.
It is necessary to gradually increase the load on the muscles, and after training it is advisable to rest for one day (at least) - this is the law of correct behavior in bodybuilding. Then the body compensates for the loss in full, while making an even greater barrier (creating more muscle fibers).
If athletes expose themselves to great stress and do not allow their muscles to rest between workouts, then catabolism can occur. This is compensation of losses during training due to muscle mass, that is, the muscles decrease in size. And with the right workouts, anabolism should occur - building up muscle mass.
Overtraining happens:
- Short-term … During training, extra sets and exercises were performed in a short period of time. The body is fully restored in a week.
- Long-term … At the same time, overwork after training does not fade away. In this case, you need to completely change your approach to training.
Overtraining is not just fatigue, but a rather serious process that takes place in the body. It can be sympathetic and parasympathetic. In the first variant, a stressful condition appears in the body (rapid heartbeat, decreased muscle mass, worsening apatite, sleep disturbance, etc.). In the second scenario, the picture is much more serious.
With the parasympathetic form, the pulse rate decreases, the body quickly gets tired, the efficiency decreases, and a depressive state may appear. Sports doctors believe that such overtraining is very dangerous for human health. Also, overtraining can be exacerbated by other external factors. These are problems at work, and disagreements in personal life, and the loss of a loved one, etc.
The negative consequences that overtraining can lead to:
- Weakening of the immune system, so the athlete becomes more "open" to all infectious diseases. And all due to the fact that after desperate training, the immune system begins to work very intensively, while losing its necessary functions.
- A stressful state begins in the body, which can even lead to depression.
- Decreases muscle mass.
- There are many health problems for the athlete.
It has already been reported more than once that those athletes who are engaged in the trainings of Arthur Jones and those like him do not have any deviations with their health, and also the result they get is much better.
How to get rid of overtraining of the body

Everyone should understand one very important thing. You can't do the same exercises all the time in the gym and take the same load, as this can lead to overtraining. If the body is not stimulated to a greater load, then the depletion of the body will occur, because it does not receive progressive actions. Also, an athlete with monotonous loads is morally depleted, and this is the most important part of the entire human life system.
After many studies, we still managed to find out one thing - high-intensity loads for a long period will definitely not bring good positive results. Therefore, classes should be carried out cyclically. Conventionally, a year can be divided into several parts, each of which lasts from 2 weeks to several months. Then you need to do different exercises at different times of the year. For example, in the first period, you can do many reps with light weights. Then you need to gradually increase the pace of training. In the next period, you can already work with medium weights, the last period is worth finishing the exercises with large weights, but few repetitions should be done.
Increase the severity of each approach gradually. If you have already started training, then you need to train with the same load for a whole week. And in a week it will be possible to increase it, but by no more than 10%. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming. Plus, at this rate, overtraining is not in danger of you.
Do not forget the golden rule of athletes that muscles grow during rest, that is, their recovery in the body. Therefore, you should watch what kind of exercises you do every day. If, for example, today the triceps "go into action", and tomorrow there are various exercises for the chest, then the triceps will not rest and, accordingly, will not increase in size. If you started to engage in the upper body today, then tomorrow it is better to move on to the lower one. And it's better not to train all week in a row - it's so easy to get overtrained.
Many other studies show that athletes get the maximum effect from exercise when, during some kind of strength exercise, they lift 90% of their mass at a time.
In this case, alternating different trainings will help to avoid overtraining. For example, one day you work at full strength, and the second day you do lighter exercises - then the muscles will rest and there will be no overwork.
Before performing on a big stage for bodybuilders, you need to remain extremely calm so that no stress takes over this situation. It is advisable, of course, not to chase all the titles, but to focus your attention on the most important tournaments. So there will be less nervous tension, and the body will work with full dedication.
How to eat right to prevent overtraining

Nutrition affects our well-being most of all and not only, so it must be taken seriously. After all, it happens when you eat something "not useful", and immediately after that you want to sleep, apathy for life appears, etc. In sports, everything happens in exactly the same way. Eat fries, a hamburger, and a cola and you won't feel like exercising anytime soon. You can add various herbal preparations to your diet to help relieve stress and get your body back on its feet. Is there a good way to reduce stress and get rid of fatigue? There is, and this remedy is called tannin. Tannin is found in large quantities in green tea, which is why it is such a healthy drink. Of course, bodybuilders will not be able to drink so much tea to get a visible effect, so professional trainers or doctors prescribe medications that contain this very tannin. In order to avoid muscle fatigue, you need to eat more carbohydrates, but, of course, slow and those that have a low glycemic level. With overtraining, it is glycogen that is poorly restored in the blood, so its level should be increased on its own. Virtually all fruits and vegetables are the best options for recovery. They can not only raise the level of glycogen in the blood, but also reduce all kinds of internal damage in the body.
Do not forget also about various minerals and vitamins, without which the body simply cannot function normally. If your diet is not very varied, then it is worth considering various dietary supplements, as they can strengthen the immune system, as well as avoid overtraining.
If you desperately need to play sports, but you want to avoid overtraining, then anabolic steroids will help in this matter. But before use, you must definitely consult with a specialist.
How to get rid of overtraining - watch the video:

Sleep, sleep, and again a healthy and sound sleep! As mentioned above, without good rest, there will be no good results. Therefore, a good sleep is the key to success for training. A slept person feels much better, stress visits him less and less. You need to sleep at least 7 hours. It is also advisable to go to bed and wake up at almost the same time.