A decrease in metabolic rate invariably leads to weight gain. Speed up your metabolism and lose weight - easy and simple. It is enough to eat right, drink water, exercise and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Content:
- Metabolic rate
- Metabolic processes
- Nutrition for metabolism
- Water for metabolism
- Impact of diets
- Protein for metabolism
- Physical exercise
- Sleep to speed up your metabolism
Metabolism is a full range of biochemical and energy processes that ensure the use of nutrients in order to maintain the human body in an adequate state. These processes primarily include involuntary primitive tasks: control of body temperature, breathing, digestion of absorbed food. In other words, metabolism is the metabolism, or the rate at which food is converted into energy. It is thanks to the acceleration of metabolism - the ability to use calories more efficiently and lose fat mass - that a person begins to lose weight and vice versa.
Determination of metabolic rate

Metabolic rate is influenced by many factors, such as gender, height, age, physique, heredity, etc. Equally important for the body is the emotional state, lifestyle and hormonal balance. Physical activity, physical labor and muscle building are recognized as the best metabolic boosters.
Do not forget that a prolonged bust of calories is fraught with the formation of excess fat mass, and a deficiency can slow down the metabolism, and not speed it up. In this regard, it is necessary to know your daily intake of energy and adhere to it, not exceeding or underestimating.
To determine the metabolic rate, the metabolic rate formula is used: RMR = 655 + (weight * 9, 6) + (growth * 1, 8) + (age * 4, 7).
To calculate the daily calorie intake, the resulting number is multiplied by:
- 1, 2 - with poor physical activity or sedentary work;
- 1, 37 - with minor sports training up to 3 times a week;
- 1, 55 - during intense sports activities and work associated with physical activity;
- 1, 725 - with regular daily training and an athletic lifestyle.
The bottom line is your daily calorie expenditure requirement. All energy consumed in excess of the norm will be converted into fat mass.
Metabolic processes: catabolism and anabolism

The metabolic process is the exchange of substances and energy that the body needs for active life. When the metabolism accelerates, a person loses weight, but if it slows down, he gains weight.
The metabolic system is divided into two interrelated processes:
- Catabolism … Breakdown of complex substances in the body into simple ones up to the end products of metabolism.
- Anabolism … A combination of processes, the purpose of which is the formation of cells and tissues and their constant renewal. In this case, the synthesis of monosaccharides, amino acids, nucleotides, proteins.
The two above mentioned processes, being balanced, stimulate the adequate work of the organism and its development. Hormones and enzymes that catalyze the transformation of some substances into others are important for maintaining such a balance. Such processes occur daily inside a person. Energy is consumed even while eating or sleeping. The level of a person's life directly depends on metabolism, and any violations of it cause discord in the vital activity of the organism.
Nutrition to speed up metabolism

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the formation of metabolic rate. As you know, digestion of food requires a certain expenditure of energy, which means that you should eat often and in small portions. It is important not to skip breakfast. The metabolic process is actively started if the body receives a portion of food within 40 minutes after waking up in the morning.
There is a list of foods that can speed up your metabolism for a short period of time. These include: hot spices and herbs, green tea, protein foods, grapefruit and lemon, caffeine, apples and pears, calcium-rich foods, soups.
The body spends about 30% of calories for the processing of protein food, while only 2-3% is enough for the processing of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is much easier to speed up your metabolism and lose weight with a protein meal. In addition, meat and dairy products are rich in linoleic acid, which prevents fat deposition.
But it is worth noting that the transition to a purely protein diet is not recommended. First, fats and carbohydrates are also needed by the body as a source of nutrients. Secondly, excessive protein intake has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
Hot peppers and similar spices can speed up blood circulation for a short time. Energy expenditure is increased by up to 50%, and the metabolism is accelerated for several hours. Seaweed, seafood, and iodine-rich foods improve metabolism when the thyroid gland is not functioning properly.
Omega-3 acids, found in sufficient quantities in fish and vegetable oils, help regulate leptin levels, which affects the rate of fat burning. Experts recommend taking fish oil daily to boost your metabolism. It can also be replaced with lean fish, walnuts, and rapeseed oil.
Water to increase metabolic rate

Water is involved in almost all chemical processes occurring in the human body, therefore it performs one of the decisive functions in metabolism. Tea, coffee, compote or juice cannot replenish the water level the body needs every day. There are several reasons for this.
First, people consume tea, coffee and compote with a certain amount of sugar. The harm from such an easily digestible carbohydrate is difficult to overestimate. Sugar quickly leads to extra pounds. In addition, it increases the pressure in the cells, which contributes to an even greater loss of fluid.
Secondly, strong tea, black coffee and many carbonated waters contain an impressive amount of caffeine, which largely dehydrates the body. Each cup of this drink leads to the fact that the body loses water several times more than it receives. In such conditions, not too noticeable, but constantly occurring dehydration occurs.
Being in a state of constant water deficiency, the body tries to slow down the metabolism in order to preserve the available fluid for a longer period. The conclusion follows from this: to eliminate metabolic disorders, first of all, it is necessary to drink plenty of clean, non-carbonated water without any additives. You do not need to give up coffee and tea, but you should limit their daily amount to reasonable limits.
Remember 2 important conditions, the observance of which will help to quickly activate the metabolism at full strength and drive off excess body fat:
- Even clean water is not recommended to drink in large quantities at a time. Ideally - 15 times 100-150 ml.
- Do not drink food with water or drink immediately after a meal.
Effects of diets on metabolism

Any strict diets that require less than 1000-1400 kcal per day will have a detrimental effect on the metabolic system. They are able to reduce body weight for a short period of time due to the loss of water and muscle mass. But, as you know, both the first and second factors are considered the impetus to slow down the metabolism, and not to accelerate. As a result, the rate of fat burning will decrease, and body weight will begin to increase.
But not all diets are equally negative. A team of doctors at the University of Pittsburgh has created a unique active calorie diet that increases metabolism. It is based on a special combination of products. Chief among them are chewy foods (hard fruits, vegetables, tough meat, nuts), which need especially strong chewing and digestion.
The diet implies a slightly smaller amount of bulky food that causes a feeling of fullness for a long period of time - muesli, porridge, whole grain bread. Once a day, the use of any energy ingredient is allowed - tea, coffee, dark chocolate. A special place is reserved for hot spices. One dish a day should be seasoned with hot pepper, mustard or garlic.
Such a menu, according to experts, over time will speed up the metabolism by more than 20%. But only if there is no overdoing with nuts, chocolate or caffeine.
Protein for activating metabolism

Protein food as part of the daily diet is important not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people. This component is present in all cells, tissues, bones and muscles of the human body. Its deficiency has a detrimental effect on organs and systems, leads to disruption of metabolic processes.
The presence of the right amount of protein in the diet helps to speed up metabolism and burn 200 kcal more per day. One of the constituent proteins is amino acids, which are much more difficult for the body to break down and digest than carbohydrates and fats. Consequently, more energy (calories) is spent on their processing.
You don't have to go on a high-protein diet to lose weight. Proteins in 20-35% of the daily calorie content are quite enough to normalize metabolism. Suppose, at a rate of 1800 calories, no more than 650 kcal should be spent on protein food. Eggs, chicken breast, legumes, cottage cheese, fish are considered excellent sources of such a trace element.
Physical activity for metabolism

The human body is in a continuous process of burning calories, even during periods of passive rest. People with more muscle mass have a significantly higher metabolic rate. The reason is that each kilogram of muscle is capable of burning about 13 calories per day to maintain itself in adequate condition. While 1 kg of fat consumes only 5 kcal.
Any physical activity can have a positive effect on human metabolism, but the mechanism of their action on metabolism is somewhat different:
- Power training … This type of physical activity can, over time, increase metabolism by 7-8% due to the necessary energy for muscle mass. Also, do not forget about the burning of fat during the workout itself and after 2 hours after its completion. If the volume of muscle mass decreases with age, the metabolic rate will correspondingly weaken. Hence, muscle building exercises are important and necessary at any age.
- Interval workouts … Due to the alternation of physical activity with high and low intensity, additional stress arises, contributing to a faster acceleration of metabolic processes. Interval training in addition to cardio can help you burn 2 times more fat cells.
Sleep to speed up your metabolism

In a study at the Portland Center, experts deduced a pattern: people who are on a diet, but sleep at the same time up to 6 hours a day, lose 55% less weight than those who monitor their sleep patterns. As a result of lack of sleep, the body produces an insufficient amount of the satiety hormone leptin. At the same time, ghrelin, the hunger hormone, is produced more actively. As a result, a person begins to consume much more food than the body really needs.
The conditions in which a person sleeps are also important. The optimal environment is a cool room. Covering yourself with a blanket is not recommended. By cooling slightly during sleep, the body begins to burn calories many times more actively. Also, do not forget about the emotional state. Horror movies, stressful situations and scandals before a night's rest are fraught with the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that slows down the metabolism.
How to increase metabolism - watch the video:
[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = v8nu-EnYlu8] Slow down metabolism is a common problem for those who are losing weight. The reason for this is age-related changes in the body, malnutrition, poor physical activity, lack of sleep and an excess of stressful situations. And if no one can overcome age, then everyone will be able to cope with the rest of the points.