A practical description of the regimen for taking pharmaceutical drugs and visual indicators of the result. Find out what to buy at the pharmacy for drying and gaining weight. Today we will only talk about the use of those drugs that are freely sold in the pharmacy and are not prohibited. Within the framework of this article, you will be able to get acquainted with the experience of taking pharmacy doping in bodybuilding. We will tell you what drugs were used, what were the training process and nutrition. As a result of this experiment, three kilograms of mass were gained. Agree, for straight people this is a very good result.
Used pharmaceutical preparations

The main drug in this experiment was Potassium Orotate. It helps to accelerate metabolism and takes an active part in the synthesis of protein compounds. Also, Orotate Potassium has a positive effect on the work of the heart, which is very important in conditions of serious physical exertion. Orotat Potassium was taken one tablet three times a day, about 60 minutes before eating.
Calcium Glycerophosphate became the second drug supplementing the effect of Orotat. The drug accelerates the metabolism of protein compounds and has a positive effect on the work of the nervous system, which is very seriously suppressed under the influence of intense training. Glycerophosphate was used in parallel with Orotat in the amount of two tablets. Of course, when calculating the optimal doses of these medications, one should proceed from the weight of your body.
Also, in the experience of taking pharmacy doping in bodybuilding, Pentoxifylline was used, which reduces blood viscosity, thereby improving blood circulation. He was taken in the amount of two tablets. The first reception was carried out 30 minutes before breakfast, and the second - before the lesson, also half an hour before its start.
Eleutherococcus was also taken twice a day, one teaspoon 15 minutes before breakfast and training. Protein was taken twice in the morning and in the evening, and vitamin D only before going to bed. We also note that after a certain time, Eleutherococcus has ceased to bring a visible effect.
Training and nutrition programs during the experience

During the classes, a three-day split was used according to the following scheme:
- 1 lesson - we train biceps and chest muscles.
- 2nd lesson - work on the back muscles and triceps.
- 3 lesson - training of legs and shoulder girdle.
All exercises were heavy, and for each muscle group, two movements were used for four or five sets. The range of repetitions was from 6 to 12. In addition, I would like to say that cardio loads and special methods of increasing the intensity of training were not used. The basic movements were always performed first, and then the isolated ones.
The diet contained a large amount of carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, buckwheat and rice. The energy value of the nutrition program was not counted, as well as the amount of nutrients. However, it is likely that the protein compounds were consumed in less quantities than necessary. We can safely say that when conducting the experience of taking pharmacy doping in bodybuilding, a budgetary diet was used.
The results of the experience of taking pharmacy doping in bodybuilding

The duration of this experiment was one month, and we already talked about the result above - three kilos were gained. Subsequently, several more similar experiments were carried out, in which an expanded list of medications was used: Riboxin, Glutamic acid and Methionine. Also, two types of sports nutrition were added - Tribulus and Creatine.
However, good results were no longer achieved. From all of the above, we can conclude that when gaining mass, you can go in two ways. The first of them is fast and consists in eating a lot and gaining not only muscle, but also fat mass. After that, you will have to dry.
The second option is longer and involves complete control of your diet. As a result, mass will take a long time to gain, but it will be of high quality and you will not have to lose fat.
We will consider all the pros and cons of pharmacy doping in this video together with Denis Borisov: